The future of cancer treatment started years ago right here on this Substack...

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I wish my dear sister-in-law would have braved the FenBen route. Unfortunately she trusted $cience and died a horrible death from pancreatic cancer. Nobody should die such a cruel death by hospice grim reapers. She was in so much agony it disgusts me and it was due to the chemo.

I'm so done with hospitals and doctors.

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I'm sorry for your loss. I too watched my Brother die...and it seems he didn't have to.

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I have a german shepherd spayed 9 yr old diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer . Breast was removed , margins not clean , so lymphangitic spread . She had a large axillary node , 4.7 X 4.5 cm . I put her on daily fenbendazole 50 mg/kg ( she is 30 kg , so 1500 mg ), vitamins ( dog vits , curcumin , Vit E ).After a week , I increased her fenben to 3000 mg daily and added 0.1 mg / lb ivermectin weekly . In two weeks her node has decreased to 3cm X 2.5 cm measured with calipers . I didnt have the node biopsied , because it most likely was hard and enlarged due to the breast cancer on the same side and needling may spread more cancer cells . DOG DOSES ARE NOT HUMAN DOSES !! So far so good ! She looks great , her old happy self . I think I will continue for 6 weeks , following her node size . Then put her on maintenance . Nothing is written about this in the veterinary literature . The vet suggested a referral for radiation . Radiation would also radiate the heart and lung and probably cost thousands of dollars . I said NO to that . Just an FYI !

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I am glad to hear of the positive progress!!

Can you elaborate what you mean about dog doses are not human doses. Is that where you got the 50 mg/kg and the .1mg/lb?

Best Regards!

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🙌🏻 ❤️

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Oct 14
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Lipomas dont develop suddenly . Talk to your vet honestly . Ivermectin and fenbendazole are for cancer . There is nothing in the vet literature about treating dogs with fenben /ivermectin for cancer , which is why vets are very hesitant to do so . If the pet dies , ( even if the pet was going to die anyway ) and the vet participated in an totally off label use of drug , depending upon the state , the state board of vet medicine could come after his license . So , if you and the vet decide you want to do this … sign a document with the vet saying that you understand that what you want to do is totally experimental …

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Just so you know, I was at a very large party last night and many people with zero medical background were talking about this. Hallelujah!

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Can you elaborate some? Thanks.

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There was a few firefighter/paramedic types so medical adjacent. One person told me that the jabbed firefighters were dropping like flies. Then this person told me about IVM and FBZ. Said all the surviving employees were asking about that. Told me they were trying to find where they could get those things. Sent that person this Substack this morning.

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Also have run into people in the last several weeks who are now bringing up the IVM and FBZ info. It’s not me broaching the subject anymore. Other people are bringing it up to me!

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Wow ! That’s great to hear !

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Wonderful work, 2nd smartest! Been saving all these substacks, and forwarding as needed.

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Thank you for your important dissemination of lifesaving information!

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excellent publication 2nd.

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Thank you Dr. Paul Alexander for all your help to try to save humanity from a fellow human from the former Country of Canada 🇨🇦 now a communist country🥲 in BC Nanaimo were I live I watched a podcast last night where Island so called heath a force injecting homeless people with dangerous antipsychotic drugs it is so sad what has happened to this once strong and free nation! My wife and myself were told that she will have another 4-5 years of waiting at least for a kidney transplant she is unfortunately on Dialysis, this could be because she refused the Covid Bio Weapon and there offer to kill her with there Maid Weapon (I am praying 🙏 that the Conservative Party with There leader John Rustad will get a majority Government!

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CON-you-Musts do not ‘play fair’ in order to keep ‘THEIR-minority’ of Centralized CONtrol. Their greatest “claim to fame” throughout its his-stories is murdering the highest numbers of ‘their’ pop-you-lay-shuns into 6-ft underground … and denying it.

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My orders of Fenben and Iver arrived last Friday. YAY!

This interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf is worth paying attention to if you wonder about and/or are concerned about the long-term consequences -- political, medical, social -- of the Covid jab:


Definitely worth your listening time.

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It absolutely was worth my listening time.

Thank you for posting the link.

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Maybe this is why they banned it. They didn’t want more information about this out there. A silver lining? Good overcoming Evil. “What the Enemy meant for Evil, God means for Good”.

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This was my thought as well. The opposition against IVM was WAY over the top, the smearing, the "you are not a horse, y'all" FDA tweet nonsense, the denial of IVM scripts at corporate pharmacies, it was truly bizarro world. It is a nobel-prize winning medicine with a proven safety profile!

If broadly used back then, the data today may show a meaningful decrease in cancer episodes, we can't have that!! What about the "healthcare" money train!? Oh no!

I wonder how fast this study will be memory-holed, or how its authors will be smeared (again), or what other diabolical nonsense will be used to turn people away from this treatment option.

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Thank you for 2SGitW! for being out in front of the Global Iatrocide... On the cutting Edge of Bona Fide Cancer treatment..!

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Thank you again for a great article for cancer care.

Some questions:

The repurposed pharmaceuticals are anti-parasitic drugs. Does that imply that cancer is a parasitic disease (as proposed many places on the internet) or does it mean that cancer and parasites can be targeted through the same metabolic mechanisms, and that parasites are using the same mechanisms to hijack the mitochondria??

This protocol suggested IV VitC 3 times a week. Vitamin C and Zinc are in the VIR-X supplement in minimal amounts and some others even proposed to not be included because of the anti-oxidative properties of Vit C(incl A and E I think). Any thoughts on these differences?

How does or could ClO2 become part of the protocol and what mechanisms of action are added or are similar to those of IV C, ivermectin, fenbendazole?

How does the ivermectin dose (highlighted in the article) correspond to the JTP dosages?

Thanks again for all your work, made me a loyal customer.

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I wonder why no one has applied for these three drugs (IVERMECTIN, MEBENDAZOLE, FENBENDAZOLE) as new cancer treatments.

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Probably not enough $ to be made

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As a new indication for a drug, the cost of clinical trials is actually not very high, especially for oral medications. Additionally, if approved, the FDA grants a 3-year market exclusivity for new indications. I suspect that many doctors are unfamiliar with FDA policies. So, this isn't likely a matter of money, but rather a lack of confidence in the approval of these drugs for new cancer indications through clinical trials.

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Blessings Always for all that you have done to help all of us!! I just got my other order in this weekend… I have been a firm believer in Quercitin for years …way before this and now there’s so many studies and thank you for showing the studies in your literature here… wishing everyone positivity & good health in spite of all the negatives that have been put in our path… believe & be pro-active. We will hold each other up & get thru this madness.

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"Sokath !!! His eyes uncovered !!!"

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🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Prayers for your sister-in-law, so sorry.

Thankfully good drs & questioning, critical thinking people have come together on Substack and shared information to help one another. I am thankful every day for the wonderful articles written here and the caring people who write them. Carpe diem.🦋🇺🇸🦋

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Thank you.

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