If it’s unanimous, they’re up to something. There’s no way the Ds or the DC Rs are wanting transparency and truthfulness.

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CYA is all it is. The Dimwits know FJb will veto the bill. You can just see them running for the nearest camera and with a very sincere look on their face say to the people, it wasn’t me, I voted to release the information. We will start an investigation and get to the bottom of this.

Don’t believe a word they say or do.

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That doesn't sound right...if the vote is unanimous they would be able to override a presidential veto. I think there's not here. Maybe trying to turn public opinion in favor of (a very ill conceived) war with China?

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Will see what happens. I understand your position. House hasn’t voted on this yet, that I am aware of, then conference committee, then President, assuming it gets there. I believe it is just posturing, but maybe it’s not. At this stage, I don’t believe anything coming from either party. They have let us down so many times.

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You can only override a Presidential veto if you have a super majority in the House and Senate and there is no super majority in either house.

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Not exactly. You need 2/3 of both houses to override a very. True, that doesn't usually happen unless there is a supermajority, because votes on bills tend to fall along party lines, but on this case the vote was unanimous. You have way more votes than needed to override a veto..

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Either way, its sadly unlikely that the fools who failed to protect the nation from poor legislation would want to fess up. Not until we’re all dead. From the u no whats.

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I stand corrected. But as you said unless there is a super majority rarely does it ever happen. Even with a super majority (like we have here in TN) rarely do they override even though they have the power to do so. Thanks.

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Knowingly or unknowingly, they are playing right into the hands of the highly profitable bioweapon jab industry by going down this pointless "origins" path. Doing so simply reinforces the idea that viruses exist and are causative. This will be a boon for the DoD, Gates, big pharma and all the other big time bioweapon players. As long as the majority of the population buys into this propaganda we will continue to have ongoing plandemics.

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Intelligence community: no intelligence allowed

No need to wait 3 more years to declassify anything: it's so obvious!


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fantastic timeline. thank you for your exhaustive work.

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Yes, it's CYA; also, ANY opportunity to start a war ANYWHERE, w/ ANYONE, is always greatly appreciated by our for-profit plutocrat-owned military-industrial complex; however, it's very safe to say that NOT ONE of the documents they're gonna declassify will mention the fact that there never was a pathogenic virus or that virology is fraud or that 5G rollout, with or without severe air pollution, is what made ppl sick in any sudden, new way.

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So--to the extent that Congress was aware of those things, Congress was 1) grand-standing, 2) making the MIC happy, and 3) continuing the ongoing mayhem & murder perpetrated by the several CoVID narratives--all of which are FALSE--which makes the for-profit plutocrat-owned MEDICAL industrial complex very happy. All of them things at which Congress excels.

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Now that they have been forewarned, they'll hide all of the "good stuff" in Joe's garage, and we'll never know that Ralph Baric et al at UNC-CH (can you at "insert-spike-in-furin cleavage"?) created this monster and it was sent to China for "distribution". Ralph Baric is hard at work spending his new grant money creating more monstrous creations than li'l ole 'rona. Think we'll hear anything about that?

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I do think / hope Ron Johnson can work some magic. No doubt he knows more than he’s letting on. If he can convince these politards from both parties that the truth wave is coming and they’ll either ride it in or get swamped. Well.... ok, maybe a little optimistic here , but in my best Rosanne Rosanna Danna voice : “It could happen”

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Intelligence community: no intelligence allowed

No need to wait 3 more years to declassify anything: it's so obvious!


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Mar 2, 2023
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Agree 100%

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the viral event of annual flu supposedly disappeared, and it was forbidden to give those 80 years old- and others- antibiotics, which are #1 defense for pneumonia, or to give them drugs with antiviral properties, like hcq or ivermectin.

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The motive is ridiculously obvious!

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Mar 4, 2023
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heard y'day that they are going to remove animal antibiotics from feed stores in May, so it could only be purchased from vets. Time to lay in a supply.

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Agree 100%! Getting rid of ibuprofen soon. HOW DO WE STOP THIS???

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All a smoke screen to blame CHYNA and cover up complicity by DARPA/DOD funding.

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as divide-and-conquer, it's brilliant. ccp can blame usa/unc ralph baric, usa can blame wuhan.

also a distraction from the genocidal lethal injection campaign and 5g satellite launches

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Man, that's why your the Green Hornet- kudos to ya

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After they whitewash Fauci and co's dirty fingerprints off the files and point the masses 'righteous anger' at the real culprits - CHINA. Must go to war! After all, Ukraine is going so well why not start another one.

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It's quite challenging living in a world in which 99.9% of the population is 3 years (and more) behind.

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They all made up their Democratic minds back then. They have no interest in anything new. They are satisfied with their concepts and were screaming back 3 years: I don’t want to see any more data!”

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Oh good grief.

Who depends on the government for anything!

You guys/gals believe anything they say?

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the gov is totally illegitimate and irrelevant. ppl need to simply ignore everything they say and do and offer nonviolent noncompliance on every level.

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Hell no!!!

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Hmmm.... They are up to something.... and it's not something that will shed light on the truth.

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So now that Katherine Watt (Bailiwicknews.substack.com) and Sonya Latypova have uncovered the role that the US Pentagon played in running the covid false flag, now how about we pivot to the origin.

Not a smart move.

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So the machine wants us to think truth is making progress. Kinda like saying enjoy the refreshing spring rain, when actually they are spraying acid on you.

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More political theater.

"This bill is linked to the numerous controversies surrounding the origins of the virus and whether it originated from a lab leak or from natural sources."

More to unpack in that sentence than you can shake a stick at. Look at all the assumptions there.

This current theatrics will supply some distraction and diversion, but the truth of the matter is that we will never know the whole truth about the illness or illnesses that happened during the "epidemic" and "pandemic."

My truth point-man, Dr. Michael Yeadon PhD, gave us the best information in his many interviews. He took refuge in the USA for about the last year or so but was harassed and run out back to England by the CIA and intelligence apparatus. I am so utterly ashamed of my country for doing this. I wish him Godspeed.

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A limited hangout, likely. They probably won't say anything about RNA viruses unable to cause pandemics, biologically.


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They should also explain why Eco health is continued to be funded!

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Political theater 🤡

We have been presented two conflicting narratives. Both are lies. The opposing parties vociferously champion their "truth" for those they claim to represent.

The real truth is thus: no virus was isolated; midazolam, improper ventilator protocols, poor medical policies and false positive "tests" built the illusion of #COVID1984 deaths as advertised in the MSM and by "experts" of siense.

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Whatever comes out of the establishment must remain under suspicion and under scrutiny:


The "vaccines" are now a side show; there are plenty of other sources of poisoning:


At least people know what it means to live under a hijacked government:


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Incoming psyop. Fuck all politicians. Every single one is corrupted.

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