I wish my dear sister-in-law would have braved the FenBen route. Unfortunately she trusted $cience and died a horrible death from pancreatic cancer. Nobody should die such a cruel death by hospice grim reapers. She was in so much agony it disgusts me and it was due to the chemo.
I wish my dear sister-in-law would have braved the FenBen route. Unfortunately she trusted $cience and died a horrible death from pancreatic cancer. Nobody should die such a cruel death by hospice grim reapers. She was in so much agony it disgusts me and it was due to the chemo.
I wish my dear sister-in-law would have braved the FenBen route. Unfortunately she trusted $cience and died a horrible death from pancreatic cancer. Nobody should die such a cruel death by hospice grim reapers. She was in so much agony it disgusts me and it was due to the chemo.
I'm so done with hospitals and doctors.
I'm sorry for your loss. I too watched my Brother die...and it seems he didn't have to.