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There should be limits to “Presidential “ pardons. This is beyond disgraceful. When will WE THE PEOPLE say ENOUGH!! Rules for thee but not for me.

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Question? How many millions did these scammers squirrel away off shore? Did they all chip in to give Joe a retirement kitty? All got a "Get out of Jail" card because they had a lobbyist working for them on the inside in DC? Makes no sense that so many scammers that destroyed the lives of so many innocent people are again walking on the street!

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You would have to amend the Constitution.

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It is very clear that all of these so-called presidential pardons must simply be discarded and ignored. Justice demands this.

When we still have the innocent victims arrested for the staged “insurrection” by the uniparty and yet we have Joey’s handlers’s turning loose unrepentant criminals and degenerates, you know that we live in a system of two tiered justice.

I just can’t hate Joey and especially his handlers, enough

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Fuck him and his fuckn handler with a 6 ft billy stick

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LOL!!! I love your eloquence!

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How many Trump supporters have been persecuted and jailed beside the J6's? There are wrongful convictions. Trump's NY case is a glaring example!

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Unfortunately, outside of a constitutional amendment, the pardons stand.

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The reality is our governments from both parties for over 100 years now have been progressively violating every aspect of the constitution that they see fit to violate. So in the spirit of what we’ve been seeing for the past nearly 100 years, these pardons gotta go And the prosecution must begin.

And even beyond that, Joey and his handlers may well be issuing blanket pardons to people who even been charged and found guilty of anything. That certainly cannot be constitutional, even if we wish to keep to that shred of the constitution

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Biden is a degenerate moron but he is doing nothing that Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton etc etc etc haven't done. If no-one is above the law the president's ability to pardon anyone must be removed and that removal made retrospective so that all these criminals, including those presidents for their now criminal acts, can be arrested/re-arrested.

The rich have been doing this to the poor forever and in this case two wrongs do make a right.

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Remember when Trump pardoned Jared Kushner's deranged criminal father? Good times indeed....

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Yes. And a criminal rapper but not Julian Assange despite Assange's revelations having a lot to do with him winning the presidency.

Of course he would say it is difficult to pardon an innocent man who is illegally locked up in a British jail at the time but he could have at least said the US had no interest in pursuing him and that the US vassal the UK should release him but he didn't.

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What a great way for US citizens to get slapped in the face repeatedly and really hard. What other corruptions will we have to witness before January 20th, not that I think there will be no more corruption after that, but this is so beyond any semblance of decency, or democracy or justice..completely disgusting.

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Here is the gift for us: we are witnessing a crescendo of evil perpetrating their power right before our eyes. We cannot help but see because our eyes are open. Their sick consciousness must flaunt their postures before us. They know some of us are awake, and that more of us awaken all the time, so they are presenting the pageant of their power to us. They know that most do not "see" their actions for what they are, but the fact that they know some of us "see" them must cause a feeding frenzy of their need to display themselves to us. They seem like incredibly evil children to me.

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Hmmmm. Do you think the Big Guy might be selling pardons? 🤔

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When looking at this level of corruption makes a believer out of you. "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied."

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I feel dirty after reading this.

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Effing unbelievable. Er,...actually, it IS believable.

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Obviously these scum will be donating heavily to the Biden library and porn circus.

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I can only imagine that Sleepy Joe got 10% of the spoils from each of them - for his kindness and understanding? Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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One might consider that possiby, they (the pardoned criminals) can run, but they cannot hide. Sooner or later they'll need groceries.

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Are u fckn serious?

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Can you re-write that without the foulness?

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I just want this four year nightmare to be over. I don’t give a fuck what Biden does now. Just go fucking away. And all these pardons of men who have financially hurt thousands of people will only serve to push more people to the right. More of America is awake now. Let the Democrat party continue to self-immolate.

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Letting all these criminals go was guarantee that Biden would have a future pension for him and his family quite disgusting

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Pardons pay well.

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Yup. Biden or the other crime family members are getting paid for these pardons. Guaranteed.

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