The best way to stop the next pandemic is to arrest the people who started the first one.

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So easy, so logical

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The Covidians will call this heresy. There is no science regarding Sars-Cov 2. Just blind belief, or quackery if you are not a covidian.

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Nothing says

"Trust the Science" like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years 🤫

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"If you publicize anything negative about vaxxines, it will make people vaxxine hesitant, and that will hUrT SocIEty."

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Agreed. I have to restrain myself when people talk about being tested for Covid. The continual mask-wearing, with it hanging under the nose, is so nonsensical that I can no longer conceal my eye-rolling or head-shaking. It is the lack of critical thinking and the path of the blindly obedient. I will not comply!

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WE have a simple word for the lack of critical thinking masses : Idiots !

maybe blind idiots....... because they just don't want to see .

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Unfortunately, you can lump into that category the entirety of the self-proclaimed "awake" that in any way, shape, or form, pay any attention to or believe that the forthcoming (S)Election actually makes a damn bit of difference.

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Here's irony re: that.

Upon someone telling me that they "got Covid," I quickly ask how they know. They then tell me that they "tested positive" for it, at which time I quickly let them know that the gold-standard of the satanists that are behind it all, has verifiably been proven to not actually test for anything of the sort, namely the PCR Test.

I then ask, apart from that, how do they know, which almost like clockwork, they'll repeat, that they "tested positive" for it. With the rare exception of the few that ask for more info, it's typically at that point that I realize that I might be better off trying to have an intelligent exchange with a shopping cart.

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“Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.” This bumper sticker has been on my car for years now. Thinking about investing in the tshirt.

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Don't Try To Explain Yourself To Stupid People ….

You're Not The Jackass Whisperer

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Sadly, we knew this at its onset. Few wanted to believe it then however.

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I watched good people die to protect their job. Now someone else works where they use to work.

I have a brother in law with cancer and extreme high blood pressure, (clots?) that cussed us out for not getting the suicide poke!

I haven't trusted the medical profession for decades but this COVID bullshit was the icing on the cake!

Sadly the most brainwashed (gimmy da jab) people I know are people in the medical profession.

The lies were promoted as truth and the truth was called disinformation by Google, Facebook, fact checkers, YouTube, Wikipedia and now A I too.

All Artificial Intelligence knows is what it assimilates from the lies on the web.

Our government officials were fed hogwash by the medical fools too and drank the Kool Aid and handed out pitchers of it to the masses.

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we become prisoners of our biases, and the medical community is very biased towards "science" especially rather than logic, so all a not benign entity needs to do is insert false "science" into the community and it is embraced without regard to logic in an inverse square ratio to the amount of monetary compensation provided to beleive and participate.

Hospital received 37,000 usd$ per patient that was ventilated, thats a whole lot of "science" .

similiar injection programs were in place in medical healthcare companies, more covid19 mrna in the arms, more money in the wallet.

Don't lets get into the stock options, etc. Covid was a real money maker for the people who ran the operation, there was little reason to disbelieve if it cost you money or your career.

We like to think drs & nurses are different, but most are not. Consider the TikTok dancing nurses and doctors, who does that during the plague? no one, there was no plague just a pysop with a bioweapon or 2 (if you count the "vaccine" as a bioweapon).

Im in charge of my own health, not the government, not big business, not the doctors especially.

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This is just horrible and evil. More proof of the genocide against humanity.

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No excess deaths due to Covid is because the only people getting killed by it were those who always get killed each year by the common cold and flu: the elderly with multiple comorbid conditions.

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Convid replaced the flu. I used to get the flu shots but never again as they are using all this gene based mRNA in all the shots now.

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They needed to use something to make Covid look deadly, so they called flu and literally almost any other death a Covid death.

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But here’s the tragedy of that: it was discovered that hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and even boosting serum vitamin D offered serious benefits, both in terms of prevention and treatment, to this vulnerable population.

So whereas, for the first time in history, that demographic had a real chance at preserving their health and lives from an annual killer, they were denied that by the people promoting the viral mRNA products who were eager not to lose their lucrative EUAs.

But even worse, at the same time that the companies of Covid Inc were denying them life-saving prevention and treatment, this vulnerable group of people who, because of their adaptive immune anergy, could not benefit from even a genuine viral protein vaccine, were being shot up by those companies with a product that could do them no good in terms of adaptive immunity.

But far worse than being shot up with a product that could do them no good in terms of boosting adaptive immunity, they were being shot up with a product that did them active harm.


By invading their healthy cells and infecting them with a Covid-19 gene, those products necessarily and unavoidably caused those cells to alert the innate immune system that a viral infection was in process and triggered an innate immune inflammatory response to attack the tissues in which those product-compromised cells were located. And this produced the same result that every year was killing this vulnerable group of people.

But worst of all?

Instead of just being denied the possibility of prevention and treatment of seasonal respiratory diseases through the new use of existing classes of drugs that had a very long safety record,

Instead of merely being faced with the yearly POSSIBILITY of getting a common cold or flu that could MAYBE do them in from an infection in their respiratory system,

Instead of merely treating them with a product (viral protein vaccines) that could offer them no benefit but still posed relatively little harm,

They were shot up by the millions with a product that, deliberately and in an indiscriminate manner, infected healthy cells throughout multiple organ systems, ensuring, whatever the risk posed by the chance encounter with an actual virus in the respiratory system, that that risk was multiplied many times over by initiating deadly innate immune inflammatory attacks in MULTIPLE organ systems.

Why was this so bad?

Because this population was already afflicted with multiple comorbidities that already predisposed them to a high risk of death if infected by an actual virus in a single organ system, the respiratory system.

The viral mRNA products, acting like artificial one gene viruses, vastly increased the functional equivalent of even more comorbid conditions in multiple organ systems AND precipitated innate immune inflammatory attacks on those systems, virtually guaranteeing that the weakest among them would certainly die because they just couldn’t cope with the assault.

So, that group of old people with anergic adaptive immune systems and suffering multiple comorbid conditions, at the same time they already suffered risks from existing viral infections, were being denied lifesaving prevention and treatment by the very same companies that were deliberately infecting them in multiple organ systems with viral genes that would case the very conditions the companies claimed to be protecting them from.

Essentially: “Here, old weak sick people:

“A. you could run the risk of MAYBE getting a respiratory infection from a chance virus encountered along the way and MAYBE dying.


“B. you could be treated with hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin and stand a much better chance of surviving than any of you had in previous cold and flu seasons.


“C. We can deny you B and give you a 100% chance of being seriously infected in multiple ways by viral genes with the outcome being that of A, but orders of magnitude higher. And then we’ll do it again and again and again until the compounding damage caused by our products’ inevitable and unavoidable primary mechanism of action combined with your already weakened state finally does you in.

“Except we won’t tell you why we’re denying you B and and heavily promoting C, except to tell you it’s to protect you from A.”

There is no other way to describe that but outright acts of fraud and murder.

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Spot on! #TruthBomb. Absolutely 💯% FACTS. This culling of our elderly and vulnerable shall not go unpunished. Am praying is in this lifetime. Regardless … a special place in hell awaits those who force death upon Gods children.

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Since 2020, it has become far safer to assume that all stats relating to medical matters (Viruses, diseases, post-injection adverse reactions, medical advice, Vax maker's stats, etc, are all suspect! Most of these data, reports, safety trials, vax injury and vax related death rates, are all deliberately manipulated to understate reality and dangers that might cause 'medical suspicion and vax hesitancy'!

Pfizer or Moderna - Choose your POISON! Russian Roulette if you got jabbed! Unbelievably some still do.

The now obsolete unelected World Health Organisation was terminated by we, the people, when they were corrupted by financial influences that bought the integrity of this once honest health body! The illicit benefactors bought into the WHO in order to influence Policies and their intentions. CORRUPTION has destroyed the WHO and we now regard it as obsolete in world health matters.

Long Covid = Long term Covid injection injuries. Another new word for our post 2020 dictionaries = 'CoVax' - the impact of useless unsafe and ineffective injections they pretended were 'vaccines'.

The authorities, Governments, Big Pharma, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, deliberately hid the useless but DEADLY nature of the dangerous injections but the public were stupid enough to believe the total bull-shi* and still got jabbed. Those that got jabbed and survived will eventually learn the truth when their Life Expectancy is cut short. Too late for them to realise what long term data will prove!

Pfizer's & Moderna's (et al,) deadly injections, which they still pretend are 'vaccines', for Covid and the upcoming Bird Flu injections, must be stopped until they accept responsibility for their deadly poisons.

'Safe & Effective' = a decades old lie, since the useless Swine Flu jab killed over 50 service personnel back in the 1970's. Blatant and obvious lies = FOR PROFIT! Pharma = 'NO LIABILITY' was blackmail.

'NO LIABILITY' is routinely assumed by the makers of these depopulating 'medicines'. No other product is sold with this unbelievable condition of use ('Acceptance'?) It's INSANE!

90% of "vax injuries" and "Vax related deaths" never get reported and the deliberate falsification of 'cause of death' by 'the authorities' is used to promote further depopulation by injection and to hide the poisonous Vax being the most likely cause of much of the Long Covid mayhem?

Translated 'Safe and Effective' means = HIGHLY PROFITABLE, useless, dangerous and life threatening!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without evil medical intervention. Vax Injuries and vax-related DEATHS. Insanity now rules in the medical world.

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All of the public wasn't stupid, my Son had to get it to keep working, lots of people did to keep their jobs, they basically felt coerced and pressured to get it, it's a crime against humanity what they did to these innocent people

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Apologies Bonnie! I realise many were in this invidious position and the Government was driving it for the World economic Forum's New World Order. Yesterday I dared to venture into a UK hospital for a minor operation (hernia = now I know what a Cesarian feels like!).

I had previously written to our UK NHS, my Doctor and the surgeon performing the op stating I must not be injected with anything related to the new KILLER = mRNA which is in all Covid related Death Shots, and will be dded to the upcoming Bird Flu which is being planned by those that wish to enslave us!

Just to prove what a crank I am, I also wore a Tee-Shirt into the hospital, with "Experimental jab - No thanks" (front0 and Vitamin D won't kill me (Back). in addition, when I took off my tee-shirt, I had a modified membership card from a Group our family joined a couple of years back = 'The vaccine Control Group' collect data about Safety and Efficiency, premature deaths caused by injections (which the makers pretend are vaccines) and carry the statement This person MUST NOT BE VACCINATED". Hopefully they didn't, but you never know what's going on when you're anesthetised.

In 1976 there was a previous 'experimental injection' (VAX) used on US Military Service personnel. (Part of their job description I suppose?) Swine Flu was the supposed target and I think this was the time Big Pharma conned the US Government for permission to kill vax recipients with impunity. 'A licence to Kill.

After 50 + vax related DEATHS, the US Government pulled the 'experiment' for "being too dangerous".

Covid injections have killed and maimed MILLIONS but bizarrely it's never mentioned by Governments or the MSM. No regulatory body inspects the crap that's put into the population's arms. They probably become far more wealthy by keeping schtum!

Now, after nearly 40 years, Big Pharma have bought into the US Government politicians to the degree the 'Authorities' don't check VAX DEATHS and VAX related serious, long term injuries. They, along with the MSM, the medical profession, etc, carefully hide all news and statistics relating to the millions of VAX RELATED DEATHS World Wide. Their livelihoods rely on kick-backs and massive profits.

People dying is of no consequence. The ZERO LIABILITY clause is now a 'LICENCE to KILL'. As long as the profits fall onto the influential pockets - what's the problem?

'Safe & Effective - probably the biggest con in Man's history?

GoF mopdified Covid was just the tip of the WEF's new World Order - depopulation Plan. Next is bird flu, which has been 'sooooped up' for maximum deadly impact on the surviving population.

Then we'll start realising the other schemes Adolf Schwab & colleagues have been planning for decades. They are about to make Project Hunger onto the gullible public.

Gates is already the biggest farmland owner in the USA and he won't be growing crops or raising livestock. He's heavily invested in artificial meats (example; 'Picnic NL') and wants to wean us off proper food. He also has a product that supposedly keep fruit and veg from rotting. 'Apeel' is toxic but it's applied to our crops with no mention of it is given by the stores selling the poisoned produce.

Check these allegations on a non-Google truthful search engine and then join the dots!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without DEADLY chemicals and medical interference.

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Vaccines are a clear and present health risk just like smoking and obesity☠️

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I have a homeless brother in law living with us that does all 3, smokes, overweight and got his dutiful pokes and thinks that HE is the smartest guy in the world!

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That describes my sister in-law to a tee except she is not homeless.

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Along with failures of the world internet system and associated blessedly unsuccessful assassination attempts - we have a proof of sorts that either God does - or does not - play dice with the universe.

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you can't know the outcome until you open the box with the dice in it....

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It appears we happen to be opening the Pandora's box with the dice in it!

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Amazing is it not?...that scientism has rendered authentic scientific method as obsolete due to the power of the Pharmafia. When we have seen experiential evidence in plain sight, as athletes in the prime of their lives keel over from heart attacks, or newly injected teens expire after injection, we are expected to repeat: nothing to see here...move along. Next distraction projected via the Matrix-Media perception regulator. We truly live in a dysfunctional Devil's workshop. Good article-thank you!

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2nd, you’d like this guy Franklin. He talks about how the pandemic, its policies and other things like the 2008 bailout are forms of “democide” - where government kill their citizens



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Exactly! They repackaged, rebranded the flu to bring about their Great Reset agenda that is literally playing out to varying degrees of the West. Migrant invasions in every Western country with the US taking in the most and attacks on livestock farmers because meat will be a treat and not a staple.

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I first thought that the “spaciotemporal variation” phrase was meant to hide the results of the study from would-be fact checkers. I wondered where this study was published as censoring still going on. Found out these principal authors (especially Rancourt) have been scoping out and publishing research about the CV/vax response for years, since this publication is from Rancourt’s own non-profit research organization. Kudos for his/their persistance.

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I am now waiting for Nuremberg 2.0 trials with the executioner, awaiting the guilty with his axe 🪓 in hand and wood 🪵 block beneath him!!!!!

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better have a comfy chair, you'll have cobwebs on you before any one is held accountable. it wasn't an accident, it was a planned effort with the approval of the authorities. Who then will hold the unaccountable, accountable?

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Sadly I can't see those key individuals that perpetrated this monstrous crime being brought to justice.

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BOOM!!! Thank you!

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Many studies confirm that "Covid" never existed to begin with.

Just sayin'. It's tough to die from a non-existent thing.

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The government spent a lot of money in Wuhan,China to make something. Whether you call it covid19 or a bioweapon, something exists.

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That could easily be theater as well.

Something called "Covid-19" has NEVER been isolated, never. What you choose to do with that information is your business.

What's interesting, is that the supposed symptoms of "Covid-19" are produced by taking in the things that are sprayed in our atmosphere in the name of the "Climate Change" agenda.

Funny how that works.

But at the end of the day we have no idea "what happened in China." China is far from being free country either, and nothing but establishment rhetoric has come from it on that topic. It's more than likely simply a red herring.

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