A subscriber from today’s earlier repost Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time offers his perspective on not succumbing to the DEATHVAX™ and consequently retiring far too prematurely:
Since last year I refuse to hire a doctor who took the vax or promoted it. Slim pickings, but that's my minimum standard, and I believe many folks feel the same.
Agree, keeping mine because he's probably one of the few western doctors that actually cares. Very rare, took me years to find one that didn't want to throw pharmaceuticals at me and was able reduce them over the last 6 years including getting off high blood pressure med. Plus he's hilarious and waking up to all the madness.
There are quite a few out there, they're merely afraid to "come out" for fears. Part of me cannot blame them. The tyranny doesn't want us knowing this. But I do blame them for continuing to uphold this ridiculous charade which was entirely known/forseeable straight out of the box. One must understand, the who/why/how of the players behind it however.
Easier said than done. And because it's a different level of corruption. To lie and pretend with fraud rather than just refuse, or ask for an exemption? It's worse than keeping your mouth shut, IMO.
It was easy to get my exemption because they are so desperate. I think that some of the injections contain normal saline to be honest, or they were duds maybe the crap they put in it went bad, who knows.
I suspect that the boosters this winter will be less toxic (I might be wrong) because people are waking up and catching on. You can't kill people off too fast or else they'll know. People really need to just refuse, just do it. That one simple thing can have such a huge impact.
Dear Doctor you are a Real Doctor. The ones like you should be around all over, not the complying fake doctors. All those that spread the fake propaganda and pressed their clientele to jab, should be put out of a job, and not you ! Hopefully you can get by and enjoy half a life of retirement !!!
I m adding you to my "Hero" list. Please find other docs and nurses who have a thinking brain, a strong backbone and a large dose of moral character and start a parallel system. You ll have more patients than you ll know what to do with! Thank you for speaking the truth.
I believe you will be on the right side of history. I cannot imagine the current medical system is going to survive once the truth comes out - and it must come out. I’m sure that if you wish it there will be a place for brave and ethical doctors like you in a new, honest system.
If they complied they have no right using doctor as their profession. I am a doctor. DID NOT COMPLY> Refused to order the poison for patients. Choose your side.
In medicine 42 years. Pro Vaccine. mRNA did not pass long term safety data. Returred as Director of large practice because I refused to "Stay on the same page" as others when I send data on myocarditis in young men 12-15 years
FL has hurricanes, be prepared Certain areas have high probability of landing, other areas not so likely, But if you are ever in one, even a tropical storm it's an "experience" not to be repeated. From a FL resident of 25 years, now in GA.
I put off a necessary medical procedure until the "lull" between the initial vaccine push (carrot) and the "stick" (mandates; shunning) which came later in the fall of 2021. People were less anxious about COVID once they had their initial 2 shots, by early summer 2021. I had no way of knowing at the time, but I timed it perfectly because they had not yet mandated injections for patients undergoing procedures. I was actually taken aback by the nurse who was prepping me, asking conversationally if I had been vaccinated. I smiled and said, "not yet..." it was still OK to be "hesitant" at that time; that word hadn't yet been demonized. It was not yet "the pandemic of the unvaccinated."
I've done my best to avoid doctors ever since. I really don't want any pressure to take shots of any sort, and I wish I could feel confident that there are honest doctors out there who also held out, and who would support my philosophy of staying healthy (avoiding these injections, "first, do no harm," and take proven therapeutics if necessary).
I haven't been sick at all in years. But I no longer know how to state that to people, without being some kind of freak. Everyone I come into contact with has a litany of health complaints; I'm afraid I can't join in.
In the US as far as I know it is illegal to prevent a person from medical care based on vaccine status. I have rarely been asked, unless I visited an ER about this.
You could just say, I don't have it and am not going to take it and that's all I have to say about it.
Congratulations for your common sense, your ethics and choice. We heard late last year that the increase in deaths of working age Americans was increased by 40% after the kill shots were rolled out and I presume it is similar in the UK.
I am a retired RGN, 9 years with Infection Control services, now 57 and thank God I was not working in the last 3 years. I am horrified by the nursing and medical staff, they have NOT thought of themselves and definitely not their patients.
So much was wrong right from the beginning.
Deadly Pandemic means you close airports.
It was impossible to 'swab' track and trace a whole population. It would require multiple swabs per week to have any accuracy and as it was 2'5 years ago, 98% of all PCRs were false positives. It was an absolute farce to even attempt widespread swabbing of billions of people. Any decent epidemiologist or virologist would know this.
The words Gene therapy should have given everyone in the medical field a clue as should have 'trial' vaccine.
10 years minimum for a 'safe' vaccine, not less than 1 year.
Governments worked in lockstep and prevented the use of re purposed drugs.
Only FFP3 masks offer a secure fit around the face and there is new evidence to say even these do not work. The masks being used have the most dreadful chemical odour and taste. Surgeons and theatre staff stopped wearing masks 2 decades ago because the data said the masks did not filter viruses or bacteria. In fact we only wore them to protect us from splashes.
Never before had we been told, no jab, no job and threatened to be sacked or were sacked....massive red flag. I worked very hard to find the most up to date emerging evidence to support my son (a paramedic) to NOT take a trial drug.
If you have no medical background at all, if your instinct causes flight or flight response there is something wrong, listen to your gut instincts, not propaganda.
Did anyone, especially medical staff consider how these world governments were able to manufacture the amount of machines to produce all of the recourses required for billions of doses of jabs, PCR machines, drugs, manufacturing facilities, training of staff and PPE? The answer is, it was simply not possible, this all required pre planning and preparation.
Too many scientists and doctors silenced.
Never before the words misinformation and disinformation were used to sensor information.
Governmental pressure to push these shots.
Loss of freedom and access to medical help.
Matt Hancock our health secretary announced, " we will ensure the elderly have a good death". I went cold when I heard this because one word could have covered this term, 'Euthanasia'.
They told us the truth in the beginning, only 1'5% are susceptible to this virus, so why lockdown countries, swab everyone and slowly introduce vaccines to all age groups. In 2020 I read the 'Green book', the new Mandate version about who should receive the upcoming vaccines. I immediately thought of Nazi Germany as the list started with all vulnerable groups, when I read that severely disabled children and adults should receive the jab, it sent shivers down my spine. Who exactly would make these choice's for these disable individuals and based on what evidence in such limited time? It all read like a culling list. I went cold with fear.
The list is endless as is the damning evidence after 6 months into 2020 nothing made sense at all.
Common sense, critical thinking absent, quite unbelievably absent.
When this madness is halted, globalists eliminated from our lives, the doctors and nurses who are unvaccinated will be needed like no other time in history but will we want to go back?
A nurse said to me a few days ago, "Nursing needs you", my reply, " well I don't need nursing".
Just finished reading The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK junior. He writes about this monster and his pals. Dear God they've been experimenting on us for years. Even the Hep B jab was foisted on the medical and nursing staff because big pharma couldn't get the prostitutes and drug abusers to take the jabs. Says a lot when these 2 groups have more common sense and gut instinct than many of the highly educated medical and nursing fraternity.
Good luck to you, well done for your choice and God bless you for speaking the Truth.
I am a retired Registered Nurse from the United States (state of Florida).
I agree 100% with every word you have said. You have summed up my thoughts & feelings exactly! I am horribly ashamed of my profession that l used to be so proud of!
Kudos to this young physician who has made the choice to live as a brave & moral human-being! I pray that this individual will find an alternate venue to continue to practice his/her profession. God knows we need people like this courageous individual to continue to serve mankind.
Sadly, l am afraid it is going to get worse before it gets better. We are seeing a well deployed plan of worldwide destruction & genocide unfold before our eyes! The elite globalists have been planning this for a very long time.
And it's not just in the arena of this fake scamdemic & the deadly jabs (which are most certainly not vaccines)!
It is so much more....the deadly roll-out of 5G, Geoengineering, Chemtrails, GMO poisoning of our food supply, flouride in our water supply, the recent destruction of hundreds of food plants & livestock, the baby formula shortage, the breakdown in supply chains, looming food shortages, the freezing of bank accounts, the planned horror & depravity of the LGBTQ+ agenda, predictive programing in TV & movies, the scandals in Hollywood & Washington DC, pedophilia, human trafficking, the unbelievable increase in failed pregnancies & stillbirths & infant death from the poison jabs, the massive deaths in previously healthy athletes, SADS, VAIDS, the phenomenal jump in infertility, the never before seen increase in deaths reported by the insurance industry,, the clots in the the bodies of the dead as reported by funeral directors, the voting fraud, Russia & Ukraine, the lockdowns in China, unbelievable corruption in worldwide politics, the breakdown of our legal system, the WEF 2030 Agenda, Bill Gates now being the largest owner of farmland in the U.S.A. & the serious push to introduce acceptance of eating insects to the masses. I could go on & on but you get the idea. We are ALL in big trouble unless we find a way to turn this around!
I joined a symposium on Zoom two days ago (link below) of a group of worldwide doctors who are helping the vax injured. It’s great to see a grassroots effort to make things better despite the risk. There were 12 doctors in attendance explaining their protocols—many of which helped their patients. Perhaps you can find a similar niche. We need to start our own distinct society that focuses on bettering the lives of the injured and enslaved. Here is a recording of the conference: (production quality is low but there’s great information here.)
I was shocked to see my comment become its own post on this Substack. Thank you to the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World and for all the kind comments and support.
A few things. My early "retirement" was a long time coming, and not exclusively because of my refusal to take the vax. The whole vaccine issue became the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back" and it forced me to really evaluate my situation and helped give me a solid end point (Jan 2022 was the deadline for healthcare workers to get vaxxed under Biden's authoritarian mandate.) For years, I had grown very fed up with the medical system and the stress of my job was a major factor in me leaving. In fact my wife, who now supports our family by working full time, begged me to quit. She saw how absolutely miserable I was. I am a pro-capitalist libertarian, however, with a very large exception being the healthcare sector. I do not know if a socialized system is the answer, and it probably isn't, but when corporations are making obvious moves to squeeze as much profit from the healthcare system by understaffing departments, buying cheaper equipment and supplies, etc., you start to realize that you are just a cog in an evil machine. They say that in business, time is money, and that is certainly true. In healthcare, this equates to less time with patients, more productivity, and less time to actually solve complex medical problems. It is a slippery slope and this kind of behavior leads to an increase in medical errors, poor outcomes as well as decrease in both patient and physician satisfaction. Lastly, the massive expansion of the managerial class in medicine - you know, people that got an online MBA in their pajamas - has led to poor leadership where doctors are no longer the decision makers. The healthcare system needs physicians to lead in order to circumvent corruption and profiteering from entering the fray.
As far as my comment featured in the above post, there is one word I should have included under #4. And that it is that most physicians have UNWITTINGLY been forced to choose between a comfortable life and their oath of "do no harm". Physicians are people too, and despite their intelligence, they can just as easily be swayed by propaganda as a lay person. Medical school taught us many things, but most of those things do not account for becoming an integral part of a corrupt system. Physicians are heroes in that most do want what is best for the patient, and as far as the mRNA vax, many of them could not have foreseen what is now unfolding before our eyes. We were promised a safe and effective treatment and a lot of them bought that hook, line and sinker. Even if they were aware that the vaccine was rushed to market, bypassing safety protocols that usually take many years, all of which was a huge red flag for me.
Last thing I will say is that I am not anti-vax, per se. I do believe that traditional vaccines have merit in most circumstances and my kid is up to date on all his shots (as long as you don't count the Covid vax!). But when the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine in order to accommodate the mRNA jabs, well, it was clearly another red flag. There was certainly a profit motive in pushing these vaccines on humanity, and I sincerely hope that was the only nefarious motive behind it. Depopulation plandemic? I am not so sure, but as a critically thinking physician and human being, I am not ruling it out.
Every single vaccine that a child is subjected to shortens their lifespan.
How many studies have you personally reviewed on any vaccine that you have injected your child with? There is not a single study with a real control placebo that establishes efficacy, but we see ailments such as autism and allergies increase at almost 1:1 with the ever growing vaccine schedule.
There was a good book called Dissolving Illusions by an MD, authored by Suzanne Humpries that discussed Small pox and Polio in particular. Vaccines have been a scam from the beginning. I'm not taking any more. They are not needed.
I will post the free PDF here. It's also available via audiobook:
There are a lot of places that allow exemptions though. The main issue is the testing. I'm sick of testing. I don't want to do it anymore. There are hospitals that are desperate for nurses and doctors. And as people get sick from the jab, there will be more need.
I think you could probably still work. I have kept my job during this fiasco. I am getting sick of it though, totally burnt out. I wish I could retire right now, but I can't and retraining isn't an option for me.
Excellent!! I hope that you don’t mind if I add to it. My business went away entirely, and I was hardly living high-off-the-hog to begin with.
Always happy to hear about people having stuck to their guns. Part of the corporate (aka bribed/controlled) media propaganda, was trying to embellish the numbers of the compliant, as we’re figuring out now with seemingly perpetually increasing reports of higher and higher percentages that never complied, particularly in the US. It is encouraging despite cataclysmic concerns still looming.
“Through corruption and bureaucracy, the laws passed allowing for EUA did a few very important things:”
“1. It legalized the administration of a novel and potentially gene altering therapy without informed consent.”
1a. It completely let the genie out of the bottle as to the agenda of the entire vaccine industry since its onset. The mask and gloves are now fully off. To date it’s been to harm people to provide business for the medical industry. (I will never use the word “health” in the same context)
“2. It allowed for pharmaceutical companies and our government to intentionally lie to us without consequence.”
2a. It revealed the extent to which Big-Pharma & Government(s) (particularly the global government operating in the shadows) are in bed together and have been for many decades. When people ask me if I’m “anti-vax,” my answer is always, “are you pro-Big-Pharma?” … to which the answer is almost always “no.” At which time I tell them, I’m not pro-Big-Pharma either, I’m anti-Big-Pharma, so why would I be pro-vax then? They typically have no rational answer.
“3. It unknowingly enrolled billions of people into the largest ongoing experiment in human history.”
3a. It enrolled billions into the largest group Darwin Awards Competition in human history, and revealed how many people have blind faith in Government and will move thru the stanchions designed for them by the same. It was all known before hand for anyone having done the research. On the day that this began, the very day, there was so much information out there, including but far from limited to EVENT201. So anyone having enrolled as such, did so ignorantly due to their own intellectual laziness or gullibility in people that weren’t trusted prior to this and never ever should be again.
“4. It forced doctors to choose between their comfortable life and the oath they took upon graduating medical school - the Hippocratic Oath, to do no harm.”
4a. It revealed exactly how many of our “trusted” doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners, were PERFECTLY WILLING to kill and significantly injure/harm their fellow humanity including family and friends, in exchange for their “comfortable life,” many of whom could easily have lived quite comfortably by quitting regardless, or gotten alternate jobs in substitute of committing murder and harm, while ignoring the Hippocratic Oath that they took. Much like the police that only “protect and serve …” the same government(s), which ignore THEIR Constitutional Oath, by assisting in this charade by, quite often, violently and forcefully doing similar, and for similar reasons, including even killing people directly for non-compliance.
4b. It also revealed how ignorant those same “trusted” doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners, PARTICULARLY the ones directly employed by the government(s), are so horribly and reprehensibly out of touch with developments within their own “industry/system,” another clue, and have been, particularly with the “vaccine industry” for over 20 years. The only way to even possibly be so ignorant as to things that one never learned, is to simply not care. Who wants a doctor that doesn’t care, which is most of them. (rhetorical) Aka, why on earth should they EVER be trusted again. (rhetorical) Meanwhile, the charade in the medical industry institutions continues!
Please add condemnation of the bar to your list. The way lawyers rolled over in the legal analysis they had to provide to allow corporate mandates is astounding. And the lack of lawyers who will represent those of us who have been discriminated for exerting medical autonomy is also painful to experience. The Association of Corporate Counsel still has a Vax mandate for their fall conference (as of three days ago, anyway).
Since last year I refuse to hire a doctor who took the vax or promoted it. Slim pickings, but that's my minimum standard, and I believe many folks feel the same.
Agree, keeping mine because he's probably one of the few western doctors that actually cares. Very rare, took me years to find one that didn't want to throw pharmaceuticals at me and was able reduce them over the last 6 years including getting off high blood pressure med. Plus he's hilarious and waking up to all the madness.
There are quite a few out there, they're merely afraid to "come out" for fears. Part of me cannot blame them. The tyranny doesn't want us knowing this. But I do blame them for continuing to uphold this ridiculous charade which was entirely known/forseeable straight out of the box. One must understand, the who/why/how of the players behind it however.
Yep, but there are 1000's of stories like these out there. They knew
Serious question; why didn't he fake the shots or buy fake proof as many hospitals apparently offered to retain staff, while they killed the public?
Easier said than done. And because it's a different level of corruption. To lie and pretend with fraud rather than just refuse, or ask for an exemption? It's worse than keeping your mouth shut, IMO.
It was easy to get my exemption because they are so desperate. I think that some of the injections contain normal saline to be honest, or they were duds maybe the crap they put in it went bad, who knows.
I suspect that the boosters this winter will be less toxic (I might be wrong) because people are waking up and catching on. You can't kill people off too fast or else they'll know. People really need to just refuse, just do it. That one simple thing can have such a huge impact.
Dear Doctor you are a Real Doctor. The ones like you should be around all over, not the complying fake doctors. All those that spread the fake propaganda and pressed their clientele to jab, should be put out of a job, and not you ! Hopefully you can get by and enjoy half a life of retirement !!!
I m adding you to my "Hero" list. Please find other docs and nurses who have a thinking brain, a strong backbone and a large dose of moral character and start a parallel system. You ll have more patients than you ll know what to do with! Thank you for speaking the truth.
Right ON MAN !!!! GO young Doc!!!
I believe you will be on the right side of history. I cannot imagine the current medical system is going to survive once the truth comes out - and it must come out. I’m sure that if you wish it there will be a place for brave and ethical doctors like you in a new, honest system.
There will be a back channel market for doctors like you. Don't retire completely just yet.
If they complied they have no right using doctor as their profession. I am a doctor. DID NOT COMPLY> Refused to order the poison for patients. Choose your side.
Please elaborate on your story Maggie.
In medicine 42 years. Pro Vaccine. mRNA did not pass long term safety data. Returred as Director of large practice because I refused to "Stay on the same page" as others when I send data on myocarditis in young men 12-15 years
"Retired" Sent data from Irvine CALIFORNIA DR TRACY HOEG. (8/2021) THEY DID NOT WANT TO SEE THIS
Ah, so you’re local to me! Thank you for looking at long term safety data and not swallowing the propaganda. God Bless you!
I wish I knew you when I lived in Irvine. I just moved from Irvine. Ca to Florida about 3 weeks ago.
FL has hurricanes, be prepared Certain areas have high probability of landing, other areas not so likely, But if you are ever in one, even a tropical storm it's an "experience" not to be repeated. From a FL resident of 25 years, now in GA.
I put off a necessary medical procedure until the "lull" between the initial vaccine push (carrot) and the "stick" (mandates; shunning) which came later in the fall of 2021. People were less anxious about COVID once they had their initial 2 shots, by early summer 2021. I had no way of knowing at the time, but I timed it perfectly because they had not yet mandated injections for patients undergoing procedures. I was actually taken aback by the nurse who was prepping me, asking conversationally if I had been vaccinated. I smiled and said, "not yet..." it was still OK to be "hesitant" at that time; that word hadn't yet been demonized. It was not yet "the pandemic of the unvaccinated."
I've done my best to avoid doctors ever since. I really don't want any pressure to take shots of any sort, and I wish I could feel confident that there are honest doctors out there who also held out, and who would support my philosophy of staying healthy (avoiding these injections, "first, do no harm," and take proven therapeutics if necessary).
I haven't been sick at all in years. But I no longer know how to state that to people, without being some kind of freak. Everyone I come into contact with has a litany of health complaints; I'm afraid I can't join in.
In the US as far as I know it is illegal to prevent a person from medical care based on vaccine status. I have rarely been asked, unless I visited an ER about this.
You could just say, I don't have it and am not going to take it and that's all I have to say about it.
Congratulations for your common sense, your ethics and choice. We heard late last year that the increase in deaths of working age Americans was increased by 40% after the kill shots were rolled out and I presume it is similar in the UK.
I am a retired RGN, 9 years with Infection Control services, now 57 and thank God I was not working in the last 3 years. I am horrified by the nursing and medical staff, they have NOT thought of themselves and definitely not their patients.
So much was wrong right from the beginning.
Deadly Pandemic means you close airports.
It was impossible to 'swab' track and trace a whole population. It would require multiple swabs per week to have any accuracy and as it was 2'5 years ago, 98% of all PCRs were false positives. It was an absolute farce to even attempt widespread swabbing of billions of people. Any decent epidemiologist or virologist would know this.
The words Gene therapy should have given everyone in the medical field a clue as should have 'trial' vaccine.
10 years minimum for a 'safe' vaccine, not less than 1 year.
Governments worked in lockstep and prevented the use of re purposed drugs.
Only FFP3 masks offer a secure fit around the face and there is new evidence to say even these do not work. The masks being used have the most dreadful chemical odour and taste. Surgeons and theatre staff stopped wearing masks 2 decades ago because the data said the masks did not filter viruses or bacteria. In fact we only wore them to protect us from splashes.
Never before had we been told, no jab, no job and threatened to be sacked or were sacked....massive red flag. I worked very hard to find the most up to date emerging evidence to support my son (a paramedic) to NOT take a trial drug.
If you have no medical background at all, if your instinct causes flight or flight response there is something wrong, listen to your gut instincts, not propaganda.
Did anyone, especially medical staff consider how these world governments were able to manufacture the amount of machines to produce all of the recourses required for billions of doses of jabs, PCR machines, drugs, manufacturing facilities, training of staff and PPE? The answer is, it was simply not possible, this all required pre planning and preparation.
Too many scientists and doctors silenced.
Never before the words misinformation and disinformation were used to sensor information.
Governmental pressure to push these shots.
Loss of freedom and access to medical help.
Matt Hancock our health secretary announced, " we will ensure the elderly have a good death". I went cold when I heard this because one word could have covered this term, 'Euthanasia'.
They told us the truth in the beginning, only 1'5% are susceptible to this virus, so why lockdown countries, swab everyone and slowly introduce vaccines to all age groups. In 2020 I read the 'Green book', the new Mandate version about who should receive the upcoming vaccines. I immediately thought of Nazi Germany as the list started with all vulnerable groups, when I read that severely disabled children and adults should receive the jab, it sent shivers down my spine. Who exactly would make these choice's for these disable individuals and based on what evidence in such limited time? It all read like a culling list. I went cold with fear.
The list is endless as is the damning evidence after 6 months into 2020 nothing made sense at all.
Common sense, critical thinking absent, quite unbelievably absent.
When this madness is halted, globalists eliminated from our lives, the doctors and nurses who are unvaccinated will be needed like no other time in history but will we want to go back?
A nurse said to me a few days ago, "Nursing needs you", my reply, " well I don't need nursing".
Just finished reading The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK junior. He writes about this monster and his pals. Dear God they've been experimenting on us for years. Even the Hep B jab was foisted on the medical and nursing staff because big pharma couldn't get the prostitutes and drug abusers to take the jabs. Says a lot when these 2 groups have more common sense and gut instinct than many of the highly educated medical and nursing fraternity.
Good luck to you, well done for your choice and God bless you for speaking the Truth.
Free World,
I am a retired Registered Nurse from the United States (state of Florida).
I agree 100% with every word you have said. You have summed up my thoughts & feelings exactly! I am horribly ashamed of my profession that l used to be so proud of!
Kudos to this young physician who has made the choice to live as a brave & moral human-being! I pray that this individual will find an alternate venue to continue to practice his/her profession. God knows we need people like this courageous individual to continue to serve mankind.
Sadly, l am afraid it is going to get worse before it gets better. We are seeing a well deployed plan of worldwide destruction & genocide unfold before our eyes! The elite globalists have been planning this for a very long time.
And it's not just in the arena of this fake scamdemic & the deadly jabs (which are most certainly not vaccines)!
It is so much more....the deadly roll-out of 5G, Geoengineering, Chemtrails, GMO poisoning of our food supply, flouride in our water supply, the recent destruction of hundreds of food plants & livestock, the baby formula shortage, the breakdown in supply chains, looming food shortages, the freezing of bank accounts, the planned horror & depravity of the LGBTQ+ agenda, predictive programing in TV & movies, the scandals in Hollywood & Washington DC, pedophilia, human trafficking, the unbelievable increase in failed pregnancies & stillbirths & infant death from the poison jabs, the massive deaths in previously healthy athletes, SADS, VAIDS, the phenomenal jump in infertility, the never before seen increase in deaths reported by the insurance industry,, the clots in the the bodies of the dead as reported by funeral directors, the voting fraud, Russia & Ukraine, the lockdowns in China, unbelievable corruption in worldwide politics, the breakdown of our legal system, the WEF 2030 Agenda, Bill Gates now being the largest owner of farmland in the U.S.A. & the serious push to introduce acceptance of eating insects to the masses. I could go on & on but you get the idea. We are ALL in big trouble unless we find a way to turn this around!
May God help us.
Hear hear!
Where can I find a doctor like this?
I joined a symposium on Zoom two days ago (link below) of a group of worldwide doctors who are helping the vax injured. It’s great to see a grassroots effort to make things better despite the risk. There were 12 doctors in attendance explaining their protocols—many of which helped their patients. Perhaps you can find a similar niche. We need to start our own distinct society that focuses on bettering the lives of the injured and enslaved. Here is a recording of the conference: (production quality is low but there’s great information here.)
Can you set up a private pay practice or are you in a more totalitarian country/ state?
I was shocked to see my comment become its own post on this Substack. Thank you to the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World and for all the kind comments and support.
A few things. My early "retirement" was a long time coming, and not exclusively because of my refusal to take the vax. The whole vaccine issue became the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back" and it forced me to really evaluate my situation and helped give me a solid end point (Jan 2022 was the deadline for healthcare workers to get vaxxed under Biden's authoritarian mandate.) For years, I had grown very fed up with the medical system and the stress of my job was a major factor in me leaving. In fact my wife, who now supports our family by working full time, begged me to quit. She saw how absolutely miserable I was. I am a pro-capitalist libertarian, however, with a very large exception being the healthcare sector. I do not know if a socialized system is the answer, and it probably isn't, but when corporations are making obvious moves to squeeze as much profit from the healthcare system by understaffing departments, buying cheaper equipment and supplies, etc., you start to realize that you are just a cog in an evil machine. They say that in business, time is money, and that is certainly true. In healthcare, this equates to less time with patients, more productivity, and less time to actually solve complex medical problems. It is a slippery slope and this kind of behavior leads to an increase in medical errors, poor outcomes as well as decrease in both patient and physician satisfaction. Lastly, the massive expansion of the managerial class in medicine - you know, people that got an online MBA in their pajamas - has led to poor leadership where doctors are no longer the decision makers. The healthcare system needs physicians to lead in order to circumvent corruption and profiteering from entering the fray.
As far as my comment featured in the above post, there is one word I should have included under #4. And that it is that most physicians have UNWITTINGLY been forced to choose between a comfortable life and their oath of "do no harm". Physicians are people too, and despite their intelligence, they can just as easily be swayed by propaganda as a lay person. Medical school taught us many things, but most of those things do not account for becoming an integral part of a corrupt system. Physicians are heroes in that most do want what is best for the patient, and as far as the mRNA vax, many of them could not have foreseen what is now unfolding before our eyes. We were promised a safe and effective treatment and a lot of them bought that hook, line and sinker. Even if they were aware that the vaccine was rushed to market, bypassing safety protocols that usually take many years, all of which was a huge red flag for me.
Last thing I will say is that I am not anti-vax, per se. I do believe that traditional vaccines have merit in most circumstances and my kid is up to date on all his shots (as long as you don't count the Covid vax!). But when the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine in order to accommodate the mRNA jabs, well, it was clearly another red flag. There was certainly a profit motive in pushing these vaccines on humanity, and I sincerely hope that was the only nefarious motive behind it. Depopulation plandemic? I am not so sure, but as a critically thinking physician and human being, I am not ruling it out.
Thank you for the update.
There is not a single vaccine that is safe or necessary. This is science fact.
See these:
Every single vaccine that a child is subjected to shortens their lifespan.
How many studies have you personally reviewed on any vaccine that you have injected your child with? There is not a single study with a real control placebo that establishes efficacy, but we see ailments such as autism and allergies increase at almost 1:1 with the ever growing vaccine schedule.
There was a good book called Dissolving Illusions by an MD, authored by Suzanne Humpries that discussed Small pox and Polio in particular. Vaccines have been a scam from the beginning. I'm not taking any more. They are not needed.
I will post the free PDF here. It's also available via audiobook:
Looks like I have some reading to do. Thanks for the info.
There are a lot of places that allow exemptions though. The main issue is the testing. I'm sick of testing. I don't want to do it anymore. There are hospitals that are desperate for nurses and doctors. And as people get sick from the jab, there will be more need.
I think you could probably still work. I have kept my job during this fiasco. I am getting sick of it though, totally burnt out. I wish I could retire right now, but I can't and retraining isn't an option for me.
I am a PA and refused. Left my job and will continue to refuse the therapeutic.
Excellent!! I hope that you don’t mind if I add to it. My business went away entirely, and I was hardly living high-off-the-hog to begin with.
Always happy to hear about people having stuck to their guns. Part of the corporate (aka bribed/controlled) media propaganda, was trying to embellish the numbers of the compliant, as we’re figuring out now with seemingly perpetually increasing reports of higher and higher percentages that never complied, particularly in the US. It is encouraging despite cataclysmic concerns still looming.
“Through corruption and bureaucracy, the laws passed allowing for EUA did a few very important things:”
“1. It legalized the administration of a novel and potentially gene altering therapy without informed consent.”
1a. It completely let the genie out of the bottle as to the agenda of the entire vaccine industry since its onset. The mask and gloves are now fully off. To date it’s been to harm people to provide business for the medical industry. (I will never use the word “health” in the same context)
“2. It allowed for pharmaceutical companies and our government to intentionally lie to us without consequence.”
2a. It revealed the extent to which Big-Pharma & Government(s) (particularly the global government operating in the shadows) are in bed together and have been for many decades. When people ask me if I’m “anti-vax,” my answer is always, “are you pro-Big-Pharma?” … to which the answer is almost always “no.” At which time I tell them, I’m not pro-Big-Pharma either, I’m anti-Big-Pharma, so why would I be pro-vax then? They typically have no rational answer.
“3. It unknowingly enrolled billions of people into the largest ongoing experiment in human history.”
3a. It enrolled billions into the largest group Darwin Awards Competition in human history, and revealed how many people have blind faith in Government and will move thru the stanchions designed for them by the same. It was all known before hand for anyone having done the research. On the day that this began, the very day, there was so much information out there, including but far from limited to EVENT201. So anyone having enrolled as such, did so ignorantly due to their own intellectual laziness or gullibility in people that weren’t trusted prior to this and never ever should be again.
“4. It forced doctors to choose between their comfortable life and the oath they took upon graduating medical school - the Hippocratic Oath, to do no harm.”
4a. It revealed exactly how many of our “trusted” doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners, were PERFECTLY WILLING to kill and significantly injure/harm their fellow humanity including family and friends, in exchange for their “comfortable life,” many of whom could easily have lived quite comfortably by quitting regardless, or gotten alternate jobs in substitute of committing murder and harm, while ignoring the Hippocratic Oath that they took. Much like the police that only “protect and serve …” the same government(s), which ignore THEIR Constitutional Oath, by assisting in this charade by, quite often, violently and forcefully doing similar, and for similar reasons, including even killing people directly for non-compliance.
4b. It also revealed how ignorant those same “trusted” doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners, PARTICULARLY the ones directly employed by the government(s), are so horribly and reprehensibly out of touch with developments within their own “industry/system,” another clue, and have been, particularly with the “vaccine industry” for over 20 years. The only way to even possibly be so ignorant as to things that one never learned, is to simply not care. Who wants a doctor that doesn’t care, which is most of them. (rhetorical) Aka, why on earth should they EVER be trusted again. (rhetorical) Meanwhile, the charade in the medical industry institutions continues!
Please add condemnation of the bar to your list. The way lawyers rolled over in the legal analysis they had to provide to allow corporate mandates is astounding. And the lack of lawyers who will represent those of us who have been discriminated for exerting medical autonomy is also painful to experience. The Association of Corporate Counsel still has a Vax mandate for their fall conference (as of three days ago, anyway).
Congratulations to the young physician who chose the path of integrity! I admire your bravery amid the tyranny.