The other outlier imo was the Governor of NY who said to her opponent, "I dont know why crime is so important to you!", demands kids get the deathvax and was stopped by one Attorney from building a Consentration Camp for anyone she wanted and when a Judge stopped her, she then said she would fight the ruling!
The results were predictable for the simple reason our election process is too easily manipulated. Things like mail-in ballots, ballot drop boxes and electronic voting machines connected to the internet are ripe for corruption. We need to go back to voting in person with ID verification (with exception for bed-ridden and overseas military), a mark placed on a voter’s hand to show he/she has voted, paper ballots, hand counted. VIce President Mike Pence, the 2nd in command of our federal executive branch had the power and opportunity on January 6, 2021 to initiate a thorough investigation of voting irregularities. He failed to perform his sworn duty in upholding our Constitution and federal electoral process. The US Constitution requires each state to have a republican form of government. Each state thus has a constitution, the supreme law of the state. Many of the states constitutions and election process laws were violated by election officials in the conduction of the 2020 elections for federal office positions and electors. Pence should have called for a thorough investigation, subsequent indictments and prosecution of justice.
Lindell’s expert team tracked vote tallies in real time based on Edison data and uncovered multiple suspicious (read: computer-generated) vote spikes for Democrats. Does anyone even care?
Even in-person "voting" will not win back the culture, heritage, and goodwill of the founding stock for which those documents were drawn. Universal suffrage in a fake empire is utterly meaningless other than to affirm submission to the occupying authorities.
Millions of invaders pour through the "borders" of the economic zone known as USA every year unimpeded. State treasure is hypothecated 100x by stateless vampires and parasites. There is no consent of the governed required.
The "constitution" only exists insofar as it can be used as a cudgel against the dwindling population of people with the IQ and disposition to imbue the scrolls with those sacred powers to self-govern. Demographics are destiny.
Forfeiting the culture war to the globocap marxists or whatever you want to call the banking branch of the death cult in exchange for cheap chinese product and unlimited cheap debt has sealed our fate. We the People have no universal moral anchor, common values, or spiritual mettle to do what is required. We have Progress instead. The real "votes" are in the absence of actions that communicate all those high principles that we hear about every two years in november.
The grave marker will read "At least we were not racist". But by all means keep trying to jam that square peg into the round hole of blank-slate civic nationalism. Nostalgia is not a political philosophy.
Get local, get organized, separate from the system, grow your families and your communities based on those founding values under God and perhaps your grandchildren will have the mettle to carve some nation states that echo those grand ideas of yesteryear out of the ashes of FUSA. In the meantime, Rwanda, Brazil, Yugoslavia-Serbia-Croatia, South Africa, even Ukraine can be studied for what is coming. Plan accordingly.
But that's too much work. Its boring and low prog status. So I will see you all in 2024 for maga-Q-deSantos meme war 3.0.
And not only paper ballots but they have to be either watermarked or electronically tagged to be legitimized. Then we have to also have confidence that that process isn’t corrupted. Then we have to believe they counted all the votes of those ballots correctly. There are too many opportunities to cheat in this process. I don’t really know how we can have full confidence in elections anymore.
Voting is busy work. A waste of time and energy. When a thief like George Soros 'contributes' hundreds of millions to Democrats- as he did in this round...well, it's all you need to know.
These exit poll numbers only make sense if massive vote fraud is being perpetrated in major cities. Id hate to be called an “election denier” for that and turned into DHS, but I mean COME ON MAN, what else are people of common sense supposed to make of this?
IN Vermont, the senate race was called by the NYT for the statist D. candidate, Welch, with zero percent of the votes counted. Zero percent. Welch won before a single vote was counted.
I live in a Democrat-controlled city. This is my hometown, and it was not always this way. Sadly, every local election went straight-ticket Democrat. This is so insane. I wonder what the true vote totals actually are. They want us to believe it is 2/3 voting blue and 1/3 (if that) voting red.
I don't believe it, but on the other hand many people I know have also bought the COVID narrative, and I think they want more of the same to continue.
Just watched Greta Vansustren discussing the Trump backed candidates lost “leaving the GOP to rethink Trump”. Also, she played a clip of Swamp creature Ted Cruz saying new celebrity elected officials make mistakes and experience matters. A light bulb went off the GOP is happy with the losses to put another black eye on Trump to get him out of the running. DeSantis being a past globalist grad is far preferred by the RINO’s. The whole picture seems clear now to me with the last year of DeSantis choregraphed moves of strength as a way to push Trump out now. The Uniparty strikes again.
America is over. Nobody is going to fight for it. I am again looking at moving to Panama and other countries without property taxes (with hopefully true ownership) and live out the remainder of my life. If America ever balkanizes with defined free zones, I might come back someday. I am getting taxed out of my home and they already took my job away (with mandates) and the bills are just going up and we have a tyrant governor here in the people's republic of Washington state, now in USSA. I am not fighting as nobody had my back when I was forced out of work and all I saw was the masked gestapo telling me to wear the face diapers and people complying to the fear propaganda. I was looking at private islands for sale as well. Anyone want to join me? Do you really think that voting is going to get everyone out of this mess? American citizens just don't have a backbone anymore. The statement says it all. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
"American citizens just don't have a backbone anymore"
Maybe they don't want to see the truth in the situation as then they'd actually have to grow a backbone or a pair and do something about it. It's easier to turn a blind eye?
I don't know, I don't think like that, just trying to figure out the average person.
They possibly think everything will work out just fine. Little do they know what's coming down the Pike. By the time they wake up to the reality of the situation, it will be way past too late to do anything about it.
(Looked into private islands a few years ago) Problem is the more people do it, especially if they form like minded communities, and get off the grid, the quicker the "authorities", - the-powers-that-ought-not-to-be will find a way of outlawing it. (For their safety of course and probably for the environment or some such rubbish)
In the states they seem to be falling slowly (e.g. Arizona) and I heard Idaho is under attack and might not be safe anymore. I just don't want to be moving around trying to find a safe place and then it falls down (goes blue and overrun by Commies/Bolsheviks/Marxists, etc.) by the rigged voting systems, mail in ballot rigging etc. I am now looking at Ecuador as a possible location. I was interested in Bocas del toro Panama many times. I haven't looked into Tanzania, but I will check it out. I just basically want to find a place where they just leave me alone, low taxes with hopes of true ownership and not renting the land like you do in USSA. I already had a military friend of mine sell everything in the USSA and had a huge boat built in South Africa that he and his family are going to live on and sail around. If I had millions of dollars like he did I would probably do that as well. I don't think people are actually voting like the polls show anymore; it is actually more rigged with the mail in ballots etc. I read that is how Fetterman won in PA and how Patty Murray won here in WA. state. WA. state has always been rigged for decades now and is actually trying to be worse than CA. with all the bullshit taxes and laws.
Everyone I've asked said they would NEVER vote for a known deceased candidate.
This is, likely, absolute proof that "bots" are doing the voting. If a server, like in 2020, was controlling the voting, they might not have any way of knowing that a candidate was deceased, and the "voting" tallying would continue. Maybe this is the straw that could break the camel's back? How to prove.
The psychopaths in DC will eventually leave decent people no choice but to act out violently while their Antifa/BLM goons engage in violence with impunity. And of course, the formerly non-violent law abiding tax paying citizens will be locked up while the sociopath scum run free. I used to think that things would improve once the worst generation (Boomers) was finally buried, but they not only spawned a possibly even worse generation (Millenials) but will vote Democrat in perpetuity since the cemetery vote is a solid Dem voting block now.
Ultimately though, the real power flows from the money creators, and most people just don't understand this. What happens in DC outside the secret agendas born in the Eccles Building is mostly theater.
I have no more faith or hope that this situation will correct itself in any way beneficial to humanity.
Well, on my tv they're still counting votes. I'm sorry, the narrative is just that strong and we havent made as much headway as we'd like. I've spent the past is two day defending my position, on covid, the lockdowns and the Ukrainian conflict. And people still believe the bullshit. Anything I say or show them is dismissed with this mis, dis, mal information crap. I point out that letting other peope dictate what information is acceptable and what is not is a dangerous in proposition but they can't see why.
"They" realized that the truth was the enemy of everything they were trying to implement.
Therefore they thought it would be genius to label all inconvenient truth as Mis/Dis/Mal information. With the media as their cheerleaders and the lemmings nodding politely and running swiftly off the edge of the cliff.
Let’s do better next time and vote harder to get ourselves out of vote fraud. Wait, that’s not gonna work is it?
Yeah, build back better voting. Damn we didn't try hard enough.
In Oregon I saw two dumps that are odd, one had Kotex 2 to 1 and another 3 to1, both immediately after Drazan pulled within 1000 votes.
It will work everywhere you dont need it
The other outlier imo was the Governor of NY who said to her opponent, "I dont know why crime is so important to you!", demands kids get the deathvax and was stopped by one Attorney from building a Consentration Camp for anyone she wanted and when a Judge stopped her, she then said she would fight the ruling!
She still won? What the flying f!@#k
Wall St has already relocated to free Florida. NY is doomed for a generation.
The results were predictable for the simple reason our election process is too easily manipulated. Things like mail-in ballots, ballot drop boxes and electronic voting machines connected to the internet are ripe for corruption. We need to go back to voting in person with ID verification (with exception for bed-ridden and overseas military), a mark placed on a voter’s hand to show he/she has voted, paper ballots, hand counted. VIce President Mike Pence, the 2nd in command of our federal executive branch had the power and opportunity on January 6, 2021 to initiate a thorough investigation of voting irregularities. He failed to perform his sworn duty in upholding our Constitution and federal electoral process. The US Constitution requires each state to have a republican form of government. Each state thus has a constitution, the supreme law of the state. Many of the states constitutions and election process laws were violated by election officials in the conduction of the 2020 elections for federal office positions and electors. Pence should have called for a thorough investigation, subsequent indictments and prosecution of justice.
Lindell’s expert team tracked vote tallies in real time based on Edison data and uncovered multiple suspicious (read: computer-generated) vote spikes for Democrats. Does anyone even care?
Even in-person "voting" will not win back the culture, heritage, and goodwill of the founding stock for which those documents were drawn. Universal suffrage in a fake empire is utterly meaningless other than to affirm submission to the occupying authorities.
Millions of invaders pour through the "borders" of the economic zone known as USA every year unimpeded. State treasure is hypothecated 100x by stateless vampires and parasites. There is no consent of the governed required.
The "constitution" only exists insofar as it can be used as a cudgel against the dwindling population of people with the IQ and disposition to imbue the scrolls with those sacred powers to self-govern. Demographics are destiny.
Forfeiting the culture war to the globocap marxists or whatever you want to call the banking branch of the death cult in exchange for cheap chinese product and unlimited cheap debt has sealed our fate. We the People have no universal moral anchor, common values, or spiritual mettle to do what is required. We have Progress instead. The real "votes" are in the absence of actions that communicate all those high principles that we hear about every two years in november.
The grave marker will read "At least we were not racist". But by all means keep trying to jam that square peg into the round hole of blank-slate civic nationalism. Nostalgia is not a political philosophy.
Get local, get organized, separate from the system, grow your families and your communities based on those founding values under God and perhaps your grandchildren will have the mettle to carve some nation states that echo those grand ideas of yesteryear out of the ashes of FUSA. In the meantime, Rwanda, Brazil, Yugoslavia-Serbia-Croatia, South Africa, even Ukraine can be studied for what is coming. Plan accordingly.
But that's too much work. Its boring and low prog status. So I will see you all in 2024 for maga-Q-deSantos meme war 3.0.
Pence is a RINO. I never understood why Trump chose him.
Honest to God, my first thought upon hearing Pence was picked was, "After Quayle, they're gonna try some other dumbass from Indiana?!"
If Republicans do not stop dead electronic voting software and require return to paper ballots it is proof positive they..{fill in}
All Republican governors had a chance the last two years to get rid of all machines used in the voting process. They didn’t!!!!
Why didn’t DeSantis lead the way and switch to paper ballots? Hmmmmm🤔
And not only paper ballots but they have to be either watermarked or electronically tagged to be legitimized. Then we have to also have confidence that that process isn’t corrupted. Then we have to believe they counted all the votes of those ballots correctly. There are too many opportunities to cheat in this process. I don’t really know how we can have full confidence in elections anymore.
Voting is busy work. A waste of time and energy. When a thief like George Soros 'contributes' hundreds of millions to Democrats- as he did in this round...well, it's all you need to know.
With a few notable exceptions, no message, no swagger, no balls. If the best we can do is Cocaine Mitch and Kevin the Koont, we’re fecked.
I think you are correct again, sir. A vomit emoji is all I can muster.
These exit poll numbers only make sense if massive vote fraud is being perpetrated in major cities. Id hate to be called an “election denier” for that and turned into DHS, but I mean COME ON MAN, what else are people of common sense supposed to make of this?
IN Vermont, the senate race was called by the NYT for the statist D. candidate, Welch, with zero percent of the votes counted. Zero percent. Welch won before a single vote was counted.
🤯 boom 💥 stolen 😡🤬
I live in a Democrat-controlled city. This is my hometown, and it was not always this way. Sadly, every local election went straight-ticket Democrat. This is so insane. I wonder what the true vote totals actually are. They want us to believe it is 2/3 voting blue and 1/3 (if that) voting red.
I don't believe it, but on the other hand many people I know have also bought the COVID narrative, and I think they want more of the same to continue.
Just watched Greta Vansustren discussing the Trump backed candidates lost “leaving the GOP to rethink Trump”. Also, she played a clip of Swamp creature Ted Cruz saying new celebrity elected officials make mistakes and experience matters. A light bulb went off the GOP is happy with the losses to put another black eye on Trump to get him out of the running. DeSantis being a past globalist grad is far preferred by the RINO’s. The whole picture seems clear now to me with the last year of DeSantis choregraphed moves of strength as a way to push Trump out now. The Uniparty strikes again.
America is over. Nobody is going to fight for it. I am again looking at moving to Panama and other countries without property taxes (with hopefully true ownership) and live out the remainder of my life. If America ever balkanizes with defined free zones, I might come back someday. I am getting taxed out of my home and they already took my job away (with mandates) and the bills are just going up and we have a tyrant governor here in the people's republic of Washington state, now in USSA. I am not fighting as nobody had my back when I was forced out of work and all I saw was the masked gestapo telling me to wear the face diapers and people complying to the fear propaganda. I was looking at private islands for sale as well. Anyone want to join me? Do you really think that voting is going to get everyone out of this mess? American citizens just don't have a backbone anymore. The statement says it all. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
"American citizens just don't have a backbone anymore"
Maybe they don't want to see the truth in the situation as then they'd actually have to grow a backbone or a pair and do something about it. It's easier to turn a blind eye?
I don't know, I don't think like that, just trying to figure out the average person.
They possibly think everything will work out just fine. Little do they know what's coming down the Pike. By the time they wake up to the reality of the situation, it will be way past too late to do anything about it.
(Looked into private islands a few years ago) Problem is the more people do it, especially if they form like minded communities, and get off the grid, the quicker the "authorities", - the-powers-that-ought-not-to-be will find a way of outlawing it. (For their safety of course and probably for the environment or some such rubbish)
Listen to this... full of answers
In the states they seem to be falling slowly (e.g. Arizona) and I heard Idaho is under attack and might not be safe anymore. I just don't want to be moving around trying to find a safe place and then it falls down (goes blue and overrun by Commies/Bolsheviks/Marxists, etc.) by the rigged voting systems, mail in ballot rigging etc. I am now looking at Ecuador as a possible location. I was interested in Bocas del toro Panama many times. I haven't looked into Tanzania, but I will check it out. I just basically want to find a place where they just leave me alone, low taxes with hopes of true ownership and not renting the land like you do in USSA. I already had a military friend of mine sell everything in the USSA and had a huge boat built in South Africa that he and his family are going to live on and sail around. If I had millions of dollars like he did I would probably do that as well. I don't think people are actually voting like the polls show anymore; it is actually more rigged with the mail in ballots etc. I read that is how Fetterman won in PA and how Patty Murray won here in WA. state. WA. state has always been rigged for decades now and is actually trying to be worse than CA. with all the bullshit taxes and laws.
A dead democrat, Tony DeLuca, won the election in Pennsylvania, with the "electorate" somehow casting 14,000 votes against a green party candidate Queonia Livingston, announced in Epoch Times
Everyone I've asked said they would NEVER vote for a known deceased candidate.
This is, likely, absolute proof that "bots" are doing the voting. If a server, like in 2020, was controlling the voting, they might not have any way of knowing that a candidate was deceased, and the "voting" tallying would continue. Maybe this is the straw that could break the camel's back? How to prove.
"How can such substantial erosion be consistent with the lack of any significant Republican gain on Tuesday?”
"If the vote count is honest, then the conclusion is that we must write off the American people as beings too stupid to survive as a free people.
This is why I much prefer to believe that the election was again stolen."
The psychopaths in DC will eventually leave decent people no choice but to act out violently while their Antifa/BLM goons engage in violence with impunity. And of course, the formerly non-violent law abiding tax paying citizens will be locked up while the sociopath scum run free. I used to think that things would improve once the worst generation (Boomers) was finally buried, but they not only spawned a possibly even worse generation (Millenials) but will vote Democrat in perpetuity since the cemetery vote is a solid Dem voting block now.
Ultimately though, the real power flows from the money creators, and most people just don't understand this. What happens in DC outside the secret agendas born in the Eccles Building is mostly theater.
I have no more faith or hope that this situation will correct itself in any way beneficial to humanity.
Well, on my tv they're still counting votes. I'm sorry, the narrative is just that strong and we havent made as much headway as we'd like. I've spent the past is two day defending my position, on covid, the lockdowns and the Ukrainian conflict. And people still believe the bullshit. Anything I say or show them is dismissed with this mis, dis, mal information crap. I point out that letting other peope dictate what information is acceptable and what is not is a dangerous in proposition but they can't see why.
"They" realized that the truth was the enemy of everything they were trying to implement.
Therefore they thought it would be genius to label all inconvenient truth as Mis/Dis/Mal information. With the media as their cheerleaders and the lemmings nodding politely and running swiftly off the edge of the cliff.
An they did that and it was bad.