I know one 40 something who works for google, had to have a C section, her blood pressure was swinging dangerously. We have been praying she got a saline shot unknowingly, so far the baby is ok, born the end of April. Her mom can’t talk to her about it, threatened to cut all ties if she kept sending studies.
And today, the grandma is heartbroken. Daughter demanded full vax and a tetanus booster before she’s allowed to hold her first grandchild. At this point, only a tragedy MAY open this “ educated” woman’s eyes.
See how beautifully this is tearing families apart? I’d like to strangle a certain A F with my bare hands right now and I could with all the rage . Instead I will hand it to God.
When you see the horror, it is close to overwhelming. In fact, my sense is most of us go through an overwhelmed phase, and come out to some other phase - perhaps somewhat emotionally disconnected from the mass horror, while more capable of acting.
I don't know you situation. I know it often isn't easy to see what we each can do. My thing: take any small step you can, as one step often opens the way to another.
The greatest psychological and propaganda operation has been achieved upon mankind: now we wait for the great cull of ages to begin!
None of these shots were designed to help people in way shape or form. Our elite scum all say the same thing and it is written in stone in Georgia for all with eyes open to see!
Some are too busy "swiping" their life away wanting parenting to be easy and decisions made for them....also, they are busy....Netflix will not watch itself, people....I mean, priorities....!
Do you know what was given to the placebo control group? I’m asking because most (all?) vax studies don’t use a saline placebo, they use another vax, or the adjuvant mix without the “active” ingredient. If the placebo in this case was some concoction other than saline, it would explain the AEs in the control arm.
Should be nothing at all. Or else there is no proper control. If they were concurrently injecting away with the current vaccine schedule then they were inadvertently running a secondary study on all of the other deadly injections such that we can confirm the obvious: ALL VACCINES ARE UNNECESSARY AND DANGEROUS.
Agree emphatically— but if you look into past vax studies, you’ll find they use something other than nothing. It’s one of the most alarming aspects of vax studies — there are no true placebo studies, and only the pharma companies run the studies — no replication studies. It’s the biggest propaganda/gaslighting program ever conceived. There’s no “inadvertent” about it — they know exactly what they’re doing. And if the placebo arm in this study was saline or no shot at all, how do you explain the high rate of AEs in that group?
Dr. Andrew Wakefield stated that completely unvaccinated kids are significantly healthier than vaccinated ones.
The basic "science" of vaccines goes against all logic, science and reason. If your immune system can handle live attenuated or dead injected virions, then it can handle the real thing, and should handle it.
It is absolutely the greatest medical scam in history.
Without a doubt. I started looking into vaccines about 7 years ago and was appalled at what I found. One of the few positives about the plandemic is that millions of people have been made aware of the vax scam and will no longer participate. I’m now to the point that I believe vaccines are the foundation of the WEF/WHO/Davos elites depopulation plan. They’re a patient lot, and we’ve come to the end of it — the mRNA shots are overtly destroying fertility, immune response, and outright killing. “Do not comply” is the only way out, but if we’re not careful, we’ll lose the ability to say “no.”
Yes! A lot of us were aware of a lot of things before covid but the lies became so blatant that we REALLY woke up. What really started me becoming more aware was when super con man BHO became president. He was easy to see through and the complicity of the media was obvious. I don’t have time now but soon I am going to use this platform to get something off my chest.
Yes, I know us “conspiracy nuts” have known much of this for a year or two. I don’t know how much this medical journal is respected, but hoping it is and will make a difference to a lot more Drs who may then be more willing to speak the truth!!! They are the ones who have to be witnessing the massive medical problems, deaths and lies!!!
Also “Mass Formation Psychosis”. Bonding with the abusers=Stockholm Syndrome. Cognitive Dissonance used to confuse. Utilized heavily by Narcissistic & Psychopaths who want to steal the rest of what is left of the earth for them to steal!!!
I know many like that. They are numb, don’t care, can’t believe what is directly in their face. Ive given up mostly trying to convince anyone. I figure that the way things are going soon they will question and believe. I know some ppl will never do so or just a little.
I saw on Brasscheck ( rumble 5 minutes) China hasn’t been using M nra jabs . I think Russia has some without it also, can’t remember exactly.( my head spins daily at the crimes against humanity) substack is a helpful place & somewhat comforting in this evil battle.
Who are these parents signing up their babies for this shit anyway?
Death Cultist parents that have been nudged into BigPharma "Trust the Science" jihadists.
I know one 40 something who works for google, had to have a C section, her blood pressure was swinging dangerously. We have been praying she got a saline shot unknowingly, so far the baby is ok, born the end of April. Her mom can’t talk to her about it, threatened to cut all ties if she kept sending studies.
And today, the grandma is heartbroken. Daughter demanded full vax and a tetanus booster before she’s allowed to hold her first grandchild. At this point, only a tragedy MAY open this “ educated” woman’s eyes.
See how beautifully this is tearing families apart? I’d like to strangle a certain A F with my bare hands right now and I could with all the rage . Instead I will hand it to God.
Parents who think it's ok to "abort" children up to 18 years after birth.
When you see the horror, it is close to overwhelming. In fact, my sense is most of us go through an overwhelmed phase, and come out to some other phase - perhaps somewhat emotionally disconnected from the mass horror, while more capable of acting.
I don't know you situation. I know it often isn't easy to see what we each can do. My thing: take any small step you can, as one step often opens the way to another.
The greatest psychological and propaganda operation has been achieved upon mankind: now we wait for the great cull of ages to begin!
None of these shots were designed to help people in way shape or form. Our elite scum all say the same thing and it is written in stone in Georgia for all with eyes open to see!
Some are too busy "swiping" their life away wanting parenting to be easy and decisions made for them....also, they are busy....Netflix will not watch itself, people....I mean, priorities....!
Do you know what was given to the placebo control group? I’m asking because most (all?) vax studies don’t use a saline placebo, they use another vax, or the adjuvant mix without the “active” ingredient. If the placebo in this case was some concoction other than saline, it would explain the AEs in the control arm.
Should be nothing at all. Or else there is no proper control. If they were concurrently injecting away with the current vaccine schedule then they were inadvertently running a secondary study on all of the other deadly injections such that we can confirm the obvious: ALL VACCINES ARE UNNECESSARY AND DANGEROUS.
Agree emphatically— but if you look into past vax studies, you’ll find they use something other than nothing. It’s one of the most alarming aspects of vax studies — there are no true placebo studies, and only the pharma companies run the studies — no replication studies. It’s the biggest propaganda/gaslighting program ever conceived. There’s no “inadvertent” about it — they know exactly what they’re doing. And if the placebo arm in this study was saline or no shot at all, how do you explain the high rate of AEs in that group?
Dr. Andrew Wakefield stated that completely unvaccinated kids are significantly healthier than vaccinated ones.
The basic "science" of vaccines goes against all logic, science and reason. If your immune system can handle live attenuated or dead injected virions, then it can handle the real thing, and should handle it.
It is absolutely the greatest medical scam in history.
Without a doubt. I started looking into vaccines about 7 years ago and was appalled at what I found. One of the few positives about the plandemic is that millions of people have been made aware of the vax scam and will no longer participate. I’m now to the point that I believe vaccines are the foundation of the WEF/WHO/Davos elites depopulation plan. They’re a patient lot, and we’ve come to the end of it — the mRNA shots are overtly destroying fertility, immune response, and outright killing. “Do not comply” is the only way out, but if we’re not careful, we’ll lose the ability to say “no.”
Yes! A lot of us were aware of a lot of things before covid but the lies became so blatant that we REALLY woke up. What really started me becoming more aware was when super con man BHO became president. He was easy to see through and the complicity of the media was obvious. I don’t have time now but soon I am going to use this platform to get something off my chest.
Yeah. Finally, the truth is coming out!!! I mean in a medical journal describing the entire 2 plus years of lies & manipulations!!!!
Yes, I know us “conspiracy nuts” have known much of this for a year or two. I don’t know how much this medical journal is respected, but hoping it is and will make a difference to a lot more Drs who may then be more willing to speak the truth!!! They are the ones who have to be witnessing the massive medical problems, deaths and lies!!!
Preface notwithstanding, this article strictly cites actual Pfizer data. How could anyone classify this as anything but factual?
Stockholm syndrome and cognitive dissonance.
Also “Mass Formation Psychosis”. Bonding with the abusers=Stockholm Syndrome. Cognitive Dissonance used to confuse. Utilized heavily by Narcissistic & Psychopaths who want to steal the rest of what is left of the earth for them to steal!!!
I know many like that. They are numb, don’t care, can’t believe what is directly in their face. Ive given up mostly trying to convince anyone. I figure that the way things are going soon they will question and believe. I know some ppl will never do so or just a little.
I saw on Brasscheck ( rumble 5 minutes) China hasn’t been using M nra jabs . I think Russia has some without it also, can’t remember exactly.( my head spins daily at the crimes against humanity) substack is a helpful place & somewhat comforting in this evil battle.