It’s clear that the Western governments are not working for their people but are subject to outside forces. The ESG pattern of fascist rule was very evident in the cancelling and call to hate everything and everyone Russian—over 300 major companies quickly complied, as did the media. No need to urge the neocons in the Deep State to comply as they were served their favorite dish—moar war with a side dish of evil Russia. And all this noise allows the major players the ability to move on with cyberattacks, false flags, and more pandemics. The only question in my mind is how well the Cabal can control for the inevitable unpredictable events on any large system. However, they clearly have control of the West after 2 years of mayhem. There is no reason to expect any major Western government to change course until serious collapse occurs. Even that is a win-win for the Cabal as the collapse of the West is the intent.
2SG. With whom do I share? Vanguard? Nope. My super smart kids? Nope I woke up dumb when they turned 14. Macro 60 thousand foot view is great but boots on the ground advice most needed. Not complying but how about a map? How about a destination?
I think a quadrillion is too much. I remember in 2008 the derivatives overhang, which is still out there, was 63 trillion notional. You don't hear about it because it is hedged and because that number is too big to imagine, much less think about. When financial institutions go under it becomes unhedged. That's when the Central Bank digital currencies step in to save the day as they hook right up to your digital passport. Things will become ultra convenient because the central banks will know exactly what you want - they'll make purchases for you and you'll be so happy!
IMO it depends on your financial circumstances - your net worth. Physical assets are the best place to park money - again IMO. Your first move should be to ensure you have adequate food and water to survive the power grid collapsing. Klaus and co. have basically told us that this is coming so why not believe them? A minimum of 180 days worth of food and water or water purification is step 1. You can have all of the gold and silver you want, but you can't eat it and I doubt you'll be able to trade it for food when everyone around you is starving to death.
If you have food and water, and also guns & gold, people will come and take it. That's what happens historically when there is extreme social unrest. Groups, comprised of your nice neighbors, come to your front door and take whatever they need. In a survival situation nice people are not so nice anymore.
At some point some kind of correction is inevitable, in my view. Prosperity on the back of huge increases in money without corresponding increases in value is a mortgage on the future. The lifestyle is an illusion, and will revert to the underlying reality sooner or later, possibly through hyperinflation, economic collapse , or both.
What I don’t quite understand is how the wealthy, with their huge numbers of dollars that will soon become worthless, escape the consequences. Won’t they be dragged down? What currency will underpin their assets? Is that why certain of them are buying huge amounts of farmland, so they can be feudal lords?
They are stockpiling gold. Also, they plan to implement Central Bank Digital Currency- ideally before the crash- but afterwards is a possibility too. There are also claims they have underground bunkers that were built by the global Deep State- so they can hide out for a long time, if necessary.
In an interview with Carl E. Olson, Dr. Angelo Codevilla, author of the book, The Ruling Class, said:
“The ruling class are society’s ‘ins.’ This class comprises persons in government, those who depend for their livelihoods on government, and whose socio-economic prospects and hopes are founded on government. Thus, it includes most people in the educational establishment, the media, and large corporations. Its leading elements and its major voting constituencies are the Democratic party. But it transcends political parties because any number of Republicans aspire to its privileges and share its priorities.
Above all, the ruling class defines itself by a set of attitudes, foremost of which is contempt for those outside itself. This contempt stems from the rather uniform education that the ruling class’s members absorbed from universities and which they developed by living in their subculture. Believing themselves intelligent apostles of scientific truth, they regard others as dumb and in the grip of religious obscurantism. Religion is the greatest of the divides between the ruling class and those it deems its inferiors. Whereas they believe themselves morally good and psychologically sound, they regard others as suffering from psychological dysfunctions and phobias – effectively as bad people. The ruling class does not believe that those outside itself have the right or capacity to conduct their own lives.”
The rest of us, often described as the “country class” or, as the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate called us, “deplorables,” comprise most of our country. Nevertheless, the secular religion of the ruling class has captured virtually all the sources of influence: the media, Hollywood, TV, universities, public schools, etc. At the same time, unfortunately, many religious leaders seem to be tripping over themselves with shameless attempts to ingratiate themselves with this secular religion’s high priests.
In today’s culture, this elitism has seemed to take control, as speech or conduct contrary to the agenda of the elites is suppressed with threats: threats against reputation, employment, property, and even one’s physical safety. Let’s call it what it is: They are bullies. Operating from moral relativism, which proclaims the end always justifies the means, everything – EVERYTHING! – is on the table for accomplishing the elites’ goal of gaining complete power and control.
Elitism is the temptation of every human being, and we have all recognized it as early as our childhood days when the so-called “cool kids” on the playground would exert their superiority, often by ridiculing those they deemed as “beneath” them. The temptation is to compromise, surrender, or even join ranks with these elites of our day. No! Jesus calls us to be the “mighty influencers” of our culture, to be “disrupters.” We are called not to promote the selfish “establishment” and their power-hungry and godless agenda, but to promote the virtues, morals, values, and ethics of God’s kingdom.
The influence of the elites is strong and, in many ways, we have grown weak. More than any other time, WE NEED EACH OTHER! We need to become UNIFIED! We need to do all we can to spend as much time as possible with others who are striving to GET STRONG in the virtues of God’s Kingdom. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Parishes were always meant to be these epicenters of unity and strength. Parishes simply must work to be the best possible “spiritual gymnasiums” they can be, where those who attend are encouraged, challenged, and instructed in all the ways to become “strong in the Lord and in His mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10). Parishes must be places where we find fellow Catholics who “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24).
I’m sure you are, like me, long past tired of the ruling class’s mob claiming the moral high ground with their demonically influenced secular religion. It’s high time for all of us to become a force to be reckoned with, UNITED in our resolve to GET STRONG in God’s mighty power!
All trading markets are bullshit betting places where people want to make money gambling, and the workers and those who own the actual commodities get fucked.
Speculation is the worst part of capitalism
Oh and nobody seemed to focus much on the huge inflation we had in the past 2 decades with housing education and medical?
Such stupidity that now they notice just by the gas prices lol
It’s clear that the Western governments are not working for their people but are subject to outside forces. The ESG pattern of fascist rule was very evident in the cancelling and call to hate everything and everyone Russian—over 300 major companies quickly complied, as did the media. No need to urge the neocons in the Deep State to comply as they were served their favorite dish—moar war with a side dish of evil Russia. And all this noise allows the major players the ability to move on with cyberattacks, false flags, and more pandemics. The only question in my mind is how well the Cabal can control for the inevitable unpredictable events on any large system. However, they clearly have control of the West after 2 years of mayhem. There is no reason to expect any major Western government to change course until serious collapse occurs. Even that is a win-win for the Cabal as the collapse of the West is the intent.
2SG. With whom do I share? Vanguard? Nope. My super smart kids? Nope I woke up dumb when they turned 14. Macro 60 thousand foot view is great but boots on the ground advice most needed. Not complying but how about a map? How about a destination?
I think a quadrillion is too much. I remember in 2008 the derivatives overhang, which is still out there, was 63 trillion notional. You don't hear about it because it is hedged and because that number is too big to imagine, much less think about. When financial institutions go under it becomes unhedged. That's when the Central Bank digital currencies step in to save the day as they hook right up to your digital passport. Things will become ultra convenient because the central banks will know exactly what you want - they'll make purchases for you and you'll be so happy!
Would love to hear some solutions/defensive positions to take from you.
IMO it depends on your financial circumstances - your net worth. Physical assets are the best place to park money - again IMO. Your first move should be to ensure you have adequate food and water to survive the power grid collapsing. Klaus and co. have basically told us that this is coming so why not believe them? A minimum of 180 days worth of food and water or water purification is step 1. You can have all of the gold and silver you want, but you can't eat it and I doubt you'll be able to trade it for food when everyone around you is starving to death.
Great comment. I am going to ask all of my subscribers for solutions in a new post now, and we will quasi crowd source for a broader take.
If you have food and water, and also guns & gold, people will come and take it. That's what happens historically when there is extreme social unrest. Groups, comprised of your nice neighbors, come to your front door and take whatever they need. In a survival situation nice people are not so nice anymore.
At some point some kind of correction is inevitable, in my view. Prosperity on the back of huge increases in money without corresponding increases in value is a mortgage on the future. The lifestyle is an illusion, and will revert to the underlying reality sooner or later, possibly through hyperinflation, economic collapse , or both.
What I don’t quite understand is how the wealthy, with their huge numbers of dollars that will soon become worthless, escape the consequences. Won’t they be dragged down? What currency will underpin their assets? Is that why certain of them are buying huge amounts of farmland, so they can be feudal lords?
They are stockpiling gold. Also, they plan to implement Central Bank Digital Currency- ideally before the crash- but afterwards is a possibility too. There are also claims they have underground bunkers that were built by the global Deep State- so they can hide out for a long time, if necessary.
Freedom from Elitism” by Fr. Rick Heilman
In an interview with Carl E. Olson, Dr. Angelo Codevilla, author of the book, The Ruling Class, said:
“The ruling class are society’s ‘ins.’ This class comprises persons in government, those who depend for their livelihoods on government, and whose socio-economic prospects and hopes are founded on government. Thus, it includes most people in the educational establishment, the media, and large corporations. Its leading elements and its major voting constituencies are the Democratic party. But it transcends political parties because any number of Republicans aspire to its privileges and share its priorities.
Above all, the ruling class defines itself by a set of attitudes, foremost of which is contempt for those outside itself. This contempt stems from the rather uniform education that the ruling class’s members absorbed from universities and which they developed by living in their subculture. Believing themselves intelligent apostles of scientific truth, they regard others as dumb and in the grip of religious obscurantism. Religion is the greatest of the divides between the ruling class and those it deems its inferiors. Whereas they believe themselves morally good and psychologically sound, they regard others as suffering from psychological dysfunctions and phobias – effectively as bad people. The ruling class does not believe that those outside itself have the right or capacity to conduct their own lives.”
The rest of us, often described as the “country class” or, as the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate called us, “deplorables,” comprise most of our country. Nevertheless, the secular religion of the ruling class has captured virtually all the sources of influence: the media, Hollywood, TV, universities, public schools, etc. At the same time, unfortunately, many religious leaders seem to be tripping over themselves with shameless attempts to ingratiate themselves with this secular religion’s high priests.
In today’s culture, this elitism has seemed to take control, as speech or conduct contrary to the agenda of the elites is suppressed with threats: threats against reputation, employment, property, and even one’s physical safety. Let’s call it what it is: They are bullies. Operating from moral relativism, which proclaims the end always justifies the means, everything – EVERYTHING! – is on the table for accomplishing the elites’ goal of gaining complete power and control.
Elitism is the temptation of every human being, and we have all recognized it as early as our childhood days when the so-called “cool kids” on the playground would exert their superiority, often by ridiculing those they deemed as “beneath” them. The temptation is to compromise, surrender, or even join ranks with these elites of our day. No! Jesus calls us to be the “mighty influencers” of our culture, to be “disrupters.” We are called not to promote the selfish “establishment” and their power-hungry and godless agenda, but to promote the virtues, morals, values, and ethics of God’s kingdom.
The influence of the elites is strong and, in many ways, we have grown weak. More than any other time, WE NEED EACH OTHER! We need to become UNIFIED! We need to do all we can to spend as much time as possible with others who are striving to GET STRONG in the virtues of God’s Kingdom. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Parishes were always meant to be these epicenters of unity and strength. Parishes simply must work to be the best possible “spiritual gymnasiums” they can be, where those who attend are encouraged, challenged, and instructed in all the ways to become “strong in the Lord and in His mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10). Parishes must be places where we find fellow Catholics who “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24).
I’m sure you are, like me, long past tired of the ruling class’s mob claiming the moral high ground with their demonically influenced secular religion. It’s high time for all of us to become a force to be reckoned with, UNITED in our resolve to GET STRONG in God’s mighty power!
All trading markets are bullshit betting places where people want to make money gambling, and the workers and those who own the actual commodities get fucked.
Speculation is the worst part of capitalism
Oh and nobody seemed to focus much on the huge inflation we had in the past 2 decades with housing education and medical?
Such stupidity that now they notice just by the gas prices lol