"Can someone give me a list of countries that I can walk into illegally & they'll give me cash, free housing & a free phone?"

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1. USA

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YES USA, where Democrat's & LBJ's "Free Stuff" can keep suckers, fools, & [sic] “nig#@s, Voting Democrat for the next 200 years!” [As LBJ put it!] Yah right if it last another 100 years! Good luck with that sick death plan!

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So much doom and gloom so what do we do to protect ourselves? Do we try and relocate to another country. Seems like the shit could hit the fan anytime now and it was all done on purpose. I am not looking at Trump as our savior but we cannot handle 4 more years of Biden. He has done so much damage in such a short period of time and I barely recognize the county I once admired. Trump loves to play that song "Proud to be an American" at all his rallies but I think in the end they want us to hate our government and country to welcome the solutions from the UN/WHO/WEF which are really one corrupt bunch. Pandemic Treaty up for signing next month which will give WHO authority on the slightest suspicion of a Plandemic. Creep Bill Gates donates dollar per dollar what we as a country give to them each year so he has lots of influence over them. It's past due time for us to have what media called mostly peaceful protests where these people live and congregate while they were violent and building were burning.

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Shatter the SWARM while we still have time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEkgZtu_Q2Q

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Just one.

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Apr 13Edited

Why don’t we just exterminate the globalists and their families?

It really is that easy. We return the favor.

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I think too many are involved, invested. It's not just the creeps at the top anymore.

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We have a winner.

To many evil people that will be happy to take their place.

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What controlled opposition James O’keefe has to say is the least important. This man was caught and admitted to going to Bohemian Grove with all the elites! James is exposed by an insider as a traitor and controlled opposition. Dr. Jane Ruby just had the man who exposed James on her show. It’s worse than bad. The whistleblower documentary about James was all over. Pls do not even look at what this evil man says.

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Link please!

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What happened to the old time research? Everyone likes to employ others to do their shovelling. I said it was in Dr. Jane Ruby’s site. Not enough?

Here you go - longer version: https://beforeitsnews.com/resources/2024/03/explosive-evidence-project-veritas-whistleblower-exposes-james-okeefe-and-the-flynn-network-while-having-his-pfizer-whistleblower-story-squashed-must-see-video-2432892.html

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If you put a comment out why not add link?! I looked and found nothing.

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I put trustworthy info in the comment. I do not keep links to everything I ever see. Obviously. I saw that loooong time ago. It takes me as much time to find it as would take you or anyone else. I wonder how many out of 100 asked would provide a link on demand if they had to search all over again. None?! No thank you from your side, either? So rude. You are here to look for idiots to do what you should? You found one. Good luck with finding more.

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Oh Lordt you need to go to fascistbook where it's acceptable to talkto strangers like you do. I would have graciously thanked you had it not had a back hand with it. Grow up!

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If you like vax sacm history? Link/ Google this, (Vaccination - Assault on the Species Variolae by Pat Rattigan ND!)

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How do these reporters get them to reveal their evil deeds? Amazing I guess with their heads posteriorly inserted their hubris takes over??

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Usually honeypot aided by alcohol

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I'm just so confused. Maybe I'm simple minded and dont realize it.

If this is all true and its going to happen then why are millions not telling the people involved that they will be hunted down along with their families should it happen. Start listing names. If its not true then it never happens and millions look like crazy people and everyone has a good laugh at our expense and we are forever looked at as being pathetic and ignorant. I think that is a fair trade.

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As mentioned in the article, those who stand up loud enough and effectively oppose the State will be met with the full force of the State, which includes lawfare, cancelled social media and bank accounts, reputation smears, loss of job and income, media hit jobs, IRS audits, harassment from police and intelligence agencies, and even arrested and jailed without official charges (January 6). Things are not bad enough yet so these tactics form a deterrence on those people who see things clearly. Many want to be left alone to build their lives, but there will come a point where we will have to fight back en mass.

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I agree but also think that deterrence is most effective when an individual feels that they are on that list for fighting back. All you want to do is have them think long and hard about allegiances and life and I feel most will do the right thing when they do that contemplation. The cocktail parties and the hookers etc wont have that same allure.

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Before our [once] Christian, free market nation can be converted to a Marxist slave nation, it must first be collapsed! By using political induced monetary Chaos, Godless neo Sodom Gomorrah, LGBTQIA+ Home & Family destroying sin & chaos, all to help convert US to a Godless NOW WEF owned slave nation & world!

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And how do we not comply? We have already lost control.

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If you didn’t comply you wouldn’t be worrying about the side effects of the covid shots...that’s one example.

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I am not worried about the side effects of the jab. I did not comply dumb ass. This article is not about that. You are stuck not seeing the forest through the trees. We are way past the the covid scam.

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The covid scam is in the very early stages☠️

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There is a pandemic scam every 100 years

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My favorite scam was the Fort Riley Kansas flu of 1916’s that killed 50+ million! I.e. first discovered in a recently jabbed solider! So to shift blame [as in our/ USA’s pharma, patented, gain of function SARS Co-V 19 creation!] the name was changed to protect the guilty! I.e. from Kansas flu to Spanish Flu!/ From USA"s/ EcoHealth Alliance's pattented, SARS 2 Co-V 19 development, [released, in mass murdering Godless China!] And Godless fools "think" our 5 billion in fruad fines & leader in cause of death/ our Big Pharma cartel is truthful??? Duh, ever hear of a sucker born every minute."???

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True. I am beginning to think we are truly living in the matrix. I mean now are are advertising the Iranian offensive on Is real after they bombed the embassy. Really, is there really no element of surprise. And while all that shift is going on - they all coordinate to limit the access to Antarctica.

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You asked a question. I answered it. Nothing personal or attacking in my initial response.

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O'Keefe works with Eric Prince's "private" phone?

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It seems to me that the drug, sex and child trafficking are profitable secondary enterprizes stacked on to the primary intention of the massive invasion by criminals of all Western Nations. Indeed these secondary enterprizes our themselves also powerful mechanisms of the "Cultural Genocide" the UN was created oversee for their Demonic Khazarian Bankster puppet masters.

We are clearly approaching the final stages of a Genocidal war against humanity waged by creatures that are not entirely human, at very least in that they lack a human soul and operate from the perspective of the reptilian brain.

While humanity is hampered by it's debilitating reluctance to come to terms with the kill or be killed scenario that is being presented to them by these soulless parasites, we will lose this war and those left alive will find themselves living in hell.

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Unfortunately, “do not comply,” means Joe Citizen is not banding together and agreeing to take these fuckers out.

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2A matters only when being used.

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