I'm almost 80 and have not had the killer jab and nor will I. Nor have I worn a mask except for the hospital to have an MRI , and ended up walking out because the nurse would not tell me what was in the IV she was going to give me. I have no right to say what you should or shouldn't allow to be put in your body. However, having lost three friends not long after taking the killer jab within weeks of each other, and all the other deaths of the very young or old. Plus all the severe adverse reactions. Keeps telling me that they and we all know who they are, want to kill us. If I am to die, which is inevitable. It's not going to be from the medical profession. It will be I hope on my own terms and not some creep offering me the Assisted Suicide Program we have in British Columbia. Hopefully I will know when the end is near, and be able to take that last walk into the woods. Hopefully.
With you all the way. However, I live in a blue state. I’m wondering if they got the less lethal doses, because I’m not seeing death(but for one), but some tachycardia, diabetes starting, elevated blood pressure. Not any of them even think of the jab! They’ve all gotten three, myself none. No mask either! They hand me one in an office and I hold it.
Hello Allan, Please forgive me if you feel my post is intrusive. However, it is important for me to say that I care and can relate to how you feel. For too long now we have been subjected to tyrannical governments,pharmaceutical companies, doctors and others in the medical profession. What really gets me though is the sheep that follow. Especially when part of the flock is my own family and people that I thought were my friends. The good thing that has arose from all the negative for me is this. I have met and continue to meet good people from this site that have encouraged me by what they post. Yes, life is worth living and so is yours Allan. They see you as the spear that can't be removed . Don't give them what they want. The bush will always be there when nature tells me, I hope, it's time to go into her loving arms. Peace be with you. You are not alone, I'm here.
No I didn't think of you being in dire straits, however, just wanted to tell you that I'm here for you. Funny, the CPS you suffer from must be contagious because I have it too. I haven't as you know posted anything in my stack. You have just inspired me to get off my ass and write something. By the way, Allan. Thank you for calling me a young man, even though I'm almost 80. Take care, and stay in touch if you want.
and the Sheeples will accept it as "Normal", just the new Reality until the next Reality, but All is Normal, Comrades. No need to be concerned, the Authorities are in-Firm Bid-en control.
How RIDICULOUS does this have to Get, before the Illusion is vaporized by the sunlight???
At least "They" will use Busses instead of Boxcars this time, but IT Will Be NORMAL !!!
when they’re out of town had the jabs just before vacation in June. I ran into them recently and in just those 2 months, their decline is remarkable. So remarkable, that if I didn’t know they had jabs I’d be calling their children to get to the bottom of their decline. They are the sweetest people in the world. She is now tripping easily and repeatedly and is now in PT. Her memory is failing faster than even Joe Biden’s. His memory is slipping as well. This entire thing is sickening.
Sadly, entire generations of family lines will disappear from the earth as though they never existed in this world where reality is being remade by a handful of criminals.
“[T]he peak of vaccine mandates in America […] coincides with massive excess mortality among people in the prime of life”
SOURCE: Mark Steyn, GB News, 24 Aug. 2022
Inadequate support: Steyn claimed that sudden deaths among young people increased in 2021 based on anecdotal evidence and data that are either preliminary or don't support such a claim. There is also no evidence suggesting a link between COVID-19 vaccines and cases of sudden death.
Since there is no one left to vaccinate there, I wonder if the Portuguese language will survive once all the Portuguese are gone? I guess the climate is very nice. Pure Bloods could resettle it later.
I'm almost 80 and have not had the killer jab and nor will I. Nor have I worn a mask except for the hospital to have an MRI , and ended up walking out because the nurse would not tell me what was in the IV she was going to give me. I have no right to say what you should or shouldn't allow to be put in your body. However, having lost three friends not long after taking the killer jab within weeks of each other, and all the other deaths of the very young or old. Plus all the severe adverse reactions. Keeps telling me that they and we all know who they are, want to kill us. If I am to die, which is inevitable. It's not going to be from the medical profession. It will be I hope on my own terms and not some creep offering me the Assisted Suicide Program we have in British Columbia. Hopefully I will know when the end is near, and be able to take that last walk into the woods. Hopefully.
With you all the way. However, I live in a blue state. I’m wondering if they got the less lethal doses, because I’m not seeing death(but for one), but some tachycardia, diabetes starting, elevated blood pressure. Not any of them even think of the jab! They’ve all gotten three, myself none. No mask either! They hand me one in an office and I hold it.
Hello Allan, Please forgive me if you feel my post is intrusive. However, it is important for me to say that I care and can relate to how you feel. For too long now we have been subjected to tyrannical governments,pharmaceutical companies, doctors and others in the medical profession. What really gets me though is the sheep that follow. Especially when part of the flock is my own family and people that I thought were my friends. The good thing that has arose from all the negative for me is this. I have met and continue to meet good people from this site that have encouraged me by what they post. Yes, life is worth living and so is yours Allan. They see you as the spear that can't be removed . Don't give them what they want. The bush will always be there when nature tells me, I hope, it's time to go into her loving arms. Peace be with you. You are not alone, I'm here.
No I didn't think of you being in dire straits, however, just wanted to tell you that I'm here for you. Funny, the CPS you suffer from must be contagious because I have it too. I haven't as you know posted anything in my stack. You have just inspired me to get off my ass and write something. By the way, Allan. Thank you for calling me a young man, even though I'm almost 80. Take care, and stay in touch if you want.
Like a fine vintage wine.
So the “New Normal “ is death. We were led to believe it would be something different.
In a reality inversion world only the promise of death will result in its opposite.
That's the one promise they would at least try to keep.
and the Sheeples will accept it as "Normal", just the new Reality until the next Reality, but All is Normal, Comrades. No need to be concerned, the Authorities are in-Firm Bid-en control.
How RIDICULOUS does this have to Get, before the Illusion is vaporized by the sunlight???
At least "They" will use Busses instead of Boxcars this time, but IT Will Be NORMAL !!!
I will sell my bus ticket.
Death and disability.
Yeah, I left disability out but most disabilities will lead to death.
It's at it's most safest and effective if you die in your sleep or kicking a field goal.
An older couple for whom I tend animals
when they’re out of town had the jabs just before vacation in June. I ran into them recently and in just those 2 months, their decline is remarkable. So remarkable, that if I didn’t know they had jabs I’d be calling their children to get to the bottom of their decline. They are the sweetest people in the world. She is now tripping easily and repeatedly and is now in PT. Her memory is failing faster than even Joe Biden’s. His memory is slipping as well. This entire thing is sickening.
Sadly, entire generations of family lines will disappear from the earth as though they never existed in this world where reality is being remade by a handful of criminals.
A lot of doctors are still under the dark spell of Big Pharma. So sad. But the truth will prevail.
The spell of fiat…..All you have to do is follow the receipts.
At this point, these doctors are criminals.
2nd, what do you think of Facebook's "FACTCHECK":
“[T]he peak of vaccine mandates in America […] coincides with massive excess mortality among people in the prime of life”
SOURCE: Mark Steyn, GB News, 24 Aug. 2022
Inadequate support: Steyn claimed that sudden deaths among young people increased in 2021 based on anecdotal evidence and data that are either preliminary or don't support such a claim. There is also no evidence suggesting a link between COVID-19 vaccines and cases of sudden death.
Flawed reasoning: Steyn’s claim that countries with low COVID-19 vaccination rates had lower excess deaths than those with high vaccination rates relies on a correlation that only holds for July 2022. He failed to account for other factors that also directly impact mortality which differ between countries, such as healthcare capacity and demographic differences." https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/covid-19-vaccines-reduce-risk-death-contrary-to-mark-steyns-misleading-interpretation-mortality-data-gb-news/?fbclid=IwAR08Vj77FLKrE8BXJsf2nSTQH2QPlx80d275N7zF8Ap1uhIq-dGbSY0rVf0
Since there is no one left to vaccinate there, I wonder if the Portuguese language will survive once all the Portuguese are gone? I guess the climate is very nice. Pure Bloods could resettle it later.
He's already been here for far too long and has been exceptionally busy.
Winter is here.