MIRTH & MADNESS with SARCASM as the (only / preferred) form of communication.
There is this old joke from the former Soviet Union ....... "They pretended to pay us, and We pretended to work". Not too far from Reality here under the Feral DC Coup Regime's democRat Ekon-comics.
MIRTH & MADNESS with SARCASM as the (only / preferred) form of communication.
There is this old joke from the former Soviet Union ....... "They pretended to pay us, and We pretended to work". Not too far from Reality here under the Feral DC Coup Regime's democRat Ekon-comics.
MIRTH & MADNESS with SARCASM as the (only / preferred) form of communication.
There is this old joke from the former Soviet Union ....... "They pretended to pay us, and We pretended to work". Not too far from Reality here under the Feral DC Coup Regime's democRat Ekon-comics.