Yup. Close relative, gets 4th dose, gets really sick a month later but it isn't Covid so is cleared to go on holiday with his family. Collapses shortly after arrival. Diagnosed with: Sepsis. Endocarditis. Venous Thrombosis in both arms. ICU, then long weeks of treatment, then home with outpatient treatment for rest of his life because of thrombosis and endocarditis. Then he and his fully jabbed family members including young child, get Covid for real and all are really sick. But he won't allow ANY hint of pointing out the obvious. Just all a big string of bad luck, nothing to do with the jabs.

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The attitude of your relative is exactly why I don't think the jabbees should ever be able to sue. If anything, we #purebloods should sue for the shit they (govt apparatchiks, employers, clients, everyday morons, Demoncrats, RINOs, etc.) put US through! Due diligence was the responsibility of those who offered their shoulder. Do you mind my asking if your relatives are Democrats? And I am sorry for YOU and especially for the young child. Poor thing.

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You guessed it. White lefty secular WEFers working for government agencies that put the rest of us through the shit we wish we could sue them for.

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When the new MAGA Congress is seated I'm going to push for no mo' taxpayer-funded pensions for federal government workers. Then I'll start on the state.

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Aug 22, 2022
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I'm totally down with eliminating all special perks. Let them see what it's like to live in the private sector. The only exception to good healthcare I would make is for workers--lawyers, editors, word processors, clerks--on state Legislative Councils. The work is stultifying (writing, reading, interpreting, editing bills; the resolutions are more interesting--one can learn about one's sis and fellow state residents by reading them) and come session time, the hours are a bitch. One of the full-timers who'd retired came back for a session that I happened to work at and had a heart attack before it was over (2015; not jab related). They might be about the hardest of ALL govt. workers. So, I'm on the fence about them after doing two sessions for two different Legis Councils. At least in Texas session is every other year. In NM it's every year but not for as long. And btw, I did REAL public service. As a hiree for non-staff session work, I was sorely underpaid. In NM, it takes three months just to get trained, then depending on the year, 1 or 2 straight months of 7 days/week, 9-hour days, 15 minutes for lunch. If a special session is called, then the staff workers have to go into the same 7 days/week, 9-hours/day mode. And you have to work on bills for elected dunces that you loathe. I digress. A lot. Sorry.

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Aug 23, 2022
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At the retina specialist’s office yesterday, was handed a mask, which I held. One nurse was really nasty and slammed the door to my room so no one would catch the “bug” from me. Dr. asked me to put it on in the hall. I asked why. The usual, some are unvaxxed, afraid of catching from you(me), etc. He didn’t make me wear it with him. Everyone who was in the office, every patient was masked! Will this ever end with these maskholes complying?!!?

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I think that all awake and aware #purebloods need to form their own business group and probably compile a directory. For example, awakened doctors and other medical professionals should start their own practice, and so on. I was disheartened to find that a few of the mask tards at the polls yesterday in Sarasota County, Fl, were actually republicans. Normies, normies everywhere! We need to find ways or to make ways to avoid them.

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I know a guy who is 4x jabbed and lovin it so much he got a flu jab too.

He banged his arm playing hockey back in Jan ... sepsis set in ... he's still fighting that but now he has a super bug and was in the hospital on IV drip - out now but still has the bug.

I saw a post with the latest Pfizer dump - sepsis is a side effect of the jab.

You'd like to warn these people ... but they won't listen ... so you just wait for them to boost again and drop dead

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Yes, and when they are your blood and you love them sincerely, the pain of watching it unfold while being muzzled is unbearable.

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That pain is what will drive people to eventually snap, that and the loss of there jabbed children.

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It doesn't bother me so much because we'll all follow them into the grave of mankind by the time this plays out.

In fact they may be the lucky ones... when the supply chains collapse and we are locked down and left to starve .. we'll envy those who went early

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Yuri Bezmenov talked about people like him a long time ago.

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I have a friend who has been describing some info with me about some loose acquaintances (sister, workmates, etc.) They are doctors/nurses in SF and LA. One jabbed up before mandates and went to ER with body rashes and inflamed spleen. Out of work for over a month. Apparently she said (paraphrased) “So that’s what my colleagues were talking about...”. My friends sister, a nurse, was finally “forced” into jabbing. As soon as she jabbed... internal bleeding. Into the hospital. I think they have both “recovered” but obviously, long term effects (which I believe to be a prime feature of the jabs) are still to be determined.

This same friend in SF, who is a builder/designer/architect, had some journeymen working for him in Palm Springs. Apparently about 10 of them were jabbed and many ended up laid out with strokes and other issues. Probably from sleeping too much, shaking out duvets or trying to fold queen sized bed sheets alone while laughing (sarcasm yes, but that’s the kind of stories the media is pumping out as reasons for strokes, myocarditis, etc.) Anecdotal. Ignore.

I have another friend who’s dad’s friend is an Armenian doctor in LA. He told my friend “under no circumstance should you get jabbed. There have been adverse effect patients every single day” And apparently, a few of his colleagues died from complications as well. Anecdotal. Ignore

On top of that, my ex-girlfriend’s husband died in his sleep immediately following his second jab. She didn’t bother to ensure VAERS took note of it or look into causation because she “didn’t want to discourage people from vaccinating”. I did say she was an ex. Noted.

Again... these are all purely coincidental and anecdotal. Just happen to know the rare cases but absolutely ZERO people who’ve died from CV itself. Anecdotal. Ignore.

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Ahhh yes. When safe and effective turns into sudden and unexpected.

My father was hospitalized with covid since he has lung issues. He refused the ventilator and stayed on high flow oxygen. He even survived remdesivir. Today he has heart issues and if we are honest, looks to have aged worse than Tara Reid.

Identical twin brother got vaxxed, now has liver issues and last I heard some heart issues as well. Mind you we are identical twins who are both extremely active, fit men in our primes. I’ve zero complications from the injection since I didn’t take it.

Mother in law gets vaxxed. Shortly after develops breast cancer. She’s had surgery and doing very well but I can’t deny these are all suspicious.

I hope by remaining a pure blood that in my brothers time of need I will be able to help him with platelets or whatever I can. I know it’s only a hope and I may be if no use to him after injecting god knows what into just system.

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Wow! My brother in law almost died from a heart blockage a few months after his second jab. My other brother in law recently had one of those all to common feinting backwards episode! He too is double vaxxed.

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Must be completely unrelated to the rushed to market, untested, novel DNA altering serum.

It was probably climate change

But good luck to you and your loved ones.

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That’s why I’m eyeing an electric car. To prevent CV deaths.

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Makes sense. In clown world.

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To be fair, that’s probably healthier advice than we get from the establishment brain trust.

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Can't be the vax - those are 100% safe - and 95% effective!!!

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Yes! The fainting backwards thing😳. It’s so weird, the head hits so hard.


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it’s terrible what we have to endure with family and friends let alone personal (mis)treatment for trying to voice rational skepticism. I hope your family situation improves.

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Thanks Fudge. I sadly don’t believe it will. Particularly in Marxachusetts, most are extremely radicalized and don’t realize it.

My prior neighbors both detested southerners. The wife in particular spoke of southerners as if they were subhuman scum. I asked her one day during a tantrum why the strong dislike, did something occur in her past to make her feel that way? The answer was no. She’s never been past New Jersey and never met a southerner. I realize it was taught to her via pop culture and the media and most definitely thru our government run education system.

She has the same sentiment for us purebloods as well.

Wish you and yours the best, regardless if you’re not a Yankee pureblood.

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I escaped New Jerksey because I didn't believe any of that pop culture flyover bullshit and couldn't take the unending corruption. Same problems over and over always escalating. Same criminals always being elected. Causal links not made. Florida is my 8th and final state. LOVE southerners!

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Look I don’t want to discourage anyone from shaking out duvets while laughing alone but … I know so many who have succumbed like this 😆 … nice words there ha ha ha! Future CNN headlines just pouring out of you!

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Hmmm... Future job prospect?. Thanks for the advice! I’ll replace Stelter.

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might be a reason to deblock CNN there !

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glad about the ex. You chose wisely

Thanks for the anecdotes. Nothing tells the truth like anecdotes.

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When millions of anecdotes over-shadow the corporate/state controlled, constructed “reality”...

“Anecdotal” is a “bad word” that my “friend” described my reason to not jab (which he dramatically reacted with a whipping head and wide eyed aghast whence I told him I was’t jabbed. Proclaiming I WAS the problem.)

Of course what all these MSM controlled NPCs really mean is that we don’t use Science™ and rely on small-town-over-the-fence rumor-milling to make important decisions without referring to any other “valid” sources. And of course... we must therefore be far-right _______, ______, _______. Fill in gaps with desired political/ideological descriptors from you MSM feed.

And they are right... I don’t use Science™. I use the scientific process which is open-source and decentralized, not authoritative and controlled through as few sources as possible.

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your own brain and common sense

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And stories like yours are incredibly common. So tragic that so many remain asleep or numb.

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Before being forced to retire last year I had talked to my coworkers. One had swollen lymph nodes, one could hardly walk 10 feet with out getting out of breath and he couldn't put his arms above his shoulders without them going numb. Another one had hardly enough energy to work and another one had Neuropathy in both feet. None of them had any idea it was from the shot. My wifes family had a mom and daughter get jabbed, the 31 year old daughter died in her sleep while the mother was in the hospital for weeks with blood clots. They are all good normal trusting people that don't realize the evil in this world, probably thought I was a crazy old man when I tried to warn them. I made my daughter promise me not to take it but she trusts the government even less than I do, so she never intended to. Guess I raised her right.

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Not anecdotal but population-wide. From the very beginning the unvaxxed argued for the preservation of the unvaxxed control group. Now you see why Fizer Fauci always wants to destroy the control groups☠️

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Okay so … I have been “alert” to all of this from day one (a little before actually because we have Chinese relatives so we’re alert to happenings in Wuhan Nov/December 2019. No one in my immediate family will be injected and I believe serious signals are bubbling up in virtually ALL the data.

However, no one on my immediate or expanded circle has had anything worse than covid following injection. I am openly anti covidian so maybe acquaintances hide things from me … I would not go crowing to anyone about how right she was if I came up feeling like crap after my booster …

two exceptions. My elderly father had immediate reaction following first moderna “micro hemorrhages” in the brain but we were assured this was a coincidence, that he has a genetic disorder called something I dont recall and that he is good to go for next round! No thanks. Second … a anti covid friend lost her very robust but 90+ year old grandfather … becaose she and I share views on this subject I asked her outright if it was the jab. She said almost certainly YES.

But that is two of … hundreds?? I don’t know … I’m on the look out believe me … I pretty sure most of my kids friends have been maimed for life immunologically speaking and possibly in regards to fertility. All the shit will hit the fan when that comes to light in a few years. We are sitting tight here, watching it unfold but my point is, there are some of us (many? Most??) who are NOT seeing this sort of anecdotal evidence in our real lives …

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Even if only five in three hundred get heart damage like in that Indonesian study the youtube nurse doctor talked about, THAT IS AN UNACCEPTABLE COST FOR AN INEFFECTIVE VACCINE FOR A NOT-PARTICULARLY-DEADLY VIRUS!! Especially on kids, oh my gosh! Today’s doctors and medical leaders are worse than pedophiles!

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Good pts. Since these adverse events are side effects, lots and lots of people won't see the worst of them. Of my immediate contacts, I know a few who got REALLY sick from the jabs but recovered. Two or three have gotten the vid post jab/booster. I suspect one guy I didn't know in person but online who died was a jab death. Very fit guy in his early sixties.

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Aug 22, 2022
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Yes perhaps but, if the trouble is with the injection itself … the mRNA technology (mechanisms by which these injections “work”) or with the type of virus being addressed (coronaviruses), short term and long term problems would be visible everywhere and in reasonably consistent proportion. Instead what we seem to have is dramatic pockets of absolute devastation and other places fairly unscathed … this suggests to me manufacturing issues (bad batches) not unsafe product design

Still! This provides no safety assurance other than to say perhaps “most do not suffer obvious short-term impacts” … I’m not willing to be this optimistic though as there are lots of short term data bubbling up I cannot deny … all cause mortality, vax/unvax hospitalization and death data, overall drops in fertility … I am overwhelmed every time I look at my substack queue. And nothing I know of points to positive outcome on long term effects. Nothing.

I think we might be looking at a manufacturing issue … does not “help” really but is somewhat better than every dose being lethal?

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I think it was Malone who hypothesized that perhaps those who have not had AE's maybe got dud shots, very little of the mRNA juice.

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Ahhhh … product failure 😂😂

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we went to a funeral of a guy we didn't even know! he was a 41 year old stagehand, had worked on thursday and never showed up for his work call on friday. didn't answer phone calls or texts. his brother had a spare key to his apartment and found him dead in his bed. my BF is a member of the stagehand union and we went to show support for an unvaccinated friend who takes a lot of heat from her union- her fellow members have called her a "stupid idiot" to her face and i didn't want her there without emotional backup.

it turns out the guy only took the vaccine under duress to save his job which didn't work out so well for him. my unvaccinated friend has lost a lot of work for her brave stance but at least she's alive.

also other deaths- the sister of a friend who had some heart issues a month after the J&J, called an ambulance, was put on a vent for 4 days, brought off the vent, then called me to ask how she suddenly had heart trouble. they wanted her to sign a DNR; she didn't but died a few days later anyway.

another friend's mother in the UK got a sudden onset motor neuron disease, deteriorated rapidly and was dead within 2 months, a large inoperable mass in her brain.

two other people died "suddenly and unexpectedly"- an old woman who was in excellent health and who's family was stunned by her passing, and a young college age man who's mother found him dead in his bed when he did not answer her calls for breakfast.

all the vaccinated people i know have had covid multiple times, some pretty bad even though they credited the vaccine for it not being worse. some unvaccinated people i know have had covid really bad but recovered about 50% after one dose of ivermectin (even the horse paste kind) and fully after the second dose. i had covid, a mild flu, for 2 days and my BF had it for 3 days. we both are unvaccinated, take a once a week small dose of IVM and treated ourselves with a nebulized 1% H2O2 saline solution, hot baths and saunas.

it seems that absent the panic driven narrative and censorship, this could have been no more than a regular flu season without all the death and economic pain. that this went down the way it did was premeditated murder

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It truly is the mass culling of the ages and we are just getting warmed up!

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I was just in Vancouver, BC and it was like stepping back in time... ALOT of people still masked, even outdoors, A LOT of businesses still required masks....yes, mandatory...I did not go in but if they were close enough to the front door, I told them what I thought, politely......A LOT of businesses did not take CASH only debit or credit so I told them that it's wrong not to take CDN currency and it's discriminatory...they said COVID, I said nope, digital ID....it was crazy, disappointing and scary......my hotel did not clean rooms until after day 3 because, you know, COVID...I said that if it was about COVID you would clean more not less.......unbelievable...... it's soooo clear to see the insanity, mass formation and plandemic now, more than ever.....

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My wife had coworkers give her crap for not being vaccinated and both coworkers are now disabled and cannot have their prevaxxed life back. Its pretty bad out there.

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Thanks for the pic, I needed a laugh!

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After reading through many of the comments it amazes me that so many people are unaware the shots of poison are harming/killing them. I also doubt that any of these AE’s end up in VAERS.

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I’ve been seeing elderly people having cancer recurrence, 4 people. My friend in her 40’s got 2 to visit nursing home, family member. Her blood won’t clot now. She discovered it pre-op for a surgery to replace bad ankle hardware. I lent her my copy of Kennedy’s book, she got too angry to finish it. It’s difficult to not overwhelm her with information. I send cute cat videos in between.

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& we’re helping my mom’s elderly companion. No answer why he keeps having low blood pressure and bouts of confusion.

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Aug 22, 2022
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Don’t know. I hope it’s not folded prions. He said the last 2 times in emergency room, he was isolated and given a shot. Nothing in records . His family claims he was confused. I believe him.

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How long before 60 Minutes does an expose on this? I’m thinking it will be NEVER!

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Hahahaha! I was about to say "the first of NEVER," but you beat me to it. The phucks are irredeemable!

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I’m in the FU Big Pharma Control Group!

No shots forever more bio terrorists!

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Most of my friends and co-workers are triple vaxxed and I have yet to see any major injuries or incidents or illness. I'm hoping most of them just got duds.

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Aug 22, 2022
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Short answer is "No" -and this goes for your dogs/cats too!

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Aug 22, 2022
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People like that are most welcome here in Florida!

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Your state is my safety net as I reside up here in the deep blue state of ct

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Florida just might sink if all the sensible thinkers keep coming!

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Don't worry, with the incoming brain power and brawn you can jack the whole state up on stilts and use the waterways underneath for new shipping trade and fishing.

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I have lived in both Ct and Fl but both were a long time ago. Ct wasn’t that bad when I lived there and I really worry about Fl as it is barely red. I would say it has the best governor in the country.

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This Floridian seconds that welcome!

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Similar story. A friend of mine has a 23 y.o. son serving in Coast Guard and who refuses to get the jab. But he cannot be relieved of duty (honorably discharged) because they don’t have a replacement.

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“What are you anti-Science?! How Dare You!!!” - Greta Thunberg

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