BREAKING: The World Health Organization Endorses List of Potential Serious Adverse Effects of mRNA Injection: 100% of DEATHVAX™ Recipients Have Heart Damage
Pfizer knew. Bourla knew. Fauci knew. Birx knew. The CIA knew. The DoD knew. The WHO knew. The WEF knew. The UN knew. Everyone involved in PSYOP-19 knew, well before the virus was intentionally “leaked”in order to justify the slow kill bioweapon.
The plan was always to slowly disclose the truth about this bioterror eugenics program. Birx was the first to be tapped on her shoulder:

And now it is the WHO playing its part:

Talk about a total about-face.
All by design, such that the genetically modified humans (GMH) that have to date survived their heart damage and VAIDS slowly start awakening to what was done to them. At some point these GMHs may turn on the very governments and institutions, and the One World Government’s assets like the WEF may then swoop in with their Great Reset “solution” to the very problems that they caused.

Tragically, all of these adverse events will go increasingly parabolic over time.
The VFR (“vaccine” fatality rate) was always far worse than the relatively inconsequential age-stratified median IFRs (infection fatality rates) of 0.0003% at 0–19 years, 0.002% at 20–29 years, 0.011% at 30–39 years, 0.035% at 40–49 years, 0.123% at 50–59 years, and 0.506% at 60–69 years.
The likes of the WHO are now unable to deny the depopulation and diseases that they have caused with their DEATHVAX™ campaigns. In the coming months expect the CDC, FDA, BigPharma and the very governments that pushed for these eugenics injections to start admitting the horrific truth.
Do NOT comply.
At what point in this cavalcade of societal level delusion, does the average, middle of the bell curve citizen wake up and revolt?
I like how tiny the Fauci is in the trio of criminals. Can only be improved by adding the words alongside, "actual size."