Either the senile ice cream licking diaper soiling pedo puppet criminal’s cocktail of methamphetamines and dementia meds are completely failing him now, or he is pushing the next round of slow kill bioweapons for the followup “pandemic.”
Hi 2SG, I noticed you find the occasion of a 'typo' or 'typos' after you've launched your studies.
As you are probably, I too rush out my thoughts and opinions without checking thoroughly for errors or/and poor grammar.
Instead of rectifying your original errors with another entry, you might consider going back into your original posting and 'edit' it in situ. That way anyone reading the missive after your edit will read the 'improved' offering.
If you've taken it a fifth time it's ineffective and you're completely stupid.
Even taking one is pretty stupid without knowing the ingredients without knowing the trials and tests without having any information it's really stupid to take something you know nothing about sounds like you need a divorce remove yourself from this idiot bad company corrupts good character save yourself.
Oh yes...YOUR fault 😙. Don’t blame yourself for his stupidity and ignorance. He’s a big boy and can do his OWN research. He clearly made his own decision based on what and who “he believes” is factual, so don’t waste your time. Sounds like passive aggressive behavior and a hypochondriac all wrapped up in one. Obviously...he knows best and blatantly disrespects you and your opinions. Be very cognizant of “his shedding” and keep your distance. Your own health and well-being is at stake.
Do we share the same husband? Indeed there are things we cannot change and I quit banging my head against the wall. I am not allowed to bring up the subject of COVID vaccines anymore so I don’t. It is what it is.
Dr. Malhotra gave a wonderful interview with Tucker C. a while ago, specifically about heart issues after vaccine. It is probably long gone, but any interview with Malhotra will be good. Your husband's response seems irrational, so it may not be enough to convince him.
Questioning, you have no blame at all, you have try to protect him, badly they are poeple that don't want to see the truth what is happening in the all wold. The african country didn't take many injection and you can see that there do not have more died als we have here. There is so much data that coming out now! How can't he see that? https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-12-11-study-covid-vaccines-caused-17-million-deaths.html
Once the major fear factor has been set, the bait is laid and there’s no turning back. So very sad. It’s not on you for simply protecting him. Once we caught the c19, we recognized the insanity of the vax. Just not that bad even in your mid 70s. Our world has been destroyed, but for the grace of a loving God who is really in charge of life. Not these elitist, intellectual devils. Come Lord, save your people.
Funny we had no say in this ‘investment’ 🙄 and I guess they will then say they are mRNA 😆🤣😂 no mRNA in any of that poison junk. So called Covid vaccines have no phosphorus or nitrogen in them. However, in order to have rna or dna, it must have phosphorus as an ingredient in my opinion……it’s all such a giant scam and they’ve done nothing but confuse the masses to have bickering and arguing even over matters such as these. And notice all the pharma crap in the video nicely organized on the shelves with suggestive signs. I think tv’s should be illegal so people would stop worshipping their nightly news bullshitters, ooops, I mean news hosts! Or maybe a million dollar fine for news shows that tell even one lie. Course that’s wishful thinking on my part.
Isn't 3 years with a fake POTUS enough? When will the dimwitted Dems realize this is all a farce? Please Lord let this nightmare end! We've had more than enough...
That's what I keep asking, but unfortunately, we now have a woke military, a bunch of angry lesbians and homosexuals and transvestites that are looking to turn on their citizens, and we have two inept political parties that are not worth a shit! United We Stand Divided We Fall!!
It’s kind of pathetic that in this country we have the walking skeleton saying they’re investing our taxpayer money into 3 new vaccines that nobody asked for. meanwhile, in Italy and Poland they’re looking to arrest their various government people and lock them up for murder. Things are moving along good in some places but not in US, Canada England and other large countries. Still a giant sh*t show.
Dim witted dems? He’s their dream president. He does whatever he’s told to do by his handlers. No one will ever admit to being the one/one’s running him so you have a feckless senile thoroughly corrupt pervert who has destroyed and is destroying the republic and enriching himself and his family magnitude’s more than he ever was able to in his past and if anyone should be prosecuted and punished — he pardons them.
The democrats and republicans are both complicit and no one is responsible.
Why do you think a number of countries that had strict Covid lockdowns are now on the "no hate speech internet policing " legislative path? The first thing a dictator does is to make criticism a crime.
Why isn't the creep impeached already? I'm happy that I live in Australia although they too plan to bring out one new COVID vaccine by Christmas. Not on my watch i'm a Pure Blood!!!
We had the longest lockdowns in the world in Victoria. In NSW the bribe to get out of lockdown was to take the juice. Only the juiced could go anywhere for a while & most workplaces demanded it. I was lucky I worked from home for a small business.
My darling (very social) 19 yr old daughter succumbed because she was shunned from even being invited to parties by her brainwashed 'friends'. After 3 months of being stuck in her room her mental health was suffering & we could not talk her out of it.
That's when I realised that teaching your kids to be good, conscientious, law abiding citizens is doing them a great disservice. Rant over.
I wouldn’t be caught dead in Australia! We have a lot of problems here in the US but Australia is doomed! We have our guns!! You have nothing to defend yourselves from a corrupt government!!!
Australia is a giant disaster. No room to talk with those clowns running the place over there and their 15 minute cities in Melbourne. 🙄 then we had that donkey face crack whore Arden in New Zealand, who is now working for the world economic forum as there speech/fact checker coordinator or whatever. Plus Australians gave up their guns and is why they are now in the position they are in. I can say, with great certainty, that the people that own guns in the United States will not be giving up their guns up for any reason whatsoever, especially where I live in Florida there’s too many rednecks! that’s just not going to happen. I have 3 of them and I’m not giving anything to anybody. I don’t give a crap if it violates the law or not at some point. I legally own them and I will never get rid of them. And I have a ton of ammo. So even if they stopped selling that, I’m set.
Impeached…lol…that’s all a soap opera. Just like all the rest of the sideshows going on all over from Israel to the lack of a southern border.
She thinks she’s a pure blood! Lol she may not have put her arm out the window at CVS or whatever but from skin shedding she’s not a pure blood unless she sits in her house and never leaves and never has been near any vaxed people.….nobody is. Skin shedding has been proven.
Quit Filing Income Tax Returns; it is Taxation without Representation; between funding abortions, illegal immigration, poison manufactured vaccines/bioweapons, and fake wars we the people are being fleeced every working day, time to turn off the spicket and let all the politicians suffer!!
We had a good friend who went to jail for not paying his taxes because of these beliefs. I think for 5 years but luckily it was a minimum security white color prison. They get ya one way or another.
I guess everyone put's their tail between their legs and allows the Government to put everyone in the street with a digital ID and their cell phone! Do you think that is the solution?
I've been saying that for decades but has to be everyone. That can't jail all if us. But then probably do a J6 on some as an example. Would love to see it happen though.
🤣😂😆🤩☠️🤥 what a stupid, sock puppet. Why is his forehead so shiny? And also, why are the American taxpayers paying for pharmaceutical companies to come up with drugs? We don’t want their f’ing drugs. This is literally unbelievable. if they’re not sending all the money to corrupt country of Ukraine, with an actress as the president there, then funding crooked pharmaceutical companies here. I present to you the so-called president of Ukraine, Ms. Zelensky> https://youtu.be/mWvsZngCBsE?si=2vWURfOj4qIxzgV8
And I’m serious Zelensky. He is a paid actor. do the research. There’s also another video of him on YouTube, playing a piano with his penis.🙄 I mean could this get any more nonsensical?! Ukraine is a sham! Zelensky is a sham, Biden is a sham! they’re all actresses……
I would agree but my stupid older brother is 'all vaxxed up' (his words) and I really don't want to loose him, my only sibling. Had a close call this last week, 95% blockage in his widow maker, they put in a stent. They should do a full body scan and look for clots now. At least he won't be drinking his designer beer for a long while (and yes, he does have a big hard beer gut).
Sadly, you cannot help people that will not listen. I’ve learned that lesson even with loved ones. it’s sad but there’s just some people whose minds are not going to change and he has a 95% blockage? That’s kind of nuts and he’ll probably go get the next booster that Biden is talking about.
In the morning he’s given amphetamines. at night he’s given stuff to make him go to bed and supposedly at night he wanders around the White House naked. 🤮 he’s also kicked his dog several times hence why the dog bites the Secret Service people. he also shits his pants and shits all over the White House and this is verbatim from a Secret Service person. We live in a clown world for sure.
This will NEVER cease unless...unless 'We the People (with no line through it) stand up for themselves because everyone that reason would present as someone to help us are just as complicit as those of whom it is obvious. (S)elected leaders have sold us out to their overloads who have propped up their criminal political careers and to whom they now have to pay the piper but truth be told they have hated us all along. Isn't it funny (in a sick way) how one can be born in this country; benefit from the plethora of opportunities made available and then just wish to stick the proverbial fork in it? Twisted.
Yes, ts1213, it's an inside job to create the world we wish to live in. Here's a better way..... No more allowing the government and politicians to dictate our future. It's past time to stop complaining and being a victim. We allowed this through our complacency and comfort and now it hurts a bit. Stop being divisive with a them versus us attitude, take the reins and live an authentic life. Stop playing in their games.
It's Both DemonRats and RepubTurds they are in on it together!! The fix has been in for decades!! They create these events in order to gain power and money and in the meantime we pay for this bullshit!!
Well, the unaccountable “they” are or plan to put mRNA into everything - meds (including cancer drugs), food, water, probably the air we breathe so there won’t be any “hesitancy” or hassle in getting an injection whether you don’t want to participate or not
No mRNA in those shots. Just nano tech and poison. There no phosphorus or nitrogen detected in those death shots. RNA and dna must have phosphorus. Furthermore, the shots react with the frequencies from 5 g towers in my research I’ve found. Turbo cancers and blinking lights in vaxed and unvaxed peoples blood. Everyone should be properly detoxing. I also feel that they put nano tech in stuff way before the death shots. And Trump did not invent operation warp speed. that’s been around since the 70s (I think maybe 1974? It’s a dOd operation) but he seemed to want to take credit for the death shots trying to sound like he was the hero of the day.
Typos edited.
And it's not either/or, but both.
Hi 2SG, I noticed you find the occasion of a 'typo' or 'typos' after you've launched your studies.
As you are probably, I too rush out my thoughts and opinions without checking thoroughly for errors or/and poor grammar.
Instead of rectifying your original errors with another entry, you might consider going back into your original posting and 'edit' it in situ. That way anyone reading the missive after your edit will read the 'improved' offering.
Just a thought?
Mick from Hooe (UK)
You are not investing.......you are investing MY money in something meant to kill people. Any person that ever takes another vaccine is crazy.
Anyone who took a vaccine is crazy.
If it's effective you only need one.
If you've taken a second one it's ineffective.
If you've taken it a third time it's ineffective
If you've taken it a fourth time it's ineffective
If you've taken it a fifth time it's ineffective and you're completely stupid.
Even taking one is pretty stupid without knowing the ingredients without knowing the trials and tests without having any information it's really stupid to take something you know nothing about sounds like you need a divorce remove yourself from this idiot bad company corrupts good character save yourself.
Oh yes...YOUR fault 😙. Don’t blame yourself for his stupidity and ignorance. He’s a big boy and can do his OWN research. He clearly made his own decision based on what and who “he believes” is factual, so don’t waste your time. Sounds like passive aggressive behavior and a hypochondriac all wrapped up in one. Obviously...he knows best and blatantly disrespects you and your opinions. Be very cognizant of “his shedding” and keep your distance. Your own health and well-being is at stake.
Do we share the same husband? Indeed there are things we cannot change and I quit banging my head against the wall. I am not allowed to bring up the subject of COVID vaccines anymore so I don’t. It is what it is.
Dr. Malhotra gave a wonderful interview with Tucker C. a while ago, specifically about heart issues after vaccine. It is probably long gone, but any interview with Malhotra will be good. Your husband's response seems irrational, so it may not be enough to convince him.
Questioning, you have no blame at all, you have try to protect him, badly they are poeple that don't want to see the truth what is happening in the all wold. The african country didn't take many injection and you can see that there do not have more died als we have here. There is so much data that coming out now! How can't he see that? https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-12-11-study-covid-vaccines-caused-17-million-deaths.html
Once the major fear factor has been set, the bait is laid and there’s no turning back. So very sad. It’s not on you for simply protecting him. Once we caught the c19, we recognized the insanity of the vax. Just not that bad even in your mid 70s. Our world has been destroyed, but for the grace of a loving God who is really in charge of life. Not these elitist, intellectual devils. Come Lord, save your people.
Funny we had no say in this ‘investment’ 🙄 and I guess they will then say they are mRNA 😆🤣😂 no mRNA in any of that poison junk. So called Covid vaccines have no phosphorus or nitrogen in them. However, in order to have rna or dna, it must have phosphorus as an ingredient in my opinion……it’s all such a giant scam and they’ve done nothing but confuse the masses to have bickering and arguing even over matters such as these. And notice all the pharma crap in the video nicely organized on the shelves with suggestive signs. I think tv’s should be illegal so people would stop worshipping their nightly news bullshitters, ooops, I mean news hosts! Or maybe a million dollar fine for news shows that tell even one lie. Course that’s wishful thinking on my part.
Perhaps the extracted money is an attempt to make us all feel guilty for the maiming and murdering. Does not work for me.
Isn't 3 years with a fake POTUS enough? When will the dimwitted Dems realize this is all a farce? Please Lord let this nightmare end! We've had more than enough...
O r when will the Military step in and stop the invasion of these cabal skum infiltrators and major crimes against humanity.
That's what I keep asking, but unfortunately, we now have a woke military, a bunch of angry lesbians and homosexuals and transvestites that are looking to turn on their citizens, and we have two inept political parties that are not worth a shit! United We Stand Divided We Fall!!
After the garbage spending bill they passed today with all the woke military crap and surveillance back in it, the spiral will continue.
Yup, unfortunately! We need to walk away from this Technology or limit our use; hard habit to break!
Division is the goal
Yup, distractions with Wars, Plandemics, Entertainment, Technology, Pornography, Food!! Old Roman strategy called "Bread and Circus"
Any day now..... “jeopardy music 🎶 “
More like captain kangaroo music!
All the top brass have been inserted ,they're in on it.
They know
They don't care
The hate what this country stands for
It’s kind of pathetic that in this country we have the walking skeleton saying they’re investing our taxpayer money into 3 new vaccines that nobody asked for. meanwhile, in Italy and Poland they’re looking to arrest their various government people and lock them up for murder. Things are moving along good in some places but not in US, Canada England and other large countries. Still a giant sh*t show.
They will NEVER get it.
Because they are all in!!!
Yup. Some are just stupid!
Manyyyyyyyyyyyyy unfortunatly!!!
Sorry, toooooo many !!! Doomed we are,
Dim witted dems? He’s their dream president. He does whatever he’s told to do by his handlers. No one will ever admit to being the one/one’s running him so you have a feckless senile thoroughly corrupt pervert who has destroyed and is destroying the republic and enriching himself and his family magnitude’s more than he ever was able to in his past and if anyone should be prosecuted and punished — he pardons them.
The democrats and republicans are both complicit and no one is responsible.
Why do you think a number of countries that had strict Covid lockdowns are now on the "no hate speech internet policing " legislative path? The first thing a dictator does is to make criticism a crime.
He's an actor...the only question is, who's the director. The real JB is MIA.
Don’t mean to be Debbie downer but most Americans don’t have any critical thinking ability.
Why isn't the creep impeached already? I'm happy that I live in Australia although they too plan to bring out one new COVID vaccine by Christmas. Not on my watch i'm a Pure Blood!!!
You guys have just as much of a criminal corrupt cabal run Country. They're everywhere.
We had the longest lockdowns in the world in Victoria. In NSW the bribe to get out of lockdown was to take the juice. Only the juiced could go anywhere for a while & most workplaces demanded it. I was lucky I worked from home for a small business.
My darling (very social) 19 yr old daughter succumbed because she was shunned from even being invited to parties by her brainwashed 'friends'. After 3 months of being stuck in her room her mental health was suffering & we could not talk her out of it.
That's when I realised that teaching your kids to be good, conscientious, law abiding citizens is doing them a great disservice. Rant over.
Well said but soon will come a time you and your daughter will vindicated. Blessings!
Shunned from being invited to parties by her “brainwashed” friends. WOW! How is it she calls them friends 😳?
I wouldn’t be caught dead in Australia! We have a lot of problems here in the US but Australia is doomed! We have our guns!! You have nothing to defend yourselves from a corrupt government!!!
Where were those gorgeous hunky men who seem like such independent spirits? I guess the coercion was too deep, too punitive. 😉
Australia is a giant disaster. No room to talk with those clowns running the place over there and their 15 minute cities in Melbourne. 🙄 then we had that donkey face crack whore Arden in New Zealand, who is now working for the world economic forum as there speech/fact checker coordinator or whatever. Plus Australians gave up their guns and is why they are now in the position they are in. I can say, with great certainty, that the people that own guns in the United States will not be giving up their guns up for any reason whatsoever, especially where I live in Florida there’s too many rednecks! that’s just not going to happen. I have 3 of them and I’m not giving anything to anybody. I don’t give a crap if it violates the law or not at some point. I legally own them and I will never get rid of them. And I have a ton of ammo. So even if they stopped selling that, I’m set.
Impeached…lol…that’s all a soap opera. Just like all the rest of the sideshows going on all over from Israel to the lack of a southern border.
How did you manage staying un-v in Australia?
She thinks she’s a pure blood! Lol she may not have put her arm out the window at CVS or whatever but from skin shedding she’s not a pure blood unless she sits in her house and never leaves and never has been near any vaxed people.….nobody is. Skin shedding has been proven.
Biden is a vegetable
these people are full of shit.
how do we get them to stop spending our money?
Stop giving your money away to criminals that want you dead.
Well said. Maybe you could do a stack showing us which companies to definitely stay away from. Just a thought. No expectations.
What do you do with armed irs agents?
I love my CPA and tax lawyer right now.
Quit Filing Income Tax Returns; it is Taxation without Representation; between funding abortions, illegal immigration, poison manufactured vaccines/bioweapons, and fake wars we the people are being fleeced every working day, time to turn off the spicket and let all the politicians suffer!!
We had a good friend who went to jail for not paying his taxes because of these beliefs. I think for 5 years but luckily it was a minimum security white color prison. They get ya one way or another.
How long do you think this system is going to last 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years? at this rate it will not last!
You can't live in fear or you will get crushed!! Faith in God not Fear, they count on you to live in Fear!! If you stand up for yourself they flinch!!
Our friend was an example, a solitary warrior. He lost everything. A lone person can’t do it by himself, the citizenship has to do it collectively.
So, how do we begin? I have no answers.
I guess everyone put's their tail between their legs and allows the Government to put everyone in the street with a digital ID and their cell phone! Do you think that is the solution?
Depends on your lawyer…..
Let’s all stop paying taxes!!
Stop paying taxes en mass. It's just their way to enrich themselves & keep us struggling.
I've been saying that for decades but has to be everyone. That can't jail all if us. But then probably do a J6 on some as an example. Would love to see it happen though.
Suicide them?
Quit paying it in.
🤣😂😆🤩☠️🤥 what a stupid, sock puppet. Why is his forehead so shiny? And also, why are the American taxpayers paying for pharmaceutical companies to come up with drugs? We don’t want their f’ing drugs. This is literally unbelievable. if they’re not sending all the money to corrupt country of Ukraine, with an actress as the president there, then funding crooked pharmaceutical companies here. I present to you the so-called president of Ukraine, Ms. Zelensky> https://youtu.be/mWvsZngCBsE?si=2vWURfOj4qIxzgV8
And I’m serious Zelensky. He is a paid actor. do the research. There’s also another video of him on YouTube, playing a piano with his penis.🙄 I mean could this get any more nonsensical?! Ukraine is a sham! Zelensky is a sham, Biden is a sham! they’re all actresses……
he looks like a possessed ragdoll
His forehead is shined up with botox
Fake wars (in the name of money and power), Fake President, Fake Pandemic, Fake Leader, It is, and will continue to be, a Shit Show unless We, The People, Unite and Take Over!! Things will not change until then!! Here is some info on how our Tax dollars are being spent between Illegal Immigration and the penis piano playing con Artist in the Ukraine; https://thecovidblog.com/2023/09/21/part-ii-u-s-finished-as-country-illegal-aliens-asylum-seekers-have-achieved-protected-privileged-status-while-ukraine-remains-highest-priority-for-u-s-government/
Ms. Zelensky fake president of Ukraine, just purchased a new mansion in Miami. a 22 million dollar property…..wonder where she got the money…….🙄
And, I think $75 mil for 2 yachts and a $35 mil villa in Egypt purchased in his mother-in-law’s name.
He is truly nauseating, in so many ways.🤮
It’s a good thing bc only leftist loons will take them and hopefully the shots are full of more poison than the predecessors.
agreee. Let's get rid of the small minded people first
I would agree but my stupid older brother is 'all vaxxed up' (his words) and I really don't want to loose him, my only sibling. Had a close call this last week, 95% blockage in his widow maker, they put in a stent. They should do a full body scan and look for clots now. At least he won't be drinking his designer beer for a long while (and yes, he does have a big hard beer gut).
Sadly, you cannot help people that will not listen. I’ve learned that lesson even with loved ones. it’s sad but there’s just some people whose minds are not going to change and he has a 95% blockage? That’s kind of nuts and he’ll probably go get the next booster that Biden is talking about.
If this ain’t the truth........”While there may not be such a thing as a free lunch, apparently there’s always “free” gene modifying “vaccines.”
Could not have said it better! Everything is free now if it’s not for the betterment of the country.
Biden, Clinton & Obama will sell their souls for money. These people are the worst people ever in America’s government.
I'd say it's in the past tense.
They are not people.
Two slits for eyes, mumbling marble mouth, and about as coherent as a drunken zombie. Absolutely unreal people vote for these cloned psychopaths.
only a few did
I heard a lot of dead people voted for our American Idiot, Potato in Chief, Potted Plant!!
Love to know the cocktail of drugs they pump him full of to make these appearances. Now that would be real journalism
In the morning he’s given amphetamines. at night he’s given stuff to make him go to bed and supposedly at night he wanders around the White House naked. 🤮 he’s also kicked his dog several times hence why the dog bites the Secret Service people. he also shits his pants and shits all over the White House and this is verbatim from a Secret Service person. We live in a clown world for sure.
Seriously about no bowel control?
According to my friends brother, who’s in the Secret Service. Not surprising at all, though. https://youtu.be/GME-irPWFYs?si=yi8eZStpKDKLR6VU
This will NEVER cease unless...unless 'We the People (with no line through it) stand up for themselves because everyone that reason would present as someone to help us are just as complicit as those of whom it is obvious. (S)elected leaders have sold us out to their overloads who have propped up their criminal political careers and to whom they now have to pay the piper but truth be told they have hated us all along. Isn't it funny (in a sick way) how one can be born in this country; benefit from the plethora of opportunities made available and then just wish to stick the proverbial fork in it? Twisted.
Yes, ts1213, it's an inside job to create the world we wish to live in. Here's a better way..... No more allowing the government and politicians to dictate our future. It's past time to stop complaining and being a victim. We allowed this through our complacency and comfort and now it hurts a bit. Stop being divisive with a them versus us attitude, take the reins and live an authentic life. Stop playing in their games.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall!!
It's Both DemonRats and RepubTurds they are in on it together!! The fix has been in for decades!! They create these events in order to gain power and money and in the meantime we pay for this bullshit!!
The terrorists are everywhere
The most frightening are those at the helm. (politicians)
Just the scum of the earth...
Well, the unaccountable “they” are or plan to put mRNA into everything - meds (including cancer drugs), food, water, probably the air we breathe so there won’t be any “hesitancy” or hassle in getting an injection whether you don’t want to participate or not
No mRNA in those shots. Just nano tech and poison. There no phosphorus or nitrogen detected in those death shots. RNA and dna must have phosphorus. Furthermore, the shots react with the frequencies from 5 g towers in my research I’ve found. Turbo cancers and blinking lights in vaxed and unvaxed peoples blood. Everyone should be properly detoxing. I also feel that they put nano tech in stuff way before the death shots. And Trump did not invent operation warp speed. that’s been around since the 70s (I think maybe 1974? It’s a dOd operation) but he seemed to want to take credit for the death shots trying to sound like he was the hero of the day.
Total Nut Job, fix your face jerk off 🙃