Why is everything playing out exactly as the Spars 2025-2028 scenario foretold? If you have read Spars 2025-2028 you will see this. In spars we had basically the same scenario as Covid. Right now we are at the point in the project where they already rolled out their shots, and the next step is the public finding out that they were comple…
Why is everything playing out exactly as the Spars 2025-2028 scenario foretold? If you have read Spars 2025-2028 you will see this. In spars we had basically the same scenario as Covid. Right now we are at the point in the project where they already rolled out their shots, and the next step is the public finding out that they were completely lied to. Which is exactly what is happening now, see page 59. We are now at the stage where the first major ailments are appearing. Perfectly according to plan, just like they wrote. You can’t read this John’s Hopkins/Satan cosponsored paper and realistically think “oh what a coincidence”.
Also highlights the fact most people are idiots, as they will believe exactly what the 'authorities' tell them, allowing irrational FEAR to take over, again, siiiigh
The SPARS document is a grooming tool feeding the idea that people will be damaged and even die, but that is to be expected. The vaccine injured/murdered are just collateral damage, 'The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice.' (SPARS, p. 64)
I have seen movies in the past that in the years after seeing them I wondered if they were a warning in some way to what was and is being planed by evil controlling the world. I still do.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was awarded the million-dollar Genesis Prize in Israel for his "contribution to humanity" and "committment to Jewish values". Let that sink in.
🥺I attended Loyola university in Louisiana. My older sibling attended a Jesuit boarding school in the 60s and a Jesuit university. One of my daughters attended Georgetown law school. I had NO idea, but kept wondering about the comments I have read on several threads, about the Jesuits. Sounds like the Pope is the AntiChrist.
I watched the youtube on the Jesuits you posted, in its entirety this morning. That’s why I responded.
We should care about what liars and deceivers have done. I do not fault you one bit, but I am glad I did not know this and much of what I have learned later in life.
I am the same, but lived in what appears to have been a bubble most of my adult life, because I was raising 4 children and wanting to keep things innocent and sacred, at least in my mind. I did not watch the news, read newspapers or listen to NPR. Their father, an attorney did.
Now I cannot stop reading and learning and I cannot unlearn what I’ve learned.
Johns Hopkins University is not a "Jesuit university". Its founder, Baltimore businessman Johns Hopkins, was a Quaker not a Jesuit. Its first president, Daniel Coit Gilman, was a leading member of the Yale Skull and Bones society. https://www.jhu.edu/about/history/
Why is everything playing out exactly as the Spars 2025-2028 scenario foretold? If you have read Spars 2025-2028 you will see this. In spars we had basically the same scenario as Covid. Right now we are at the point in the project where they already rolled out their shots, and the next step is the public finding out that they were completely lied to. Which is exactly what is happening now, see page 59. We are now at the stage where the first major ailments are appearing. Perfectly according to plan, just like they wrote. You can’t read this John’s Hopkins/Satan cosponsored paper and realistically think “oh what a coincidence”.
Also highlights the fact most people are idiots, as they will believe exactly what the 'authorities' tell them, allowing irrational FEAR to take over, again, siiiigh
The SPARS document is a grooming tool feeding the idea that people will be damaged and even die, but that is to be expected. The vaccine injured/murdered are just collateral damage, 'The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice.' (SPARS, p. 64)
Wonder what Biden will do?
I have seen movies in the past that in the years after seeing them I wondered if they were a warning in some way to what was and is being planed by evil controlling the world. I still do.
They really did rush it, didn't they?
That’s an understatement
Weird how that happened huh?
A Jesuit snake oil salesman like Fauci I suppose
Albert Pike would be so proud of him
Truly brightens my heart to see other intelligent, well read folks.
The entire covid19 scam also has a decidedly semitic flavour to it.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was awarded the million-dollar Genesis Prize in Israel for his "contribution to humanity" and "committment to Jewish values". Let that sink in.
Oh I let it sink in alright
🤫you’d hate to be canceled
As IF he is the only one…
He is a nasty figurehead/ spokesperson/ Machiavelli…
Satan is universal no one ethnic group is responsible….
The Psycho’s running the AI evil humanity ARE!
😮 I take umbrage, they are NOT ALL Italians as the cross section of creeps is milti- ethnic within that and many other organizations!
😖 No people has exclusive rights to Satan…
He is insidious…
🥺I attended Loyola university in Louisiana. My older sibling attended a Jesuit boarding school in the 60s and a Jesuit university. One of my daughters attended Georgetown law school. I had NO idea, but kept wondering about the comments I have read on several threads, about the Jesuits. Sounds like the Pope is the AntiChrist.
I watched the youtube on the Jesuits you posted, in its entirety this morning. That’s why I responded.
We should care about what liars and deceivers have done. I do not fault you one bit, but I am glad I did not know this and much of what I have learned later in life.
I am the same, but lived in what appears to have been a bubble most of my adult life, because I was raising 4 children and wanting to keep things innocent and sacred, at least in my mind. I did not watch the news, read newspapers or listen to NPR. Their father, an attorney did.
Now I cannot stop reading and learning and I cannot unlearn what I’ve learned.
Spot on my friend
Johns Hopkins University is not a "Jesuit university". Its founder, Baltimore businessman Johns Hopkins, was a Quaker not a Jesuit. Its first president, Daniel Coit Gilman, was a leading member of the Yale Skull and Bones society. https://www.jhu.edu/about/history/
Oh even better