From Friday’s news cycle through this Juneteenth weekend we can appreciate the painfully obvious more at telegraphed propaganda patterns and how they all reinforce the technocratic One World Government power grab that the planet is currently being subjected to.
When I know something such as the jabs are killing people and that there is a rise in all cause mortality I ignorantly assume everyone else knows this,too. Many, if not most, of my wife’s friends are still getting boosted, one of them yesterday. I keep forgetting that they probably haven’t the slightest idea of what they are doing to themselves. They absorb the propaganda and listen to their ignorant (or evil) doctors and keep getting jabbed. It doesn’t work trying to change them.
Absorb and repeat. They all parrot the exact same phrases and ideology as they all get their information from the same sources. They are stuck in a loop of destruction. To counter that loop is to kick the hornets nest. They are convinced and no amount of evidence to the contrary works. In fact, the better educated they are, the more difficult it becomes. Generally.
Just culling the herd, comrade. There are blights and disease in Nature that cause death, or it's as simple as pruning a shrub. Now while I detest the NWO death merchants, in the broad scheme of things, living here in the material world, they are just a blight of evil destroying life much like a forest fire does. God as "The Creator" created everything, good and evil, ( yin and yang for our ChiCom cousins). Life on Planet Earth has always been Brutal, and people do seem to enjoy their misery sometimes more than their merriment.
Hence the saying, "Misery loves company". The most very miserable among the populace must bring misery to others. Happy people do not engage in such.
I admit current affairs may not lend themselves to abundant happiness, but it still can be found and even created. While outright "misery" I will leave for our libtarded populace to wallow in, they certainly deserve it, imo.
Center for Disease Crimes (CDC). 2nd smartest deserves a prize for that gem. The entire list is one of killer facts. I had missed the details 2nd points out about Biden’s strategic oil reserve moves and what we can expect there from. Thanks for this total compilation.
But the bad news is getting worse and no one is slowing it down or stopping it and that can only take us to the worst outcomes for societies, economies, nations, and the world. Hard to believe just a few years ago it seemed like we lived in the best of times.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair …, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way …” from A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
There is nothing "New" in human nature under the sun. Only the technology changes, Comrades.
"Worry" is an interesting thing. It accomplishes nothing, it doesn't increase survival, there is no activity associated with it, it's just a ball of negative mental busyiness, no need for it in a practical sense.
As far as the Universal observations I made, Do you have alternative facts? It's just my observation and my opinion. You don't have to agree, you're free to create your own facts.
I do think Man can control his destiny, for example I declined to get an experimental injection of unknown ingredients into my body, and got the "covid", am still alive and should have natural antibodies, but I will die someday of something or other as that's this universe unfolding as it is created. I could "worry" about it I suppose........ I do wish you well, as the coming travails will be all too real.
After the 8th jab it will work and you will be dead. Brainwashed lemmings unable to think for themselves and read some real medical articles on the mRNA that is out there on the interNet is mind boggling to me.
When I know something such as the jabs are killing people and that there is a rise in all cause mortality I ignorantly assume everyone else knows this,too. Many, if not most, of my wife’s friends are still getting boosted, one of them yesterday. I keep forgetting that they probably haven’t the slightest idea of what they are doing to themselves. They absorb the propaganda and listen to their ignorant (or evil) doctors and keep getting jabbed. It doesn’t work trying to change them.
Absorb and repeat. They all parrot the exact same phrases and ideology as they all get their information from the same sources. They are stuck in a loop of destruction. To counter that loop is to kick the hornets nest. They are convinced and no amount of evidence to the contrary works. In fact, the better educated they are, the more difficult it becomes. Generally.
Heartbreaking true, vaccine autopilot
Just culling the herd, comrade. There are blights and disease in Nature that cause death, or it's as simple as pruning a shrub. Now while I detest the NWO death merchants, in the broad scheme of things, living here in the material world, they are just a blight of evil destroying life much like a forest fire does. God as "The Creator" created everything, good and evil, ( yin and yang for our ChiCom cousins). Life on Planet Earth has always been Brutal, and people do seem to enjoy their misery sometimes more than their merriment.
And some people enjoy making other people miserable.
Hence the saying, "Misery loves company". The most very miserable among the populace must bring misery to others. Happy people do not engage in such.
I admit current affairs may not lend themselves to abundant happiness, but it still can be found and even created. While outright "misery" I will leave for our libtarded populace to wallow in, they certainly deserve it, imo.
I love this site, and all the info that you provide. Never will I comply.
Here’s the new death vax
Center for Disease Crimes (CDC). 2nd smartest deserves a prize for that gem. The entire list is one of killer facts. I had missed the details 2nd points out about Biden’s strategic oil reserve moves and what we can expect there from. Thanks for this total compilation.
I am so happy to have read this and am so glad everything is going to be fine. Thanks for all the good news.
The good news is seeing through the news, which is what we do around these parts.
But the bad news is getting worse and no one is slowing it down or stopping it and that can only take us to the worst outcomes for societies, economies, nations, and the world. Hard to believe just a few years ago it seemed like we lived in the best of times.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair …, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way …” from A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens
There is nothing "New" in human nature under the sun. Only the technology changes, Comrades.
So the ‘universe is unfolding as it should’, I suppose. No need to worry.
"Worry" is an interesting thing. It accomplishes nothing, it doesn't increase survival, there is no activity associated with it, it's just a ball of negative mental busyiness, no need for it in a practical sense.
As far as the Universal observations I made, Do you have alternative facts? It's just my observation and my opinion. You don't have to agree, you're free to create your own facts.
I do think Man can control his destiny, for example I declined to get an experimental injection of unknown ingredients into my body, and got the "covid", am still alive and should have natural antibodies, but I will die someday of something or other as that's this universe unfolding as it is created. I could "worry" about it I suppose........ I do wish you well, as the coming travails will be all too real.
Already understood
He forgot how not to tip over when stopped?
To sum up- we are dead meat.
People who were planning on having children are not going to be pleased that they were clotshotted.
After the 8th jab it will work and you will be dead. Brainwashed lemmings unable to think for themselves and read some real medical articles on the mRNA that is out there on the interNet is mind boggling to me.
Or Centers for Disease Creation