BOMBSHELL: Trump Cancels ALL "Biden" Pardons - Cheney, Kinzinger, Schiff, Fauci & Others Now Under Direct Threat Of Prosecution
The Autopen scandal whereby the demented puppet “Biden” was signing pardons and executive orders without ever knowing what he was doing is about to become the gift that will keep on giving straight to indictments and prosecutions of the various Intelligence Industrial Complex assets guilty of crimes against humanity and crimes against the Republic.
Trump has no choice now but to eradicate the enemies of America, or else not only will he and his family be hunted down after his last term, but America will be backsliding into the pernicious Marxism that we are now digging ourselves out of.
There are so many Washington, D.C. criminals to go after, and justice must be meted out as swiftly as possible; in other words, the only way to defeat this Deep State is to exterminate it with extreme prejudice like the cancer that it is, or else it will take hold again by metastasizing even faster if given the opportunity.
The Russia Collusion Hoax, the Unselect Committee, the PSYOP-19 scamdemic orchestrators like Fauci, Birx, Gates and their various NWO globopedo coconspirators that badly duped Trump must all be rounded up at once.
The mass arrests can’t come soon enough.
Do NOT comply.
Absolutely lovely!!! Its a good day in the USA!
Better revoke their pasports too, asap!
They all need to be publicly executed along with countless thousands of others.