This slow drip, drip of evidence is very wearying. Quite a few of us have known since the beginning of the COVID psyop rollout that any vaccines would be bioweapons.

The thing I did not know all during 2020 was that every single one of my loved ones would line up to get their killshots. Somehow, I did not realize that all of this was not obvious. I really miscalculated the fear factor and the we-are-all-in-this-together factor, and the jab-or-job coercion factor.

Just saying. It's great to have more and more of this evidence, but it's been slammed and dunked for a long time.

I know that psychopaths/evil have this thing called "duping delight" which is when they know it's too late for you (you have fallen for their scheme) so they take the mask off to increase your horror at your dawning realization that you were tricked and there's no hope.

I was not tricked personally, but I am tricked-by-proxy, because my pain is the prospect of losing every single one of my loved ones -- family, friends, neighbors -- every single one of them took this poison.

Well. It may be an unhappy ending in some ways for that reason, but there are quite a few more of us who didn't fall for any of this, than I believe the bad guys planned for. Let's see what happens next.

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Your first sentence, Dani...Yes! I feel 100% the same way. I feel I don't know which way to turn...

Fortunately, hubs and I have a few friends who actually heeded our warnings and declined any shot. That said, most people we know did take them. As you say, let's see what happens next.

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Politicians need to be held accountable for all the deaths and injuries!!!

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One of the top political murderous participants in this horrific activity is JT and company of Canada for their willful part in the patenting and pushing of the nanotechnology used to deliver the toxic components in the jabs. They have been on the receiving end of financial benefits for poisoning and murdering innocent people around the world on every shot forced into the bodies of people who blindly believed, and others who were lied into it through threats to their ability to participate in family activities and ability to earn a living. Dr. David Martin revealed JT's participation in this travesty very early on as he researched the patent information and presented it to the world. The complicit entities that refused to publicize Dr. Martin's findings also need to be called into account as accessories to murder and injury.

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Exactly....almost every single politician worldwide followed their orders with the exception of the Tanzanian president.....sadly we know how that ended 🙏

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Yes. We are always told that ignorance of the law is no excuse, though it is of course, but as an MP or Senator etc ignorance of what big pharma was doing when you are forcing people to take their poisons or lose their jobs, homes, families etc via your mandates is nothing short of evil and cannot be forgiven.

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Somehow, "oops our bad" just doesn't cut it.

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Saying the vaxxines were contaminated makes it sound like "oops our bad", yes. Every ingredient in this slow kill bio-weapon was included by design, NOT by accident. Even THE 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD aught to know that by now. Right?

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He knows.

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I know he knows. I'm just saying.

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The irony here is so thick, you'd need targeted explosives to break it up!!!

The "contamination" that has been "discovered" is part of the design of these bio-weapons!!!

But...because they didn't "disclose" (some of) the purposeful poisons... now they're open to prosecution!!!

This is something they never(!) expected to be exposed!! They thought 90% of the world's humans would be dead or in concentration camps at this point!!!

But that doesn't mean they'll stop trying!!

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We’re about to see who their ‘fall guy’ is…clean up in aisle 13…


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Exactly...none of this was accidental.

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no wonder they wanted to hide the data for 75 years! it just gets worse and worse

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The very fact they tried to hide the data for any length of time should have warned governments to stop going along with this but of course the governments are stacked full of criminals and liars working for the WEF not us.

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Health Canada might as well scream from bullhorns: "We hate your guts and want to make you all dead and dying!"

Same goes for the CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO, AMA, etc etc etc

F Bill Gates perhaps most especially

The ghouls want to compel us into global government through bullshit carbon dioxide climate change doomsday fearmongering. Meanwhile, they have succeeded in creating a cause the whole world can get behind: Rounding up and prosecuting the perpetrators of this crime against humanity.

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Bravo Jeck. You have communicated my sentiments exactly!

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Agreed. My car gets 45mpg in town at 30mph but at 20mph it only gets 28mpg so these 15 minute city laws they say are bringing in to "save the planet" are actually causing more pollution. All cars have a sweet spot for mpg and it is nowhere near 20mph. It is all about control and control leads to societal stagnation and degeneracy if those at the top are degenerates ...... and they are.

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no wonder they wanted to hide the data for 75 years! it just gets worse and worse. grateful everyday for my innate stubbornness. i may have lost my (formerly) beloved job of 40 years but at least i have my intact DNA!

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“The polyomavirus simian virus 40 (SV40) is a known oncogenic DNA virus which induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and lymphomas in laboratory animals. Persuasive evidence now indicates that SV40 is causing infections in humans today and represents an emerging pathogen”

“The detection of viral markers in young persons, by using molecular techniques, coupled with the isolation of infectious SV40 from tumors (62) and from nonneoplastic specimens (66, 67), suggests that SV40 continues to cause infections in the human population today. “

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IMHO, the only reason Health Canada is suddenly and publicly seemingly jumped on the “ antivaxxer “ train is because are squarely aiming to shift the blame that should be on them, to Pfizer: HC’s Pharmaceutical Drugs Directorate claims it “reviews scientific information to assess the safety, efficacy, and quality of a prescription drug; assesses the potential benefits and risks of a prescription drug; reviews Clinical Trial Applications (CTAs) for prescription drugs to ensure that the studies are well-designed and that participants will not be exposed to undue risk; monitors the evolving safety of drugs in development through the review of adverse reaction reports that are submitted as a requirement of the Food and Drug Regulations; makes non-marketed drugs available to health professionals for patients when conventional therapies have failed, are not suitable, or are not available; provides Canadians with science-based medical information they need to make informed choices”


Fail, fail, fail fail and fail. To check for those DNA contaminants costs about $100 as I understand it, and takes three days. So HC, whose self described job it is to “assess for safety” etc etc clearly did precisely none of what they describe as being their job without their rose coloured pharma issued blinders on, for a drug that the same government later MANDATED Canadians must have two servings of, in order to travel by anything other than foot and private vehicle!! Ya, not a good. Now keep in mind HC has recently been served with a lawsuit by Dan Hartman for the death of his son, Sean, as a result of his mandated jab. His lawyer is a colleague of my husband’s and we know him quite well. He’s the lawyer that was able to get Sheila Lewis’s lawyers to agree to the (too late for her) “confidential agreement”; the guy is competent and determined, and I’m sure HC’s lawyers have assessed that from his filings. I’ll bet you dollars to donuts they’re orchestrating HC’s response to the contamination issue because it’s sure to come up in this suit;) and the plan is to shift the blame for Sean’s death (which will set precedent for all others who will come behind him) to Pfizer , despite that ultimately in Canada, it was HC’s job to ensure the safety of the jabs, rather than to simply take the word of the manufacturer-we have the media shills for that, right?

Sue HC into the beyond, I say. Don’t fall for the “shift the blame” ruse. Nail them all.

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I just saw today that Moderna is ready for clinical trials for their bird flu ‘vax.’ I’m not sure if they’ll receive any blowback from these latest findings - one can only hope.

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I love all the shrapnel heading in the "medical" cabal's direction...but... how the hell do you "contaminate" what is in-and-of-itself a contaminant???

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So, who should be hanged now?

This is the message from 29 sept. 2023:


Pfizer’s updated COVID-19 vaccine for the upcoming fall and winter months has been granted Health Canada approval.

Pfizer’s updated vaccine is approved for people six months and older.

This decision follows the recent approval of Moderna’s updated vaccine for all Canadians aged six months and older.

Both Pfizer and Moderna’s shots are one-dose vaccines for people five years of age and older.

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Wow, the story keeps getting worse and worse...

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Now, they all need to be held accountable.

Big Pharma, Politicians ( all parties), Dr’s that have been silent & are taking extra $, the Media, etc.

They are still pushing them in Canada. They know the truth.

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Every AMA "medical school" (and even the AMA itself) needs to be shut down, fumigated and forensically examined for their ties to Big Pharma and FDA!! And then those fascist-infiltrated organizations need to have the same done to them!!!

Then, on to the WHO, CDC, UN, US Congress, 50 State congresses, etc, etc, etc.

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They're still pushing them here in Italy too - absolutely unbelievable. 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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I just don’t think I can think about this any more. The feeling of dread I have for my son and daughter-in-law makes my heart hurt.

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So, the news is that Canada has finally been forced to admit the existence of this contamination which was know and reported by 2nd Smartest end of July and Brownstone detailed report in August. So our experimental chemical COVID concoctions qualify as GMO (Genetic Modified Organisms), should 1) never have been approved and 2) require GMO licences. No matter, not a damned thing’s done about it, and out genome’s modified for life. No need to be worried about aliens attacking us; our governments do a find job of that.

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Why do we never hear anything about the AZ “vaccine” that MANY people in a small age range were duped into taking (told it was safe for them, but not younger people or elderly)in British Columbia, Canada by Bonnie Henry (I refuse to call her a doctor as she obviously does not follow any science beyond the political one)? Are there any scientists looking into AZ- I know it was used extensively in the UK as well.

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