Oh yeah, that fake thing that they heaped every known disease and ailment under the umbrella of, including routine sniffles, flus, viral pneumonia, possibly TB and who knows what else, ... oh yeah, and vehicle accidents, shootings, etc., etc., et al. and etc., ... not to mention killing hundreds of thousands of people for purposes of "keeping up perceptions."
THAT "Covid."
Got it! Not that this is theater or anything that merely involves the "awake" in validating the premise upon which they were originally asleep or anything.
When the final alarm clock rings, ... LMAO, ... it's going to be a helluva rude awakening.
I'm pretty sure we've seen this play before... enough action to make people think maybe they are doing something, but it won't reveal any of the good / real stuff. Expect many redactions.
Yes; I believe it's called "grand-standing." Plus, it'll cost millions if not billions, & none of it will ever admit that there never was a virus that could make anyone sick & that there never will be.
Its not for all origins related material . Its only material related to Wuhan/China Material. US scientists and labs who received funding and engineered the virus are not covered. Limited hangout is right
That's what I fear and as Dr. David Martin has anticipated and warned about when he maintained that even the Republican Congress will be reluctant to investigate the whole story of the so-called "lab leak"; specifically the deep involvement of the GOF experimenting at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill under Ralph Baric, not to mention other GOF funded work going on in other parts of the US and world-wide; there is an astounding number of nefarious actors, organizations and government agencies complicit and the political cost will be too high to admit responsibility and full transparency at this stage of the game; Wuhan deserves a share of the blame but the strategy seems to be making China the scapegoat for the entire mess and turning public opinion against China as the new distraction, instead of demanding justice be demanded for the evil perpetrated by the real criminals.
Reads like very good news. Surprised vote was 419 - 0. That plus it’s designation as “Limited Hangout Bill” make me wonder about its wording and real purpose, as the first two words are used in “perception management”.
War with China has been agreed despite the fact it came from Fort Detrick and Obama only moved the illegal gain of function research to Wuhan to give the US plausible deniability when they attacked China with it via the Fort Detrick sports team that was coincidentally in Wuhan when it all kicked off. Obama was still running the show when Trump was supposed to be president.
You'd be surprised. I'm astounded that they haven't looked into a bacterium that many have told me it is. The bat is kind of ludicrous, CV is supposed to jump from one to the other? Doesn't work that way.
Get ready for 30,000 pages of ███ ████ ██ ████ ████ ██████
In other news, 2 banks fail in one week. Is this the first breach in the Titanic that you've been warning about?
Certainly the banking sector shakeup is now in play for PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH.
Oh yeah, that fake thing that they heaped every known disease and ailment under the umbrella of, including routine sniffles, flus, viral pneumonia, possibly TB and who knows what else, ... oh yeah, and vehicle accidents, shootings, etc., etc., et al. and etc., ... not to mention killing hundreds of thousands of people for purposes of "keeping up perceptions."
THAT "Covid."
Got it! Not that this is theater or anything that merely involves the "awake" in validating the premise upon which they were originally asleep or anything.
When the final alarm clock rings, ... LMAO, ... it's going to be a helluva rude awakening.
I can tell you didn’t work in a hospital.
I'm pretty sure we've seen this play before... enough action to make people think maybe they are doing something, but it won't reveal any of the good / real stuff. Expect many redactions.
Yes; I believe it's called "grand-standing." Plus, it'll cost millions if not billions, & none of it will ever admit that there never was a virus that could make anyone sick & that there never will be.
"House Votes 419-0 on a Limited Hangout Bill "
You got that right!
Just when I thought I could not be more disgusted with our "selected installed representatives", they reach a new low.
Oh so much unity from the uniparty when their money flow and "votes" are at stake.
seems like a distraction from the jab and its military origins, not to mention the US is pissed at chyna cos they are helping russia
All the documents will be redacted to the point where they are illegible.
Without a doubt. B(4) everywhere.
Its not for all origins related material . Its only material related to Wuhan/China Material. US scientists and labs who received funding and engineered the virus are not covered. Limited hangout is right
That's what I fear and as Dr. David Martin has anticipated and warned about when he maintained that even the Republican Congress will be reluctant to investigate the whole story of the so-called "lab leak"; specifically the deep involvement of the GOF experimenting at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill under Ralph Baric, not to mention other GOF funded work going on in other parts of the US and world-wide; there is an astounding number of nefarious actors, organizations and government agencies complicit and the political cost will be too high to admit responsibility and full transparency at this stage of the game; Wuhan deserves a share of the blame but the strategy seems to be making China the scapegoat for the entire mess and turning public opinion against China as the new distraction, instead of demanding justice be demanded for the evil perpetrated by the real criminals.
Reads like very good news. Surprised vote was 419 - 0. That plus it’s designation as “Limited Hangout Bill” make me wonder about its wording and real purpose, as the first two words are used in “perception management”.
The ADL approves.
Nothing gets this level of approval unless the Money Printers want it to happen.
Controlled demolition of the US Gov. and replacement with WEF Gov.
419-0 ? Really?
It will be a blame China hide US involvement 24/7. As limited a hangout as you can get.
War with China has been agreed despite the fact it came from Fort Detrick and Obama only moved the illegal gain of function research to Wuhan to give the US plausible deniability when they attacked China with it via the Fort Detrick sports team that was coincidentally in Wuhan when it all kicked off. Obama was still running the show when Trump was supposed to be president.
Poopy-pants is no longer in the picture--this is veto-proof.
Most people don't still believe the Bat/Pangolin stuff do they?!
You'd be surprised. I'm astounded that they haven't looked into a bacterium that many have told me it is. The bat is kind of ludicrous, CV is supposed to jump from one to the other? Doesn't work that way.
Leaked from fort belvoir first