Let’s not give this any credence resist refuse do not comply

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Not complying with an idiotically rigged voting system, aka if absolutely no one voted or cared about national and state (s)elections, it would make a much bigger statement than most everything else.

For food and the ability to pay mortgage/rent, people will comply. THAT'S what's coming.

But it won't even take that, people will exchange their compliance for their prescious wealth, or the ability to be amused and entertained.

If people cared for and fought for morality more than they care about their wealth, things, and leisure activities, we'd be in an entirely different spot.

Watching it all unfold is like watching your kid do something stupid that you know is going to have disastrous life-long results, yet being powerless to change the behavior leading to it.


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There “Wealth” is going to disappear , from the currency reset, fast approaching.

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Oh, without a doubt. But like the monkeys clinging to the fruit, they'll ignore Ben Franklin's warnings about trading security (in this case financial) for liberty. It's tragic that we're not wiser than singularly focused animals. We've made our bed.


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Amen exactly 100% correct

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Those doing this at that school need to be sued as individuals to bankrupt them.

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Two words: Home school.

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What is the obsession with masking kids when there is no evidence that masks work, and plenty of evidence that masking the entire day is extremely detrimental? This is what happens when you have politicians and bureaucrats and school administrators making medical decisions. It was falsely pushed so hard as "science" that many don't even question whether it makes sense. Poor kids. Mine would have to stay home for 10 days until this is over (maybe forever in D.C.)

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It’s not at all about control. It’s about submission, control, humiliation. And if they can kill off or damage more people w/ them, that’s a feature, not a bug

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Sep 6, 2023
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No surprise there, the gov can't do anything right. But I bet the checks they wrote to their buddies who were supplying them didn't bounce.

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What’s wrong with the parents that they are allowing this?! Do NOT comply goes for students too! Everybody gets a cold in fall (and spring). It’s healthy seasonal way to clean the sinuses! Now every cold will be called COvid, which hasn’t yet been isolated! Why are clowns testing for COvid? You’re old enuf to have school aged children, you’re old enuf to know what a cold is!

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What's wrong with the parents.... Well, it is D.C. after all that we are talking about.

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The parents are IDIOTS who should NOT be breeding!

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I don’t blame the bureaucrats and school administrators. I BLAME THE PARENTS!

At this point in time, the parents are ALL COWARDS.

Sacrificing your own child is not an admirable quality for a parent. I’d rather have my child raised by a pack of wolves!

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Masks are symbolic of fear, submission and silence. In satanic rituals, they are used for humiliation.

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Someone needs to start suing asses w/ the literature that masks, & those in particular, are carcinogenic

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Yep I put out this Note yesterday:

Montgomery County, Maryland is reinstating a mask mandate for third graders over a few kids testing positive for C19.

Morris Brown College in Atlanta reinstated various restrictions again a couple of weeks ago, including temperature checks prior to coming on campus.

Joe Biden is wearing a mask again, ‘per CDC guidelines’ after his wife tested positive.

The rhetoric is ramping back up again.

This was foretold when the new subvariant was named Eris - this Greek goddess was specifically chosen because it represents strife, discord, violent disagreement between groups.

The stage is being set for a chaotic foreseeable future in my estimation.

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So we must NOT comply!

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Depends on how bad it is. I certainly won't, and never did.

But if we see some ADE from the jabs and whatever these new 'variants' are, it could get quite ugly.

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Because pathogens are being developed in labs all the time. We are seeing tons of ADE from th3 jabs. I’m so fed up with all of this bio terror. And this is just the beginning. Do NOT comply.

Although I never did and got thrown out a lot.

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We’re “sisters in arms” Nancy! I lost my job of 23 years for not complying, and it only strengthened my resolve and my fight! IT’S ON BABY!

I believe we are all here at this time for a reason. Don’t forget that!

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Keep standing strong, Renee! Sorry you lost your job. If I hadn’t been retired I would have done so then. Teaching in a mask and seeing children in them all day woukd never have worked for me, nor woukd computer screens.

Onward and upward!🇺🇸💪🏼

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AMEN NANCY! May God be with you sister!

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And with you too, Renee!

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Never got 'it' either, nor any jabs for 10+ years. Lost my aerospace job b/c of it. I was asked to leave many places too...it'll be really interesting to see if the sheeple go along with it this time. Or if there's real ADE as I mentioned and excess deaths skyrocket.

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I’m afraid excess deaths will continue. At my gym this am, a woman(maybe late 20s) had a mask on the entire yoga class! I was on the rower earlier. Lots of people around and I shouted as she passed ,”Masks kill!”. She just kept walking. Those not awake by now, will never wake up!

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I was walking today and saw a woman on a bicycle with no helmet but had a mask on over her nose. I saw her from a distance, stopped, pulled out my camera and took a picture. It was too much.

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That is funny! Those who don’t get it by now, never will!(my family)!

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People need to wake up to the bogus PCR tests!!

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COVID-19 Testing Scandal Deepens

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/12/18/pcr-test-reliability.aspx Why PCR Tests Are the Wrong Tool to Assess Pandemic Threat 1.Cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive (noninfectious) viral particles and therefore cannot be used as a diagnostic tool — For this reason, it is grossly misleading to refer to a positive test as a “COVID-19 case.” As explained by Dr. Lee Merritt in her August 2020 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness1 lecture, featured in “How Medical Technocracy Made the Plandemic Possible,” media and public health officials appear to have purposefully conflated “cases” or positive tests with the actual illness. Medically speaking, a “case” refers to a sick person. It never ever referred to someone who had no symptoms of illness. Now all of a sudden, this well-established medical term, “case,” has been arbitrarily redefined to mean someone who tested positive for the presence of noninfectious viral RNA. As noted by Merritt, “That is not epidemiology. That’s fraud.”

4. Have exceptionally high false result rates — The higher the cycle threshold (CT) — i.e., the number of amplification cycles used to detect RNA particles — the greater the chance of a false positive. While any CT over 35 is deemed scientifically unjustifiable,2,3,4 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend running PCR tests at a CT of 40.5 Drosten tests and tests recommended by the World Health Organization are set to a CT of 45. These excessively high CTs guarantee the appearance of widespread (pandemic) infection when infection rates are in fact low. The CT Is the Key to the Pandemic By running PCR tests at 40 to 45 amplification cycles, you end up with the false appearance of an outbreak, and this grossly flawed testing scheme is what government leaders are basing their mask mandates and lockdown orders on.

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So fed up with this nonsensical political fascist Orwellian bullsh*t.

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I will never comply with any mask mandates this time! unless they threaten my job again.

And my kids are never wearing masks at school! unless they'll get expelled.

And we're never getting another vaccine since they don't stop the spread of the virus! unless they take our Fedcoin.

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May I suggest make the principal expel child(don't think he can, legally). Put the admin in the position that they do everything to avoid. School districts do anything to avoid lawsuits. It would take a really tough kid to go along however.

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Why are people still ‘testing’? Absolutely pathetic

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senile, diaper-soiling, pedo-hitler traitor joe was maskless at the medal of honor ceremony yesterday

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Fun fact. Bedrock is not in Maryland, but Flintstone is. I personally emailed this principal and the school board. If this was Bamm Bamm's school there would be a polite directed face to face discussion. Mask evidence is unequivocal. There is no benefit. Only harms, empirically known harms, and common sense hypothetical expected long term harms including particle ingestion and chemical exposure. We have to politely and assertively inform the fools who prove themselves unable to think rationally and research objectively that masks are a gateway to societal evil we must avoid.

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Spot on, Barney!!!

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Pretty surprise this batshit crazy lady never responded to me email.

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This further solidifies my hunch that the Jill Biden Covid story is fake. They are simply just trying to ramp up their covid hysteria, using the White House as point of influence

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Totally agree! When 8200 RNA patents have been filed by over 100 drug companies that want a piece of the action, it says this is a on going Psyop! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/ramping-up

Biden needs to keep control and this is totally embraced by him and his handlers!

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Rosemary Hills ES is in the non-affluent part of Montgomery County. It has a high percentage of struggling families who care a lot about their children but may have fewer options with respect to being able to afford private school or have a parent at home, able to homeschool.

It makes a lot of sense that this type of tyranny would be pushed first in a school with a population less able to resist. Nonetheless.... do not comply.

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To the parents of these kids and others similarly situated, time to look into home schooling. Education like medicine has been infiltrated by Marxists who want everyone to obey THEIR orders. Not only should you not comply, you should assemble with other like minded parents and take your kids out of these indoctrination camps and give your kids the education they need and deserve. Form alliances with other parents you trust and come up with a curriculum, and a plan. Hire a retired non-woke teacher to teach small groups of children under your supervision. Work with other parents to plan field trips and find other home schooling groups in your neighborhood to plan group events.

Search Zoom classes for whatever class or age your child is and see what is available now. Learning this way is better than being in a classroom full of masked kids, learning about transgenders and how bad America is.

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Why does anyone have to be a “teacher”?! I’m nearly 60 with lots of life experience and love to read and learn. WE ARE ALL TEACHERS! And I’m sure many people out there my age could teach children wonderful things they’d never learn in school! That’s what school used to be like!

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There are wonderful teachers out there that would love a small class of 4-8 kids.. that’s what we have always done, but it’s getting easier and easier. We also introduced our own PMA ... so no shutting us down or telling us what to do.

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Interesting, as I AM one of those retired (Jan '21) non-woke teachers.

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Fight back. They only understand lawsuits. So, sue them where it hurts: https://bondsforthewin.com/

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