I pray daily it will bring gates & these other complicit down . Sooner the better.

After reading Kennedy’s book on Fauxchi, they are why so many middle aged women in America, in the prime of our lives, slowed down drastically from autoimmune disorders. And now they continue to go after the children!

Doctors remember the researchers & doctors who disappeared for having research related to autism. Medical mafia has to be dismantled. Now.

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people who are injured by injections and drugs are frequently gaslighted and blamed for their own symptoms, whether physical or mental (fogginess) or emotional (mood changes). This misattribution is also a factor in many relationship difficulties, because the victim is blamed for being lazy or moody or whatever, and neither the medically injured, nor the medically-injured's family members, realize that an injury occurred in the first place.

This can happen to anyone, male or female, regardless of age. Doctors do not know the person's personality well enough to detect any changes.... and if the injury occurs in a young child, the parents may not even detect the damage. Or if the injury occurs in an older person, it is dismissed as "age-related/normal."

This all has to stop.

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In my too many years. I’ve found that any effort to centralize or federalize is an effort to control. And any centralization effort in a free, capitalist society ( which the US used to be) is an effort that kills success , kills business, and kills people.

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The US has never been a free, capitalist society! Alexander Hamilton was British agent #7 and he left a door open for England's Rothschild banking cartel to control US banks and money. Civil War was about money not slavery. Today the UK's puppet masters are pulling the strings in Washington via the Consul on Foreign Affairs and NED.

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After this is over Rottenchild needs to go the way of the dinosaur!

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Too bad that's not part of the Broadway play. What a riot that would be.

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I don’t disagree with you at all.... I’m being less technical. Perhaps I would have been more accurate with a football metaphor.... the govt is on our 80 yd. line now on their march toward total control.

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Far be it from me to call an esteemed member of Tigray People's Liberation Front a liar, but Tedros's saying that Covid leaked from the Wuhan lab in 2019 makes me believe claims that it may have leaked earlier.

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And now the WHO controls our response to “pandemics”. This means non-compliance is absolutely essential if we want any freedoms.

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Did you see in China, protesters having their QR codes go red.

Digital Prisons , Smart Cities, Etc.

Do not comply.

Rather die standing than on my knees.

The politicians, useful idiots who all went along, believing their grand inquisitors would reward them… absolutely they will be first to be zapped like a bug.

No dictatorship likes a traitor.

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"I was surprised when they suggested to me that this was the way to go, and I questioned it."

--Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, "kicking off his Big Pharma mea culpa cover-up campaign"

Congratulations, 2SG, and you called it months ago (early March).

Of course, we knew this was coming from the "SPARS" pandemic report.

"The SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028:

A Futuristic Scenario to Facilitate Medical Countermeasure Communication"



At the request of HHS Secretary Nagel, ASPR convened a series of meetings among senior leadership of the federal health agencies to address policy and program changes being implemented as a result of a departmental review of the response to the SPARS pandemic. Among the issues considered were the implications of growing negative public opinion regarding Corovax and the government’s perceived indifference to victims of the public health response to SPARS. One senior health official argued that time and a robust medical monitoring program for vaccine recipients—the components of which were already in place—should be sufficient to determine whether public concern about long-term effects was, in fact, warranted: “We have to wait for the data. People need to understand that fact.”


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Nancy Pelosi about Obama Care….

We will have to wait to see what’s in it.

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The more you vaccinate, the more the waves come back around.

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Agree on your conclusion this is all scripted to usher in global govt.. revelation of the method? Their own drills deal with eventual citizen blowback on adverse events. Coronacircus dot com arrives at the same understanding with emphasis on symbolic, esoteric and barbarian underpinnings. New social and economic system in progress.

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The last paragraph here was devastating but oh so true. Damn.

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I went to the linked Daily Mail article. The whole thing looks staged to me. I think Tedros is giving a mixed message for a purpose.

His Wuhan idea was answered immediately by the indignant Chinese calling it "a total lie" (see the embedded video). And the article also quoted Tedros as saying: "We do not yet have the answers as to where it came from or how it entered the human population."

I.e., he wasn't serious about reviving the Wuhan leak theory - it was just to give the CCP a reason to post their video.

Then there's the statement about "all hypotheses" apparently still "on the table". Like what? He doesn't say. It's that smug-looking unidentified official in China, and not Tedros, who reveals that the WHO "proposes to investigate national biological laboratories worldwide".

Like which ones? Tedros doesn't say. It's again the CCP guy who makes suggestions. And they're in just one country: "...we [sic] should investigate highly suspicious laboratories such as Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina in the United States." China pledges its usual "open, transparent and responsible attitude" to work with the WHO and find the real criminals.

I am picturing a set-up. The WHO and CCP first pretend to fight with each other, then they 'make peace' and team up to find "the answers as to where it came from". Great way to pump the watching world into a lynching mood.

The Pfizer clot-shot scandal will be another "highly suspicious" action needing their joint investigation. As the jab-induced deaths and injuries become too great to hide, the WHO-CCP will give Pfizer's fabricated data and obscene profits lots of self-righteous attention, and increase international outrage against the US gov't as Pfizer's crime partner (which will unfortunately be justified).

No wonder Fauci is announcing that he's retiring "sooner than most people think". Rats always abandon a sinking ship just in time to save themselves.

From there it will be a small step for the coup de grâce, when China leads the call for global sanctions against "evil America". If the country hasn't already fallen apart by then from Biden's chaos, it won't take much.

Then again, maybe all this is just a product of my over-active pessimistic imagination. I really really hope so.

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They've made it so obvious it came from Wuhan I have to question it.... are they hiding that it was really developed in Ukraine?

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If Tedros is being fully honest, it is the first time ever.

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All scripted - yes... including "lab leak" nonsense. The all-cause mortality data does not support this. How do you 'spose they'll try and divert blame from how a bioweapon got into all those COVID vials to be injected into unwitting victims?

As the tankers spray...

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Yes, purpose of “lab leak” theory is to keep the opposition from rallying around the fact that there is no novel coronavirus floating around to be “concerned” about in the first place.

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I just cant see the media actually reporting anything negative about these vaccines. Would love to see it, but i doubt it ever happens. I have written down the names of every doctor ive seen on the news and commercials pushing this garbage, so if this ever does come out—im going to stick this in their faces in person as much as possible.

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I agree the TPTB want the truth about the clot shots to come out eventually to discredit all nation-states so that the masses will accept the NWO. They own the CDC so they could have censored all of the deaths and adverse effects. They could have also censored the alternative media (especially video platforms like bitchute, odyesee and rumble which must have high operating expenses).

Perhaps TPTB underestimated the effectiveness of their brainwashing and the dumbing down of the public due to the ongoing Great Poisoning. Perhaps the masses will never figure it out on their own and TPTB will be forced to order the MSM to tell the public the truth about the shots!

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2nd Great. What is the solution?

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Patient noncompliance which includes NOT shopping at Amazon, not buying poison food, not masking, not locking down, etc. & etc.

Bartering locally, building local communities, etc.

Securing food sources and ideally growing some of it, if not all.

You know the drill already.

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I fear non-compliance and independence might not be enough. If things get really ugly a true and bloody rebellion will be necessary. Don’t forget that we didn’t gain our independence from England peacefully. While that is the preferred way, it might not be possible to do it that way.

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IF it gets to that point, then yes the best offense is defense.

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Let’s just hope IF never happens.

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Hugh, I have thought that, but we don't even have the org chart.

Some say this would be playing into hands of NWO.

I must say, I have no idea

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I am simply saying we must resist force with opposing force. If force is not used against us non-compliance will be enough. Example: If people come to my house to inject me they will suffer greatly even though I would be killed defending myself.

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2A is the only reason they gave up on the mass injection campaign because a 100 million said FU!

2A is the only reason we didn’t turn into the prison camp called Australia.

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I think you are correct.

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You're the legend.

I don't know all of it... but I do have surly 😠 part down. Quite unmanageable

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Sorry for being so Medieval, but interesting... esp at 50 min mark....

This is what I think solution is...


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Is it me or does it seem like things are about to burst?

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