Some district attorney is going to classify this as murder 1. A. They are getting money for this decision B. The data is Stong enough for them to know death will occur C. They were and are in a position of trust authority and power. D. There is a corruption and collusion. E. Just start it where they aren't released on bail. If ever there was a flight risk.. Some district attorney is going to seek the death penalty and get it. This is murder for hire. It's all how you frame it. Prosecutors this is the case of the century. That the victim is not known in terms of identity shouldn't matter. HINT HINT

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Top virologists around the world who believe in vaccines say STOP WITH THE mRNA INJECTIONS!

What is wrong with our medical bureaucrats who have apparently lost their mind and have sold their souls to the devil! I cry for all the parents and their children who will be physically and mental compromized by this action!

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These people are criminals and they can't now argue that there is no evidence.

The 4th Industrial Revolution is a psycho's wet dream but without reliable power its a nonsense and then there is the certainty of a massive solar flare.

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"It's for the Children" and the brain dead parents, corrupt chicken shiat politicians, and murderous Pharma/MD complex.

Transitioned and/or VaXXXed, What more can Your Government Do for Your children?

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