Am on the fence about Elon Musk. Now that his acquisition of Twitter is on, the bot battle will be very telling. Once ownership is transferred, if Musk doesn't immediately rid the platform of bots, we will know where he truly stands ~ the latter being more questionable given his announcement of the Everything App:



Kudos to Thinking Slow!

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Musk is a CIA asset and total fraud.

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Oh and I closed my PayPal account. Keep the pressure on them. Shut shut shut them down. Did you know you could purchase degoogled phones. I think 2nd Smartest you could suggest for us some safer emails and search platforms? Is there a directory of companies and alternatives?

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I wrote this article while back: https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/psa-for-my-gmail-subscribers

I use a hosting service that handles my emails under my website. I have been doing this for over a decade. This is what I prefer, short of hosting your own email off of a secure home NAS which I am considering since I use a NAS daily.

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I doubt any platform is safe and, yes, my wife just closed her PayPal account yesterday. I always have refused to have one.

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If we have to borg bot fight, as idiotic as it sounds, if they have 30k bots. We need 90 k bots. Every patriot needs to own 5 accounts ha ha. And not haha. Just your duty to be clever in all ways and in every skirmish. Enjoy your 4 new personalities.

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The only thing I use is Telegram and watch the odd youtube channel. Never had other social media accounts except for Linkedin which is going as its become heavily censored and has no utility for me. They all use bots, etc. to drive a narrative and falsify opinion. The other thing is the advertising model they use is really crap.

The reality is that they have destroyed a great invention - the Internet. It could have been so much more useful and beneficial.

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