Fair play mate, you called it.

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the wests infrastructure is incredibly vulnerable to cyber options, the Russians have been practicing in Estonia for years

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After they (globalist cabal) held their trial run scenario summit last summer, it’s always been on my mind, simmering in the corner that cyber war might very well be next. God help us all should this unravel. Even though it could be the needed kick in the pants to get the party really started for taking back freedom, it could exact a very heavy toll on most of us.

Putin is an authoritarian without a doubt. But that doesn’t mean he’s stupid or doesn’t want to preserve his country’s sovereignty. So that makes him a big fly in the ointment to the WEF, the international banksters and the fascists here and in much of the world. I’m thinking old Schwabby might be regretting conscripting Putin into his YGL.

I’m glad my trust is in the Lord, for if it was based solely on what any man might do, let alone our diaper-wearing fool-in-chief, I’d be more worried than I am right now.

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Baked in since WEF Member Putin met with the Rothschild Bankster Macron.

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If a cyberattack occurs, my concern is it'll be used as justification to lock us out of our bank accounts and also to take down "terrorist" sites like substack.

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