It is just a little chilling that there are whole organizations devoted to this kind of thinking. One of the quotes that stood out to me was "The continuing deterioration of the economic situation is highly likely to lead to a loss in the position of the Democratic Party in Congress and the Senate in the forthcoming elections to be held in November 2022. The impeachment of the President cannot be ruled out under these circumstances, which must be avoided at all costs." It makes one wonder if the threat assessment was taken to heart. This would have led directly to encouraging the Ukrainians to amass their forces in the Donbass area, with the promise of support from the west. And Russia has no reasonable course of action aside from the SMO.

Truly diabolical.

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It is evident, even without documentary evidence, that it was the intention of Washington to collapse the German economy.

Collateral damage spreads to other Western European states.

Weakened NATO countries is something the Russian Leadership has no difficulties with. Their resource customers are elsewhere - Asia.

In a real sense, these two Superpowers come out well - the US and Russia. Others in Europe not.


Russia has many courses of action as Russia retains Escalation Dominance. Their Ukrainian SMO is a small scale operation for them, written up by Western Mainstream Media as dragging the Russian State down. Unlikely. The West is causes its own implosion.

Russia and China, for that matter, are not Communist States. China is a one party capitalist market economy, sometimes contested by those who have never been there nor lived there. I have.

Examined here by perhaps the other 2nd Smartest Guy in the World in strategic terms . . . https://les7eb.substack.com

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You really have to admire those Commies, they sure know how to stick to a plan!

International Communist Revolution at work.

Folks, the plan has not changed since around 1960.

Read “New Lies for Old” by Anatoliy Golitsyn.


“There seem to be three possible scenarios around which the history

of the next half century will be written:

In the first, communism, meeting neither ideological nor political resistance from the West, continues along its present course to disarmament, then to convergence with the West on its own terms, and so to world domination.

In the second, the West realizes in time the nature of the communist threat, solves its own national problems, unites the noncom-munist world, and adopts a policy of open competition between the two systems; as a result, the peoples of the communist bloc repudiate their leaders and the communist empire disintegrates.

The third scenario resembles the second except that both systems remain intact and competition continues for a very long time.

And who shall say that unrelenting competition between two opposing systems of government, each secured by the nuclear deter- rent, would not prove fruitful? But where are the statesmen who will recognize this path to possible safety and guide their peoples along it?”

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Frankly, the distribution list including "DNC" gives me pause as to the authenticity. Are they that bold?

Interesting nonetheless.

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They are using basic game theory to weigh which party and scenarios "win" the variety of scenarios they are running through.

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It doesn't ring true/real to me. That being said, who would put that much work into a fake one?

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To "them:", the Earth is a yuge stage for their "great games"!

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The US is weakened with every zombie that crosses our border. We are effin' suicidal idjits.

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Please provide the link to the report

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There is no link to this declassified report. It should not be in the wild, and was shared.

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Very interesting. The criminal sociopathy behind these organisations is quite something. Any means justifies the ends. It's very hard for most people to fully wrap their minds around that fact.

I wonder about the reported advances by the NATO backed Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine? Is this a pretext for Putin to up the ante? It's hard to see him meekly accepting the loss of previously gained territory. As you say he's diligently playing his part. Time will tell but a further escalation of conflict and reduction in energy flows to Europe seems probable.

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How does anyone "prepare accordingly" for this?

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Another possibility is that the document IS authentic, but it was deliberately 'leaked' to confuse consumers of the alternative media. Because there are some ideas here that don't add up.

First off, the writers didn't invest much in this Exec Summary - they didn't even bother to proofread it and correct the many silly typos (which got more numerous and sillier near the end). That might sound nitpicky, but the policy-writing professionals know that text quality can build or destroy trust in the content.

Second, there is no logic in messing with Russian oil supply as a way to bring Germany down -- it's not as though Germany can't go to the rest of the energy-producing world. In fact, they've already made deals with Qatar, Australia, and Canada (and right now they're talking to Israel too). Only the Russians believed they ever had that kind of clout.

Third, it's no secret that the globalists want to dismantle all national independence, not sustain one country over another. And they would certainly not do it at Germany's expense. (If any country were to serve as the geo base for the NWO, it would likely be Schwab's home turf: either Germany or closely related Belgium.)

Last, to "strengthen the US" would be to undo all their own hard work in weakening the US during the past decade. Why reverse course just when your goal is in sight?

Anyway, the paper provides a good exercise in critical thinking. Other readers might prove me wrong.

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"First off, the writers didn't invest much in this Exec Summary..."

This struck me as well. A professional document should be pristine. One naturally reaches for the salt when it isn't. The litmus test for this would be to read other RAND documents to see if they suffer from similar defects. Of the ones I have read, they don't, but my list is hardly exhaustive.

"Second, there is no logic in messing with Russian oil supply as a way to bring Germany down..."

The document speaks of "energy supplies". If the word "oil" is in it, I missed it.

Germany's industrial prowess was built by leveraging cheap Russian energy. The cessation of the flow of cheap energy pulls the rug out from Germany's industrial prowess. The preponderance of the cheap energy that Germany is built on is Russian natural gas. Energy prices are set on the margins, and the margins went ballistic when Russia's gas was removed from the European market.

"Last, to "strengthen the US" would be to undo all their own hard work in weakening the US during the past decade."

One assumes that your "their" refers to the OWG/Davos elite grouping that appears to have gotten the upper hand, especially since we entered the 2020s. I would agree with the general statement that the OWG/Davos depends on weakening all nations, but lesser, local elites can always be expected to work towards supremacy within whatever rubric is set by the level above them. It works the same in any human organization.

This document appears to be geared towards those American elites who would wish to make America great, but that greatness is to be planted within the structures set by their betters. Ergo, it sets a first-amongst-equals strategy. There are, presumably, other American elites who'd wish to make America great (again) on its own terms, sorta like the Russian and Chinese elites that took the reins away from local elite factions beholden to the OWG/Davos gang and are taking the nations their own way.

I'd bet my last pfennig that said Russian & Chinese elites would love to have a truly independent USA sitting at the Table of Great Powers with whom disputes could be settled and agreements made without the ghosts of OWG/Davos lurking just behind the American representative.

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Good points. Thanks for thinking those through.

You're right - I should have said "energy" and not "oil". Israel will be selling Germany natural gas. And possibly geothermal technology, that little-known but infinite resource being exported by Ormat for decades but now used elsewhere in Europe. The Germans are also backing away from their commitment to phase out nuclear energy.

Like you, I would also bet on some elite faction in the inner-inner circle hoping to rebuild the USA on the Chinese / Russian model of "sovereignty for me, not for thee". But for me it's a realistic hope that this will sabotage the OWG from within.

The inevitable end of the lust for power is the personal clash of the megalomaniac survivors at the top -- still saying, "for me, not for thee." History is full of tyrants double-crossing one another. The world will never be big enough for more than one of them. That's why Ps. 2 says God is laughing.

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Thank you Shared to gab.

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Mind blowing.

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Can I ask how you obtained this document and how we might be able to estimate it's credibility?

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I don't doubt this is authentic but I wonder why it was leaked. Misinformation? Disclosure?

Trump warned everyone about this so his team [MI/NSA] was aware of plans to destroy Germany years before RAND penned this report.

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Why does Larry Johnson use a silly pseudonym here when it is obvious that he is the author? https://sonar21.com/is-the-war-in-ukraine-part-of-a-u-s-strategy-to-weaken-germany-rand-says-yes/. P.S. I just tried to link to Larry's blog on FB and discovered that it is blocked. That is probably the answer to my question, since FB has not yet blocked this substack link.

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I am not Larry Johnson, and never heard of him before.

Two writers can have the same access to information.

Before making accusations I suggest politely asking and/or doing due diligence.


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It's good to know at least who you are not. I apologize for not noticing that Johnson was citing you in his blog. So now we have an anonymous post (from you) linking to part of an anonymous "confidential" study supposedly from an unknown person working for the Rand Corp. which you say you somehow "verified" as authentic. (How did you do that?) Apparently Johnson also accepts it as authentic, but such "revelations" are counterproductive since they introduce a large measure of doubt into an argument (that Washington wanted the war from the beginning) that are strong and logical without it (cf. the work of Michael Hudson).

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Use your own discretion.

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...and maybe this has a much worse background and will end in a horror scenario.... let's hope it doesn't come to that.... https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-b10

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I’d the original report accessible somewhere?

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That document may be authentic. It wouldn't surprise me.

But IMO I don't see much slowing the planned economic destruction of both the US and Germany.

The goal is to enslave all humanity in the #GreatReset with CBDC & social credit then herd them into #smartcities under full surveillance.

I guess it could run in phases, but the economic devastation is so widespread that such differences are insignificant.

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