2SG— Looks like your theory of them allowing the true destruction of these shots to be known and the throwing of Fauci and Pfizer under the bus might be what is going on.

Whatever the people who run the world have planned—i just want to see Fauci perp-walked.

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Yes, as i've written for many years now, the front people like Fauci will eventually be thrown under the proverbial buses.

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gates, collins and many more would be good too for the perp walk.

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Yessss! Terrific.

Forgive me, though, but my skeptical side is kicking in and I wonder if this report will--like most everything else--fail to awaken the sound asleep sheep. Fingers crossed.

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I believe that at this point, they choose to be asleep rather than admit they were fooled.

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It’s about time. But they know the truth will come out. As Bongino always says, the truth is like a beach ball. You can’t hold it under the water forever. Also why they foment fear and panic and chaos to get their way. People need to learn this method of treachery and become proactive. Call BS when you see it. Do not comply.

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Sadly there are people,in my family included, where it does not matter how much truth slaps them in the face. They still will not admit how dangerous these jabs were and that they made a mistake.

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they can't admit how dangerous the injections are. If they did they would have to realize that early death and /or severe illness leading to death is the probable outcome for something they voluntarily did to themselves. No one wants to realize that.

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they aren’t going to recall the jabs because they are killing people - that was the point of them in the first place.

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I NEED TO KNOW MUCH MORE ABOUT THE SLOW KILL ASPECT OF THE JABS BECAUSE WHEN PEOPLE DIE SUDDENLY there are questions as to why an otherwise healthy person dies like this. A friend died suddenly on Saturday and he had taken the jab at first offering but do not know if he had other jabs as well. He was 60yrs. old. He leaves a family and wife and all of us very sad. Please more about the effects of the jab as time goes on!

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He could have one of those rubbery white clots grow slowly, then block a vein. Embalmers find them when trying to drain blood. Usually done to preserve body for viewing but many families don't wish to see the body today. There's many reasons death occurs, from sudden heart stoppages, from clots or inflamation, to very aggressive cancers. I'm sorry for your loss. I don't believe anyone who took them can say they are ok but, on the other hand, the worry of it all could cause stress, and, in my case, I worry about friends and family who did.

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I'm unqualified to answer your query, but I've watched the chaos since the Covid Plan was launched in late 2019.

I'm 79 fit and unjabbed and have studied the farce since having to take the last flight from USA back to UK in March 2020, when i suspected all was not as being preached. Here's a summary of what I've gleaned over the past (nearly) 5 years. Below is a comment I made on the matter;

It seems like we just got rid of the insane American politicians in time to save the planet from a total Woke take-over of our Freedoms and their intention to enforce poisonous injections into becoming Mandated. Sanity returns!

All the Big Pharma 'bullshit' about Myocarditis being caused by COVID is finally now being admitted. DEADLY mRNA injections frequently cause damage and 'rare' is just another of Big Pharma's lies!

Big Pharma's motto = "There's no profit in healthy people!" So how can we make them ill - for longer?

mRNA injections were rushed onto the market without proper Safety Trials and proof they were effective. mRNA injections can be DEADLY and nobody can forecast the consequences of these injections. Following these injections, the Spike proteins are created by the body but the, so called, 'Experts' can't control the quantity of reaction can be predicted. Every jab is a 'loose cannon'. Every recipient is a Guinea Pig who can get numerous reactions from these uncontrollable mRNA injections.

Myocarditis is just one of many health consequences these jabs cause. The incidents are FREQUENT - NOT 'RARE', as the 'Experts' suggest.

I have no medical experience or education, but I now maintain, from witnessing the 5 years of lies, falsified data and cover ups that have come to light since these injections were hurriedly 'knocked up'. They can frequently cause many semi-permanent illnesses, some are fatal.

At best these mRNA injections can cause illnesses to return after being supposedly cured years beforehand. New vocabulary follows these ridiculous mRNA injections. 'Turbo Cancers' is now a frequently used term for cancers that follow soon after the mRNA injections. mRNA injections can open the door to previously cured diseases - including CANCERS! It's not RARE - it's FREQUENT!

The best anyone can hope for after accepting these dangerous mRNA injections is to suffer a compromised Natural Immune System, which in my world, means a shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY.

I'm not a Doctor, but I prefer to err on the side of Self Preservation. I recommend that NOBODY takes another 'Safe and Effective' mRNA injection (mistakenly called a vaccine).

Why do you suppose Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson are desperate to retain ZERO LIABILITY for their DEADLY INJECTIONS? 'No LIABILITY' is an inexplicable condition of sale or/and use! Just remember this - You can't Pfuck with the human heart and expect it to get better!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) we'll all live longer by avoiding corrupt Big Pharma and 'QUACK' medics with syringes!

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More information everyday. Learn and know what really happened!

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Jay Bhattacharya Emerges as Top Contender for NIH Chief. The Stanford professor of health policy was a leading critic of government-imposed lockdowns and restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. But will he oppose the C-19 shots?

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Which leads me to wonder--from the first mention, who paid Lancet and Elsevier for the removal? Content moderation no doubt, to protect readers from hate speech. But who? And for how much?

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What makes you think they were paid? Perhaps they were told. In no uncertain terms.

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NGOs, Trusts or Thinktanks.

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But which?

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You would need the journals financials. Maybe contact Ethical Hacker (YT)? It's some extension of Mr. Global.

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I think this is going viral!

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Imagine waking up to the fact that you inserted poison into your child. That’s a bridge too far for some people.

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Especially when they were warned multiple times bye members of their own family. They prefer to reinsert their heads in the sand.

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I know but the problem was all of the experts telling them it was safe & effective. I had no way to counter these experts when the doctors kept getting censored and called vaccine deniers.

I truly couldn’t believe how anyone could take Fauci seriously. He was a creepy little man to me.

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experts, depending on the situation are right maybe half the time or less. Even if there is a consensus they are still frequently wrong. Especially now when everything is corrupted by money and ideology. Get rid of your TV.

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Couldn’t agree more.

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RFK Jr has the goods on the Crime of the Century.. and will expose each of the central players.. legally and methodically.. the CIA rogues, the DOD boys and girls, as well as the maggots in the regulatory agencies, Big Pharma+ Gates and the WEF/WHO.. everyone involved.. the trail of evidence will be followed if we can keep RFK Jr alive.. personally I would like to see the 5th Marines deployed where ever he goes or speaks..

We are at the doorstep of Nuremberg on steroids...

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Thank you Curt. The Dems have been co-opted by, bought and sold by big pharma to force us all into getting sick and dying. It's a mass collective suicide event. They can't be wrong so they keep yelling at the world and ACLU and MoveOn keep campaigning to stop voices of reason like RFK Jr, Del bigtree from The Highwire show.

We live in insane and dangerous times.

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Yes KT we do!

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Is it a good practice to take charcoal with ivermectin since it’s a binder? And since any parasites we may have before taking IVM would release heavy metals they were holding onto when they die etc? And if so, should there be a gap between when you take each (since charcoal can stop effects of some medications)?

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it seems logical that there should be a gap of a few hours.

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The question is always how to spread this information. MSM sure as hell won’t

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Share it far and wide. Is it on X? Other social media platforms? I shared it to many in my contacts and also on Gab.

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Brilliant work again 2SG!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer by avoiding Big Pharma's lies and corrupt medics with syringes!

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News flash: The governments of the Five Eyes have issued the following comprehensive statement:


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