The Death Cultist reads this title and their CogDis spools up hard and fast. They’ll lash out, claiming this is antivaxxer conspiracy, the government data has been manipulated, clearly, a white suprematist science denier wrote this article, and so on and so forth. But a Death Cultist will NOT review the actual data as supplied them by the government and with intellectual honesty carefully analyze it. No, it’s far better to “Trust the Science”, “Trust the State”, and of course “Trust BiGPharma” en route to their 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. DEATHVAX™ serving.
For those that are not careening toward the Cult’s all too real mass suicide denouement:
“Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released data indicating that children who received the COVID-19 jabs have suffered a death rate 52 times greater than that of their un-jabbed counterparts.
10–14-year-olds, on the other hand, run the risk of dying almost by a factor of ten following the first dose while the second dose brings a 51.8 times greater risk of death than if they had remained un-jabbed.
On average, it means that children between 10 and 19 years of age who had received at least one shot of the COVID jabs had a 3.7 times greater chance of dying between January and October last year.”
The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 10-14-year-olds is 0.000. While the Vaccine Fatality Rate (VFI) — a term just now coined here — is 52x greater than the IFR.
There really is not much more to add here, save for the projections that going forward, these DEATHVAX™ slow kill bioweapons will increase (all cause) mortality, and 52x will, over time, exponentially increase.
Comply and YOU Die.
The omicron shots will save them. /s