Thanks for posting this. Until I read it here, I had heard or read NOTHING about the "Ban the Jab" movement anywhere.

What a surprise.

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Fake hope enslaves humanity.

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True, but everything in its time. People will change when there is no alternative. Things are going on behind the scenes, underground, and behind the masks, and it's apparent to anyone looking closely that we are indeed watching a movie. The players are reading from script. The good guys win/ have already won.

God wins.

Walk by faith, not by sight. We didn't come all this way to lose.

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Are we watching a movie, or are we in the movie? "The Truman Show" was a documentary, wasn't it?!

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Yep, we're in it and it's time to flip the script!

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Yes, God and the power of good over evil will always triumph. But mean while ... :-(

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When God closes one door He always opens another, but it’s hell in the hallway 😆

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Love it! :)

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The snowball's rolling though and picking up steam. Look at all the retirements and peeps stepping down - it ain't cuz they got sick of the easy money!


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As they say in Warhammer 40K,

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

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Now watch the Arizona State GOP ignore the resolution and do nothing...The only conceivable reason they would act is if they thought it would hurt Trump....

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They may ignore the resolution and do nothing; but only if enough of us do nothing, as usual. Change must come from the grassroots. It is up to us to hold the State GOP's feet to the fire and make them do the right thing.

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True..but it's difficult to make a dent on these people...

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I didn't say it was easy; but we gotta try. Doing nothing, and therefore acquiescing, is not an option.

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Well, in a way it would. Because President Trump still boasts about his wonderful vaccines that have harmed and killed so many of the very people he claims to love. If they can tie this genocide to President Trump, think of what the media would do with that…

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Tough one for the Media, because offending Big Pharma is a total no-no for them....And both parties were up to their necks on this one...

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Anti-vax and proud to say; it's not just mRNA 'vaccines' but ALL OF THEM

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Hobbs will shut it down

She’s busy holding the gate open down in Yuma with a big nasty smile

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"Republican Party declares..."

More BS propaganda from the Uniparty.

Call me cynical, but IMO this is all for show. The cull-shot is a globalist trinket, and if, and when, a vote occurs that actually means something, careful vote counting on the parts of Johnson and McConnell (or the state party) will insure the globalist-preferred outcome.

That is what past actions indicate.

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We will never know with any surety that those online are real in their convictions, part of the psychological operation or trolls. Yes, the resolution got passed...do not expect a governmental response. This really indicates that, at the ground level, there is a deep and abiding realization of the actual War we are in. That is the real message...stay on target and connect person to person.

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Great start Arizona but good luck getting your crazy communist governor Katie Hobbs to sign it.

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Can't wait to see how Hobbs reacts.

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How about we inundate her with notifications of how we require her to act? Or are we just gonna sit on the couch, acquiesce to her inaction and sigh quietly to ourselves?

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She'll kill it.

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She will shut it down right away

True let down to us in AZ

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Tool them long enough. You could look many places on the internet and see the "Dying Suddenly" from the bioweapon unleashed by Big Pharma on the populace. I'm not buying these pol I tics as saviors.

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Well if Hobbs does nothing…then that’s on her I guess…? Is it not? ;)

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A Resolution passed by AZ Republican Party. "......2024 Arizona Republican Party Presidential Nominating Convention Delegates call upon Governor Hobbs and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in Arizona..."

So, I'm asking for clarification.

- What is a "Resolution?"

- What does "....CALL UPON [the governor].....to prohibit the sale and distribution of ...... mRNA injections....." actually mean?

- So, it's NOT a law? Can Gov H just say no?

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Awesome Action!

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