No, not all all but people need to know who keeps company with who when they vote. And satanism is not a religion, it’s a cult that kills, especially babies.
There’s a long and dark history behind those nothing burgers. Marina knows quiet well, as does her friend Lady Gaga. So do most of the Hollywood stars. How else do you become someone after being a nobody?
As for satanist, be extremely careful when around them. Evil spirits like to control them. Another reason God, Christ Jesus, came to disarm the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”
Colossians 2:15. Best to seek Christ Jesus and be saved before the evil one tries to take over. Know Him as your Lord and Savior so you can be protected from the lies and deceit. Godspeed 🛐✝️💟
No, not all all but people need to know who keeps company with who when they vote. And satanism is not a religion, it’s a cult that kills, especially babies.
There’s a long and dark history behind those nothing burgers. Marina knows quiet well, as does her friend Lady Gaga. So do most of the Hollywood stars. How else do you become someone after being a nobody?
Here’s what the two of them like to do if you dare to watch...
As for satanist, be extremely careful when around them. Evil spirits like to control them. Another reason God, Christ Jesus, came to disarm the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”
Colossians 2:15. Best to seek Christ Jesus and be saved before the evil one tries to take over. Know Him as your Lord and Savior so you can be protected from the lies and deceit. Godspeed 🛐✝️💟