Pilfer and ModeRNA have announced vaccines to help heal from the effects of their covid vaccines. Side effects for trial participants may include reduced IQ from sub 70 to sub 50. If it saves just one lie.
It would be encouraging if this is indeed the case as in my opinion the MSM are the driving force behind the mass genocide and eugenics Agenda .. Sadly, l have not yet seen any evidence of this happening in Britain - BUT what l have seen is a HUGE increase in numbers of those who may be deemed “highly credible” mooting the point that the vaccines are indeed a kill shot. I do honestly believe that behind the scenes and hidden from public view, many, many are rallying together at “the top of the food chain” damming the Vax and taking many actions that are not always clear to the public - l have a dear friend who is a retired GP who tells me that much is happening in this covert way - we can only hope and pray!
The ‘experts’ keep saying the risk of myocarditis is much higher from the virus than it is from the vaxx. If the vaxx doesn’t stop you from getting the virus, then SO WHAT?!
Hey everyone, guess what the new leading cause (used to be the 3rd leading cause) of death now is: iatrogenic 'mistakes' by doctors. Doctor murder is the number one cause of death.
Hurray, all you doctors get a big Eugenics Rockefeller bonus for your diligent iatrogenesis.
Can you please provide a link to an archived version of the Telegraph article? Normies are more likely to read that than your Substack piece, I'm afraid, although they're probably not willing to read the article either.
In addition to the vaccines the damage Paxlovid may be doing and contributing to this mess is unknown. The vaccinated that take this drug often have a rebound Covid case (Fauci, Biden, etc.). The drug itself is a combination of 2 drugs. One of the drugs Ritonavir has its own black box warning and side effects include life-threatening liver, pancreas and *heart issues*. It would be relevant to know not only vaccination status but what other experimental drugs are taken in these cases.
Just to clarify, all COVD vaccinations are not equal, so not all that got the shot will have heart disease. This is yet another smoking gun of malfeasance. Dr Michael Yeadon discusses this... different batches were created for different outcomes (death, injury, or no effect at all). He had never seen anything like this in production before. https://howbadismybatch.com/
If Dr Malhotra took the injections he is already marked by the Eye of Needle. Probably not a good future for him so no point complaining about it now. DEATHVAX it is. Those that chose to be marked by the Eye of the Needle will have to accept everything that comes their way. No sympathy from me.
His fellow football players had to be wondering -- am I going to die from the mRNA injection too? I said from the very beginning that these mRNA injections were dangerous. And with few exceptions most sports players were forced to get the "jab." I also believe in bodily autonomy. No one should have been coerced -- under threat of losing one's job for not complying. Now we are seeing the carnage in the wake of this global lab experiment.
Pilfer and ModeRNA have announced vaccines to help heal from the effects of their covid vaccines. Side effects for trial participants may include reduced IQ from sub 70 to sub 50. If it saves just one lie.
It would be encouraging if this is indeed the case as in my opinion the MSM are the driving force behind the mass genocide and eugenics Agenda .. Sadly, l have not yet seen any evidence of this happening in Britain - BUT what l have seen is a HUGE increase in numbers of those who may be deemed “highly credible” mooting the point that the vaccines are indeed a kill shot. I do honestly believe that behind the scenes and hidden from public view, many, many are rallying together at “the top of the food chain” damming the Vax and taking many actions that are not always clear to the public - l have a dear friend who is a retired GP who tells me that much is happening in this covert way - we can only hope and pray!
The ‘experts’ keep saying the risk of myocarditis is much higher from the virus than it is from the vaxx. If the vaxx doesn’t stop you from getting the virus, then SO WHAT?!
Exactly, what's the point?!
How do you become an anti-vaxxer?
Essentially there are two predominant methods.
One....vaccine injury.
How do you become a vaccine advocate?
Essentially there is one method.
The tide is turning. I will not comply until prosecutions begin.
Not even then!
Don't comply then either.
Hello Nightflight ❤️
Hello Lynda, how are you?
Still here! And considering what’s happening in the world, that’s an accomplishment. Still enjoying your work, hope all is well with you.
Hey everyone, guess what the new leading cause (used to be the 3rd leading cause) of death now is: iatrogenic 'mistakes' by doctors. Doctor murder is the number one cause of death.
Hurray, all you doctors get a big Eugenics Rockefeller bonus for your diligent iatrogenesis.
'While there have always been anti-vaxxers, this new concern is drawing in people from outside usual conspiracy theory circles'
Conspiracy theorist - person that does not blindly believe what the man in the telvision box says and looks at the actual evidence.
Don't forget the manipulated SARS-CoV-2 'virus' is also a bio-weapon. We're all f*cked.
and it's ethnically focussed on the caucasian race. see dr. lee merritt.
Can you please provide a link to an archived version of the Telegraph article? Normies are more likely to read that than your Substack piece, I'm afraid, although they're probably not willing to read the article either.
That's why I asked for an archived version. Sometimes those are available.
Thank you very much, kind GLK.
Did you see that Bees, Cattle, Pets, will now be injected w the Death shot.
Unless somehow we stop this.
Dr. Byram Bridle - viral immunologist discussing mRNA and veterinary 'warp speed'.
Did you read yesterday I believe it was disclosed.
This whole Covid/ Vax Bio weapon was authorized by the DOD and the Pentagon.
By passing safety measures and full immunity of prosecution to all involved!
This was all in the works since 2013
Governments sponsored bioweapon(s).
Main article in link below, but I think just reading the research headings, gain of function and patents is more damning.
I agree.
The change is now the mRNA
In addition to the vaccines the damage Paxlovid may be doing and contributing to this mess is unknown. The vaccinated that take this drug often have a rebound Covid case (Fauci, Biden, etc.). The drug itself is a combination of 2 drugs. One of the drugs Ritonavir has its own black box warning and side effects include life-threatening liver, pancreas and *heart issues*. It would be relevant to know not only vaccination status but what other experimental drugs are taken in these cases.
Just to clarify, all COVD vaccinations are not equal, so not all that got the shot will have heart disease. This is yet another smoking gun of malfeasance. Dr Michael Yeadon discusses this... different batches were created for different outcomes (death, injury, or no effect at all). He had never seen anything like this in production before. https://howbadismybatch.com/
If Dr Malhotra took the injections he is already marked by the Eye of Needle. Probably not a good future for him so no point complaining about it now. DEATHVAX it is. Those that chose to be marked by the Eye of the Needle will have to accept everything that comes their way. No sympathy from me.
You might like this too
"BREAKING: The MSM Now Have No Choice But to Admit that the DEATHVAX™ is Deadly"
Ya think, huh?
The MSM is a designed propaganda arm. Decades have taught us that their job is to lie, all the time. Just sayin'.
His fellow football players had to be wondering -- am I going to die from the mRNA injection too? I said from the very beginning that these mRNA injections were dangerous. And with few exceptions most sports players were forced to get the "jab." I also believe in bodily autonomy. No one should have been coerced -- under threat of losing one's job for not complying. Now we are seeing the carnage in the wake of this global lab experiment.