We must all now realise by now that the real sinister intent of the New World Order (The WEF's Great Reset) is destructive to all non-elite humans.

I now believe this evil cabal has revealed it's mission = to depopulate the planet by injecting poisons, that they call vaccines, into us all.

This opens the flood gates to accelerated abuse of medical practices. They will contaminate every, previously SAFE injection, by adding the deadly mRNA formula that has been Culling the planet.

Count me out for any future medical intervention.

Unjabbed Mick (I'll live longer without medical intervention.)

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Rid the world of the elites and the world becomes a much better place to live.

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Iatrogenesis ^iatrogenocide

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Painfully slow but this is a big deal.

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I credit Dr. Boyle's interview on 7 February 2020 warning that covid was a bioweapon.

He was the first person who confirmed my suspicions.

He also called the shots Frankenshots.

I credit him with saving my life by giving me the resolve to resist the covid DeathVax.

Here is a link to his Infowars interview:


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I've just emailed my Doctor's practice with the Sworn Affidavit confirming that mRNA Covid injections Are/can be, legally described as Bio-weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction.

I don't think he will read it!

Unjabbed Mick (I'll live longer!)

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Dr. Francis Boyle was on Infowars on 7 February 2020 warning that covid was a bioweapon.

Here is the link to that interview:


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Drip, drip, drip….

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It’s what we suspected all along if you’ve been following this post it’s a shame that our elected officials cannot see what so available to read. We’re on our own folks!!

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The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans with an "additional dose" for veterans 65 years and older.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Except sadly, they can't even take solace in that. They're not dying for their country. They're dying to advance the elite's globalist agenda of world control and death.

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There is no solace in dying for any country or flag...period.

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So heartbreaking and shameful.

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Yes, and I am going to keep posting that comment to alert people to how veterans are mistreated.

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Excellent initiative, every effort counts! We are many! 👍

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It was not long ago that I heard on Armed Forces Radio in Japan that one base in Japan was still requiring military personnel and their dependents to get the boosters.

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SecDef Austin has blood on his hands.

And all those Generals are murderers also.

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Yep. They don’t care. They are working for the Chinese

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Yes...traitors in the Pentagon.

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Australia just killed a young woman in hospital. They required her FOUR jabs to receive a lung transplant. Dazelle died today: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13517255/Heartbreaking-update-teen-denied-transplant.html

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Premeditated murder.

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Our elected officials see it, problem is they don't care. They've been captured by big pharma long ago.

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They can see but don’t want to go down with a sinking ship so they pretend that the emperor has clothes.

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The elected officials know.

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The fake elected officials know and are in on it.

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If you have not taken TEN injections since January 2021 then YOU are NOT "fully vaccinated"!

What a complete and total train wreck, only in clown world is this effective "healthcare" policy.

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There is an even bigger wave of genocidal bioweapons about to be released . 60% of the population is on statins. I was on them for 6 months at a low dose with exteme side effects-- memory loss, severe headaches, agonizing incapacitating muscle pain and arthritis. I became bedridden . I stopped them and took the antidote CQ10 (ubiquinol) and it reversed. But if I stop the CQ10 the pain comes back . , even 6 months after stopping that poison. Statins are a toxin produced by fungi, it kills plants and animals; so a herbicide and pesticide. Furthermore the original studies like the British Biologic Survey in the nineties seem to say cholesterol is only a bystander. The real culprits for cardiovascular disease are probably the seed oils like canola and soybean and fructose and glucose infused in our diets since approximately 1970. That is like putting diesel fuel and acid in your blood. I went to a cardiologist for follow up and he wanted to inject me with mRNA based statin. NO and HELL NO. He, also, terrorized me by saying I WILL have a stroke or heart attack at anytime. They will never stop until they kill everyone .

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Statins are the New Vioxx. Or maybe the new AZT.

My doc suggested I try them and I said I had before, but couldn’t tolerate the side effects. I hadn’t, but I knew they were bad for the body. How is it that lay people know that, but doctors don’t? Or is there another kickback scheme if they prescribe them? Probably.

I got my dad off them 15 years ago. They are further proof that the FDA is a criminal organization.

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I asked the doc if he takes money from Pfizer. He ignored the question. He said he does studies on cholesterol drugs at Mcgill University. All these universities have lipid clinics. I think his projects will be shut down if we ever get down to exposing statin after the Covidberg trials. All these people and universities will have massive legal problems (or maybe not Canada is weak and cowardly). And all doctors in Canada have had at least 4 Vaxxx or they are not allowed to practise. They may be busy with their own medical catastrophes.

A little bit of irony is people with elevated cholesterol are resistant to Alzheimers and live long if they do not have a heart attack. But probably the heart attack is from food contaminants and the cholesterol is just the body's bandaid and gets the blame.

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Virologist Expert finally confirms that mRNA Covid injections are officially 'Bio-Weapons' and 'Weapons of Mass-destruction'. - How do you feel after finally learning the truth we've been trying to get through to you for 3 years plus?

Unjabbed Mick (I'll live longer that trusting Muppets who accepted the Safe & Effective poisons!)

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This is a lot like pressing on deeper and deeper into the horror house. BUT, we must know it will be worth every single step and every diabolical revelation when the truth is revealed in its' fullness.

Thank you SSG and all those you surround yourself with. There are going to be a lot of heroes in this thing that are the ones who are most rabidly persecuted right now.

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I am wondering......when the hell we are going to start whooping some butts and putting a halt to anymore of this evilness. WE are not supposed to allow this to happen in the first place, but definitely not to continue cowering down like has been happening. It's time to stop this now.

Remember Q said they will be running for their lives. Being mobbed when running down the streets. THAT'S what needs to happen. Make them FLEE for their lives.

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They say as much as 6% of the population is born with sociopathic tendencies. I suspect the number is much higher in high political and corporate offices.

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That's odd, I see no mention of this extremely important case anyone in the mainstream media. Is it possible our government is hiding something from us?

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I didn't even realise there was a word for using medicines against humanity. I thought it was pre-meditated mass murder!

Unjabbed Mick. I'll live longer without deadly medical intervention.

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