I'm so sorry for you. Crime just doesn't quite get it. These are sabateurs, spies, traitors in time if Undeclared war, against CIVILIANS. A junior officer could determine facts in 15 minutes of many of these, pronounce sentences, and they would be summarily executed.
I'm so sorry for you. Crime just doesn't quite get it. These are sabateurs, spies, traitors in time if Undeclared war, against CIVILIANS. A junior officer could determine facts in 15 minutes of many of these, pronounce sentences, and they would be summarily executed.
I'm so sorry for you. Crime just doesn't quite get it. These are sabateurs, spies, traitors in time if Undeclared war, against CIVILIANS. A junior officer could determine facts in 15 minutes of many of these, pronounce sentences, and they would be summarily executed.
Outrages, Atrocities, crimes against humanity.