Montgomery County, Maryland is reinstating a mask mandate for third graders over a few kids testing positive for C19.
Morris Brown College in Atlanta reinstated various restrictions again a couple of weeks ago, including temperature checks prior to coming on campus.
Joe Biden is wearing a mask again, ‘per CDC guidelines’ after his wife tested positive.
The rhetoric is ramping back up again.
This was foretold when the new subvariant was named Eris - this Greek goddess was specifically chosen because it represents strife, discord, violent disagreement between groups.
The stage is being set for a chaotic foreseeable future in my estimation.
Because pathogens are being developed in labs all the time. We are seeing tons of ADE from th3 jabs. I’m so fed up with all of this bio terror. And this is just the beginning. Do NOT comply.
Keep standing strong, Renee! Sorry you lost your job. If I hadn’t been retired I would have done so then. Teaching in a mask and seeing children in them all day woukd never have worked for me, nor woukd computer screens.
Never got 'it' either, nor any jabs for 10+ years. Lost my aerospace job b/c of it. I was asked to leave many places'll be really interesting to see if the sheeple go along with it this time. Or if there's real ADE as I mentioned and excess deaths skyrocket.
I’m afraid excess deaths will continue. At my gym this am, a woman(maybe late 20s) had a mask on the entire yoga class! I was on the rower earlier. Lots of people around and I shouted as she passed ,”Masks kill!”. She just kept walking. Those not awake by now, will never wake up!
I was walking today and saw a woman on a bicycle with no helmet but had a mask on over her nose. I saw her from a distance, stopped, pulled out my camera and took a picture. It was too much.
Yep I put out this Note yesterday:
Montgomery County, Maryland is reinstating a mask mandate for third graders over a few kids testing positive for C19.
Morris Brown College in Atlanta reinstated various restrictions again a couple of weeks ago, including temperature checks prior to coming on campus.
Joe Biden is wearing a mask again, ‘per CDC guidelines’ after his wife tested positive.
The rhetoric is ramping back up again.
This was foretold when the new subvariant was named Eris - this Greek goddess was specifically chosen because it represents strife, discord, violent disagreement between groups.
The stage is being set for a chaotic foreseeable future in my estimation.
So we must NOT comply!
Depends on how bad it is. I certainly won't, and never did.
But if we see some ADE from the jabs and whatever these new 'variants' are, it could get quite ugly.
Because pathogens are being developed in labs all the time. We are seeing tons of ADE from th3 jabs. I’m so fed up with all of this bio terror. And this is just the beginning. Do NOT comply.
Although I never did and got thrown out a lot.
We’re “sisters in arms” Nancy! I lost my job of 23 years for not complying, and it only strengthened my resolve and my fight! IT’S ON BABY!
I believe we are all here at this time for a reason. Don’t forget that!
Keep standing strong, Renee! Sorry you lost your job. If I hadn’t been retired I would have done so then. Teaching in a mask and seeing children in them all day woukd never have worked for me, nor woukd computer screens.
Onward and upward!🇺🇸💪🏼
AMEN NANCY! May God be with you sister!
And with you too, Renee!
Never got 'it' either, nor any jabs for 10+ years. Lost my aerospace job b/c of it. I was asked to leave many places'll be really interesting to see if the sheeple go along with it this time. Or if there's real ADE as I mentioned and excess deaths skyrocket.
I’m afraid excess deaths will continue. At my gym this am, a woman(maybe late 20s) had a mask on the entire yoga class! I was on the rower earlier. Lots of people around and I shouted as she passed ,”Masks kill!”. She just kept walking. Those not awake by now, will never wake up!
I was walking today and saw a woman on a bicycle with no helmet but had a mask on over her nose. I saw her from a distance, stopped, pulled out my camera and took a picture. It was too much.
That is funny! Those who don’t get it by now, never will!(my family)!