I wish I had known what I know now back in the late '80s! I had a son who suffered from kindergarten until his preteen years. Ocd, ticks, migraines and a whole host of other ailments. Luckily , my son outgrew it for the most part . I also learned about dyes in our food. My, do they have all kinds of assault weapons!

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Totally agree. Wish I hadn’t vaccinated my 20 and 24 year olds. Both had chronic ear infections, eczema, one with ADD. Other with moderate hearing loss, anxiety, endometriosis, headaches...

Happy to fly my anti vax freak flag.

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Sorry for your children's health issues, whether ast or present. Blessings.

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No way your are a NOBODY! You are a wonderful person!!!

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Aww. Thank you. I don't mean it quite that literal. I am nobody anyone would recognize. Lol. Sweet comment.

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I started having "issues" after I got out of the Army. Boat loads of vaccines were given in the first month of my enlistment....and more there after. I ended up with Hoshimoto's (thyroid autoimmune disease) and a constant ringing in my ears. But I'm sure it's just a coincidence...........;-(

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While a handful of vaccine RCTs did use a saline placebo for the control group, these studies did not look at long term health outcomes and had at least one major confounder: the control group was not monitored for other vaccinations, and many vaccines have similar ingredients, adjuvants, contaminants and mechanism of action. A meaningful control group should be previously unvaccinated with any vaccine. Another problem with clinical trials of vaccines is that the tested batch of the vaccine could be of higher purity than subsequent batches, and since most side effects arise due to contamination with non-target antigens/proteins retained from the manufacturing process, poor quality control in some batches could be causing disproportionate amount of autoimmunity and allergies.

A typical vaccine consists of the target antigen/protein and an adjuvant (intended to activate the immune system to the target antigen), plus some non-target antigens - proteins retained as impurities from the manufacturing process. Any injection through the skin stimulates at least two distinct immune responses: IgE (anti-partistic) and IgG (antibodies that fight the target pathogen). IgE sensitisation can be induced by trace amounts of the antigen and typically lasts for life; IgG is relatively short lived and is induced only by higher doses of the antigen. IgE never occurs naturally to many viruses, because it is an anti-parasitic, allergic immune response evolved for insect bites (injections are like insect bites). In the case of natural infection with a respiratory antigen, for example, you typically develop IgG antibodies plus T-cells (which extend the capacity to generate IgG). After receiving a vaccine that includes the same antigen, you get IgE + IgG; that is, allergic sensitisation to the viral protein (and to any other protein in the vaccine) plus some short lived IgG immunity that has to counter both the allergy and the virus itself, at the same time. These two contradictory reactions ensure that vaccines rarely achieve as good immunity as a natural infection, and may also induce allergic sensitivity to any non-target antigens, including the possibility of auto-immunity. Injectable vaccines are inherently dangerous; bad medicine.

This paper includes a reasonably comprehensive bibliography on IgE sensitisation: https://www.longdom.org/open-access/evidence-that-food-proteins-in-vaccines-cause-the-development-of-food-allergies-and-its-implications-for-vaccine-policy-12461.html

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This is why I’m always suspicious of anyone that says I don’t have a problem with vaccines, I have a problem with this vaccine. And they go on to talk about how safe everything else is often explaining the 7-10 year process of approval. The most you could possibly say is the vaccine didn’t cause side effects for that period. How do you know in 20+ years you don’t develop neurological issues or cancer? And if the average lifespan is now 76 years (down from 78 2 years ago) if you load up a child by the time they are 18 with 70+ shots what does that do to their lifespan and quality of life? So as far as I’m concerned anyone saying vaccines are safe is either not being honest or is exercising poor judgement and/or doesn’t realize they are still parroting BS. Possibly because once you think this through you start thinking about all the shots you have had and wonder WTH they may have done to you.

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Especially when the convid flu has a 1/4 % fatality rate. The cold virus kills more!

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I’ve been a campaigner of the vaccine safety movement well before COVID. Covid is a blessing in that it opened more people’s eyes to the corruption and blatant disregard for health that surrounds the pharmaceutical industry and our own CDC. And the few doctors and scientists who have done the data studies ( that all show non vaccinated kids are healthier than vaccinated kids) have all been raked into the hot coals and fire. Bless those who stand for truth.

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Thank you for this information!

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Retired BSN. Agree with Dr. Coleman. I have seen with me own eyeballs

the antics of physicians and what was forgiven and what wasn't. Essentially

what wasn't forgiven was going against the administration's contracts with

.gov/ medicare and medicaid. Medicaid wasn't in the mix at all during most

of my tenure. Then it was introduced and the place turned to mayhem, with

threats and outrageous behavior, which was one small reason I retired early.

Mainly I left due to prescription fraud, (not narcs) just regular pills galore that were

obviously harmful. (Harmful injections as well.)

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Clearly your "safety" is their top concern. Follow the Money.


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As a child I was probably given a vaccine for every known virus back then. I do remember one time being chased around my bed by a doctor with a needle in his had. That was a very long time ago. The time came when old enough to make up my own mind to have a vaccine or not. Well, at almost 80 yrs young. I am proud to say a vaccine of any kind has not entered my body and never will.

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Hey if we do a good job we can reduce the carbon footprint of people down 10 to 15% with vaccines! Said the Billy goat Gates of Hell on Ted talk!

There’s are guy that talks about population reduction and control and your going to take his experimental shots?

Are you Retarded? My favorite convid meme!

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Does anyone know why Dr. Coleman calls himself the 2nd smartest guy in the world? I believe he is right but I’m just wondering.

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When I had my four children in the 80s I instinctively felt vaccines were dangerous and so never got my kids vaxed. They never saw a doctor growing up - apart from hospital for broken arms and cuts.

I dealt with illnesses using homeopathy and always they ate healthy natural food. Now they are doing same for their own kids - no vaccines. Vindication. But not always an easy path going against the consensus. Thank you for all your work Vernon .

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I would LOVE a copy of his book. I must order one! I wish I knew this when my kids were little (mid-90s). Thank GOD they don’t seem to have suffered any bad effects, but I stopped taking them for vax updates once they hit puberty. Not even sure why. I just didn’t feel like taking them and they didn’t want to go. <Sometimes laziness is a Grace>

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ICAN which is Del Bigtree's outfit just notified us that DHSS has a call for comments to prohibit discrimination in healthcare, but it does not include the unvaxxed. It also does not include bodily sovereignty reserved under the Constitution given to us by our Creator, which has been codified as Informed Medical Consent. Informed Medical Consent and related Nuremberg Code protections in the USA are blatantly missing from the DHHS discrimination rules.

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I like Dr. Vernon Cole AKA the old man in a chair. I know of no reasons why the man has to lie about any of the "experimental medicines." No need to wonder why living a healthy life is out of reach for some people.

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