YES!! There are still a few just judges left, it appears! I want to thank all of my readers for making the #IStandWithSucharit campaign go viral after I launched it five days ago. We have made our voices heard!!

• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

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I am very glad about thus result, but the " just" judges may have been motivated by how bad they would look if they prosecuted such a well- known, knowledgable and honest individual.

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YES!! There are still a few just judges left, it appears

It's called self preservation...they do not want to cede authority to medical tyrants.

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Thank you SO very much for putting this out. I was so worried!! I cannot say hallelujah enough!

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Thank God.

I just had a friend come back from Germany and he said the situation felt very grim.

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Tell us more please. What was it like there?

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Gosh I don't really have much else to report from my friend unfortunately. It was only a quick text. There is a substacker I follow (and officially recommend) called Die Fackel from that part of the world who is excellent. Suggest following him/her. https://fackel.substack.com/

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This is such good news! this made my day! we need more of these kinds of stories! Rest well now and many blessings to you and your family Dr. Bhakdi for the truth you have spoken and what you had to overcome to speak the truth you spoke so the rest of us could hear you.

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Thank YOU ....2nd Smartest Guy who I think still is the Smartest GUY.

GOD does hear PRAYERS.

I am so HAPPY for Dr. Bhakdi +

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Excellent news, made my day. I am sure I am not alone. I have been listening to Dr Bhakdi since the very early days in this and he has given me so much strength to speak out and calmly explain what I believe is going on in all this nonsense. He is one of the greats, a truly good man.

Thanks for sharing this news.

(edited for typo)

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What a hero!

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I only hope he got damages or sues for then so his law-fare court case expenses are covered!!!! How his government treated him is evil and criminal!!

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I believe he has said he is moving back to his home country. Tailand.

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is a true Hero of the people of the world, a professional of outspoken courage. Of course, he is not alone, for many highly qualified have spoken out and been punished for such. However, Dr. Bhakdi having just been acquitted of all accusations of “Incitement of the People” is a major victory for everyone, even if the perpetually sleeping will never realize.

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thanks, Chelie

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Wooohoo!!! This is great news, 2nd Smarted Guy. Thanks for sharing. 😎

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Kind of reminds me of Dr. Andreas Noack:


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Noack’s contention that 2 wavelengths of 5G could be used to activate the graphene from the toxic jab at the whim of some cabal to kill injected folk in locations near chosen 5G towers seems to be the reason for his assassination making one think he should be silenced for disclosing the globalists’ secret depopulation weapon. It could be the deaths we see now are few compared to what’s to come. So clever to make a weapon such that you could eliminate people living near any 5G tower one choses eg neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, or continents - without harming infrastructure (like a nuke would do),

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Noack showed that 5G can convert graphene oxide (which is delivered in hydrogel coating and is used for the self-assembling transmitters/receivers/CPUs that anchor themselves in the body and thrive on bio-electricity) into the rapidly-killing graphene hydroxide. For that latter, he called the enablers mass murderers.

By now, the delivery systems even include the food supply (with the FDA's blessing):


But it doesn't stop there:


A remote-conrol mechanism also seems to exist:


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Faaaahk yahhhhh!!

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Wonderful news but the fact he was charged with anything in the first place should make us all shudder. We can’t ever forget that they really do want us dead.

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Great news. Just awesome!!!

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Truly wonderful news. In an upside down world, justice feels unexpected, don't it?

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We can draw strength from a burst of hope even in a gloomy world

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Thank you for covering Bhakdi's case for people outside of Germany. A hopeful day indeed. Seems there are still some judges left in Germany who have both a conscience and a spine.

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