The US government has a long and disgraceful record of testing all sorts of nuclear, biological and chemical agents on members of both the armed forces and the general public without their consent, informed or otherwise. It is standard practice. It must be stopped.

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The Tuskegee experiment is one of numerous diabolical examples

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And informed consent? Let us banish that pesky nuisance once and for all!

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How anyone can go along with developing this is unbelievable

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I remember hearing that evil Gates say he dumped his stock in the shots at the start of or prior to omicron. Gates said -at that time - he is now investing in a nasal spray for mrna products which he believes would be much more efficient.

At least he’s not hiding his intentions. No jab? No problem. Just breathe. We’ll take care of the rest.

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The Pied Piper of Pestilence weighed in on this? then it must be good!

The Pied Piper of Pestilence

And he does his job so well

Just listen closely to his advice

To end up at the gates of hell

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Believe it and act accordingly.

Because it IS happening.

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Hey traveller, do you think they’d try this on planes with the compliant ‘travellers’ ??? Is it already happening ? Where?

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By “it’s happening” I’m referring to things like spraying for weather modification, fluoride in water, forced vaxxinations for school children, that sort of thing. They may not have airborne “vaccines” “perfected” yet, but I don’t think anyone here thinks there’d be any hesitation to use them.

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Thanks. I’m curious on the potential for ‘bio enhancement (covert) in the ‘travel’ space? Recent plane travel, after 3 years+ in pure air isolation, resulted in very specific upper-respiratory infection, which progressed to annoying lung thing. We’ve recovered well, but it was aggressive and very specific as if we’d inhaled a toxin, perhaps in the confined plane/airport space. How convenient for the bio-enhancers of the future or perhaps the present ?

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Well, I’m no dr, and I haven’t slept since who knows when... is it possible some disinfectant used on the planes could cause this reaction? I’ve seen a report that they spray plane interiors down between flights with something potentially quite noxious.

I’m curious about “pure air isolation” - what do you mean?

I don’t think I’ll ever fly again, personally. I’ve put up with TSA for the last time. If I can’t drive there, I won’t be going.

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We live in a very southern location with primary air flow coming from the Antarctic even in summer, very fresh, cool summers-beautiful. Air travel is such a ‘herd activity’, a precious drama that I too will avoid it whenever possible for reasons including my health.

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“... act accordingly.”


You got ideas? I’m all ears.

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"As citizens of a common law based jurisdiction, we have the right to come together in our local communities and convene a common law court in full lawful legitimacy. We are capable of judging and sentencing any person, business or organization fairly regardless of the status they hold in society." We have forgotten how powerful the common law is in the hands of the common people.

"The Common Law Community Training Manual":


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I’ve made a number of comments around SS that outline my thoughts.

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Sep 30, 2023
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What if the intellect behind it all is not human? Maybe that makes it more believable?

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What rot.

Please stop exculpating the criminals who are responsible for all this. These "not human" narratives serve the criminals by providing them an escape and exculpation from their criminal responsibility. There are people behind all these breathtakingly horrible crimes and only people, and those criminals must pay for their crimes.

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Lol, I think your radio needs re-tuning :)

The "not human" insight provides no such thing. What nonsense!

Big mistake to underestimate your enemy. Set phasers to "Kill," Aux!

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Once again the adage is borne out that ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool.

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Skynet's AI spawned chimeric lipid nanoterminators.

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I definitely believe that both the technology and the intellect are not human, but anti-human.

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For sure!

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No, they most certainly are human, and anti-human at the same time. The two are not mutually-exclusive.

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It demonstrates a depth of personal depravity that is un-comprehensible to people with an iota of decency.

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If I find someone doing that to me, they will be making the ultimate sacrifice. Just like I promised when I was in Australia a few years and their rabid government and herd followers were trying to needle everyone.

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That needs to be the attitude of every person. If we ever find out that this is actually used then the entire gene pool of anyone involved with this and their families needs elimination. Mess with me and my family why should theirs be off limits?

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I tend to agree, they have crossed their last red line.

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Probably won’t see or coming. Ambush. Tough to defend.

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They ARE doing it to you and all future generations. Oh, they may not have perfected this last little thumb in the eye, but do you see any indication they won't?

I enjoy my modest little life as much as the next citizen. I'd prefer to finish it out without having to take part in the bloodiest revolution of the millennia. I just see no positive outcome for my grandchildren in remaining passive.

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I ran across this comment on another site this morning, seems to the point:

"Someone once observed that no one has ever found an effective way of pruning back or limiting a bureaucracy once it gets under way - with the sole exception of the Mongols. Their technique was savage but effective. Kill every single bureaucrat, and all their families and friends. Destroy all their buildings, and burn every single paper."

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YES! A scorched earth policy, to be applied to all government and bureaucracy. It is our only hope.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Wow, our intelligence agencies alone have metastasized to number 18.

Of course, this is exactly what happened to the SEC papers in bldg 7 on 9-11, and the ONI investigators at the Pentagon.

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Yes. We are well on our way to the exact scenario as portrayed in the 2002 movie "Equilibrium". The movie's conclusion is "the only way".

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I am quite convinced this is already being done to us, given previous patterns.

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Like the chemtrails. Who knows what is floating down on us after the planes go over your cities and make their cross cross patterns.

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Those lines in the sky may not just be for weather control. What goes UP must come DOWN into the air, soil and water. You'd never know if this mRNA delivery system has already been put into use, but I would wager a bet this is happening now since they didn't get those of us who haven't taken their eugenics weapon of mass destruction into our bodies.

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I'm not certain about the thermochemistry, but I would be skeptical about the prospect of them dropping mRNA-enveloped LNP from the sky through the agency of chemtrails or whatever during the day. There is probably enough energy in solar UV radiation to rupture the LNP, not to mention the even more unstable mRNA itself, rendering the whole exercise completely futile. Recall that (initially at least) the mRNA in LNP COVID-19 injection phials employed cold chain logistics to enable the -70°C required during transportation and handling. Also, dropping anything as delicate through the atmosphere would be folly if the intention was to "vaccinate" people through gene transfection due to the substantial oxidative ability of even dry air.

But at night, on the other hand ... (actually, probably not even then)

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At this point, I’m going to avoid any form of public transportation and medical buildings. Sad to think that people actually trust a government who’s trying so hard to eradicate them

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good plan!

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Right 😉

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They are dedicated to killing us one way or another. This is the modern day holocaust.

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So...is the stuff they sprayed on SF that changed the microbiome of the area the reason they're all gay and crazy? 😉😊😋

Edit for my ubiquitous typo. 😖

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I think the politically correct term for SanFran is 'fruits and nuts'. ;))

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Many years ago, Johnny Carson said that Killifornia was a bowl of granola, full of fruits, nuts, and flakes.

He was right.

I don't do "politically correct."

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THIS "vaccination" by "Air Vax" from the University of Yale is not new - they just called it BIO-TERRORISM in the past - so just the CAMOUFLAGE for biological warfare has been modernized . . .

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if this is something they claim to be a mRNA delivery system in the future...I'd take it to the bank those lines in the sky may not only being used for weather control! the enemy of the soul never sleeps. such evil beyond the imagineable WITHOUT OUR CONSENT has been going on for years. WE ARE NOT LAB RATS. Where is the OUTRAGE??????

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It seems to me the bio-scientists are rapidly becoming our enemies.

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well paid to be so

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Looks like Tony's dream vaccine he longed for in this January, 2023 study he coauthored - his confessional that the vaccine jabs he mandated don't work - is already here! How about that speed of "science!"

Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses

David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, Anthony S. Fauci

Cell Host Microbe, January 11, 2023


And Tony's wife, Christine Grady, the Chief Bioethicist at the NIH, her ethics will help determine if the benefit of aersolized "vaccines" are greater than the harms.

This guide shows how our "good stewards" (we're their dumb, ignorant, selfish children, their flock of sheep they have to protect) determine if something is 'bioethical.' It's already done with Fluoride in many municipalities. You have no consent, no "opt out." Other than investing in your own filtration system for ingestion and hoping the aerosolized steam in your showers don't contain enough to harm you when you inhale. Yes. Fluoride is a proven carcinogen. Even their own bioethics guides acknowledge it. They just claim the benefit is greater than the harm.

Public Health: Ethical Issues

Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2007


"Chapter 7: Case Study – Fluoridation of water - 119

Introduction - 121

Dental health in the UK - 122

Water fluoridation - 123

Background to fluoride and water fluoridation - 123

Benefits and harms of water fluoridation - 123

Extent of water fluoridation in the UK and worldwide - 125

Alternative fluoride-based measures - 126

Ethical considerations in fluoridation of water - 128

Principles that may be used in favour of water fluoridation - 128

Reduction of risks of ill health - 128

Special care for the health of children - 128

Reducing health inequalities - 129

Principles that may be used against water fluoridation - 129

Not intervening without the consent of those affected - 129

Minimise interventions that affect important areas of personal life - 130

Not coercing ordinary adults to lead healthy lives - 131

Discussion of arguments - 131

Personal values - 131

Reducing inequalities - 132

Reducing ill health by ensuring environmental conditions that sustain health, and caring for the health of children - 132

Alternatives to water fluoridation - 134

Consent - 135

Evidence and information - 136

Evidence - 136

Information - 137

Summary - 139"

This is their model for AirVax. Yes. Do not comply. And if you see a public AirVax dispenser it's your sacred duty to do the same to them as what happens to the UK 15-minute city license scanners.

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Pretty sure such dispensers will not be visible or will look innocuously like something else - overhead lighting or a camera, sprinkler system. Easy enough to have such dispensers hidden inside air ducts or something

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“Stop calling them va((ine”

Episode 8 Silenced with Tommy Robinson - Dr David Martin




https://t.me/DrDMartinWorld/31 ➡️✴️➡️

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I can only wonder how much longer we're going to let the criminally insane determine the direction of our society and civilization. As I've noted before, these psychopathic Communist freaks are not going to wake up one morning with a change of heart and decide to abandon their nefarious goals.

Being part of the group that realizes what is transpiring doesn't make it any less of a civilization ending train wreck.

"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." <<<< we are here

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Sep 30, 2023
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Fascist psychopaths

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The only thing that will stop is Mass NonCompliance. I'll never knowingly take another of any kind. Screw the Medical Industrial Complex and ☠️ makers.

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What kind of wording could a proposed law against mass medical procedures look like? You know they will demand a very specific wording so they can try finding ways around any language (ie “no spraying” leads to “it was an emergency” or “we put it in the water”)?

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AND I thought wearing masks prevented air born viruses😂! Just how are they gonna measure dosages...Will runners get OD'd😮

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