Wait until they realize — more at finally admit what they have already known — how deadly ADE Season currently is, and wait until they realize that cancer, prion-based diseases, and a whole host of deadly adverse reactions resulting in premature death are transpiring all around the globe — will they finally put WARNINGS on the death injections, or finally ban them outright? Of course, the cabal will have already achieved their body count by then, the only question will remain then: how many did they manage to cull medium-term and long-term in their “Agenda of Sustainable Development”?
In the Agenda 2030 white paper the Cult predicted that Japan will be first, as function of collective high IQ, to reject these death injections. And yet those high IQ’s still fell for death injections for a GREATER than 99.9% PSYOP-19 survivability.
Time to wake up; to wit:
"Japan announces that public and private sectors can not discriminate against those who refuse the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections.
Japan is now labeling Covid “vaccines” to warn of dangerous and potentially deadly side effects such as myocarditis. In addition, the country is reaffirming its commitment to adverse event reporting requirements to ensure all possible side effects are documented."
Do NOT comply.
unfortunately way too late. But at least another country is waking up. No concentration camps for the Japanese.
In the meantime documents leak out, like this https://www.globalresearch.ca/bombshell-document-dump-pfizer-vaccine-data/5763397
which proves that the deadly consequences were known 3 months after start of the jabs. But we got the ball rolling ! People are waking up. Sleeping Beauty coughs up the deadly apple ! Well I wish they could.... but there ends the story... they can't
Forgive my ignorance. What's the Agenda 2030 white paper?
Yes, I can Google it, I'd like to hear from a friendly source first.