My favorite scam was the Fort Riley Kansas flu of 1916’s that killed 50+ million! I.e. first discovered in a recently jabbed solider! So to shift blame [as in our/ USA’s pharma, patented, gain of function SARS Co-V 19 creation!] the name was changed to protect the guilty! I.e. from Kansas flu to Spanish Flu!/ From USA"s/ EcoHealth Alliance's pattented, SARS 2 Co-V 19 development, [released, in mass murdering Godless China!] And Godless fools "think" our 5 billion in fruad fines & leader in cause of death/ our Big Pharma cartel is truthful??? Duh, ever hear of a sucker born every minute."???
True. I am beginning to think we are truly living in the matrix. I mean now are are advertising the Iranian offensive on Is real after they bombed the embassy. Really, is there really no element of surprise. And while all that shift is going on - they all coordinate to limit the access to Antarctica.
I agree, But God's love sent us the blue pill, in the form of Jesus, to pay for our salvation, so that we could wake up and see God's truth & plans for us!
There is a pandemic scam every 100 years
My favorite scam was the Fort Riley Kansas flu of 1916’s that killed 50+ million! I.e. first discovered in a recently jabbed solider! So to shift blame [as in our/ USA’s pharma, patented, gain of function SARS Co-V 19 creation!] the name was changed to protect the guilty! I.e. from Kansas flu to Spanish Flu!/ From USA"s/ EcoHealth Alliance's pattented, SARS 2 Co-V 19 development, [released, in mass murdering Godless China!] And Godless fools "think" our 5 billion in fruad fines & leader in cause of death/ our Big Pharma cartel is truthful??? Duh, ever hear of a sucker born every minute."???
True. I am beginning to think we are truly living in the matrix. I mean now are are advertising the Iranian offensive on Is real after they bombed the embassy. Really, is there really no element of surprise. And while all that shift is going on - they all coordinate to limit the access to Antarctica.
I agree, But God's love sent us the blue pill, in the form of Jesus, to pay for our salvation, so that we could wake up and see God's truth & plans for us!