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The Jabs contain Graphene Oxide which is a newly “modified version of Graphine Hydroxide” Guess who owns the patent? The same people who are involved with manufacturing their Jabs. Think 🤔 Gates, Soros, Fauci & their big-Medical-Distributing Companies CEO’s & Board Members

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It's strange because a lot of people have said graphene oxide while other scientists who are looking for it don't seem to be able to find it. I wonder if some people are looking at placebos?

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Pfizer and Murderna will never reveal the ingredients to their sacred miracle elixirs. There was never informed consent and the trials were also fraudulent.

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What in it? You drink it!

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You are right, Pfizer, J&J, Moderna are all part of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum’s Agenda30 Depopulation & Control over Humanity. Please check out Bill Gates’ & Microsoft Patents:

“Luciferese” [illuminating Ink that will light 💡 you up when you attempt to enter Banks, Stores, Concerts, etc. “Nanotechnology Microchips” in their Jabs. Think 🤔

“COVID-19 PASSPORTS” & “The Digital Monetary System” PatentScope International Patent Website #WO2020060606 [666] & Lucifer. Satanists-Illuminati are now part of The WEF. The following is the absolute proof.

You can search “Tools” PDF or Drawings [Illustrations]. There you will see how the embedded Microchip in your body, will receive a Digital Monetary Crypto-currency and a “Server” [Bill Gates & Microsoft Employees will monitor Humanity, via Biorhythms, GPS, your brain activity, sexual activity, organs, etc. and you will be rewarded with a monetary value “IF” you are loyal & obedient to their One World Government [The United Nations].


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I think you may have just described the Beast System talked about in the biblical book of Revelation. It is said that nobody will be able to buy or sell without "the mark."

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Blair, Yes, you are exactly right. Gates’ “Digital Monetary System” patent #WO2020060606 is Symbolic for World Order- 2020 (patent approval year)-060606=(Mark of The Beast) 666.

The other patent that was filed by Gates: Luciferese: It is a uniquely designed ‘Luminescent Ink’ that has a special luminescence

which is injected into your skin, via Moderna, J&J, Pfizer Jabs & illuminates the serial number of the nanotechnology vaccine’s microchips and other information that are injected into humans. They will enforce their COVID-19 Passports for all of Humanity. If you do not get the Microchip then you starve. You will not be able to buy food, gas, supplies and then you will be rounded up by their New World Government [The United Nations has been strategically infiltrated by WEF’ New Global Leaders] and placed in FEMA Detention Camps to re-educate or Eliminate.

***Banks and Corporations are using Scanner machines already. Biden & Son, Obama, John Kerry, Pelosi & son, are just a few of these Satanists Cult members of The WEF.

Everything that is happening right now was prophesied thousands of years ago. The Holy Bible is something everyone should start reading 📖 about these prophetic scriptures

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Hmm 🤔 Have you heard of a Physician & Scientist who was an expert on Graphene Oxide, named Dr. Andreas Noack? He was arrested by Police during a livestream on YouTube when he was trying to warn people about the Experimental Injections loaded with Graphene Oxide:


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I recall that he said it was graphene hydroxide. Very strange story.

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According to several scientists and experts who specialize in the research of Graphene Oxide, the actual size of the metal is very, very small “Nanotubes” and the metal is a modified version of Carbon [diamonds are formed in Carbon. Very sharp! This has been modified to react to 5G Towers. It literally changes it’s molecular structure and becomes a moving liquid which travels in your (Injected) body’s bloodstream. Electro-Magnetic Radiation ☢️ makes you bleed internally. Think of minute-nano particles that are very, very small and extremely sharp like razor blades! https://rumble.com/vq4ms2-whistleblower-doctor-attacked-killed-after-exposing-graphene-in-shots.html

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Try going on Stew Peters and you will find the evidence for Killer-Jabs. #Genocide #Depopulation #NWO


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I am aware of the mortality, but researchers are all over the place when trying to identify the contents.

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