Coming to the USSA:
As the releases for global death rate and YoY mortality for 2021 are imminent, and the dwindling PSYOP-19 scam along with middling uptake of DEATHVAX™ boosters, new psyops and false flags will be deployed by the NAZI 2.0 WEF Cult.

Never-ending mandates: A “national state of cyber emergency”. As mentioned many times, this is the expected and perfect moving part “mandate” to the technofascist endgame. And of course the requisite bogeymen like Putin, Iran, et al. to drive the fears off of fears off of fears.
PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22 is accelerating, food rationing and forced adoption of social credit score passports with the CBDC hyper-centralized currency tethered to the digi-slave: no passport, no rationed food. Think back to the food tickets that the Soviet government issued and the perpetual caloric shortages, all by design.
It certainly rhymes, just with higher tech.
Do NOT comply.
Poloponies, polo ponies, immanent, imminent.............
Aw shit. Here it comes. It’s really annoying when you can take WEF at their word. There’s no reading tea leaves here. They’re busting their storyboards over our heads