I connected these dots early on in the covid eugenics campaign. It also exhausts the resources, financial and otherwise, of those unvaccinated family members caring for their injured relations. So, even as they're losing their jobs and support systems, they're the only ones still healthy enough to pick up the slack.

I have a sister who's been diagnosed with a tumour in her ovaries. She's looking to me to be there for her even though she expressed concern about having me visit last year. While I love her dearly, and it's mostly the influence of her husband, it's still a slap in the face. The utter disregard for the needs and feelings of the unvaccinated blows my mind. It's like living a waking nightmare.

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I too saw the dots when the governors put the Covid infected into nursing homes...what a great way to releive the pension pressure on the blue states and bring down the unfunded liabilities.

What I didn't connect was the Eds & Meds....and it has hit me like a bombshell. I am now sure the other blue states will do same...and maybe some of the red. I think we are in deep deep trouble.

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if you can say "She's looking to me to be there for her even though she expressed concern about having me visit last year" then, I guess, the answer for you is your choice. I would tell her why I am not taking care of her. Would you want her taking care of you?

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Therein lies the issue of this entire covid debacle. How much of our humanity do we forfeit to defend our position? It's the ultimate test of our character and morality and one with the highest stakes imaginable.

In my situation (and many other unvaxxed people no doubt) it's just not that simple because my sister and I have a history. She was there for me when our mother died and she's 64 and of frail health even before covid. Thankfully her husband is of decent health now but they've both been getting the jabs and who knows what the next one will bring.

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well put SignmeUplease....re 'How much of our humanity do we forfeit to defend our position? It's the ultimate test of our character and morality and one with the highest stakes imaginable.', I like to remember the first part of the humanity (human health) is sacrificed when a jab that removes/breaks the immune system is promoted. After that part of our humanity is destroyed, the rest is easy pickins; they have already bowed down to the monster of pharma.

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I am a vaccine refugee you write about. I left California this year after living there all my life. I yanked my family out and found refuge in FL where I can get a religious or personal beliefs exemption for vaccinations and have my child attend school. Although private schools can institute their own school policies regarding the vaccines in Florida( not covid) there IS medical choice freedoms in FLORIDA and NONE in California.

Brandy Vaughn was an avid fighter against SB 266 back in 2019, but was "suicided" by big pharma after an extensive harassment because she was fighting sb276 as a once pharma insider.

Her video was deleted many times, but here is a copy of her testimony of being intimidated and threatened for speaking against pharma


California IS and has been a tyrannical state and they are getting rid of those who don't go along - either killing them or self inflicted expulsions. As much as I loved living in California, the Tyranny imposed by the legislature has reached my tolerance threshold. I don't believe it will come back to a balance - it is a one party state - it is lost. I will never go back. I will watch it disintegrate from a distance. I'm sad for all conservative- classical liberal Californians as you are not living but you are hostages in California.

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Welcome to Florida!

Never forget the government you fled from.

I fled the madness that was Boulder CO in the 80’s

Take a moment to write a thank you note to Governor DeSantis. If he hadn’t stood up against the federal government in 2020 the USA would be just like Australia is now. There would have been nowhere for you to run.

This close we came to utter tyranny.

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You are 100% correct. I will write a thank you letter to Gov Desantis.

I will never, ever forget the tyrants in California and will do everything that I can to keep Florida Free. https://precinctstrategy.com/ this is my mission now.

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Never take anything for granted. Work to reelect DeSantis. There are very powerful entities working against him

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inspiring thanks

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Please, don't vote for the Democrats now that you're in Florida because this time it will be different.

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That video is chilling.

Her death was ruled natural causes. At the age of 44 with no history of ill health.

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In the Vietnam war, they noticed one man injured were dragged away by two. The CCP seems to know this trick as well.

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I dont think Pharma companies will ever be held accountable for these crimes against humanity. I did at first and even shorted Phizer a few months ago. Now that it looks like repubs arent gonna get controll of congress i covered the short. Actually made some money. But even if they did sweep in November the chances that they would actually get anything done was pretty slim.

I mean how can we expect to get justice when the guy who funded the lab that started the entire mess is still the head of his agency and is giving interviews on tv like hes not responsible for millions of deaths?

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Don't believe the false hype that Rs won't take control. Only flagrant cheating would make that happen. Real pollsters like Rich Baris of "People's Pundit" will tell you the truth on how people will vote.

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I hope youre right

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I had high hopes, but agree. I think the world is Essentially over.

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It does not escape notice that the unconstitutional mandate was not enforced on those who live on the largesse of .gov. If obama’s demented ass puppet had actually wanted everyone to get jabbed for the “greater good”, he would have made the receiving of government aid conditional upon vaccination.

Instead, it was unfairly imposed upon those who work and thus carry the medical insurance necessary to pay for the injuries caused by the jab.


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MOSTLY subsconscious. My sense: very conscious on the part of those engineering this.

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Thank you for this excellent article. My husband and I are in the process of listing our house in SoCal. We can't wait to flee the tyrannical Commie state of CA. We have one foot out the door already, and when we leave we will never look back.

Thanks again for your writing. I love how you distill things into direct, impactful information.

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I just moved from SoCal to Florida.

It is A LOT of work to get out of California, but you are doing the right thing!

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Thank you!!!! I will take your words as inspiration to push through...

God bless!

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When they say it’s not personal, just business; they mean unfunded liabilities.

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Mostly subconscious? That seems a way of excusing it. Doesn't anyone believe in evil anymore? If no one is really responsible, how can there be any justice?

These people are evil, they want us dead, and they're acting on it. Justice demands they be held accountable and made to pay full restitution for their crimes.

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Yes, the items in the last paragraph need to happen. Don’t forget another item: no more power to declare a so-called ‘emergency’. Ever. Of any type. The Powers That Be cannot be trusted to do this, and they use ‘emergencies’ as an excuse for many atrocities.

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"If you give the government the power to break the law in emergencies, they will invent emergencies in order to break the law." I don't know who first said it, or when, but its truth is so clear now.

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When you know the devil's real, Occam's Razor is quite the tool.

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Flu shots might decrease the incidence of flu, but they increase all-cause mortality, as is typical of all vaccines. The Covid "vaccine", by the way, is not even a vaccine by the traditional definition, but is nevertheless many orders of magnitude more debilitating and deadly than all other vaccines combined.

Eating right while getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine is the most effective "vaccine".

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I do not believe the flu shots actually reduce the incidence of flu.

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But hey on positive note Queen of the Globalist trash just kicked the bucket! Vlad the impaler called her back to hell being a blood relative and all!

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Give CaliHell back to Mexico I say!

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Newsom will soon have his eugenicist wish - California only inhabited by worshipers of his. Like Jones long ago he will feed them poison and they will all die worshiping him. All the rest has gone to other places.

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The brutal conscious level may be sufficiently suppressed to call it unconscious,

but it costs energy, and the unconscious mind registers it and pays.

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