I wonder if the heat is going to go up so much on the elites for what attention Gates is piling on them that they'll have to toss him overboard. With lead shoes. He's almost turning into that smellly nerd in the corner everyone is starting to avoid and they want to get rid of him.

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Interesting comment. Either way, people at his level are purely expendable whether they realize it or not and it's pretty certain that they do.

We all think that people like him are the wealthiest people in the world, but he's chump change to those that really are, those that don't put their names out there and who are too cowardly to do so that they hide behind everyone and everything, pulling the strings from those blind spots.

In short, so what if Gates gets fitted for lead shoes. There's so much superficial mindless charade going on these days, that the odds-on guess as to whether something is false is "yes." Getting rid of Gates is like pulling a kleenex out of a box, another one pops up in its place.

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This is true, of course, but I sure would feel pretty good about it for a day, at least!

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What an insult to kleenexes! Gates is more turd than kleenex ;)

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What do the parasitic elites have to fear from the masses? Nothing has happened to any of them to fear the public.

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So far, yes; but the zeitgeist has recently changed. This will have consequences.

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Yet. Honestly, it's the morals of the masses that have kept them alive.

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I hope you are right. They make the laws, they enforce them arbitrarily; they corrupt all the institutions against the public - media, courts, government, police. We are not going to vote our way out of this. It will take vigilante justice, and these participants will be branded as "domestic terr*rists." A truly sad state of affairs of a once great republic.

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From your lips to God’s ear…and let’s hope he takes his funding with him.

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Sounds like the mark of the beast to me.

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All animals are branded or chipped by their owners and Gates and ALL his Davos chums see me and mine and yours as animals to be dealt with as they see fit which is fine by me as I see him, his family and ALL his Davos chums as animals to be dealt with as I see fit.

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They already used our dogs in Massachusetts for Gain of Function thanks to Eco Health Alliance .

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Bill Gates along with Anthony Fauci should be in jail for what they did.

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there is a more appropriate outcome for gates, fauci and too many others to name.

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People who loved Covid will line up, NO THANK-YOU.

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People do not understand how things are going to go down.

It's going to ultimately come down to either get whatever it is that they command, or lose any and all ability to make ends meet.

We just say people, good people, people claiming to be "awake," assist in the killing of millions. Why? Because they needed the income.

Yeah, I cannot agree with you. The pressures to do as they ordain will be immense, making the pressure of refusing to wear a mask seem like saying no to dessert at a dinner.

Hell, many of the people claiming to be "awake" still don't even realize that 9-11 was also a false-flag set-up to control our movement.

Then 2008, had we actually let the Big-Banks fail, we may have had a chance, but those among the "awake" with means decided that they didn't want to lose their wealth and whether knowingly or unknowingly, traded their future liberties to further cement the control of Big-Banking which condtrols Big-Corp, and which includes Big-Pharma.

And again, had we en masse refused to wear masks and "distance" ourselves in many ways, and had exposed the ongoing PSYOP-19 as yet another false-flag, then maybe we'd be in a better place now.

They don't ever do the same thing twice. As Gates has pointed out, the next one, whatever it is, A, expect to be multi-pronged, and B, therefore expect it to be terminally more horrific.

But for the reasons that we won't be prepared including people spending more time arguing over sports and watching endless hours of sports and shit immoral PROGRAMMING on TV because we constantly need to be entertained by outside sources, than we do actually researching what's going on in the world and has been for decades and even centuries, simply put, we're hosed.

If people do not understand the basis of it all, which few do, particuarly and shamefully among people self-proclaiming to be "awake," for whatever the hell that even means these days, then how on earth can they truthfully react when the next round of manure hits the turbines.

It all stems from the eradication of God, not religion, but God, Christ, from our world. We've done that, and LOL, even "in the name of god" we've done it with most if not all of fundamentalist "christianity" aligning with those that Christ himself berated in Matthew 23. The very ilk that Saul of Tarsus was before he became Paul on the road to Damascus.

That's Free Will! Us choosing our own demise. We've all heard the phrase we get the government that we deserve. Well, our intellectual and emotional laziness and sheer and utter lack of curiosity in that way has led us down the path and road to self-destruction.

We have indeed chosen mammon over God.

Most people do not believe that because they can't see it. So they'll dismiss it in favor of more ridiculous reasons and excuses, which feeds right into it.

There is no more morality in this world. Mammon is our god. Tragically, that mammon is controlled by the satanic perps who have used it to herd everyone into the stanchions of the slaughterhouse. Consider all of the industries that support their methodology.

Central Banking since over a century ago.

That has led to the control of entire governments.

Which has led to control over ...

Medicine and the Medical (not health) industry;

Education and the control over future generations' minds;

Law and the control over what's legal (not moral, but legal) and what isn't (which is often moral):

the Economy via the takeover of it by Big-Corp; (Rush Limbaugh, that wolf in sheep's clothing and his crusade for "Corporations are people too" got many formerly good moral people into buying into the whole "Prayer of Jabez" and bogus Prosperity Gospels fueling the worship of mammon directly, ironically;

Government; (Government serves zero interests of a free people, it serves those that control it, in every way, shape, and form. Yet, consider how many people are employed by it and by government contractors whose business is war and societal subversion.)

It's funny, the things that people take as fact these days, I was castigated for a decade ago in trying to point them out to people. I was considered nuts back then by the same people believing it now.

There is no path to victory in constantly reacting years after something happens. There simply isn't. Not nearly enough people understand the core of what's going on to be able to affect a difference in their desired outcome.

Factor in that mass death is part of their MO, as we shall soon find out, there really are no options at this point for as depressing as that may be.

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As disturbing as this is to us keep in mind some of the mind numb masses that fell all over themselves to get the shots then went on to get tattoos of their chosen brand, lot number etc. on their bodies. They’ve got to be laughing themselves silly over how easy it is to cull the heard. Obviously never comply.

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It's coming! I do believe that within 10 years or so, every newborn infant will immediately be chipped and parents will be told “ this is great for you as a new parent-never lose your Childs social security card, no more papers to submit to school to show proof of vaccination” and so forth. The masses will fall for it.

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Whatever the parasite class plans is never for the current generation, but the upcoming ones. Since civics is rarely taught in schools anymore lots of young people don’t know how important our rights are so when they are gone they won’t miss them.

Look at how many young people just use their phones to pay for things so when cash can’t be used anymore they won’t miss it either. The parasites aren’t dumb.

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Agree completely!

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The only reliable contingency plan is to terminate these people. No DA will investigate, no GJ indict, no judge accept the trial. Either we remove these people or they depopulate 7.5 billion people - us, not them, from the future.

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Why are these people not in jail?

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Because all the congressmen are getting their beaks wet somehow by all of this. Between the invasion at the border, the genocide of the vax and printing our money to worthlessness--and nothing is being done. A few hearings that go nowhere.

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The hearings go nowhere because they're not supposed to go anywhere. It's all kabuki, put on by our "elected politicians" who are really vested in preserving the rights of those individuals/ corporations who give them the biggest kickback.

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Correct. It is all theater, just like controlled opposition.

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I know, they run them to give us false hope.

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What would be you definition of "going nowhere?"

What would you have them do?

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Stop an invasion. Stop the genocide. Its literally happening in front of their eyes.

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They can write bills but with the Senate, they will go nowhere.

The vax issues...too late now. Those who took it refused to listen to those of us and MANY others about dangers and to wait. No they panicked and like merry little sheep, went along with the program. Now, sadly, many are paying a dear price.

Congresses job is OVERSIGHT. They are NOT law enforcement, cannot arrest or prosecute. Their job is to refer wrongdoing and their investigative information to the DOJ for follow-up and use. With the current DOJ, that won't happen.

Congress is limited by the Constitution as to what they can do.

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Because "justice" is only a pretense and jail is only for the little people, not the gods?

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I like the lead shoes scenario.

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I remember a very famous guy saying if anyone harms any of these little ones that believe in me then better they tie a millstone round their neck and jump in the sea. Since Gates and ALL of his Davos chums are harming people on an industrial scale and I see none of them taking that millstone advice I can only assume that they are ALL masochists salivating at the thought of the pain he will put them ALL through.

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THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN doesn't read THE BIBLE as they already "know" - to its own detriment - it's fake!


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I just started reading Tim Schwab's book(no relation to Klaus), "The Bill Gates Problem.../reckoning with the myth of the Good Billionaire." I think you and all your readers would enjoy! Suffice to say, the world is populated with an elite group of psychopaths and sociopaths who have unlimited access to the Central Bank's ducats. This is the conundrum we in the peasant class must come to terms with: when we abide by their rules, their laws, their mandates--we are also supporting their paradigm.

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Another good book to read...

Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates Is the Most Dangerous Man in the World https://a.co/d/7GjDeKh

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" They want you dead." - what "benefit" would THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN reap by that, apart from relieving its paranoic pressure of "overpopulation" - out of their fallacious gospel that SANE MAN AND WOMAN want to exist in the same MENTAL PRISON CELL (HELL) they created for themselves - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN created its various fallacious bogeyman that they now HAVE TO CHASE in order not to become insane, as THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN has abandoned GOD ALMIGHTY since EVE led in her "wisdom" THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN out of THE GARDEN OF EDEN by refusing GOD ALMIGHTY! BILL GATES being the epitome of ADAM following LUCIFER INTO HELL!

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Gates is a madman!!!! The fact countries are allowing him to destroy everything in his path is complicit and criminal! Plus now he is buying huge acres of farmland in America and it won’t be used for farming! We need trees and forests so any nutcase who thinks they are causing the climate hoax is bat shit crazy! The fact he is still walking free after all the vaccine deaths he has caused world wide is also telling. They kill the leaders who stand up for their people!

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I first read about quantum dot tattoos in 2020 via Australian website tottnews.com (a great resource). As for the patches in development (see link below) , this is unfortunately going well - just google 'vaccine patches Australia'.


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There are people out there who work in Bill Gates' house. People who work on his property. People who work for him directly. Perhaps it's time for THEIR friends to put some *pressure* on these people. You know, the old fashioned concept of guilt by association.

If you're working for Gates, you're enabling him, and you're part of the problem.

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The funny thing was I read about these tattoos back in the 1990s. It took the bad guys this long to perfect them. It seems they'll have to start the CDBCs first and then no tattoo, no food. Here is the frightening part. Your Caste will be locked in the tattoo forever. If you're a bug eater, or a big shot in the global cartel, there it will be.

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