In New Zealand, it isn’t even legal for drs or anyone else to investigate or diagnose an adverse event to any pharmaceutical or dental product. You can make a claim for compensation but with what evidence when no dr will investigate because they aren’t allowed to. The compensation scheme merely make a determination without investigation as to how many claims they will accept and they have to break their own rules to accept some of the claims. I’ve had obvious adverse events over 40 years to vaccines, 2 x titanium alloy spinal implants, the first of which had a galvanic reaction with my amalgam fillings meaning they had to be removed. They were removed improperly and I ended up with acute mercury toxicity. I still had toxic levels in my blood 8 years later due to my genetics which mean I don’t detox efficiently. I’ve also had an adverse event to Cortoss PMMA bone cement and now have bone cement implantation syndrome. None of these adverse events have been accepted as adverse events. I got the two spinal implants removed and had specialists who diagnosed me with titanium allergy overseas (prof Vera Stejskal) but that wasn’t accepted by acc. My surgeon then lied to acc so that he could remove the implant which resulted in immediate improvement. My second spinal implant was also removed by my surgeon lying to the Compensation Corporation because if he told the truth it wouldn’t have been removed and he promised to remove it if it caused a problem. It was removed under urgency 10 months after it was put in. As well as my current bone cement implantation syndrome, I have an allergy to the aluminium in it. I then had to get my composite fillings removed as they also have aluminium salts in them because the aluminium salts in the bone cement had put me over my tolerance for aluminium causing dementia symptoms and metal intoxication (adhd) and the sensory symptoms of autism. Replacing the composite fillings with metal free ceramics mitigated the cardiac issues and stopped the metal intoxication immediately. The dementia symptoms disappeared about 6 months later after drinking lots of silica water. My whole life since age 14 has been spent trying to get help or mitigate adverse events in a country where no one is allowed to investigate them because they have all been deemed safe and effective.

Only civil war, revolution or a coup will bring change to the world. To stand by and not fight is literal suicide

I have learnt a lot over the years about how chronic disease is both triggered and untriggered, so made a quick video to visually demonstrate it if you’re interested

Allopathic medicine is killing us and shortening our life expectancy. They are managing our death not our health, that is the paradigm they work within

Here’s the video which has helped many


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Let’s not forget that Jacinda Ardern admitted to exempting her cabinet and 11,900+ elites from the DNA altering shots.

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That is rather hard to forget!!!

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The wicked Witch from the Kiwi fruit patch!

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She now has a job working for the UK's next King [Prince William] !

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It’s sick!! She is as evil as they come!!!

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Let’s not forget that Jacinda is part of an even more sinister plot to reduce population. Malone and Kirsch both spoke of population control. I have their Tweet posts. Malone spoke of unchecked population growth. There are others who worked in HHS who claimed they pushed back against masking yet never actually used the study materials for agricultural spray licenses that proved masking doesn’t work for virus sized particulates. The smallest hole in any paper mask is much larger than viruses and hold bacteria which leads to pneumonia type lung issues. Many so called freedom doctors are now promoting that bird flu is an issue and hundreds of millions of perfectly edible chickens are being culled from our food supply while the largest cricket farm in the world was put online in Waterloo Ontario Canada to provide protein flour for consumption. While pretend freedom doctors make a lot of noise and put fear into everyone our food supply is threatened and man made famines are just around the corner. In the history of humanity there has never been a natural famine. All famines are man made. I agree that actors are doing the same whether wittingly or unwittingly while getting paid to do so to lie outright to the public as the culling of chickens pales in comparison to the culling and mutation of the population. The gene shot mutated humanity in two ways. The mRNA process TRANSLATED code to a single strand of people’s DNA creating a frame shift and our stop and start codons were blinded so perpetual spike is created and at the same time the 40 billion DNA fragments per shot were direct DNA splicing of foreign DNA with the potential of mutating every person that got the shot and mutating the genes of anyone that remained fertile. We have a problem Huston, and it’s not re-entry.

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I’ve only had one genetics class, and that was in the 90’s, but I remember being taught about mRNA’s job in DNA replication. I’ve often thought about this since 2020. Those that took the shot, it’s in there for good. They are fundamentally changed. There’s no going back no matter how many detox protocols they undertake.

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Correct. The mutations are in everyone who has gotten it. It was a twofold impact though. TRANSLATION and TRANSFECTION. The huge question for those that can reproduce . Has the spermatozoa of humanity been permanently changed?

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It could transfect ova too, I think

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Yes it can as well as sperm which could mean human 2.0

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I think probably, yes. I guess we can hope a lot of nonvaxxed people mate and make babies. Or else, yikes!

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What will be spawned by the vaxxed that procreate?

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You're an example to us all, Mark. I salute and thank you!

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Cheers Tirion 👍

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Like. Like does not work on substack, I wish you well.

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Yes it does. Try refreshing your browser or restarting your device.

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"like" is disabled here also.

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Jul 12
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Thanks, but tried 3 and no good.

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They've got us by the balls, right? Even the female balls!

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Knowledge frees us. Knowledge also gives us Balls!!

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I hear you, the best health to you.

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Same to you Rachel.

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I had a client who had complete implant surgery of her teeth then developed Lupus so bad she could not stand to be touched and really had cognitive decline. I think it was partly due to depression and partly due to pain.

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She likely developed a severe hypersensitivity to the metals in the implants by the sounds of it and she would recover fully if they were removed. The problem is getting them removed. Most have titanium dioxide and aluminosilicate in them(which I’m allergic to) and other metal salts. Titanium was recently reclassified by the ema as unfit for human consumption so I’m expecting to see a lot more chronic illness in the future if titanium dioxide continues to be used in dental work. It only takes one dental filling with titanium dioxide in it to cause me big problems. If I got teeth implants the same would happen to me. There are tests available that will confirm this. Your client likely had gene mutations which mean they are inefficient at detox. Mthfr mutation is one of these problematic gene mutations but there are many more and over 50% of the population have gene mutations that make them inefficient at detox. She should get tested for metal hypersensitivity to the metal salts in her implants as that explains all her symptoms. I got sensory symptoms in my legs after my first spinal implant. Could even wear denim jeans as they would cause my skin to be painful. Depression and pain are symptoms. They are effects not causes

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Thanks for your reply. People always think of titanium as great for hip replacements and implants, but I have seen people have to get hip replacements redone (hopefully with other, perhaps ceramic materials) It is amazing how the body can erode foreign objects to get rid of them. Titanium is great for bicycle frames and fighter jets, though. I am 73 and my teeth have been falling apart right on schedule, just like my father's did. He would say his teeth are turning to chalk. I figure I will have dentures at some point. At least one can take them out if your gums get irritated.

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Are you referring to Titanium dental implants ? Cos what else is used for implants? I had 2 titanium dental implants, till one fell out.

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yes. I would ask a dentist what else they can use i heard they were ceramics that ar strong enough and non toxic.

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They may make the tooth on top out of ceramics, but I think the actual implant in the jaw is always titanium.

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Ardern certainly had balls to do that, no really see for yourself.


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This is admitting what the book “turtles all the way down “ has shown.

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And Dissolving Illusions and Murder by Injection. Probably, the info has spread to 30-40% of the populace by now, so they just admit it. Charlatans.

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I thought the same thing.

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Thank you for posting this. I have 5 grandchildren under 6 and my children think the pediatrician would surely know if the vaccines were bad. Too many primary care physicians just blindly follow the CDC and this must change

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It's a challenge. The doctors do not question vaccines. Also, if a kid is not vaccinated, in many places it becomes a hassle for dealing with schools. I do not think it is easy to go against the vax agenda. I think it is worth it, but very hard.

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Well actually someone wrote they net huge profits based on the number of vaccines they administer. I recall the figure of $40,000 but I forget for how many. and as much as $100,000.

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It's always don't forget the Follow the Money Rule.

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Yes, there is obviously a payment with each shot, but on top of that there in a sliding scale incentive program. The higher the percentage of your clients who get the shot, the higher the bonus payment.

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You better believe it! Sick!

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start here. see if linky lasts: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/

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True story: I had to see my GP yesterday to get a prescription renewed. We see him because we're in a somewhat rural are and he's convenient. But he's freaking thick as a brick.

And... he's governed by what his tablet says. It told him I need a mammogram and a colonoscopy. He's had a colonoscopy himself, they're completely safe and I need to get this done! Yeah... no. Instead he's encouraging me to poop in a box; that's the alternate.

After that... he started on the shingles vaxxine. Wondered if I knew about it. Wanted to give me info on it. Really excited about it.

I smiled, told him I knew I could get it across the street at the drug store and would get it at the same time I got my flu shot. He thought that was a great idea.

/yeah, not going to do that.

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Do more research on mammogram and scopy. I know you are probably in the age window, but I have serious reservations on these. Doc in my town has a whole Clinic + Building + Surgery Center dedicated to this scopy biz. It can save lives, but what are the real numbers here? Are you at risk from Diet and lifestyle? Genuine Questions.

Edit: Surgery Center. This is how they skirt Hospital affiliation. + the Money.

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I *might* do the mammogram. Maybe. I've had them done before.

NOT doing the colonoscopy. They can have bad, bad outcomes. Dr Clueless knows that, which is why he is sending me the poop in a box kit. I might do that at some point.

Neither of those disease run in my family. I have things to worry about, but those are not on the table. And thank you for your concern. :)

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Smart to say no - Official recommendation is now to start annual mammograms at 40, (was 50) each year until mid 70’s. Nope - there’s no evidence at all that this radiation screening is worth the risk. None. Mostly false positives that then put you on track for more invasive procedures. Self exam if you’re concerned but stay away from the radiation imo. Research colonoscopy as well, you’ll be glad you declined. What a racket.

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same here shibumi. I have 2 invites on my table for a mammogram & poop kit - but I have decided not to do them. I always did in the past - but on reading so much here on substack and other sources, (plus the last 4 years of lies), I think I will take my chances and see my Dr as little as possible. I think I read that Switzerland are going to stop mammograms ? Best wishes whatever you decide.

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I have only had 1 mammogram in my life and I am 80 years old. I refuse all colonoscopies, mammograms, and shots of all kinds. My doctor finally gave up trying make me take any medications for anything. The only thing I do is bioidentical hormones.

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Will you ever stop taking the bioidentical hormones? I ask because I am following in your footsteps and I just wonder if we will ever reach an age we will not really need them anymore. I just started them within the last year.

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not if you want to remain healthy!! They help your heart and your bones. I learned about them from Suzanne Somers.

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Dr Jonathan Wright of the Tahoma Clinic in Washington State was the first one, I think, to prescribe the bios--he also endorses them.

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How do you take them? Is it a pill, a shot, or do they inject some sort of time released product into soft tissue? How noticeable is the effect, and how long did it take before you noticed any effects? Any bad side effects?

I read something about Suzanne Somers being diagnosed with cancer, but decided to wait a few months before being treated. Then when she did go in for treatment, the cancer was already gone.

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I started with a dissolvable tablet--check out Stark Pharmacy in K.C. Kansas, then I switched to a cream. Effects are noticeable in just a few days. No side effects. Read Suzanne's book--Sexy Forever.

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Do you need a prescription?

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yes, and insurance does not pay for it, but over the counter stuff does not work for me. I believe they are safe since they are plant-based and identical to your body.

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I am curious about the kind of doctor you see. I cannot imagine finding one who would prescribe it. I am in my late 50s and live in rural SE MO.

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These conversations right here- I'm here for it - we have lost ALL confidence in medical professionals and are finally waking up to the unnecessary medical procedures processes and jabs that created the cycle of profit for Big Harma. This malignant structure hamstrung the ability for good and ethical doctors to truly practice the art and science of medicine. It trained many of us to rely blindly on advice from doctors without questioning or advocating for ourselves. Many like myself were raised to believe that we were inherently diseased and that the body couldn't correct itself in general. I don't want this to have a boomerang effect on getting the care that we DO need when we are sick, but searching for good medical care in this aftermath is absolutely flabbergasting. The trust is 100% gone.

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90% of colonoscopy instruments in use today cannot be cleaned with an autoclave. Fecal matter can be detected with the naked eye. There is no better way to spread cancer than to cut into the body for a sample. This is still standard procedure today in western medicine.

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I did not know that. I was pretty solidly in the "do not want category" before I posted and now I'm in the "DEFINITELY do not want category." Thank yo uso much for the info!

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Look at berberine (Regular is good, liposomal is probably far better) vs CRC at the NIH

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LOl. I'm already taking berberine to help with my blood sugar. Will definitely look to see if it is liposomal, if not, I'll find a better source. Thanks!

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If you are worried, Get a thermogram, it detects areas of concern with heat.

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Yeah, not going to do that… I hear you!

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This is a message to those scientists and doctors who have hidden the truths they know (or should know) about vaccines:

The above mea culpable that research is needed NOW on vaccines, is far too little too LATE, for every child condemned to a lifetime of autistic brain damage, or severe autoimmune disease, or deadly allergies, infertility, and so much more including death.

We who read the research even from books available for the past 10+ years, have never been able to convince young parents to read the truth and say NO to all vaccine unless and until they are proven safe in legitimate clinical trials and comparative studies between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

There is over a century of ‘Doctor knows best’ behind the vaccine fraud, to the extent that many doctors are only beginning to learn the truth that ‘safe and effective’ is a marketing slogan, not a scientific one.

Why do doctors NOT know the following about vaccines:

- dangerous toxic ingredients are in every vaccine.

- no inert placebos are ever used in safety studies.

- DNA contaminants from animal cells, and human fetal cells (all are carcinogenic) are in all vaccines.

- no studies of carcinogenicity or immunogenicity of vaccines are performed.

- only limited studies comparing the health of vaxxed versus unvaxxed populations are done.

- no studies on effects of adjuvants on infants and small children, or adults

- no studies of the age when immunity is active in children and thus the age when vaccines MAY be beneficial

- no studies affirming any benefit from vaccines given for diseases of Very LOW RISK to patients particularly children (CV19. Measles, smallpox, Hepatitis B, polio and many more).

- no studies comparing Sever Adverse Events if one single vaccine is given, versus multiple vaccines at one time.

- no studies following controls and treated groups beyond short periods...nothing lasting a year or more.

- no studies on the increased incidence of the vaccine/disease, versus the unvaccinated: for example people who receive the flu vaccine are more susceptible to flu strains not included in the vaccines, than are the unvaccinated.

- young girls are having their ovaries destroyed and many have died from the Gardasil vaccine, yet it is still on the market.

- SIDS is a side effect of vaccination, particularly the DTAP.

- mRNA technology is a genetic engineering product not a vaccine to prevent disease; it permanently alters human DNA and the dangers are largely unknown, yet have been revealed as a threat to all human life in the CV19 vaccine bioweapon pandemic.

- there are many more issues attributable to vaccines, yet many doctors claim NOT to KNOW and have never studied recent published research on these issues.

How do Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm, yet ignore it every single day?

How do Doctors, supposedly trained in the scientific method, not know this method requires asking questions and seeking the true unbiased evidence to find the answers? New science overturns old, as new evidence emerges.

No Paradigm is permanent in science, if it is assumed to be so, it is a lie or a fraud because it is NOT science.

If only 25% of our doctors refused to close their eyes, ears and hearts to the plight of patients young and old, medical tyranny and unscientific treatments would come to an end.


It is not too late to stand up for the truth as the NEXT PLANDEMIC is already in the works.

Fraudulent PCR tests are now in use (cycles set above 30) to confirm bird flu in animals and to kill our food supply.


I am not a scientist or a Doctor, yet I can read research papers, books and publications to learn the truth.

It is time all of our doctors do the same in their own expert field of knowledge.

If you cannot find the time, tell your patients the truth is that you do not know if vaccines are safe and effective or NOT because you have not read the recent unbiased medical research literature on this topic.


I love the doctors and scientists, analysts and deep thinkers who risked everything to tell all of us the truth and to save humanity in the CV19 crises. Many lost careers, jobs, licenses and credibility...and yet they persisted and are leading the emerging health, medical freedom and truth movement. They are our fearless and bravest warriors. I salute you all and support you as much as possible. I believe history and God Almighty will call you the righteous few, among the many who abysmally failed us.

May God Bless and Protect you all.

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One of the best comments I've read in a while. Wish I had written it.

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Thank you for the kind words. God bless you.

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"Oceania was at war with East Asia. Oceania had always been at war with East Asia."

– George Orwell "Nineteen Eighty-Four"

Don't worry, they'll memory-hole the past century's worth of testimony as to the safety and efficacy of vaccination, no problem at all, come out of this smelling fresh and clean as a lily... 🤔💩

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They're going to try; but we're not going to let them, are we?

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I'm not. You're not. The average clueless blue-pilled f***tard? They've forgotten quite some time ago.

PS I've got two co-workers already on their 7th injection, another, hasn't a clue how many she's taken... 😱 💣

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Yes, it's sad and scary; but fortunately we and a few more are enough ;)

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Hope you're right... 🙄

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Clearly it’s not working, then. And you can interpret my statement any way you care to.

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"You can't fix 'stupid' no matter how you try."

– John Wayne

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Look up John Cleese’s short rant on stupid people. It’s a hoot, and describes the conundrum of stupidity, perfectly.

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You misspelled poop box.

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Did you look at the ties to corporations the Authors have?


Summary - Lots of Merck, Sanofi, John Hopkins Uni, Brighton Collaboration, Task Force for Global Health, Moderna X3, Janssen, Inovio (Malone consulted there), GSK, Vaccine Confidence Fund (lmao) Codagenix, Vaxxinnity, etc. Yes some are Consultants or on Advisory Boards.

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Before the traitor and mass murderer Reagan gave these cartels carte blanche to shove any old crap into your arm and be handsomely paid for it he condemned himself even further by asking the obvious question "Why can't you just make vaccines safer?" to which he received the reply from the cartel that "Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe!" and so that wording was actually put into the bill that gave the cartels complete immunity so further condemning himself and the scum in congress and elsewhere that permitted these ongoing crimes against humanity.

A "sorry we won't do it again" note is not enough from these people, I literally want their heads in baskets and I want every single thing they or their families own handed over to those they profited from maiming and murdering.

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They’re ALL part of the take down of Humanity. This has been in the works for a hundred years👉usury 👉slavery!

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Jul 11Edited

Plotkin even looks like a bond villain. All the breast , prostate, bowel cancers now make sense. All that charity money was like spitting in the ocean when they were injecting us with Jimmy Jones Kool -aid from birth.

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Jul 11Edited

Looks like Klaus Schwab's older, uglier brother--a real motherWEFfer.

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Claustrophobia: the feeling you get when trapped in an elevator with Klaus Schwab.


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Jul 12
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Brilliant stuff, Baldmichael, if I may quote from your stack:

Claustrophobia – fear of enclosed spaces. Father Christmas suffers this when entering dwellings

Klaustrophobia – fear of Klaus Schwab. He is not someone to have to your front door, let along down your chimney

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It’s right in front of their faces. Their ‘placebos’ are other vaccines. Look at the number of deaths in the placebo groups. Vaccines are unsafe.

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Recently I read a Substack article by [I forget] discussing the global infant mortality stats. They've gotten worse since Covid jab uptake, duh. USA leads the world in worst outcomes, since having a hospital birth there results in almost 100% compliance with Vit. K and Hep B shots which are even given to extremely preterm infants. But Canada is now in second place for high mortality immediately after birth, which surprised me, until I thought it over. Canada used to be in the top 3 or 4 nations for best maternal-fetal outcomes, with Japan, Netherlands and the Scandinavians, for years according to past UN stats. Our recommended vaccine schedule was modest, and compliance was not aggressively pursued like it is now. But that all changed when Health Canada got bought by Gates, Trudeau got elected, our equivalent of ACIP approved the expanded American infant and childhood vaccine schedule for Canada, and Hep B became a standard shot for newborns. Our infant and child mortality rate has gone up and autism incidence has too.

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Inject them all with the same shit they claim is so safe☠️

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F**k every single anti-human person (doctors, nurses, employers, clerks, neighbors, family, pharmacists, etc.). I feel sorry for EVERY single one of you. Do you feel anything YET? Do you feel any remorse, or regret? Have you ever apologized or asked one of your fellow human beings for forgiveness? Have you ever acknowledged that you cared more about your life than innocent people? Or children?

I’m ashamed to be a human being around any one of you! And yes, I have my own sins that I ask forgiveness for. That’s between me and God/Creator.

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It is not clear where you are coming from. The accusation that vax sceptics don't care about other people was widespread among the 'compliant'. Are you condemning those accusers or are you saying the non-compliant are the ones who should be apologizing?

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I’m speaking of every single person that pushed lies regarding the jab. And it’s STILL happening! Most of these people knew, and they didn’t give a damn.

A doctor that gets paid incentives to jab? A pharmacist that has a blank insert for a jab? A nurse that knows a specific protocol may kill a patient? An employer that fires someone for not wanting poison in their body (me)? INSANE!

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Yeah. Crocodile tears at best. I would not trust any of these vaunted, respected scientists (sarcasm alert) as far as I could pick them up and throw them. Meaning, not at all. Oh, wait. Scratch that. I actually DO trust them. I trust them not to have anyone's interests at heart except their own.

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Correct. So in light of Pharma’s role in hiding the know harms from victims otherwise called patients, we must work to have ALL immunity removed for all vaccines, mRNA’s, or any medical product. Everyone in the chain should be liable including manufacturers and ingredient suppliers.

If LNP’s marked ‘not for human use’ are knowingly sold for use in products intended for humans (or animals for human consumption) the sellers and manufacturers should be liable for injuries, deaths and damages.

Also, what about the Global ban on Biological weapons research so frequently called gain-of-function? This ban must be absolute, with Life in Prison and no parole for violators.

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If only...

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Why do I get the distinct feeling this is really all about destroying Trump and his unyielding support and advocacy for the lethal injections? Isn't it ironic how all this is coming to light five months before the election? Biden was just as bad however with a replacement such as Hillary Clinton which many are finally predicting it's his cross to bear which is why he needed to choose RFK as his running mate.

Even worse by November the deaths and injuries from the injections will be to enormous to even bury

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Trump is disgraceful. If you go down the rabbit hole, and research the Kushners, and many others, it’s absolutely sickening!

Hey, I voted for Trump twice! I got had big time!

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The Kushners give away Trump's game.

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He pardoned Jared Kushner’s father-duh-lol!

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I do not think this is about destroying Trump. The vaxes are too important to their agenda.

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Trump said a few weeks ago that an investigation into the alarming increase in autism is needed. He said all avenues need to be explored. Clearly included the childhood vaccine schedule in the US. Trump says he wants an investigation into the cause of increased autism rates. https://x.com/boloudon/status/1808187088455471349?s=61

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He’s full of shit.

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Yes, well, they all are, arent' they?

Trump had his chance to research vaccine injury/autism years ago.

He met with Robert Kennedy, Jr. at the White House. The meeting went well and it looked like Kennedy would work with Trump on the issue.

But apparently Trump got a call from Gates, who told him "not a good idea" (There is a clip of Gates actually talking about this).

Then, apparently, Trump got a big donation from Pfizer.

I cannot remember if they ghosted Kennedy, or called to say thanks but not thanks.

There is no left and right. There is blackrock, state street, vanguard, pfizer, moderna, and all the very very powerful people that we never see.

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Very glad to hear that. If he gets elected, we must hold him to it.

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see comment above / Overton Window shift.

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Can't find Peter - tell me what I'm looking for

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ok. Probably, the info has spread to 30-40% of the populace by now (vaccines are useless), so they just admit it. Charlatans.

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Overton window is what is acceptable to acknowledge in the public political discussion.

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Absolutely excellent article! I hadn’t realized 2SG’s historical experience in the medical/vaccine field. I now better understand why I’ve appreciated his perspectives.

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Article by Aaron Siri. Also very knowledgable.

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