Condolences. Hope T pulls thru.
I had comment a few weeks ago about 10 electricians, 5 vaxxed, 5 unvaxxed. This afternoon one of the vaxxed who had left the company (he kept falling in the job) tells me he got covid again. He starts out with “man this strain is something else!”. He continues to tell me he was floored by it for two weeks …
I had comment a few weeks ago about 10 electricians, 5 vaxxed, 5 unvaxxed. This afternoon one of the vaxxed who had left the company (he kept falling in the job) tells me he got covid again. He starts out with “man this strain is something else!”. He continues to tell me he was floored by it for two weeks and was near delirious at times. I suggested ivermectin and other protocols but he stopped me mid sentence to say “horse dewormer?! I don’t think so bro. If I didn’t have the booster I’d had died”
I can’t help them. I’ve sent him endless literature, your Substack and others. They’re lost and it’s taking a toll on us all.
Again good luck to T.
Just a quick edit. This guy has had covid 4-5 times now. He’s 40, overweight but damn. Don’t look good for him
I'm to the point of offering to drive them to the clinic for their next injection... if someone wants something so badly ... why not help them realize their dream?
Entire families will go extinct, the dumb ones. Most of the Purebloods will survive if they can avoid walking into the Emergency Room at their local hospital and getting hijacked into a quarantine room. Everyone walking into a hospital is simply an Economic Opportunity for (no or extended euthanasia) healthcare billing. No one in the US is getting any "usual and customary medical care". Not from your doctor. Not from your specialists. Not from your local hospital. And nursing homes are guaranteed death traps. All are being overpaid for providing nothing in medical care. They withhold successful medical care (especially by patient age) by government directives and Obamacare (insurance payment) policies which deliberately withholds testing which prevents making a diagnosis which stops any preventive or curative treatments. Early deaths by government policies and directions. Do you know if a 70 or older stoke patient comes into the ER needing fast emergency brain surgery to prevent stoke damage or death they are barred from emergency stoke surgery until getting an AUTHORIZATION from the Hospital Surgical Panel which generally meets once a month. And this patient needs the emergency brain surgery within 20 minutes. If the patient is 35, no problems, instant surgery. THIS IS OBAMACARE EUTHANIZING OUR POPULATION BY DIRECTING EXACT TREATMENT POLICIES ALLOWED THROUGH SELECTION BY AGE AND DISABILITY. Just as Canada does not allow anyone age 60 or above to get dialysis, that's Canadian "free" healthcare at work. I had a friend die in Canada exactly because she was denied dialysis after Canada destroyed her kidneys with monthly diuretics for years without ever testing her or changing medications. They knew she would die early by the treatment they gave her. Now all these countries have Covid19 to ramp up the killing and no one is saying a thing. Ask New York how many old people they killed in nursing homes with COVID19 by admitting non senior COVID patients into their buildings.
I'll use my brother as an example. Hardcore "anti-liberal" person that made his wealth in the finance industry. He thinks he knows everything about everything and his wife's a nurse practitioner. He knows more than I do about small business despite never even sniffed having owned on and being against many of them. He thinks what I tell him is primarily conspiracy theories despite so many of those "theories" having turned real over the past two years. And that, despite my insisting form DAY ONE that this was the Global Elites' endgame, which it is.
His wife knows better as a NP. They had their 13-year old daughter injected, likely sterilized as a result, etc. I can't tell him anything.
The rest of my extended family, or 90% if flaming Bolshevik, so I don't even bother talking to them anymore. For all I know a bunch of them have already kicked.
But ya know what, as I often state it, we are in the midst of the world's biggest Darwin Awards Competition that will end up having legions of "winners." But they almost alll know better. They don't do any research, they trust their mortal and moral enemies, so ya know what, this is their destiny anyway. So what you said resonates perfectly!!
I'll drive them to go help fulfil their ultimate destiny, that clearly they want because they're either too stupid to know better or too ignorant and correspondingly lazy to do any research on the matter, or possibly too gullible and foolish.
My brother would be the first to suggest that a small business person that perhaps got screwed over in the 2008 Recession (for example) should have gotten a "real job" and they got what they deserved. Funny how that notion appears to be playing out in front of the very people saying those types of things. I fear for them, his family, but hey, if demise comes about, the only thing I'll say is that it was because of the choice he, no one else, made. Why was his business, but HE made that CHOICE, for himself and his daughter.
And BTW, I have no less sympathy for people that send their kids to pubic schools and then complain about what they're being taught. Idiocy on display. We now know full well that these institutions are the moral enemies of a decent people.
As a famous person once said, "only a fool would allow his enemy to teach/educate his children."
I don't think that anyone's saying that, but let's get one thing straight, these people are making a CHOICE to get these. No one is forcing them. And before someone goes on a rant about how they'd lose their job or whatnot, I lost my entire business during lockdowns and I would have forced being fired before I let an employer coerce me into getting these.
Furthermore, the smug attitude that most of the suckers have displayed, directly towards the wise in this matter, is reprehensible.
But to the point, that hardly means that anyone WANTS anyone to suffer as such. We OBVIOUSLY DON'T!! Hence our positions. But what he's trying to say is that if people are still so STUPID and IGNORANT as to this satanic crap, then they're going to do it with or without anyone's blessing.
In the meantime, THEY are the societal force that is allowing this catastrophe to unfold on a global scale. If THEY refused, then we would have a chance at overturning the forthcoming apocalypse.
At the end of the day, and make zero mistake about this, but the CHOICE that people make that renders the suffering as such, is THEIRS and THEIRS alone! What anyone elase WANTS is therefore 100% irrelevant as these people refuse to listen to anyone but their own mortal enemies. Again, their CHOICE!!
There are a lot of ways people self-harm: drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, risky-living.
To be sure, humans have a self-destructive component.
Now, as for the desire (an ardent one, too) to destroy others (and not oneself--or to be excessively rich and powerful and have as one's sole interest the demise of others brought about through trickery)... that is something else. However, nothing is unrelated. The people who wish destruction upon others wish it upon themselves, too. They just don't know it.
Also on this topic, it was one thing to get the first one, which was still stupid and ignorant, and maybe, with some serious lattitude being extended, a single booster.
But ANYONE getting these things now may as well be volunteering for some clinical study testing what happens when known toxins are being injected into them. .... oh, wait, they are.
Put another way, anyone continuing to have allowed this after that initial stage, which was still incredibly stupid and questionable, is a complete moron, entirely ignorantly gullible, or some combo of both. And quite frankly, if you're that stupid and gullible, it's probably lucky for you that you've made it this far "successfully" in life.
I say "successfully" because our world is chock full o' jobs-program jobs, and most if not all reside in the Big-Corp & Government worlds where all of this deception is part of that model, including the existence of those enormous Corps themselves. (aka Blackrock, State Street, & Vanguard and the rest of Big-Corp America that they own)
Have noticed the multi boosted are either more pale than usual or sort of very light gray. Working as a server now (unjabbed RN) but have given first aid to 2 strangers in 6 weeks. Fell like trees - Boom!!😖😖
Agreed! Look around & notice all the very unhealthy, pasty, obese, dead eyed people. And then notice all the medical buildings & offices which have overtaken a great part of the real estate. On top of this, it can often take months to get an appointment with a medical mafioso. Most, not all, of these people that have swallowed the Koolaid are the enemy. I will never forget how I and other nonvaxxers were treated by our choice to avoid the kill shot.
Condolences. Hope T pulls thru.
I had comment a few weeks ago about 10 electricians, 5 vaxxed, 5 unvaxxed. This afternoon one of the vaxxed who had left the company (he kept falling in the job) tells me he got covid again. He starts out with “man this strain is something else!”. He continues to tell me he was floored by it for two weeks and was near delirious at times. I suggested ivermectin and other protocols but he stopped me mid sentence to say “horse dewormer?! I don’t think so bro. If I didn’t have the booster I’d had died”
I can’t help them. I’ve sent him endless literature, your Substack and others. They’re lost and it’s taking a toll on us all.
Again good luck to T.
Just a quick edit. This guy has had covid 4-5 times now. He’s 40, overweight but damn. Don’t look good for him
I'm to the point of offering to drive them to the clinic for their next injection... if someone wants something so badly ... why not help them realize their dream?
Entire families will go extinct, the dumb ones. Most of the Purebloods will survive if they can avoid walking into the Emergency Room at their local hospital and getting hijacked into a quarantine room. Everyone walking into a hospital is simply an Economic Opportunity for (no or extended euthanasia) healthcare billing. No one in the US is getting any "usual and customary medical care". Not from your doctor. Not from your specialists. Not from your local hospital. And nursing homes are guaranteed death traps. All are being overpaid for providing nothing in medical care. They withhold successful medical care (especially by patient age) by government directives and Obamacare (insurance payment) policies which deliberately withholds testing which prevents making a diagnosis which stops any preventive or curative treatments. Early deaths by government policies and directions. Do you know if a 70 or older stoke patient comes into the ER needing fast emergency brain surgery to prevent stoke damage or death they are barred from emergency stoke surgery until getting an AUTHORIZATION from the Hospital Surgical Panel which generally meets once a month. And this patient needs the emergency brain surgery within 20 minutes. If the patient is 35, no problems, instant surgery. THIS IS OBAMACARE EUTHANIZING OUR POPULATION BY DIRECTING EXACT TREATMENT POLICIES ALLOWED THROUGH SELECTION BY AGE AND DISABILITY. Just as Canada does not allow anyone age 60 or above to get dialysis, that's Canadian "free" healthcare at work. I had a friend die in Canada exactly because she was denied dialysis after Canada destroyed her kidneys with monthly diuretics for years without ever testing her or changing medications. They knew she would die early by the treatment they gave her. Now all these countries have Covid19 to ramp up the killing and no one is saying a thing. Ask New York how many old people they killed in nursing homes with COVID19 by admitting non senior COVID patients into their buildings.
Thanks for this. Do you have a link about the Medical rationing policies you’re describing?
It’s madness.
Ya know Fast Eddy, same here.
I'll use my brother as an example. Hardcore "anti-liberal" person that made his wealth in the finance industry. He thinks he knows everything about everything and his wife's a nurse practitioner. He knows more than I do about small business despite never even sniffed having owned on and being against many of them. He thinks what I tell him is primarily conspiracy theories despite so many of those "theories" having turned real over the past two years. And that, despite my insisting form DAY ONE that this was the Global Elites' endgame, which it is.
His wife knows better as a NP. They had their 13-year old daughter injected, likely sterilized as a result, etc. I can't tell him anything.
The rest of my extended family, or 90% if flaming Bolshevik, so I don't even bother talking to them anymore. For all I know a bunch of them have already kicked.
But ya know what, as I often state it, we are in the midst of the world's biggest Darwin Awards Competition that will end up having legions of "winners." But they almost alll know better. They don't do any research, they trust their mortal and moral enemies, so ya know what, this is their destiny anyway. So what you said resonates perfectly!!
I'll drive them to go help fulfil their ultimate destiny, that clearly they want because they're either too stupid to know better or too ignorant and correspondingly lazy to do any research on the matter, or possibly too gullible and foolish.
My brother would be the first to suggest that a small business person that perhaps got screwed over in the 2008 Recession (for example) should have gotten a "real job" and they got what they deserved. Funny how that notion appears to be playing out in front of the very people saying those types of things. I fear for them, his family, but hey, if demise comes about, the only thing I'll say is that it was because of the choice he, no one else, made. Why was his business, but HE made that CHOICE, for himself and his daughter.
I have empathy but no sympathy for these people.
They think it's a holiday train, when really it's headed to the gas chambers. They need pity and intervention, not a "boost" on board, IMO.
At the same time, that's what happens when people live their lives without much actual independent thinking.
"I don't wanna Holiday in the Sun, I wanna go to the new Belsen"
At least Johnny Rotten passed this test. Very few icons did.
And BTW, I have no less sympathy for people that send their kids to pubic schools and then complain about what they're being taught. Idiocy on display. We now know full well that these institutions are the moral enemies of a decent people.
As a famous person once said, "only a fool would allow his enemy to teach/educate his children."
Being a fool has its consequences, natural law.
I don't think that anyone's saying that, but let's get one thing straight, these people are making a CHOICE to get these. No one is forcing them. And before someone goes on a rant about how they'd lose their job or whatnot, I lost my entire business during lockdowns and I would have forced being fired before I let an employer coerce me into getting these.
Furthermore, the smug attitude that most of the suckers have displayed, directly towards the wise in this matter, is reprehensible.
But to the point, that hardly means that anyone WANTS anyone to suffer as such. We OBVIOUSLY DON'T!! Hence our positions. But what he's trying to say is that if people are still so STUPID and IGNORANT as to this satanic crap, then they're going to do it with or without anyone's blessing.
In the meantime, THEY are the societal force that is allowing this catastrophe to unfold on a global scale. If THEY refused, then we would have a chance at overturning the forthcoming apocalypse.
At the end of the day, and make zero mistake about this, but the CHOICE that people make that renders the suffering as such, is THEIRS and THEIRS alone! What anyone elase WANTS is therefore 100% irrelevant as these people refuse to listen to anyone but their own mortal enemies. Again, their CHOICE!!
There are a lot of ways people self-harm: drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, risky-living.
To be sure, humans have a self-destructive component.
Now, as for the desire (an ardent one, too) to destroy others (and not oneself--or to be excessively rich and powerful and have as one's sole interest the demise of others brought about through trickery)... that is something else. However, nothing is unrelated. The people who wish destruction upon others wish it upon themselves, too. They just don't know it.
Also on this topic, it was one thing to get the first one, which was still stupid and ignorant, and maybe, with some serious lattitude being extended, a single booster.
But ANYONE getting these things now may as well be volunteering for some clinical study testing what happens when known toxins are being injected into them. .... oh, wait, they are.
Put another way, anyone continuing to have allowed this after that initial stage, which was still incredibly stupid and questionable, is a complete moron, entirely ignorantly gullible, or some combo of both. And quite frankly, if you're that stupid and gullible, it's probably lucky for you that you've made it this far "successfully" in life.
I say "successfully" because our world is chock full o' jobs-program jobs, and most if not all reside in the Big-Corp & Government worlds where all of this deception is part of that model, including the existence of those enormous Corps themselves. (aka Blackrock, State Street, & Vanguard and the rest of Big-Corp America that they own)
Have noticed the multi boosted are either more pale than usual or sort of very light gray. Working as a server now (unjabbed RN) but have given first aid to 2 strangers in 6 weeks. Fell like trees - Boom!!😖😖
Ive noticed the same, pale-faced and wan
Agreed! Look around & notice all the very unhealthy, pasty, obese, dead eyed people. And then notice all the medical buildings & offices which have overtaken a great part of the real estate. On top of this, it can often take months to get an appointment with a medical mafioso. Most, not all, of these people that have swallowed the Koolaid are the enemy. I will never forget how I and other nonvaxxers were treated by our choice to avoid the kill shot.
Unconscious people furthe unconscious from the jab(s) and heavy metals in chemtrails and in the food.
Kudos. Agree