Personally, without any data at all, I think the lipid nano particles are crossing the blood brain barrier and giving most people a form of lobotomy. Seriously. Lobotomized people cannot get organized enough to protest.
Also the 'batches' differ in terms of impact....malicious intent or poor product and quality standards? I serious doubt they manufactured all those doses in such a short period of time. My guess is that it was pre manufactured prior to the cov and stored.
Also NO supplier should ever be granted a ' Liability Shield'. A supplier then can present false data, offer misleading advertising, make misleading claims, ignore product quality, not supply, offer bribes, etc. No chance of suing for damages.
Imagine if Boeing and Airbus had Liability Shields......
Hmm? Maybe. Everyone I know is vx and I know of only one possible issue (Parkinson's, could be age tho ). Everyone else is fine. Sure is odd. I emailed a certain pundit and he said give it time. Damocles's sword I guess.
I really hope that totally harmless shots were given out to the high tax, very blue areas where I live and where all of my jabbed loved ones got theirs. But it would certainly explain a lot -- how I know very few people who have some adverse effects (still alive and kicking, and working, so it's not so very terrible actually), and how I don't actually know anyone who has died from the shots, nor does anyone I know admit to that.... a few people do say that they know people who have died from "COVID" and I don't know the truth of that.
Around here, the more jabbed people are, the more they believe in the safety and efficacy of whatever is in the shots. Each shot increases their faith and likelihood of continuing along this path.
Same with my daughter. She simply would refuse to read it, with or without a curt response that "this is not helpful". I worry about her every day, but don't want to compound the pain by ending what little relationship I still have with her.
Yep, she already told me she needed space from me and I was not invited to stay at their house the next time I visited and then a week later she texted me with news about the baby so I think that helped to ease things a bit but I don’t think things will change until it’s blasted out on mainstream media about the deaths and injuries, my liberal friend is in denial too even though I show her so much evidence...she said “I’m not going to read all that.” it’s some type of strange syndrome. I don’t know why I am different that I had to know the truth. I hope your relationship remains and our daughters wake up. 
There have been studies of this. I remember reading about where someone plotted all the batches and a lot of the hot lots as they call them went on an axis north and south through the red states, the most were in was here on Substack. I’ve had two jabs and both of mine are considered in the “severe adverse effects” batches...I’m in SC. So if one batch can be anywhere from 100k to 200k vials, a lot of people in my area got the severe doses.
Against all vaccines at this point...and very awake, scraping the bottom of the rabbit hole. I started researching the jab and then found myself a few weeks later thrown down the rabbit hole so I know that just about everything we see is orchestrated and the WEF is in turbo mode. Getting my liberal family to see the light is tough, so much of why I research all day. I’m hoping the info on deaths gets out to MSM soon...not holding my breath. BTW my one boostered daughter just had a miscarriage and my son has autism- all vax damage I’m sure.
So sorry. No-one listened to me and got them. One has had lung clot followed by pacemaker fitted. One asthma and hand tremor. Several with skin cancers, one now diabetic, some with worse existing probs and many with no new or worsening symptoms. My friend's daughter just about to have her baby. She took them before she got pregnant. I've been anxious all through her pregnancy. Hope your daughter comes through this ok.
Thanks. I hope the baby will be well...then the jabs start at birth😢 I held my breath on my daughter’s friends’ last two babies but all was ok. I hope she will try again. Weirdly and luckily I don’t know anybody injured or who died. So many people have mentioned high numbers.
I agree. NJ is pharma capitol and super blue. Everyone I know, kids included, fully jabbed, and many boosted. Little fall out. As of now. I don't wish harm but it doesn't help the climate around here and the head in the sand (not to mention the job loss, friend loss etc, to me and others)
Ugh. So sorry and sad. I know via a friend a Pfizer biochemist who quit because he knew all the bad stuff and warned who he could. Too bad he won't be a whistleblower.
I know they know the lot allocation. Not surprised they'd do it to their own.
And, yes, I wonder if super-blue areas like mine or the one my daughter lives in got specially curated vials of the stuff. It won't amaze me if that turns out to be the case.
"All by design, such that the genetically modified humans (GMH) that have to date survived their heart damage and VAIDS slowly start awakening to what was done to them. At some point these GMHs may turn on the very governments and institutions, and the One World Government’s assets like the WEF may then swoop in with their Great Reset “solution” to the very problems that they caused."
What's interesting is this post on Godlike Productions (pretty certain it's a giant psyop website that harvests data for three letter agencies, so don't waste your time on there and certainly don't sign up):
With that said, feast your eyes on this:
"An "Elite" confided in me, what you are about to read about the covid end game will make everything crystal clear.
I will not tell you who, or why. Let's just say I spent days with this person and they have a bolthole in NZ. It's the first time I've ever 'hung out' with a known, high net worth individual (billions). It was a chance encounter after doing some work for them in Queenstown. Dinner, drinks were had, and discussions took place. I was invited to hang at their place for the weekend. I am posting this now after processing it.
They were loose lipped and open with me but did say if I mention these things, that 'we never met'. But laughed and said no one would believe it anyway, so 'have fun', just keep their identity out of it.
They said we have nothing to worry about here, so in-spite of what they told me, he told me to consider myself one of the luckiest humans alive to be in NZ right now.
They asked if I took the vax, and were relieved when I said no. They said kiwis would get the antidote anyway but some will not make it to that point. Afterall, someone had to run things here 'for them'.
I initially asked what they thought the 'end game' was for all this covid stuff. They asked me what I thought it was, with great interest, but I wasn't close.
They basically said this..
-a plan was devised many years ago, and for many years that is all it was, a plan. They had to wait many years for the technologies available to make the plan viable. And to recruit the appropriate individuals.
-This is definitely about a new global government being put in place (details will continue)
-This new global government is already in place operating for years in complete secrecy, waiting on the sidelines, moving the chess pieces.
-The new government required some of the top minds on the planet, almost all of them came on board of their own free will and with a full belief in the cause of a new world government. In their view they are brute force saving humanity at all costs. I was told those who refused were dealt to, but in most cases, they would bring the person to the wider group and through discussions, they were convinced and became committed to the cause. Most times, these 'minds' were applying for fake jobs and going through psych evals etc as a first step.
-This plan is ongoing and the most complex global chain of events ever put into motion.
THE PLAN is essentially to turn every citizen of every country, violently against their own government. How they are doing this is pure genius and pure evil.
To achieve this plan, my chance encounter asked how would I do it?.. how would you turn every citizen of every country against their own government? I really have no idea. So they laid out the basics for me.
-There must be a global engineered 'sickness'
-There must be mass fear, panic and paranoia
-Leaders, Scientists and Media must converge on consensus of a treatment
-that treatment would be essentially handed to them without them even realising it
-Initially, there can only be few 'sanctioned' treatments, all other treatments must be deemed 'dangerous, unsafe and banned'
-Leaders, Scientists and Media are manipulated, to believe this 'treatment' is the only option, the only way to keep you and your family safe.
-Leaders, Scientists and Media in a sense, give you their word that this treatment is safe and effective
-Children were also targeted to inflict maximum pain and anger when it goes bad.
I found this part interesting. Our leaders, scientists and media are NOT complicit in this plan or actually part of this plan in any way. NONE of them, not even Fauci. They are mere fodder to these elites, serving a purpose then will be "discarded" or "fed to the angry" ! They have been played."
It won't be easy because asymmetrical guerrilla warfare is something modern militaries are embarrassingly bad about dealing with. Even if you look at something like Mexican cartels, it's the same end result.
It's true that in Afghanistan the rules of engagement hamstrung the US military, the Taliban could just wander off into a village and they weren't allow to attack it.
One thing is for sure, American patriots are our last hope. If you guys go down, the rest of us are toast.
I've been resisting for the last twenty years. You have completely missed my point. Your 400 million guns are the only thing stopping these nutcases from having total control. America is still the most powerful country on the planet and you still have the ability (at least in theory) to elect your own leaders.
Once America is lost, it's game over. This isn't a new thing I thought of just now, I have literally been saying this for the last two decades.
Currently in France (the village I live in is armed to the teeth by the way). I'm from the UK but have lived all over the world.
I'm planning on moving to Africa in 2023. My business partners are all ex-military, getting guns is not going to be a problem, and I'm not afraid to use them if need be.
If the injections kill off the bulk of the population. Leaving only New Zealand as some sort of isolated residue of.civilization and humanity, then why would you even need a one world government? Because it sounds like the rest of the world would be totally depopulated.
You make a good point, but 1) you aren't a psychopath and 2) we don't know what timelines these people are actually working on.
I believe the goal is enslavement and neo-serfdom, and it's much easier to digitally enforce everything than say in feudal Japan where you had teams of Samurai randomly decapitating the peasantry (they'll have robots for that). I don't think it really matters what the population size is, the goal is total control.
Absolutely, the UN is the ultimate globalist creation. It's their jewel in the crown. The WEF is just a distraction, the real goals are UN Agendas 2021 and 2030. The WEF is just a front that says the quiet part loud.
Something that drives me bonkers is that the "Brexiteers" were adamant that leaving the EU would free the UK from EU dictats, but the truth is that the EU is more of a "rule taker" from the UN than the UK is a "rule taker" from the EU. Since the UK will do whatever the UN says, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference.
I'm not saying I'm against Brexit (even if it has made my life a lot harder because I live in France) but the only way out of this mess is to get out of ALL of these globalist garbage systems.
WRT when the average citizen will wake up, I'm afraid that it may not be until there's a great amount of pain, and things are so obvious that only the clinically delusional will deny that anything's going on.
Of course, when that happens there might be attempts to explain away the excess deaths as something else, so we have to be there to show people the truth...or try to, anyway.
I hate my answer-NEVER! There are some who still won’t entertain the idea of this happening! The quadruple and five times vaxxed especially won’t! Sadly, nor will my family.😢😡
" huge thank you to Steve for providing space for all of us and disrupting our sleep :-)"
- If only you knew. I went to bed "last night" at...8am posting on here. I'm a night owl anyway, but I had a major moment of clarity and needed to do a brain dump.
Perhaps. Training is worth a lot though and will even the odds a lot. Plus logistics like ammo supply are crucial and Joe Citizen isn't adequately prepared for a drawn out engagement. Then you got to factor in high-tech optic heat sensors etc and the grand romantic illusion too many have from watching too many 1 man beats 1000 men movies...
I'm all for fighting. I'm also for being realistic and making adjustments accordingly. People going in hard with faulty expectations are gonna get slaughtered.
Tx for your comment Dog, my hope is you being right and me wrong. I have just met too many American gun owners who talk big about taking on the powers that be who I can't see doing any better than I would. I can hunt and shoot fine but war is another game altogether.
At what point in this cavalcade of societal level delusion, does the average, middle of the bell curve citizen wake up and revolt?
My 4 xs vaxed friend won’t.
He would get mad if I sent him this.
He would poo poo it, because he’s “fine”
It’s so frustrating.
But what can ya do?
I’m wondering if high taxpayer areas received the saline. Not the death shot
Apparently even if they supposedly got a placebo or saline, the lipid nano particles are toxic as well. God Help all those who were injected
Personally, without any data at all, I think the lipid nano particles are crossing the blood brain barrier and giving most people a form of lobotomy. Seriously. Lobotomized people cannot get organized enough to protest.
I assume if some got saline, there were no LNPs in the injection. Just salt water.
Also the 'batches' differ in terms of impact....malicious intent or poor product and quality standards? I serious doubt they manufactured all those doses in such a short period of time. My guess is that it was pre manufactured prior to the cov and stored.
That makes sense.
Since the patent were in already
Also NO supplier should ever be granted a ' Liability Shield'. A supplier then can present false data, offer misleading advertising, make misleading claims, ignore product quality, not supply, offer bribes, etc. No chance of suing for damages.
Imagine if Boeing and Airbus had Liability Shields......
And a few whistleblowers have testified to sloppy quality control.
Hmm? Maybe. Everyone I know is vx and I know of only one possible issue (Parkinson's, could be age tho ). Everyone else is fine. Sure is odd. I emailed a certain pundit and he said give it time. Damocles's sword I guess.
I really hope that totally harmless shots were given out to the high tax, very blue areas where I live and where all of my jabbed loved ones got theirs. But it would certainly explain a lot -- how I know very few people who have some adverse effects (still alive and kicking, and working, so it's not so very terrible actually), and how I don't actually know anyone who has died from the shots, nor does anyone I know admit to that.... a few people do say that they know people who have died from "COVID" and I don't know the truth of that.
Around here, the more jabbed people are, the more they believe in the safety and efficacy of whatever is in the shots. Each shot increases their faith and likelihood of continuing along this path.
It’s called Russian Roulette
It only takes one real Shot…
That’s my take. Like maybe 10% are the Deathvax because it needs to be slow
Yes! Agreed on the timing of the deaths.
Already the lying media blames ridiculous things instead of reporting facts.
The high tax payers are highly jabbed from what I have seen
Marin County Calif.
Probably whole Bay Area, high vax rate.
I know a lot of people in Marin.
I don’t know anyone with a jab issue.
Even in the elder homes.
Good question
Sadly, no - high taxes did not make one exempt
Know a elderly woman three blocks away, nearly died after one Moderna
Another covidian, 2 shots, 7 clots, dodged death
Another woman (under 40) two shots and a wheelchair plus leukemia
Another elderly two shots, brain meltdown and a wheelchair- but hey, saw her stand up tonight at a New Years party so that’s something
Those are just a few of the disasters off the top of my head
That’s so horrible 😢😢😢
Same with my daughter. She simply would refuse to read it, with or without a curt response that "this is not helpful". I worry about her every day, but don't want to compound the pain by ending what little relationship I still have with her.
Yep, she already told me she needed space from me and I was not invited to stay at their house the next time I visited and then a week later she texted me with news about the baby so I think that helped to ease things a bit but I don’t think things will change until it’s blasted out on mainstream media about the deaths and injuries, my liberal friend is in denial too even though I show her so much evidence...she said “I’m not going to read all that.” it’s some type of strange syndrome. I don’t know why I am different that I had to know the truth. I hope your relationship remains and our daughters wake up. 
Oh Fizzygurl, you are not the only one, there are lots of us in
this very much situation, praying mostly... Sending my best
wishes your way...
Thank you much. We hang on hoping one day the truth will be blasted out.
There have been studies of this. I remember reading about where someone plotted all the batches and a lot of the hot lots as they call them went on an axis north and south through the red states, the most were in was here on Substack. I’ve had two jabs and both of mine are considered in the “severe adverse effects” batches...I’m in SC. So if one batch can be anywhere from 100k to 200k vials, a lot of people in my area got the severe doses.
Against all vaccines at this point...and very awake, scraping the bottom of the rabbit hole. I started researching the jab and then found myself a few weeks later thrown down the rabbit hole so I know that just about everything we see is orchestrated and the WEF is in turbo mode. Getting my liberal family to see the light is tough, so much of why I research all day. I’m hoping the info on deaths gets out to MSM soon...not holding my breath. BTW my one boostered daughter just had a miscarriage and my son has autism- all vax damage I’m sure.
Yes, all vaccines are fraudulent. Vaccines cause nearly all diseases. Nagalase, luciferase, big pharma is satanic witchcraft.
So sorry. No-one listened to me and got them. One has had lung clot followed by pacemaker fitted. One asthma and hand tremor. Several with skin cancers, one now diabetic, some with worse existing probs and many with no new or worsening symptoms. My friend's daughter just about to have her baby. She took them before she got pregnant. I've been anxious all through her pregnancy. Hope your daughter comes through this ok.
Thanks. I hope the baby will be well...then the jabs start at birth😢 I held my breath on my daughter’s friends’ last two babies but all was ok. I hope she will try again. Weirdly and luckily I don’t know anybody injured or who died. So many people have mentioned high numbers.
Your talking about "". He has done a Herculean effort in putting it together. My heart goes out to you and yours.
Have you changed your mind on the vax?
How do you feel about them?
I was thinking blue states got the most saline. Don’t know. Hope so because my kids live in them.
I agree. NJ is pharma capitol and super blue. Everyone I know, kids included, fully jabbed, and many boosted. Little fall out. As of now. I don't wish harm but it doesn't help the climate around here and the head in the sand (not to mention the job loss, friend loss etc, to me and others)
Ugh. So sorry and sad. I know via a friend a Pfizer biochemist who quit because he knew all the bad stuff and warned who he could. Too bad he won't be a whistleblower.
I know they know the lot allocation. Not surprised they'd do it to their own.
And, yes, I wonder if super-blue areas like mine or the one my daughter lives in got specially curated vials of the stuff. It won't amaze me if that turns out to be the case.
I agree with 2SG's statement here:
"All by design, such that the genetically modified humans (GMH) that have to date survived their heart damage and VAIDS slowly start awakening to what was done to them. At some point these GMHs may turn on the very governments and institutions, and the One World Government’s assets like the WEF may then swoop in with their Great Reset “solution” to the very problems that they caused."
What's interesting is this post on Godlike Productions (pretty certain it's a giant psyop website that harvests data for three letter agencies, so don't waste your time on there and certainly don't sign up):
With that said, feast your eyes on this:
"An "Elite" confided in me, what you are about to read about the covid end game will make everything crystal clear.
I will not tell you who, or why. Let's just say I spent days with this person and they have a bolthole in NZ. It's the first time I've ever 'hung out' with a known, high net worth individual (billions). It was a chance encounter after doing some work for them in Queenstown. Dinner, drinks were had, and discussions took place. I was invited to hang at their place for the weekend. I am posting this now after processing it.
They were loose lipped and open with me but did say if I mention these things, that 'we never met'. But laughed and said no one would believe it anyway, so 'have fun', just keep their identity out of it.
They said we have nothing to worry about here, so in-spite of what they told me, he told me to consider myself one of the luckiest humans alive to be in NZ right now.
They asked if I took the vax, and were relieved when I said no. They said kiwis would get the antidote anyway but some will not make it to that point. Afterall, someone had to run things here 'for them'.
I initially asked what they thought the 'end game' was for all this covid stuff. They asked me what I thought it was, with great interest, but I wasn't close.
They basically said this..
-a plan was devised many years ago, and for many years that is all it was, a plan. They had to wait many years for the technologies available to make the plan viable. And to recruit the appropriate individuals.
-This is definitely about a new global government being put in place (details will continue)
-This new global government is already in place operating for years in complete secrecy, waiting on the sidelines, moving the chess pieces.
-The new government required some of the top minds on the planet, almost all of them came on board of their own free will and with a full belief in the cause of a new world government. In their view they are brute force saving humanity at all costs. I was told those who refused were dealt to, but in most cases, they would bring the person to the wider group and through discussions, they were convinced and became committed to the cause. Most times, these 'minds' were applying for fake jobs and going through psych evals etc as a first step.
-This plan is ongoing and the most complex global chain of events ever put into motion.
THE PLAN is essentially to turn every citizen of every country, violently against their own government. How they are doing this is pure genius and pure evil.
To achieve this plan, my chance encounter asked how would I do it?.. how would you turn every citizen of every country against their own government? I really have no idea. So they laid out the basics for me.
-There must be a global engineered 'sickness'
-There must be mass fear, panic and paranoia
-Leaders, Scientists and Media must converge on consensus of a treatment
-that treatment would be essentially handed to them without them even realising it
-Initially, there can only be few 'sanctioned' treatments, all other treatments must be deemed 'dangerous, unsafe and banned'
-Leaders, Scientists and Media are manipulated, to believe this 'treatment' is the only option, the only way to keep you and your family safe.
-Leaders, Scientists and Media in a sense, give you their word that this treatment is safe and effective
-Children were also targeted to inflict maximum pain and anger when it goes bad.
I found this part interesting. Our leaders, scientists and media are NOT complicit in this plan or actually part of this plan in any way. NONE of them, not even Fauci. They are mere fodder to these elites, serving a purpose then will be "discarded" or "fed to the angry" ! They have been played."
Not saying I believe it, but my mind remains open.
To answer your question in a roundabout way, it may be the case that WANT people to go crazy and revolt.
So the end game is a revolt.
Makes sense.
Is that to put us under Martial Law from NATO ?
I read that somewhere last year.
That they want to usher in the NWO under the guise of protection from Mob Violence.
I doubt it would be martial law from NATO, but it's a good question.
Maybe Sri Lanka was the testbed?
Thank you
Happy 2023.
May the Worlds innocent populace have justice and the Corrupt Marxist Communist sellouts see Hell.
Thanks, same to you and agreed. 🍻
It won't be easy because asymmetrical guerrilla warfare is something modern militaries are embarrassingly bad about dealing with. Even if you look at something like Mexican cartels, it's the same end result.
It's true that in Afghanistan the rules of engagement hamstrung the US military, the Taliban could just wander off into a village and they weren't allow to attack it.
One thing is for sure, American patriots are our last hope. If you guys go down, the rest of us are toast.
Urban warfare is extremely difficult...Stalingrad and Hue are good examples.
I've been resisting for the last twenty years. You have completely missed my point. Your 400 million guns are the only thing stopping these nutcases from having total control. America is still the most powerful country on the planet and you still have the ability (at least in theory) to elect your own leaders.
Once America is lost, it's game over. This isn't a new thing I thought of just now, I have literally been saying this for the last two decades.
Currently in France (the village I live in is armed to the teeth by the way). I'm from the UK but have lived all over the world.
I'm planning on moving to Africa in 2023. My business partners are all ex-military, getting guns is not going to be a problem, and I'm not afraid to use them if need be.
US weapons shipped to Ukraine are being sold in Africa.
If the injections kill off the bulk of the population. Leaving only New Zealand as some sort of isolated residue of.civilization and humanity, then why would you even need a one world government? Because it sounds like the rest of the world would be totally depopulated.
You make a good point, but 1) you aren't a psychopath and 2) we don't know what timelines these people are actually working on.
I believe the goal is enslavement and neo-serfdom, and it's much easier to digitally enforce everything than say in feudal Japan where you had teams of Samurai randomly decapitating the peasantry (they'll have robots for that). I don't think it really matters what the population size is, the goal is total control.
Believe me NZ has it's own share of vax AE's only most still won't admit it's the jab killing their mates off.
Sounds like the X Files episode.
Can you recall which one?
Here is a link to the X Files episodes:
Thank you!
Kind of spooky to watch it now.
Would this also imply that the UN (from the moment of its
inception) is the vital part of that plan? And also, what about the rest of the world? As outside the western "democracies", Africa,
Asia? Surely they must have a plan for them.
Absolutely, the UN is the ultimate globalist creation. It's their jewel in the crown. The WEF is just a distraction, the real goals are UN Agendas 2021 and 2030. The WEF is just a front that says the quiet part loud.
Something that drives me bonkers is that the "Brexiteers" were adamant that leaving the EU would free the UK from EU dictats, but the truth is that the EU is more of a "rule taker" from the UN than the UK is a "rule taker" from the EU. Since the UK will do whatever the UN says, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference.
I'm not saying I'm against Brexit (even if it has made my life a lot harder because I live in France) but the only way out of this mess is to get out of ALL of these globalist garbage systems.
I know, we're between Survivor seasons and the new Bachelorette hasn't started yet.
WRT when the average citizen will wake up, I'm afraid that it may not be until there's a great amount of pain, and things are so obvious that only the clinically delusional will deny that anything's going on.
Of course, when that happens there might be attempts to explain away the excess deaths as something else, so we have to be there to show people the truth...or try to, anyway.
Never underestimate the human capacity for denial. The problem is, their compliance is our nightmare, and our children's hellscape of a future.
Well said.
Personally, from a spiritual perspective, I think it's always good for people to know, and admit the truth before leaving this world.
What a shame it is to leave this world while under the illusion of denial.
Easy - when it's too late.
I hate my answer-NEVER! There are some who still won’t entertain the idea of this happening! The quadruple and five times vaxxed especially won’t! Sadly, nor will my family.😢😡
Tragi-comedic, but true.
Congrats on getting pinned comment on Kirsch's Stack.
That happened to me recently. I hope your inbox recovers because mine is a disaster area still!
Well said.
" huge thank you to Steve for providing space for all of us and disrupting our sleep :-)"
- If only you knew. I went to bed "last night" at...8am posting on here. I'm a night owl anyway, but I had a major moment of clarity and needed to do a brain dump.
Perhaps. Training is worth a lot though and will even the odds a lot. Plus logistics like ammo supply are crucial and Joe Citizen isn't adequately prepared for a drawn out engagement. Then you got to factor in high-tech optic heat sensors etc and the grand romantic illusion too many have from watching too many 1 man beats 1000 men movies...
I'm all for fighting. I'm also for being realistic and making adjustments accordingly. People going in hard with faulty expectations are gonna get slaughtered.
Tx for your comment Dog, my hope is you being right and me wrong. I have just met too many American gun owners who talk big about taking on the powers that be who I can't see doing any better than I would. I can hunt and shoot fine but war is another game altogether.