I watched that interview with Tucker. He clearly stated that he had it all wrong. I saw nothing in the interview where he exposed himself as a junk science peddler and a biowarfare totalitarian. He recognized he had it wrong and now holds views not much different from your own.

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Weinstein spewed that crap in 2022. Not early or mid-2020. 2022. More than two years in and this highly edu-macated genius is saying lockdowns should have been harder, more severe? You understand that "locking down" free people is a crime, yes???????????????????????????????

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Weinstein will be fired out of a klown kannon into the Potomac at the Trump Inauguration in full makeup.

He's a dirty deep state shill. If you have not figured it out yet you never will.

Whether or not Trump is a shill has yet to be confirmed for certain.

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The Father of the Vaccine.

Adored in Israel.

He will come in his own name and he you will receive.

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Texas Arcane, when you say "you" have not figured it out, do you mean the rhetorical you or do you mean me?

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Rhetorical. Wasn't directed at you specifically. You seem to have figured it out a long time ago.

I find it difficult that somebody can broadcast shill as loud as Bret Weinstein does and people will still desperately try to assume he is legit.

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Thanks, Texas Arcane.

I scarcely knew of Weinstein; I think I might have heard of him...and then saw the podcast with Malone and Kirsch. Other than that, I paid him no attention really. I did give him props for protesting the "day of absence" at the college where he formerly taught.

So, to have him pop back up with this evidence of...of this garbage from 2022? Yet another genius, yet another ex spurt espousing criminal nonsense.

I really struggle some days, Texas Arcane.

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One way to identify them is to see who their fellow travelers are. So Malone was a shill but I thought Kirsch was legit despite often being seen with him. But Kirsch turned out to be the biggest shill of all. Kirsch actually owns the company working on microdot so they can brand us biologically at the cellular level.

You will see these mutual admiration societies of all these people who are all a little too glib, polished and jovial standing in a big circle and pointing to their right and saying "This guy is telling the truth." They all have a daisy chain of shill recommendations.

People who are real are rough around the edges. Anybody would have to be after they have recognized the worldwide plan to exterminate most of mankind and enslave the remainder at the level of animals in a barn. They'd never be a slick guy like Robert Malone with broad smiles who by the way! - You won't believe it! - Used to work for PFizer! Wow, the planning goes back thirty years but this guy Malone never suspected anything.

So in the future anybody associated with Malone or Kirsch is definitely a new shill. People have no idea how far a trillion dollars will go. They could hire everybody on earth as a shill except for you and me with that kind of money.

P.S. Automatically assume anybody who defends people like Malone or Kirsch are themselves shills ... especially when they say things like "Does it even matter? In a hegelian dialectic of Kafka brain methane we can assume that E=MC2 blah blah blah ..."

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Trust your gut. Ask 1000 Questions. Don't trust Supposed: Thought Leaders, Expurts, White Coats.

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Jan 10, 2024
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If Trump is the ultimate plant, the ultimate double, I think everybody better finish their bunker as soon as they can. I have not made up my mind yet.

Remember, he's not Galactus. He's one man and they've made it obvious they can lock him away for nothing. His popular support has prevented them from doing that yet. We'll see soon if he is the real thing. I'm strapped for either outcome.

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I am keeping an open-mind. It has been quite a show, and he gets a TON of daily press for about 9 straight years now. That itself is suspicious since we know that media is highly controlled. If they didn't want us to see him, they'd ignore him. But he's even on CNN. That, and he thinks these vaccines are "miracles" and have saved millions of lives.

Yes, they've made it obvious that they can lock him up-----but they haven't. He keeps rising to the top and the accusations seem to just fade away--like a good ol' American hero story!

I feel a another grift coming on. He may very well be one of them--honestly how could he NOT be? Anyone who refuses to entertain the idea has not yet fully understood the power of the people running the show.

Most people I know refuse to believe this. Like I said, I am keeping an open mind--what choice do I have?

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Daniel 11:27 And both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table.

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Jan 11, 2024Edited
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President Trump made a mistake on that one. He felt it would be divisive. It is totally clear now that her impunity emboldened the cheaters.

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I watched the interview with Weinstein just a few days ago. We are now two years away from 2022 and much has changed since then. My comment still stands. Go watch his most recent interview with Tucker. He does not the person that "the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World" describes. It makes me wonder what is his purpose for taking so much time and effort to discredit Weinstein. Yes he was a lefty liberal and probably still is a liberal. But he also has a core nature that causes him to stand up for truth regardless of how controversial it might be. Go check out what happened to him at Evergreen College.

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Anyone allowed on Tucker is a Deep State liar. Anyone who believed in Covid should never be listened to again, it was such an obvious scam, all one had to do, even in early March was notice that Neil Fergeson was the one who did the modelling. He has a long history of lying and he was responsible for the lockdowns and all the tyrannical measures. Then in April, he got caught having a married woman come over to his house for sex. That shows he knew there was nothing to be afraid of. Then in May the CDC came out and said the Covid had a survival rate of 99.94%. I could go on forever. These people didn't want to see the truth because the truth wasn't profitable until this past year. Now they all change their tune according to where the money is.

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Not true. In that interview he mentioned more than once that this technology is brilliant and has a lot of potential. That’s the message they want to send: “yeah we messed up but next time it will be great!”

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I didn't see it that way at all. I saw it as "Here's a fabulous new vaccine delivery system, because fat-encapsulation allows it to go everywhere, and it can be re-programmed so quickly, rather than the years taken to otherwise create a vaccine." That's revolutionary in terms of anti-virus delivery systems. (That's the biologist in him speaking.) But Robert Malone spoke of it having real negative impacts, particularly in bypassing the body's normal immunological response pathways - he of the "nuclear bomb in your body" analogy.

Can it be abused horribly? YES! Imagine you turn your back and someone's swapped in a toxic poison.

Wait. They've already done that.

But they can do it again and again, very easily. I think they're losing the battle on anybody taking needles in arms anymore in any scale. They'll have to find alternatives via air/food/water deliver systems.

But here's the kicker... The people setting this stuff off, have to ensure they're not killed themselves by whatever delivery system they choose. Or not in proximity to those who have been "infected". And yes, I'm aware our own (US) government has experimented a few times on aerosol delivery systems for infectious diseases. (subway tunnels, a weeklong(?) experiment in SF - possibly a hallucinogenic?, and others. There are documents that explain the best place to put a bioweapon - on choke points such as escalators, bus entry/exit points, etc. Where people HAVE to go through.

But back to your point, Yes, he took a more rabid stance early on, but he's mentioned a number of times that he and Heather have changed their minds, and even explained how that happened. From a biologist point of view, yes, locking everyone down hard DOES make sense because you DO burn through the infection, build up antibodies and it doesn't spread. But that's impossible to do. "Yo, military folks. Just.. just take the next 6 weeks off." For developing silicon wafers, you bake them at high temps, depositing layers for a few weeks. Who would provide chemicals for water filtration, and food for everyone? Toilet paper deliveries are ESSENTIAL!

Yes, his initial point was reactionary, strictly biological and completely impractical.

But he's changed his mind, quite openly. And for some reason that's a sin?

We need to get past this issue people have (those "gotcha moments").

We make mistakes. We learn, we change. We adapt.

This adherence to perfection and conformity is killing us collectively.

We're human.

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And if Viruses don't exist, all viral vaccines are completely unnecessary. We've been scammed. According to the old Guinea-Bissau Study, only the Bacterial ones are of ANY VALUE. The rest are sloppily made, and do more net harm than good. Bye bye 1.25 Billion dollar market for FARMA.

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I'm sure viruses were found at some point that led to the vaccine industry, but admittedly I don't have all the answers about that. I wholeheartedly agree that Big Phfarma shot themselves in the foot big time with all this, and they deserve to be punished - financially, reputationally, legally and any other adverb that someone can come up with. :-)

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Bret, of all people should have known the problems with mRNA vaccines in general, well before this.

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RFK was talking about the mRNA animal trials in spring 2020, none of the trials in mRNA every made it to humans until the covid ones in Jan2020. The official story is using a "Sequencing" of the "virus" that was received from the Chinese Government, the Moderna people said that got that sequence and had the Covid vaxx ready for trials in 6 days. Amazing how much moderna, pfizer, the FDA, CDC, The US military, congress, white house, every major religious leader, even major corporation, every show in Hollywood and Bret Weinstein all trusted the Chinese Government that much.

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ALso, the Chinese sequence first published from the Pangolin virus was bogus and not even related to what we can harvest from COVID. And yet they still believed the later ones.

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Hes compromised (I doubt it) or a useful idiot. So blinded to which is friend and whichis enemy that he makes the exact opposite call. I suspect he will be folded into the New Synthesis forming in anticipation of stealing Trumps fire, if Trump wins; you can just feed Bret information and he will panic and spurt out a "scholarly response". At times he will take a unique, genuine, contrarian view, which keeps his street cred alive.

you see this alot with the exlibs, like Lindsay (actually still a lib); they can parse the treees and miss the forest because forests are bad, or ALex Jones believes in forests etc.

Whenever he speaks with NRx or religious he does this distancing plus kumbayah thing that is creepy and bigoted underneath; "i didnt USUALLy used to have conversations with XYZ....but (insert dire contingency here) etc." I can barely stand it.

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But AL! There's NO WAY the gov could already KNOW that a Marburg epidemic is on the way sometime on the near future. There's just no way.



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You're right! But I am so captured by my government's omnipotence and know they are just here to help, nay, save! me. So why would I ever question this?! It's kind of like how Bill Gates knew covid was coming. He's so smart, I wish I were that smart.

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yup. It's like McCullough doing the 180 on mRNA tech. "Well it may be a great delivery platform in the near future. " -- something to this effect. 100% bs

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Jan 10, 2024
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I don't want to come across as offensive in saying this, but you're doing a lot of projecting here about Bret's intent. He admits he made mistakes in following the narrative. I don't believe in hard lockdowns, but can see how someone with some knowledge about the life cycle of viral infections might think it's appropriate - I wasn't accepting of it, just throwing out a hypothesis.

I agree that there were many who spoke up early. Where are they now? Did they get tired and let others carry the torch? Were they threatened in their livelihood? Are they dead? Where are they? I honestly can't remember who they are, because my own analysis of data as I came across it led me to believe it was a scam. I also was educated several decades ago, and even my own brain knew that masks don't stop viruses. That's basic (to me) knowledge. And totally undercut the purposes for which it was purported to be in place for.

To me, my earliest recollection is Pierre Kory, and he's associated with FLCCC.net now, and still making appearances.

Many have joined the battle, and that doesn't negate the contributions of the OG's. ;-)

Bret's been fighting this for 2 years, so I'm not sure of the basis for 4 years. Keep in mind that censorship was in full-blown effect. Everyone was (and in some cases still are) tapdancing around the word, substituting other words, etc. just to stay on youtube and other platforms.

For each and every person who you suspect might be wrong, I say this: Nobody can take their integrity away. They have to give/throw it away.

What we do with it is our business. But we also need to be willing to forgive someone who's making an honest effort to rectify their wrongs. For them, it's a long haul effort to regain trust/credibility. That's part of the consequences for prior actions.

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Psyops are complicated. Review a Critical Analysis of Kory here: (Don't look for Heroes/Saviors) https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/why-was-dr-pierre-kory-made-president

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Well, I look at it like the CIA info presented to the Church Committee in congress. The CIA gave the committee what the CIA wanted them to see.

And that's what we're dealing with. But I refuse to believe that any one person (or any persons) can eliminate the truth completely. Sure, it can obfuscate the players and motives, but truth is truth. And while we can see outside the matrix, we should resist all avenues/efforts made to stuff us into it.

You're right, psyops are complicated. As long as the desired outcome is achieved, it doesn't really matter how it's done and to a lesser degree who is destroyed. Unless they're useful for other psyops, or to let them know their back is covered when things get rough.

As long as there's plausible deniability for anything, we're not going to get to the truth in that direction. People can change allegiances for all kinds of reasons, and as long as they're afraid of the disclosure of the alliance, disclosure of embarrassing information, or death of themselves or other loved ones, we're going to keep guessing.

All these dark games. Isn't the simple truth and honesty a much more desireable way to conduct ourselves?

Oh the tangled webs we weave, when we first seek to deceive.

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Also, we can play 6 Degrees of separation from Peter Thiel. Here it takes 2 Degree. Bret Weinstein -> Eric Weinstein -> Peter. For the Intel Connection to Companies and Silicon (I call it Silly-Con) Valley, please review RFK jr.'s book "Real Anthony Fauci," 2021. Although the book leaves out a lot of key info, still calls covy a Pandemic (it's not), Whitwashes some key players. it gives you a decent picture. Read the last Chapter "Germ Games" (about 45 pages) and you'd be better up to speed on the Intel side of things. I don't have any more time, but good luck.

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I'm about 4 degrees of separation from someone in Bill Gates' financial world. My wife tells me to NOT get involved with political/biologic stuff with this person. I have to leave the room, because I'm dying to ask tons of questions, but I also don't want to jeopardize their job. They're very intelligent, and I presume they're doing things honestly without a lot of knowledge of some of the darker areas attributed to Gates. (I don't know them at all. Just have put pieces together from conversations over the years.)

I'm sure Gates compartmentalizes a lot of areas too. Loose lips sink ships.

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Jan 10, 2024
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Yes, none of the covid measure ever existed in any reality or by any unbribed scientist. They were only simulated in Event 201 in Sept 2019.

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I think observing that a technology is clever (or "brilliant") and has a lot of potential is not the same as endorsing it as ready for prime time. The jury may still be out on the "potential" of this technology, if any. Fusion as a power source has a lot of potential, but that may be as far as it ever goes--it's always another 20 years.

Right now, one of the primary issues is holding accountable all the people that forced a clearly experimental product on the world without proper trials or testing, and (worse yet) then lying about it as its faults became manifest instead of admitting they had made a horrible mistake.

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It could be different but it wasn’t - he made sure to say it more than once. It was deliberate.

And no “mistakes” were made. Are you new to this!?! This was all 100% deliberate and planned years in advance. It was designed to cripple entire populations. Mistakes!?! Sheesh.

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I don't think anybody is believing that it's a mistake. Too much evidence shows it was planned for years, and patents back that up.

Is it possible for well-meaning people to play their part without knowledge that their role contributed to a disaster? Yes. I wonder how many people who administered shots are feeling guilt for delivering a poison. Or took it, not knowing that they'd be walking spike factories and transfer it to their loved ones around them?

The criminals are the ones who knew, and said nothing. And they should be tracked down and prosecuted for crimes against humanity, including murder - with full intent to kill.

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"Is it possible for well-meaning people to play their part without knowledge that their role contributed to a disaster?" No--not at this level. The brainwashed nurse or pharmacist, sure.

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Exactly, and many like RFK are threatening new pandemics by saying it will be another "Lab Leak" there was never a Covid in the first place and all these people would know that if they were legitimate. They are all playing a role, they are all out for profit.

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Isn't that what Mr. Trump says too?

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I saw the articles on Sage Hana and on "Conspiracy ...something..." crossposted by Sage Hana. She made a compelling argument against Bret Weistein, and also bagged in Peter McCullough in one of the articles. I almost did not watch this whole interview, but then I thought "Well, Dr. William Makis recommended it, so I will watch this to see what it looks like. Clearly to people have a very different view on this. I makes sense that Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carlson would be doing some kind of psyop piece." For me this was Dr. Makis recommendation vs. Sage Hana. Looking through the filter of Sage Hana et al. at the beginning of the interview I was very sceptical of what Mr. Weinstein was saying. Luckily, I decided to stay through the course.

We can perhaps agree that regardless of how it is used, the mRNA techonology is a pretty amazing technology. Yet, just because it is amazing, and like Mr. Weinstein asserts, we should not be using it as an any kind of vaccine. (See an interesting article with links to FDA pre-c19, when they considered an mRNA technology gene therapy not a vaccine. And, if I understood correctly, they still required more research before approving it : https://open.substack.com/pub/tomrenz/p/covered-up-mrna-shedding-transmissibility? )

And, here is my point. If that interview interview of Bret Weinstein by Tucker Carson was a psyop, I was absolutely had. I am now really convinced of their sincere commitmment to humanity. And, what I saw was the opposite of what "Sage Hana et al." commented. That seemed to be an all out unfounded attack on Bret Weinstein. My question is, why would you do that? Why, indeed?

I concluded that this is one of the best interviews I have ever seen. Dr. William Makis recommendation was good, and his credibility in my eyes has increased. Whereas, I realized that I did not know who "Sage Hana" is or how I had subcribed to her substack. Interesting. So, I no longer am.

So, If you have not watched it yet, please watch the WHOLE interview before making up your mind on this Bret Weinstein by Tucker Carson interview. I think it is highly informative and perhaps "too informative" and "too thought proviking" to have such attempts to prevent people from seeing it. It seemed that this was the purpose of Sahe Hana, to prevent me from seeing this brilliant interview. This was her "hill", her "battle", her "moment of truth". And, I assert that if you watch this interview in whole, your view if Saga Hana is likely change. And, if you do not watch it, then what can you contibute here except a recycled opinion of another who may not deaerve your trust.

Thank you for being part of the conversation. I thank Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carson for this monumental interview. and, I hope you watch it too. Thank you.

Here is the link to the entire interview:



Many years ago, I asked a very special young person, who was about to join the Marines, about his thoughts on Colin Kaepernuck taking a knee during the national anthem. I thought it was unacceptable and unpatriotic. He said, "I may not agree with it, but I agree that it is his right to do that. I am joining the Marines for this very reason, to defend his right, and everybody's, right to do that in our country."

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Tucker wears a red bracelet. Everything he does is intentional. Everything. The time to reveal the damage is now. All according to the script. The Great Awakening is the real NWO, the false light. If it were possible even the elect will be deceived

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Revelation 14:6-12

Its all leading towards the Sunday mark. All of the Jesuit Theater

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The whole “who is good, who is bad” debates are just absolutely exhausting at this point. Do none of you understand that? How ridiculous this has become? All the so-called Patriots endlessly debating who is on whose side? It’s directing energy away from the real work that needs to be done.

This is your contribution to the peril we find ourselves in?

And according to the “awake” community, and depending on whose blog you are reading, there, according to all of you, is actually no one speaking up for mankind—not Trump, Tucker, Vivek, RFK Jr., McCullough, Malone—no one is “real.” No one is helpful! No one is honest! There is literally an argument against anyone and everyone who is standing up. Name ONE person of note who has not been pointed to as a clown, a traitor, an agent of Mossad, a CIA asset.

What are the odds there are only 1000 good people in the world and the rest of the world has been blackmailed, bribed or forced to go along with murdering the world’s population and enslaving the others who didn’t die in the first few rounds? And all to get a piece of that trillion dollars?

What are the odds that before 2016 there was no one of real moral value whatsoever? That few really cared about the future of their family, their grandchildren, the legacy of their professional work, the future of humanity?

I’m tired of it. Tired of the smugness, the “I know everything” people making lists of the liars and the clowns, which on a long enough timeline, seems to be just about everyone with a voice?

We are as divided as the ignorant masses, but instead of arguing about racism and the Ukraine, we spend our time debating names.

It’s reprehensible.

We have real work to do. I suggest we all get busy and do something. I see more sweat equity coming from the less intellectual corners of the truth movement than I do here on Substack, where supposedly the big minds have come to ponder our fate and research the methods they’re using for our extraction from life. The salt of the earth folks are running for offices and standing up to school boards and supporting local candidates. That’s where I’m putting my faith.

You all have a great day.

I’m running from Substack as fast as I can.

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Thank you, Andrea. Like I said, this is where “they” got me and likely many other people. I was not a super fan of either man, however this interview was truly special. Did you watch the whole interview?

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Anyone who believed in Covid should never be listened to again, it was such an obvious scam, all one had to do, even in early March was notice that Neil Fergeson was the one who did the modelling. He has a long history of lying and he was responsible for the lockdowns and all the tyrannical measures. Then in April, he got caught having a married woman come over to his house for sex. That shows he knew there was nothing to be afraid of. Then in May the CDC came out and said the Covid had a survival rate of 99.94%. I could go on forever. These people didn't want to see the truth because the truth wasn't profitable until this past year. Now they all change their tune according to where the money is.

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Has anyone asked Steve Kirsch what his opinion is on the climate scam these days? I saw posts mentioning this in the last month or two, but the posts from Kirsch were from quite a while ago.

I was falling for the climate scam and the vaccine scam until the COVID scam got me digging a bit deeper and realizing that modeling studies and appeal to consensus are absolute garbage.

I can't work out Malone at all, as he spends a reasonable amount of time in fighting with people on our side. As for Weinstein, he has been doing good work but there is no way of conclusively proving or disproving his hard lockdown theory. They might work if they were implemented at the very start when very few people were infected, they might not. I feel that he is wrong on that and wrong thinking that covid was a serious problem. But I do feel that he has been a decent voice overall.

Do we really need to get into purity spirals on this side? It seems less than productive.

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"Purity spirals" for the win. I have not studied Weinstein and Malone under a magnifying glass, but it seems to me there are a lot easier way to live than to put your self in the line of fire of the Deep State, which these two gentleman have been doing for the past many years.

I really tend to think that those who make these type of allegations are more likely to be working for the other side, than those they accuse.

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That is exactly what I think. Just a subtle message to us to not be so hard on these great men who are only trying to help.

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How would any lockdown work? Once a pathogen is in the environment, it’s there to stay, isn’t it? It would seem to me, admittedly just a civilian, herd immunity is the only option. And that requires people mingling amongst each other.

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It might work, in the initial stages, when there are very few infections. But the rules we were subjected to were absolutely absurd. What was the point ion closing borders, when it was practically everywhere.

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I disagree. "Purity spirals," or as I would say, questioning the experts' integrity and origin, is perhaps the most productive aspect of all. This is where it all happens. The false messages are the crux of the operation.

If you put a false messenger on stage, and he does not say 99% of things that resonate with what people already know/truth, he is useless. Completely ineffective. People dismiss him. So a great deal of the operation must include truth, peppered with sincerity and humility. And it has to be consistent to build a following. Then whatever they say after that you trust. If he says, "this should have been tested!" and the CDC and FDA did us wrong, you will believe him. From there, you will accept that we can just do better next time. Fauci and Walensky are gone, Biden will be gone. It's a new day. And nothing changes.

Anyone can shake their fist at censorship, vaccine injury, FDA corruption and false "fact checkers" and on and on, but it's what they are not saying that is significant. None of them are saying that the forces acting through our own government (and many other governments in the world) created a bioweapon and are using it to kill its own citizens in order to control them. That our government is a sham and people you will never see are making these decisions--all of which are designed to ruin us. Food, water, injections, taxes. And its a ratchet approach--this is a well-strategized, long-term effort designed to go unnoticed over time.

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Kirsch and Malone are both supposedly C0ViD vaxxed. That might have changed their opinions.

Also... there are those that suspect that both are controlled opposition and that Malone is Kirsch's handler.

Kind of don't trust either one.

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Right! Both vaxxed so they can relate to us plebes! I don't believe it for a second. Malone with 30+ years of mRNA failure--it has done nothing but killed people and never been able to make it through even Phase 1 trials. His involvement with DARPA. Kirsch was involved (pre-covid) with Remdesivir development and DOMANE. Both of these guys were in on all of it from the beginning--and they AT LEAST knew better than to inject themselves with this junk.

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The whole “who is good, who is bad” debates are just absolutely exhausting at this point. Do none of you understand that? How ridiculous this has become? All the so-called Patriots endlessly debating who is on whose side? It’s directing energy away from the real work that needs to be done.

This is your contribution to the peril we find ourselves in?

And according to the “awake” community, and depending on whose blog you are reading, there, according to all of you, is actually no one speaking up for mankind—not Trump, Tucker, Vivek, RFK Jr., McCullough, Malone—no one is “real.” No one is helpful! No one is honest! There is literally an argument against anyone and everyone who is standing up. Name ONE person of note who has not been pointed to as a clown, a traitor, an agent of Mossad, a CIA asset.

What are the odds there are only 1000 good people in the world and the rest have been blackmailed, bribed or forced to go along with murdering the world’s population and enslaving the others who didn’t die in the first few rounds? And all to get a piece of that trillion dollars?

What are the odds that before 2016 there was no one of real moral value whatsoever? That few really cared about the future of their family, their grandchildren, the legacy of their professional work, the continuity of humanity?

I’m tired of it. Tired of the smugness, the “I know everything” people making lists of the liars and the clowns, which on a long enough timeline, seems to be just about everyone with a voice?

We are as divided as the ignorant masses, but instead of arguing about racism and the Ukraine, we spend our time debating names.

It’s reprehensible.

We have real work to do. I suggest we all get busy and do something. I see more sweat equity coming from the less intellectual corners of the truth movement than I do here on Substack, where supposedly the big minds have come to ponder our fate and research the methods they’re using for our extraction from life. The salt of the earth folks are running for offices and standing up to school boards and supporting local candidates. That’s where I’m putting my faith.

You all have a great day.

I’m running from Substack as fast as I can.

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2SG, I appreciate your posts but, as a long-term Darkhorse podcast listener, I think you have missed some evolving in Bret's position and also much of the nuances. Too much to try and explain but I hope you two can talk on a podcast or something more conducive to the type of conversation that's needed.

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These false hero stances are designed to persuade you that they’re on your side. They say many of the right things, but the “tell” is that they refuse to say the most important things. He will never reveal who was behind all of this and how our govt has been hijacked and conspired to kill us all. It’s just the dumb CDC’s fault.

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Jan 10, 2024
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Yup. Or the wizard of oz pcr test scam.

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Jan 10, 2024
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As I wrote in my X post, I remain openminded.

Nothing is black and white.

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All podcasters and anyone on the tip of your tongue in Entertainment is controlled and has handlers. Fact. They're all controlled and if one digs you can connect the dots ie: Pelosi's nephew =Newsom. Amy Schumer = Chuck. So they're ALL controlled and have handlers. Rogan is controlled and has handlers. Brand (who is a Rothschild) is controlled. Tucker is controlled. Jones is paid and funded by both Mossad and CIA. Newsmax is controlled and part of Soros Enterprises as is Buzz Feed Snopes Huff Post Atlantic Monthly PBS NPR FOX - ALL of it is all controlled and managed and so many more I can list and, guess who 'manages' most these media outlets - a company called Media Matters headed by David Brock who is a boyfriend to James Alefantis. Yes that Alefantis who runs a Pizza Shop in DC but somehow "managed" to get on GQ's list of 50 mots powerful People in Washington. Hmmmm...a Pizza Man is that powerful. Those must be some dang good Pies. It's all littered in the truther community as well and worse. As Carlin said accurately, It's one big club, and we ain't in it.

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John M, your comment is one of the best I've ever read on Substack!

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I guess lol but I wish it wasn't true but thanks Ted.

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This is what people refuse to believe- the LEVEL of control and organization. Still affected by the matrix narrative of bumbling bureaucrats and govt incompetence. That’s so much easier to accept.

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Agree Al. Been screaming to heavens for years to friends and family and they know I know but still look at me like a dog that's just been shown a card trick.

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Hanlons razor.

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I have watched many Dark Horse podcasts and my impression is that Brett's views are evolving as he is exposed to and examines more data. None of us get everything right at first glance and we may say things that can later be quoted out of the larger and evolving context. My impression of the Dark Horse podcast: it is a journey of discovery of two very bright and inquisitive people who get more right than wrong in the long run, whose views evolve and who are always striving for an accurate understanding of the world and its events.

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Why did he hold onto this podcast for 2 years?

I have timestamps and have listened to it.


22:10 - 1989 - Allergies exploded. Autism up. Vax schedule expanded. so did glyphosate, fire retardants and other chemicals in the enviroment. 2006 - 54% of pop have chronic diseases.

23:50 - Toxicologist examines 11 potential toxic exposures for RISE of DISEASES in early 1990s.

28:55 - Any hypothesis can be falsified for a price. RFK jr: yes.

29:25 - Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief the Lancet. "We have become, propaganda vessels for the pharmaceutical industry," Says RFK jr. And

31:30 - Marcia Angell, former NEJM Editor, "what is published in the [scientific] journals, is not the truth..."; Horton: Covy is not a pandemic - https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32000-6/fulltext

41:35 - Censorship always leads to Tyranny

1:40:40 - Farrar, Gates and Fauci control 61% of Biomedical Research

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That's a good question. To their credit, Brett and Heather did finally publish that podcast, but it did take them a long time to do so. Was it because it took them that long to do their own research to verify the claims made on that podcast? Unfortunately, there is nothing I saw in the show notes (for the Rumble version) that had any information on why they delayed posting this for so long after recording it.

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Only they can answer. This podcast was prolly held because Release of RFK's Book, "Real Tony Fauci" (2021) and his presidential run. Or they didn't want this info dropped in that timeframe.

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Thank you for setting the record straight. There seems to be more liars than truth-tellers in our world at the present time.

Too many sheep in wolves clothing, beware. Test everything you hear or read.

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I don’t think Brett is nefarious. I think he’s a human whose world was turned upside down and rather than accepting it he’s trying to sift through things. Will he land where you do on everything? No. Does that make him part of the problem? No. When we get to a place where we claim to be right about everything and have the moral high ground on everything we miss the point entirely.

Just a few months ago they discussed the fact that no vaccine has been through a RTC. The disgust in their voices was evident.

No one can know everything about everything. Trying to gotcha people makes me ask why.

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Yes, that makes him part of the problem. In fact people like him are more to blame than almost anyone bc they are hired guns whose sole purpose is to gaslight us subtlety and funnel us into yet another false narrative.

Stop making excuses for your owners. By now he certainly knows everything. He’s deliberately not telling you.

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Oh ok what all do you know oh omnipotent one? The amount of arrogance I see in this community from those who claim to know all the bad things that are going to happen and just know when others “know” and aren’t sharing is astounding. Was there a secret training on telekinesis I missed somewhere? The only one who knows everything is the Lord. Also the only one whose judgment matters.

I am not making excuses for anyone. I am observing a fellow human - well several fellow humans. We are all flawed in our own way.

Maybe do some work on yourself. Find out why you need to be right about everything and everyone. It doesn’t give you any more control over what is happening if you are right or not. It doesn’t make you safer to suspect everyone. I would argue it probably makes you unhappier but I am not you so I have no idea.

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also see my comment below Nick's, about holding a podcast for 2 years, before release. Why?

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Well if you actually listened to the podcast where they released it you would have heard their reason. Is it the truth who knows. And anyone who claims to know for certain they lied is lying themselves.

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we read a lot.

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You sound like a petulant child who just found out Santa isn't real. Yes, there is much you have missed here. Don't blame us for your ignorance.

You are promoting the "flawed humans"/"bureaucratic incompetence"/"mistakes were made" false narrative. Because that's what you've been told over and over. That is the ENTIRE point here. You are being gaslighted on top of the gaslighting.

And keep the personal hysterics to yourself. When insecure people like you are called out, you lash out personally--that's just silly. No one cares. Figure it out--LEARN what is happening--or don't and remain a perpetual victim to manipulation. No one cares about that either.

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Ok. So what exactly is your goal for this conversation? Is it for me to agree with the names you are calling me ? Or perhaps declare that I have committed wrong think and that I need you to tell me what is right think? Just wondering.

Oh and I’m super curious about what qualifies as personal hysterics? Would you be so kind as to define that.

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Saw this first over at Sage Hana. After recovering from my head explosion, I Restacked it on my newsletter, doing so still stunned, still shaking my head.

If Bret had spewed this despicable nonsense in Aug 2020? Maybe after he fell and hit his head? Maybe then -- maybe -- we could understand that being highly over-edu-macated 𝘢𝘯𝘥 sporting a head injury, spewing despicable nonsense is understandable. But AUGUST 2022???????????

After more than two years of this horrific crime and its horrific impact on the world -- especially the most vulnerable????????????? This genius, just recently lauded by so many following the Tucker interview, spewed this vile nonsense less than a year and a half ago???

Thank you for going after him, 2nd Smartest Guy. As I said on my Restack, I can't. I just can't even stand it.

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I also saw the articles on Sage Hana and on "Conspiracy ...something..." crossposted by Sage Hana. She made a compelling argument against Bret Weistein, and also bagged in Peter McCullough in one of the articles. I almost did not watch this whole interview, but then I thought "Well, Dr. William Makis recommended it, so I will watch this to see what it looks like. Clearly to people have a very different view on this. I makes sense that Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carlson would be doing some kind of psyop piece." For me this was Dr. Makis recommendation vs. Sage Hana. Looking through the filter of Sage Hana et al. at the beginning of the interview I was very sceptical of what Mr. Weinstein was saying. Luckily, I decided to stay through the course.

We can perhaps agree that regardless of how it is used, the mRNA techonology is a pretty amazing technology. Yet, just because it is amazing, and like Mr. Weinstein asserts, we should not be using it as an any kind of vaccine. (See an interesting article with links to FDA pre-c19, when they considered an mRNA technology gene therapy not a vaccine. And, if I understood correctly, they still required more research before approving it : https://open.substack.com/pub/tomrenz/p/covered-up-mrna-shedding-transmissibility? )

And, here is my point. If that interview interview of Bret Weinstein by Tucker Carson was a psyop, I was absolutely had. I am now really convinced of their sincere commitmment to humanity. And, what I saw was the opposite of what "Sage Hana et al." commented. That seemed to be an all out unfounded attack on Bret Weinstein. My question is, why would you do that? Why, indeed?

I concluded that this is one of the best interviews I have ever seen. Dr. William Makis recommendation was good, and his credibility in my eyes has increased. Whereas, I realized that I did not know who "Sage Hana" is or how I had subcribed to her substack. Interesting. So, I no longer am.

So, If you have not watched it yet, please watch the WHOLE interview before making up your mind on this Bret Weinstein by Tucker Carson interview. I think it is highly informative and perhaps "too informative" and "too thought proviking" to have such attempts to prevent people from seeing it. It seemed that this was the purpose of Sahe Hana, to prevent me from seeing this brilliant interview. This was her "hill", her "battle", her "moment of truth". And, I assert that if you watch this interview in whole, your view if Saga Hana is likely change. And, if you do not watch it, then what can you contibute here except a recycled opinion of another who may not deaerve your trust.

Thank you for being part of the conversation. I thank Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carson for this monumental interview. and, I hope you watch it too. Thank you.

Here is the link to the entire interview:



Many years ago, I asked a very special young person, who was about to join the Marines, about his thoughts on Colin Kaepernuck taking a knee during the national anthem. I thought it was unacceptable and unpatriotic. He said, "I may not agree with it, but I agree that it is his right to do that. I am joining the Marines for this very reason, to defend his right, and everybody's, right to do that in our country."

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Somehow, Bret's words (So I think I had that right, but we don’t know, because we didn’t do that.”) remind me of the trope "Communism works, it just hasn't been tried the right way". Seems to me that a 'truly effective lockdown' would require a plastic air bubble (remember the ones placed around hospitalized children with no immune system?) erected around each house/apartment building. No one would leave his door under penalty of death. Which of course would require cops being out and around to check. No going to the grocery store. Leading, for most people, pretty quickly to death from starvation.

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“…cops being out and around…” uh, doesn’t that eliminate any possible quarantine effects, since that is a hole in any quarantine?

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That was indeed my point.

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The whole "truly effective lockdown" is an insane idea. Who is going to run the power plants? The water treatment plants? The grocery stores? The hospitals?

The fact that he came out with that statement really makes me disregard his supposed "inteliigence."

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Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

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Lockdowns are socialist medical experimentation (crimes against humanity).

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They were all compliance experiments - lockdowns, masking, injections. What we need to do is to figure out how to prevent totalitarian order followers, who have throughout history been genociders, from ruling us all.

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And a crime.

N.B. I wrote this a second ago and it ended up under Leif Smith's comment when I meant it for CRUSADER. So. Deleted the first one and now hopefully this will appear as a comment on CRUSADER's comment. :)

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Seems to me people can disagree without setting up a circular firing squad where potential allies discredit one another.

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Or not. It’s called vigilance. Have we called out the truth enough you think? We should just let it ride now? Lol

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I agree with you about vigilance. And about not letting errors remain unchallenged. There are ways of going at that without turning allies into enemies. We can't afford not to learn how to do that.

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But that makes no sense if they are not truly allies. The true allies are the ones who are "suicided" have heart attacks, are accused of rape 20 years ago, censored on all platforms or somehow otherwise compromised. They aren't the ones on national TV.

And it's an intricate game. Confusion is a huge part of it so that we're all exhausted and give up trying to figure it out.

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I'm using the word 'allies' to name people who oppose medical tyranny. Other uses of the word are possible.

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All ideas are fair game in the public square, but only fair criticisms are worth responding to. Bret is on the record as being a vociferous critic of lockdowns and mRNA transfections. He has shifted his position over time, openly discussing the available data and sharing his reasoning publicly. He updated with available data, as did we all. 95% of us went along with vaccines for a LONG time. You are strawmanning his positions and are clearly not taking his body of work into consideration, pulling a couple sentences out of thousands of hours on the record. Why?

That's just not truthful. Most criticisms that are piling on this week start with an assumption that he has some special knowledge that he didnt share - then works backwards to prove that point. That's not intellectually honest.

Although anons are absolutely necessary in this insane public square, it is not the same thing as being a critic with your full name hanging out in broad daylight. You know that. He is careful, and we will mistake careful for coy at our own peril.

I'm here as apologist because he has been an amazing voice in the wilderness for years, not just since covid, and has taught thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people how to think critically, carefully and independenty. I can say definitively that is not the voice of the establishment, that is the inverse of their goals.

He has been consistent in the almost 8 years that I have followed/listened to him and it breaks my heart to see this pile on. He is a big boy and I've seen a lot worse thrown at him, he'll be fine. But these critcisms hurt me and the legions of people he has brought his teaching skills to. Darkhorse doesn't pontificate are distribute conclusions, it teaches people how to navigate this shitshow of a wilderness we're in and that is worth defending.

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That is why the phrase "follow the money" is so relevant in the US at this point.

Just about anyone will sell out to make a few bucks...

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All the paid propagandists/wordsmiths involved in the covid con are back tracking and trying to change their spots.

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"believe deeply [?] in the elegance of vaccines as they should exist"--well, I'd like to believe in fairy tales, too, but "should exist"? I will stop here, although my mind runs on.

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