Next door neighbors have the newest variant- multiple jabs for certain and wife is quite ill- what is also worrisome is that she took Paxlovid- these GPS are giving it out like candy creating only newer variants- never mind that taking it neutralizes any natural immunity possible (so she can get the same variant AGAIN) and she now will g…
Next door neighbors have the newest variant- multiple jabs for certain and wife is quite ill- what is also worrisome is that she took Paxlovid- these GPS are giving it out like candy creating only newer variants- never mind that taking it neutralizes any natural immunity possible (so she can get the same variant AGAIN) and she now will get a rebound case- making her contagious for a much longer period of time! This cycle of stupidity will never end! She described her headache, body aches, sore throat,etc and that her husband has swollen lymph nodes- do they even hear what they are saying?
Next door neighbors have the newest variant- multiple jabs for certain and wife is quite ill- what is also worrisome is that she took Paxlovid- these GPS are giving it out like candy creating only newer variants- never mind that taking it neutralizes any natural immunity possible (so she can get the same variant AGAIN) and she now will get a rebound case- making her contagious for a much longer period of time! This cycle of stupidity will never end! She described her headache, body aches, sore throat,etc and that her husband has swollen lymph nodes- do they even hear what they are saying?
they don't hear what they are saying because they are programmed and mind controlled. There is nothing that can be done for them.
The circus we live in is so absurd but many cannot see the clown world surrounding us.