I think one of the essential things for people to do is to simply write a Legal Notice to President Biden that neither he nor anyone else has the authority to surrender US sovereignty to any entity, and he has no authority to subordinate the US Constitution to any other agreement or treaty. To do so is expressly prohibited by the Constitution and by Marbury v Madison 5 US 137.
Any treaty that is repugnant to the Constitution is void, and therefore cannot be enforced. But preaching this to the choir is not nearly as helpful as putting the lawbreakers on formal written notice and keeping the receipts.
🙌That's fantastic! You're so right! But......we're way past letter writing, and they've made it crystal clear our constitution is a "thing of the past"-something to be shredded day by day. Having an equally corrupt judicial system who refuses to uphold our beloved constitution, seals the deal.
These demoniacs have broken so many federal laws, I've stopped counting; yet, not one has had consequence.
Credible threats of enforcement do not exist anymore, and silence = consent has legal precedent, so it's important to not leave such maneuvers as WHO's uncriticized.
silence does not equal consent, it just means we're done participating in and condoning a system that is FUBAR. And to have credible threats of enforcement we must ACT, not put more worthless words for paper. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Words to paper are only meaningful in a civilized society that respects the rule of law. We no longer live in that kind of society and it will take action to be rid of those who destroyed it so that we can rebuild it. It's time to look critically at the current reality and overcome normalcy bias.
An essential part of action is speech. The Constitution does not lose validity or force simply because you're done with "worthless words," and because others violate it. It is our strongest tool in the legal realm, and the only thing that established the structures that defeated the OSHA mandates, took masks off planes and most kids, and enable us to dismantle the COVID hoax in the legal realm.
Horrible news, of course. The vast majority of people are completely unaware of this. Daily distractions like Ukraine and Roe vs. Wade keep it that way. Here's a good video about how the WHO "predicts" 10 years of pandemics:
My first reaction is jab mandates will come back with a vengeance. It's not us (e.g. USSA government) it's them (WHO/WEF, etc) and they are telling us it MUST be enforced. My second reaction is globalist hell awaits us!
I've said it since around 2010, as I watched the WHO in the Mideast, and then in the Ukraine (7 to 8 years). they would take over. Now, at least over the past two years, they've worked, earnestly, to do exactly that. Not a bit of this shocks me. I'm annoyed, but I am not shocked, a whit.
Our Constitution is now void and EVERYONE better realize this!! We no longer have a say in our future. We now are lead around like spineless sheep without any resistance. The tyrannical powers now know that we are cowards that will not actually fight back at their takeover. The bogus COVID "pandemic" was the test run that gave them the green light. I'm amused at everyone buying weapons and ammo at the highest rate in our country's history because at the end of the day the Government knows we are too big of cowards to put forth the power to stop them!!!
Can we finally admit that CV19 wasn't 'accidentally leaked' and was instead the precursor to the enslavement and elimination of a large percentage of humanity?
The problem here in America isn't that the Democrat base doesn't understand that Joe Biden was not legally elected, it's that half don't care if he cheated, and the other half thinks it was kind of cool...
We knew the multitude of sadistic attacks against our freedoms were designed to get us in the streets so they could try to come for our guns; but stand down for now. If they screw with the 11/8/22 elections, on 11/9/22 there will be a patriot behind every blade of grass intent on taking back our liberties, just as our Originalist Forefathers had outlined for us...As for the WHO types, good luck with that. 400 million well-oiled and cleaned weapons will await your arrival. God didn't bless this nation so soldiers for Satan like the Biden Administration could give it away. A rude awakening awaits you all...but did anyone really think any of the Elites would be anywhere near the conflicts? Of course not, they are cowards and will be dealt with accordingly...Godspeed to the return of our liberties...
There is certainly a move to do that. The Article says that America proposed the Amendments to the WHO's charter. I say BS to that. With the fixed election in 2020, the Coup has already taken place. Neither Trump nor RFK Jr, have any chance of getting "elected" under this regime. So, both of them need to come to grips with that, and the sooner the better.
Functionally irrelevant. Biden can sign away anything he wants and it has zero affect under law. Only the Senate can approve treaties (and by 2/3 supermajority). And ceding sovereignty to the WHO would be a treaty. It's like when Bill Clinton signed the Tokyo Accords on Climate Change. Looked great to his base, but had zero affect under law, because the Senate never ratified it.
It then depends on how Enforcement treats this illegal takeover. The United States would be dissolved without the Constitution, so not the Biden Administration, the Congress, or the Courts has the right to suspend the US Constitution, not without ending the Union. Here we are now in the Fall of 2023 waiting for the Next Wave of mandates to bring America to its knees. The Enemy is now known to us. Will we then comply ? I say NO. Trump says NO. And so do all patriotic Americans.
Who are we, as the United States to tell other countries about the health of it's citizenry? We are at the top in obesity (even after changing the definition), have one of the highest cancer rates in the world, and have a bloated, and costly health are system. This is merely a power grab from those in control of these industries to do this to other nations, and expand their market share.
This vote also seems to have taken place while our country was flooded with news stories about mass shootings, as a distraction from what is really important. These are the things I look for when understanding what is truly going on in the world at the macro-level.
That's where the Article floundered. It's not the United States that proposed the Amendments, it's the American Gov't that's not illegitimately installed. America did not give away it's sovereignty, it was illegally taken. Until Law Enforcement steps up, the Country we live in will continue to look unrecognizable.
Who will bring to bear the force needed to make people comply? and won't the people just bring an equal but opposite force to bear on the impinging force?
I think one of the essential things for people to do is to simply write a Legal Notice to President Biden that neither he nor anyone else has the authority to surrender US sovereignty to any entity, and he has no authority to subordinate the US Constitution to any other agreement or treaty. To do so is expressly prohibited by the Constitution and by Marbury v Madison 5 US 137.
Any treaty that is repugnant to the Constitution is void, and therefore cannot be enforced. But preaching this to the choir is not nearly as helpful as putting the lawbreakers on formal written notice and keeping the receipts.
so many "laws" and amendments are constitutionally void as it is, and yet the citizenry mindlessly complies.
We are in a post-Constitutional era in this country. It cannot be reformed from within.
🙌That's fantastic! You're so right! But......we're way past letter writing, and they've made it crystal clear our constitution is a "thing of the past"-something to be shredded day by day. Having an equally corrupt judicial system who refuses to uphold our beloved constitution, seals the deal.
These demoniacs have broken so many federal laws, I've stopped counting; yet, not one has had consequence.
Remove their funding where we can make a difference. Their power players trace back to Harvard and co.
Quit volunteer paying taxes, voting and consenting to their delusional mind fing warfare!
Lloyd, Lander, Epstein, The Edge, The Broad Institute
Unfortunately, we are way past the point where words are going to make any difference unless they are backed up by credible threats of enforcement.
Credible threats of enforcement do not exist anymore, and silence = consent has legal precedent, so it's important to not leave such maneuvers as WHO's uncriticized.
silence does not equal consent, it just means we're done participating in and condoning a system that is FUBAR. And to have credible threats of enforcement we must ACT, not put more worthless words for paper. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Words to paper are only meaningful in a civilized society that respects the rule of law. We no longer live in that kind of society and it will take action to be rid of those who destroyed it so that we can rebuild it. It's time to look critically at the current reality and overcome normalcy bias.
An essential part of action is speech. The Constitution does not lose validity or force simply because you're done with "worthless words," and because others violate it. It is our strongest tool in the legal realm, and the only thing that established the structures that defeated the OSHA mandates, took masks off planes and most kids, and enable us to dismantle the COVID hoax in the legal realm.
I'm sorry, but it wasn't words that accomplished those things. That's all I will say about that.
Decline the degerati
The technocracy
Of merging human and digital identity
After they rape our children
And Co-opt beauty
End the WHO
boo hoo boo hoo
We see through!
Rise in light, in joy in freedom
Be your own queen in your own queendom
We aren't dumb
Our time is here
The time has come
To love beyond fear
To rise in sovereignty, my dear!
We are clear. We are human. We are divine
We are here to align
The crystalline frequencies unco-optable
And divine
That dissolve out all that's inverted and perverted
We dance to heal the wrongs
We sing, we play, we breathe each day!
We activate our sovereign DNA
We are singing our earth to life and freedom with God's holy music; our soul's brightest new song
That enlightens and births us into a reality where even if slowly, all that erodes our sovereignty is gone
We are one
We are one
We are one
you lost me at crystalline frequencies
Read it, "truth frequencies", they are unco-optable.
Have we ever lived in that sort of society? Really, just think about it.
We can raise our vibration so that whole thing collapse and become creative in how we withdraw our consent and dance in the new.
Biden is an acting tyrant, working for an authoritarian regime.laws are ignored. The murderers must be executed
Give them lawful trials for war crimes and mass murders, then their proper judicial execution by the proper authorities, yes
You can actually email the ' WHOTE HOUSE'! Call too.
Horrible news, of course. The vast majority of people are completely unaware of this. Daily distractions like Ukraine and Roe vs. Wade keep it that way. Here's a good video about how the WHO "predicts" 10 years of pandemics:
This could result in civil wars, worldwide. Probably well past time.
This is an outrage. Not content to put America last, they are now actively engaged in destroying it!
They want to cancel the upcoming elections whether by war, a new variant, or sabotage. Trust me on this. We can not let them.
My first reaction is jab mandates will come back with a vengeance. It's not us (e.g. USSA government) it's them (WHO/WEF, etc) and they are telling us it MUST be enforced. My second reaction is globalist hell awaits us!
I've said it since around 2010, as I watched the WHO in the Mideast, and then in the Ukraine (7 to 8 years). they would take over. Now, at least over the past two years, they've worked, earnestly, to do exactly that. Not a bit of this shocks me. I'm annoyed, but I am not shocked, a whit.
Our Constitution is now void and EVERYONE better realize this!! We no longer have a say in our future. We now are lead around like spineless sheep without any resistance. The tyrannical powers now know that we are cowards that will not actually fight back at their takeover. The bogus COVID "pandemic" was the test run that gave them the green light. I'm amused at everyone buying weapons and ammo at the highest rate in our country's history because at the end of the day the Government knows we are too big of cowards to put forth the power to stop them!!!
Climate change bogus lockdowns incoming!
Can we finally admit that CV19 wasn't 'accidentally leaked' and was instead the precursor to the enslavement and elimination of a large percentage of humanity?
The problem here in America isn't that the Democrat base doesn't understand that Joe Biden was not legally elected, it's that half don't care if he cheated, and the other half thinks it was kind of cool...
We knew the multitude of sadistic attacks against our freedoms were designed to get us in the streets so they could try to come for our guns; but stand down for now. If they screw with the 11/8/22 elections, on 11/9/22 there will be a patriot behind every blade of grass intent on taking back our liberties, just as our Originalist Forefathers had outlined for us...As for the WHO types, good luck with that. 400 million well-oiled and cleaned weapons will await your arrival. God didn't bless this nation so soldiers for Satan like the Biden Administration could give it away. A rude awakening awaits you all...but did anyone really think any of the Elites would be anywhere near the conflicts? Of course not, they are cowards and will be dealt with accordingly...Godspeed to the return of our liberties...
really wasn't expecting to witness the end of the world
has Elon given some thought on terraforming mars yet? we are running out of time
How about getting out of WHO. They shouldn't be able to make us do anything. We follow God's teaching, not Satan's...
There is certainly a move to do that. The Article says that America proposed the Amendments to the WHO's charter. I say BS to that. With the fixed election in 2020, the Coup has already taken place. Neither Trump nor RFK Jr, have any chance of getting "elected" under this regime. So, both of them need to come to grips with that, and the sooner the better.
Functionally irrelevant. Biden can sign away anything he wants and it has zero affect under law. Only the Senate can approve treaties (and by 2/3 supermajority). And ceding sovereignty to the WHO would be a treaty. It's like when Bill Clinton signed the Tokyo Accords on Climate Change. Looked great to his base, but had zero affect under law, because the Senate never ratified it.
It then depends on how Enforcement treats this illegal takeover. The United States would be dissolved without the Constitution, so not the Biden Administration, the Congress, or the Courts has the right to suspend the US Constitution, not without ending the Union. Here we are now in the Fall of 2023 waiting for the Next Wave of mandates to bring America to its knees. The Enemy is now known to us. Will we then comply ? I say NO. Trump says NO. And so do all patriotic Americans.
Who are we, as the United States to tell other countries about the health of it's citizenry? We are at the top in obesity (even after changing the definition), have one of the highest cancer rates in the world, and have a bloated, and costly health are system. This is merely a power grab from those in control of these industries to do this to other nations, and expand their market share.
This vote also seems to have taken place while our country was flooded with news stories about mass shootings, as a distraction from what is really important. These are the things I look for when understanding what is truly going on in the world at the macro-level.
That's where the Article floundered. It's not the United States that proposed the Amendments, it's the American Gov't that's not illegitimately installed. America did not give away it's sovereignty, it was illegally taken. Until Law Enforcement steps up, the Country we live in will continue to look unrecognizable.
GOD Responded to mankind. If you're a Believer ✝️, you
MUST READ -> https://politicalmoron.com/political-morons.html
#JesusSaves means just that. As HE is a Living GOD...
Who will bring to bear the force needed to make people comply? and won't the people just bring an equal but opposite force to bear on the impinging force?
Obeying CLOWNS just makes one a Clown.
Disobey Unaccountable Authority!
Some USA court will strike this down as it is clearly an end run around not only the treaty process but the constitution.
"should" strike this down... But the SCOTUS has also been compromised.
Hight Treason and Mass Murder.