Many typos edited. Apologies for the poor proofreading.

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It's the internet....no problema!

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You can do no wrong.

Okay that was a little over-the-top!

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Thank you for all the details you’ve put together here. I appreciate how you connect the dots and pull loose ends together.

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Now being reported that Routh camped out in the bushes for 12 hours waiting for President Trump to appear. In other words, he was in position before daylight. Was not brazen like Crooks and walk around for hours before. My view on the events are similar! Are we to believe that the two assassination attempts on the life of President Trump were random isolated events created by clever lone gun men who had the skills to co-ordinate the timing, location and preplanning without guidance to come within minutes of accomplishing their goal except for last minute intervention. I guess the TSA doesn't care if you pack a AK 47, two back packs with ceramic plates to stop bullets and a video device in your luggage and fly from Hawaii to Florida? How did Routh know that he would be hiding behind bushes and a chain link fence and he could hang the two pack pack on the chain link fence for protection when he fires the AK 47 and he knows there will be return fire? Brilliant! He has the presence of mine to want to film his dirty deed with a video camera and will remember to take it with him. He doesn't when he is discovered by an loyal astute SS agent.

Crooks does similar preplanning and walks among the crowd in Butler. First carrying in a telescopic ladder and places it on top of a AC unit against the building, but never opens it and still climbs on the roof. There is a video of this. Then he nonchalantly walks on his final trip with a AK 47 and nobody notices and climbs the 15 foot ladder in the alcove without notice that is also seen in a video. He has all the accessories to do his job. The fact that the SS/FBI has hidden the identity of the SS Butler Site controller from Congress investigation speaks volumes. He/She should be front and center explaining what transpired. There is also a video from Butler as the bullets start flying that shows a female Trump supporter behind the podium filming the event before and after. She has a MAGA hat on, large aviator sun glasses and her hair tucked in under the hat. Very attractive. She continues filming after the shots are fired and shows no fear and is not ducking for cover. Why? Based on the events that have transpired since Ike warned of the M/I complex and the JFK assassination the American people have been continually gas lite and the Covid and the current attempts on President Trumps life demonstrate we have a deep serious problems in Washington. Biden's denial of secret service protection to RFK Jr. and the poor coverage for President Trump smells of political bias. Biden's vitriolic statements have added fuel to the fire. Wake up America! Trump is right! Fight we must!

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Legacy media (state propagandists) to Trump about continued assassination attempts:

"Stop Hitting Yourself"


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See https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/thomas-matthew-crooks-you-got-the

You're right about the woman who was filming. She was in on it.

As for the Kennedy assassination, you can begin with http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/1.html which has 7 articles from the Argentinian press immediately thereafter documenting it. More reasons for that assassination are in my 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, etc.

All the editions that have information about that assassination have words to that effect on the cover. You can access all my editions at the icon that says Magazine, the fourth icon here: http://www.truedemocracy.net

My work is the biggest secret.


Arlene Johnson


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Well at least this shooter didn't get shot so he should be able to do a tell all. Every Democrat in power that salivated over violence or incited violence on any social media platform should be jailed and investigated just like the many 1/6 visitors to the Capitol are still being done today.

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What makes you think he will have an honest Federal interrogation? If De Santis's people can interrogate him (which I doubt), different story maybe....

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There may be another Jack Ruby out there?

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Sep 16
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Just wanted to get in on the meme early: "Routh did not kill himself."

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Thank You! Excellent! We all know they have more deranged radicalized losers waiting to take a swing.

Trump needs to clean house, there's got to be a mole in his circle. He needs to stay under the radar!

They know and We know Trump Wins in Nov! 🇺🇲

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Dems love to pass laws to limit your rights. But it's OK if they break the "common sense gun laws" themselves. And they love to talk about eliminating "hate speech" but it's ok if they address the nation (with all MSM carrying it) and tell the country that MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy, and Trump has a target on him now, and he must be stopped at all costs. Yeah, the number 1 question is how did this guy know when and where to show up to shoot at Trump.

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According to the current story Routh was waiting at that fence for twelve hours. This tends to indicate he did not know when Trump would show up.

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He just happened to get lucky after waiting 12 hours? I don't know. But one thing is for sure, that shows what kind of "protection" Trump is getting if someone can hang out at his golf course for 12 hours with a rifle and bags of tiles and no one notices for 12 hours.

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Rumor over on X is that this was all a plan by Trump to rule out the mole who is setting him up.

As of last night, the theory going around is that it's Sean Hannity.

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I certainly don't buy that. This professed anti-Trump shooter would never let Trump hire him and Trump would never do it. Too dangerous to innocent bystanders and too dangerous for Trump to allow this guy anywhere near him with a gun. Clearly the shooter has big ties to high democrats and the media.

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To clarify:

What I meant was that Trump did a last minute change in his schedule that only a few people knew about. One of THOSE people then got the ball rolling and brought in crazy shooter dude. Not Trump.

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Sean knew…he was asked at breakfast if he would like to join them for a game of golf.

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Oh, OK, I get what you mean now, sorry. Yeah, Trump is definitely smart and he definitely knows how evil the ruling party is. Could be. Yeah, if I were him, I would be changing my schedule all the time at the last minute.

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Trump has I think 4 golf courses in Florida. How did he know he would be there?

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Excellent 👍 I try to not miss your hard work and research! One of the FIRST Subs I always open.

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The bestest substack!

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Frankly, Governor DeSantis has the power to deputize & give full police powers that are recognized in all 50 States. Appoint a Sheriff as controller / coordinator with other law enforcement and deputize / hire Erik Prince & 100 men immediately in Florida to protect Trump and JD Vance. Fire all of the SS and FBI.

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Every media person, politician or famous person who has uttered TRUMP IS ADOLF HITLER etc etc etc....should be Jailed.

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JD Vance called Trump a fascist a couple of years ago, so there's that.

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Jd works for thiel, who is a fascist. Pot calling kettle

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In a free country with free speech they are free to call him whatever they like. Sounds like you don't understand either concept. The problem is only their speech and their freedoms are protected and you can't blame them for that you have to blame the Republicans, including Trump that went along with it for the last 40 years.

"We'll take away their guns and sort out the legalities later" - President Trump speaking about "deranged" people with guns. GOP voters are "deranged" as far as Democrats are concerned and it was Trump that opened that door to them taking away your guns. Is lifelong Democrat Trump really your friend?

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This psy op to demonize trump from 2016 is being run by our cia…so in case you haven't noticed, this is no longer a free country. We are under a psy op..and after Russia Russia Russia an election was stolen and we had a plandemic. All deep state ops. Our media is controlled by 4 companies…and the propoganda has been through the roof. This is creating neurosis in ordinary people..most of whom are now mentally ill.

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There’s an inordinate amount of power behind these affairs, crippling the mind of the American public. Were Crooks and Routh mentally ill? They were certainly just patsies. The power structure is not recognized: it belongs to an antichrist, under whom a great subterfuge colludes. Tim Cohen and Monte Judah have been writing about it for decades now, this is not sensationalism or the rife antisemitism manifesting everywhere at this moment, but a theory consistent with the Biblical indications about the Antichrist’s identity (as put forth in Revelation 13). I am a TI and have first hand knowledge about this agenda. I hope I can answer some questions here. My latest article is a deep discussion about the media apparatus and how they derive their power (and from whom they derive this power). Please refer to: https://open.substack.com/pub/jlparker/p/international-policing-in-the-name?r=1hky4n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Wherever did you get the notion after obama said it was OK to use propoganda againt us citizens by our own govt that we still live in a constitutional republic?

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Too expensive...put them to work on a chain gang in Alaska...

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Will this one disappear like the last one...

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2nd Smartest Guy, you wrote a well-researched piece about this deranged lunatic as always with everything you write; however, make no mistake, both the DemonRats and RepubTurds are in on this together. Both parties are the patsies and fall guys for the Central Banks and the Deep State (CIA, NSA, FBI, and the rest of the alphabet agencies and organizations)! United We (We the People) Stand, Divided We Fall!!

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The weak piece of crap resorts to marxism to survive. Shoddy work because he loves getting on his knees for welfare. The knee-pad business will miss him unless of course he gets the epstein treatment dropped somewhere to spend the rest of his worthless POS life!

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OK all of this trump stuff and Diddy stuff is all DISTRACTIONS - their real agenda is to roll out the next scamdemic and they already have bioweapon shots in place - WAKE UP AND BE READY

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See https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/thomas-matthew-crooks-you-got-the . You're right about the woman filming the shooting. She was in on it.

As for the Kennedy assassination, you can begin with http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/1.html which has 7 articles from the Argentinian press immediately thereafter documenting it. More reasons for that assassination are in my 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, etc.

All the editions that have information about that assassination have words to that effect on the cover. You can access all my editions at the icon that says Magazine, the fourth icon here: http://www.truedemocracy.net

My work is the biggest secret.


Arlene Johnson


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Before we get into assassination attempt #2, can we please agree that assassination attempt #1 was a fraud? https://peteryim.substack.com/p/obvious-splicing-of-assassination

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